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mirror of synced 2024-06-02 10:44:32 +12:00

Merge branch 'rewrite' of https://github.com/Phxntxm/Bonfire into rewrite

This commit is contained in:
Phxntxm 2017-07-13 15:44:06 -05:00
commit b13d6510a4
11 changed files with 328 additions and 219 deletions

View file

@ -80,7 +80,10 @@ async def on_command_error(ctx, error):
if isinstance(error.original, discord.Forbidden):
elif isinstance(error.original, discord.HTTPException) and ('empty message' in str(error.original) or 'INTERNAL SERVER ERROR' in str(error.original)):
elif isinstance(error.original, discord.HTTPException) and (
'empty message' in str(error.original) or
'INTERNAL SERVER ERROR' in str(error.original) or
'REQUEST ENTITY TOO LARGE' in str(error.original)):
elif isinstance(error.original, aiohttp.ClientOSError):
@ -93,7 +96,7 @@ async def on_command_error(ctx, error):
await ctx.message.channel.send(fmt)
elif isinstance(error, commands.CheckFailure):
fmt = "You can't tell me what to do!"
#await ctx.message.channel.send(fmt)
# await ctx.message.channel.send(fmt)
elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandOnCooldown):
m, s = divmod(error.retry_after, 60)
fmt = "This command is on cooldown! Hold your horses! >:c\nTry again in {} minutes and {} seconds" \

View file

@ -171,52 +171,68 @@ class Miscallaneous:
# in this command is changed
# Create the original embed object
opts = {'title': 'Dev Server',
'description': 'Join the server above for any questions/suggestions about me.',
'url': utils.dev_server}
embed = discord.Embed(**opts)
# Set the description include dev server (should be required) and the optional patreon link
description = "[Dev Server]({})".format(utils.dev_server)
if utils.patreon_link:
description += "\n[Patreon]({})".format(utils.patreon_link)
# Now creat the object
opts = {'title': 'Bonfire',
'description': description,
'colour': discord.Colour.green()}
# Set the owner
embed = discord.Embed(**opts)
if hasattr(self.bot, 'owner'):
embed.set_author(name=str(self.bot.owner), icon_url=self.bot.owner.avatar_url)
# Setup the process statistics
name = "Process stats"
value = ""
memory_usage = self.process.memory_full_info().uss / 1024 ** 2
cpu_usage = self.process.cpu_percent() / psutil.cpu_count()
value += 'Memory: {:.2f} MiB'.format(memory_usage)
value += '\nCPU: {}%'.format(cpu_usage)
if hasattr(self.bot, 'uptime'):
value += "\nUptime: {}".format((pendulum.utcnow() - self.bot.uptime).in_words())
embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=False)
# Setup the user and guild statistics
name = "User/Guild stats"
value = ""
value += "Channels: {}".format(len(list(self.bot.get_all_channels())))
value += "\nUsers: {}".format(len(self.bot.users))
value += "\nServers: {}".format(len(self.bot.guilds))
embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=False)
# The game statistics
name = "Game statistics"
# To get the newlines right, since we're not sure what will and won't be included
# Lets make this one a list and join it at the end
value = []
# Add the normal values
embed.add_field(name='Total Servers', value=len(self.bot.guilds))
embed.add_field(name='Total Members', value=len(self.bot.users))
hm = self.bot.get_cog('Hangman')
ttt = self.bot.get_cog('TicTacToe')
bj = self.bot.get_cog('Blackjack')
interaction = self.bot.get_cog('Blackjack')
interaction = self.bot.get_cog('Interaction')
music = self.bot.get_cog('Music')
# Count the variable values; hangman, tictactoe, etc.
if hm:
hm_games = len(hm.games)
if hm_games:
embed.add_field(name='Total Hangman games running', value=hm_games)
value.append("Hangman games: {}".format(len(hm.games)))
if ttt:
ttt_games = len(ttt.boards)
if ttt_games:
embed.add_field(name='Total TicTacToe games running', value=ttt_games)
value.append("TicTacToe games: {}".format(len(ttt.boards)))
if bj:
bj_games = len(bj.games)
if bj_games:
embed.add_field(name='Total blackjack games running', value=bj_games)
value.append("Blackjack games: {}".format(len(bj.games)))
if interaction:
count_battles = 0
for battles in self.bot.get_cog('Interaction').battles.values():
count_battles += len(battles)
if count_battles:
embed.add_field(name='Total battles games running', value=count_battles)
value.append("Battles running: {}".format(len(bj.games)))
if music:
songs = len([x for x in music.voice_states.values() if x.playing])
if songs:
embed.add_field(name='Total songs playing', value=songs)
if hasattr(self.bot, 'uptime'):
embed.add_field(name='Uptime', value=(pendulum.utcnow() - self.bot.uptime).in_words())
memory_usage = self.process.memory_full_info().uss / 1024 ** 2
cpu_usage = self.process.cpu_percent() / psutil.cpu_count()
embed.add_field(name='Memory Usage', value='{:.2f} MiB'.format(memory_usage))
embed.add_field(name='CPU Usage', value='{}%'.format(cpu_usage))
value.append("Total songs playing: {}".format(songs))
embed.add_field(name=name, value="\n".join(value), inline=False)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from .voice_utilities import *
from discord import FFmpegPCMAudio, PCMVolumeTransformer
from discord import PCMVolumeTransformer
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ if not discord.opus.is_loaded():
class VoiceState:
def __init__(self, guild, bot, user_queue=False):
def __init__(self, guild, bot, user_queue=False, volume=None):
self.guild = guild
self.songs = Playlist(bot)
self.djs = deque()
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class VoiceState:
self.skip_votes = set()
self.user_queue = user_queue
self.loop = bot.loop
self._volume = .5
self._volume = volume or .5
def volume(self):
@ -377,8 +377,10 @@ class Music:
# If we have connnected, create our voice state
queue_type = self.bot.db.load('server_settings', key=channel.guild.id, pluck='queue_type')
volume = self.bot.db.load('server_settings', key=channel.guild.id, pluck='volume')
user_queue = queue_type == "user"
self.voice_states[channel.guild.id] = VoiceState(channel.guild, self.bot, user_queue=user_queue)
self.voice_states[channel.guild.id] = VoiceState(channel.guild, self.bot, user_queue=user_queue,
# If we can send messages, edit it to let the channel know we have succesfully joined
if msg:
@ -469,7 +471,8 @@ class Music:
"""Imports a song into the current voice queue"""
# If we don't have a voice state yet, create one
if not self.bot.db.load('server_settings', key=ctx.message.guild.id, pluck='playlists_allowed'):
await ctx.send("You cannot import playlists at this time; the {}allowplaylists command can be used to change this setting".format(ctx.prefix))
await ctx.send("You cannot import playlists at this time; the {}allowplaylists command can be used to "
"change this setting".format(ctx.prefix))
if ctx.message.guild.id not in self.voice_states:
if not await ctx.invoke(self.join):
@ -490,7 +493,16 @@ class Music:
song = re.sub('[<>\[\]]', '', song)
# Check if we've got the list variable in the URL, if so lets just use this
playlist_id = re.search(r'list=(.+)', song)
if playlist_id:
song = playlist_id.group(1)
await self.import_playlist(song, ctx)
except WrongEntryTypeError:
await ctx.send("This URL is not a playlist! If you want to play this song just use `play`")
except ExtractionError:
await ctx.send("Failed to download {}! If this is not a playlist, use the `play` command".format(song))
@ -537,6 +549,9 @@ class Music:
entry = await self.add_entry(song, ctx)
# This error only happens if Discord has derped, and the voice state didn't get created succesfully
except KeyError:
await ctx.send("Sorry, but I failed to connect! Please try again!")
except LiveStreamError as e:
await ctx.send(str(e))
except WrongEntryTypeError:
@ -586,6 +601,8 @@ class Music:
await ctx.send("Sorry but the max volume is 100%")
state.volume = value
entry = {'server_id': str(ctx.message.guild.id), 'volume': value}
self.bot.db.save('server_settings', entry)
await ctx.send('Set the volume to {:.0%}'.format(state.volume))
@ -633,7 +650,7 @@ class Music:
# Then stop playing, and disconnect
if voice:
await voice.disconnect()
await voice.disconnect(force=True)

View file

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import pendulum
import re
import asyncio
import traceback
import rethinkdb as r
class Raffle:
@ -36,9 +35,10 @@ class Raffle:
for raffle in raffles:
server = self.bot.get_guild(int(raffle['server_id']))
title = raffle['title']
entrants = raffle['entrants']
raffle_id = raffle['id']
for r in raffle['raffles']:
title = r['title']
entrants = r['entrants']
raffle_id = r['id']
# Check to see if this cog can find the server in question
if server is None:
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class Raffle:
now = pendulum.utcnow()
expires = pendulum.parse(raffle['expires'])
expires = pendulum.parse(r['expires'])
# Now lets compare and see if this raffle has ended, if not just continue
if expires > now:
@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ class Raffle:
if winner is None:
fmt = 'I couldn\'t find an entrant that is still in this server, for the raffle `{}`!'.format(title)
fmt = 'I couldn\'t find an entrant that is still in this server, for the raffle `{}`!'.format(
fmt = 'The raffle `{}` has just ended! The winner is {}!'.format(title, winner.display_name)
@ -88,11 +89,12 @@ class Raffle:
# No matter which one of these matches were met, the raffle has ended and we want to remove it
await self.bot.db.query(r.table('raffles').get(raffle_id).delete())
# Now...this is an ugly idea yes, but due to the way raffles are setup currently (they'll be changed in
# the future) The cache does not update, and leaves behind this deletion....so we need to manually update
# the cache here
await self.bot.db.cache.get('raffles').refresh()
entry = {
'server_id': raffle['server_id'],
'raffles': raffle['raffles']
self.bot.db.save('raffles', entry)
@ -103,8 +105,7 @@ class Raffle:
EXAMPLE: !raffles
RESULT: A list of the raffles setup on this server"""
r_filter = {'server_id': str(ctx.message.guild.id)}
raffles = self.bot.db.load('raffles', table_filter=r_filter)
raffles = self.bot.db.load('raffles', key=ctx.message.guild.id, pluck='raffles')
if not raffles:
await ctx.send("There are currently no raffles setup on this server!")
@ -133,19 +134,15 @@ class Raffle:
RESULT: You've entered the first raffle!"""
# Lets let people use 1 - (length of raffles) and handle 0 base ourselves
raffle_id -= 1
r_filter = {'server_id': str(ctx.message.guild.id)}
author = ctx.message.author
key = str(ctx.message.guild.id)
raffles = self.bot.db.load('raffles', table_filter=r_filter)
raffles = self.bot.db.load('raffles', key=key, pluck='raffles')
if raffles is None:
await ctx.send("There are currently no raffles setup on this server!")
if isinstance(raffles, list):
raffle_count = len(raffles)
raffles = [raffles]
raffle_count = 1
# There is only one raffle, so use the first's info
if raffle_count == 1:
@ -157,8 +154,8 @@ class Raffle:
update = {
'entrants': entrants,
'id': raffles[0]['id']
'raffles': raffles,
'server_id': key
self.bot.db.save('raffles', update)
await ctx.send("{} you have just entered the raffle!".format(author.mention))
@ -175,8 +172,8 @@ class Raffle:
# Since we have no good thing to filter things off of, lets use the internal rethinkdb id
update = {
'entrants': entrants,
'id': raffles[raffle_id]['id']
'raffles': raffles,
'server_id': key
self.bot.db.save('raffles', update)
await ctx.send("{} you have just entered the raffle!".format(author.mention))
@ -270,11 +267,15 @@ class Raffle:
'expires': expires.to_datetime_string(),
'entrants': [],
'author': str(author.id),
'server_id': str(server.id)
# We don't want to pass a filter to this, because we can have multiple raffles per server
self.bot.db.save('raffles', entry)
raffles = self.bot.db.load('raffles', key=server.id, pluck='raffles') or []
update = {
'server_id': str(server.id),
'raffles': raffles
self.bot.db.save('raffles', update)
await ctx.send("I have just saved your new raffle!")

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ from discord.ext import commands
from . import utils
import re
import asyncio
class Stats:
@ -11,6 +12,53 @@ class Stats:
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
self.donators = []
async def donator_task(self):
while True:
await self.get_donators()
await asyncio.sleep(60)
async def get_donators(self):
# Set our base URL for the pagination task
url = "https://api.patreon.com/oauth2/api/campaigns/{}/pledges".format(utils.patreon_id)
# Set our headers with our bearer token
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(utils.patreon_key)}
# We need the names of all of them, and the names are embeded a bit so lets append while looping
names = []
# We need to page through, so lets create a loop and break when we find out we're done
while True:
# Simply get data based on the URL
data = await utils.request(url, headers=headers, force_content_type_json=True)
# First check if the data failed to retrieve, if so just return
if data is None:
# Loop through the includes, as that's all we need
for include in data['included']:
# We only carry about the user's
if include['type'] != 'user':
# This check checks the user's connected campaign (should only exist for *our* user) and checks if it
# matches
if include.get('relationshipos', {}).get('campaign', {}).get('data', {}).get('id', {}) == str(
# Otherwise the only way this user was included, was if they are a patron, so include them
name = include['attributes']['full_name']
if name:
# Now, lets get our "next" link and request that
url = data['links'].get('next')
# If there is no None, that means there should only be a "first" and our pagination is done
if url is None:
# Now just set the names
self.donators = names
@ -277,6 +325,20 @@ class Stats:
fmt = fmt.format(member.display_name, record, server_rank, overall_rank, rating)
await ctx.send('```\n{}```'.format(fmt))
async def patrons(self, ctx):
"""Prints a list of all the patrons for Bonfire
EXAMPLE: !donators
RESULT: A list of the donators"""
pages = utils.Pages(self.bot, message=ctx.message, entries=self.donators)
await pages.paginate()
except utils.CannotPaginate as e:
await ctx.send(str(e))
def setup(bot):

View file

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ except KeyError:
print("Please use config.yml.sample to setup a valid config file")
# Default bot's description
bot_description = global_config.get("description")
# Bot's default prefix for commands
@ -45,6 +44,11 @@ dev_server = global_config.get("dev_server", "")
user_agent = global_config.get('user_agent', None)
# The URL to proxy youtube_dl's requests through
ytdl_proxy = global_config.get('youtube_dl_proxy', None)
# The patreon key, as well as the patreon ID to use
patreon_key = global_config.get('patreon_key', None)
patreon_id = global_config.get('patreon_id', None)
patreon_link = global_config.get('patreon_link', None)
# The extensions to load
extensions = [

View file

@ -92,7 +92,8 @@ async def create_banner(member, image_title, data):
stat_offset = draw.textsize(text, font=font, spacing=0)
font = ImageFont.truetype(whitneyMedium, 96)
draw.text((360, -4), text, (255, 255, 255), font=font, align="center")
# draw.text((360, -4), text, (255, 255, 255), font=font, align="center")
draw.text((360, -4), text, (255, 255, 255), font=font)
draw.text((360 + stat_offset[0], -4), stat_text, (0, 402, 504), font=font)
save_me = text_bar.resize((350, 20), Image.ANTIALIAS)
offset += 20

View file

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ async def download_image(url):
return image
async def request(url, *, headers=None, payload=None, method='GET', attr='json'):
async def request(url, *, headers=None, payload=None, method='GET', attr='json', force_content_type_json=False):
# Make sure our User Agent is what's set, and ensure it's sent even if no headers are passed
if headers is None:
headers = {}
@ -83,6 +83,12 @@ async def request(url, *, headers=None, payload=None, method='GET', attr='json')
return_value = getattr(response, attr)
# Next check if this can be called
if callable(return_value):
# This is use for json; it checks the mimetype instead of checking if the actual data
# This causes some places with different mimetypes to fail, even if it's valid json
# This check allows us to force the content_type to use whatever content type is given
if force_content_type_json:
return_value = return_value(content_type=response.headers['content-type'])
return_value = return_value()
# If this is awaitable, await it
if inspect.isawaitable(return_value):

View file

@ -51,11 +51,7 @@ class Playlist(EventEmitter):
Imports the songs from `playlist_url` and queues them to be played.
Returns a list of `entries` that have been enqueued.
:param playlist_url: The playlist url to be cut into individual urls and added to the playlist
position = len(self.entries) + 1
entry_list = []
info = await self.downloader.safe_extract_info(self.loop, playlist_url, download=False)
@ -65,6 +61,9 @@ class Playlist(EventEmitter):
if not info:
raise ExtractionError('Could not extract information from %s' % playlist_url)
if info.get('playlist') is None:
raise WrongEntryTypeError('This is not a playlist!')
# Once again, the generic extractor fucks things up.
if info.get('extractor', None) == 'generic':
url_field = 'url'

View file

@ -3,9 +3,10 @@ import time
import asyncio
from .exceptions import ExtractionError, WrongEntryTypeError, LiveStreamError
from .entry import get_header
class YoutubeDLSource(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio):
def __init__(self, playlist, url):
self.playlist = playlist
self.loop = playlist.loop
@ -14,7 +15,6 @@ class YoutubeDLSource(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio):
self.info = None
self.ready = False
self.error = False
asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self.download(), self.loop)
async def get_info(self):
@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ class YoutubeDLSource(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio):
# Otherwise get the first result
info = info['entries'][0]
self.url = info['webpage_url']
# If this isn't a search, then it is a playlist, this can't be done
raise WrongEntryTypeError("This is a playlist.", True, info.get('webpage_url', None) or info.get('url', None))
raise WrongEntryTypeError("This is a playlist.", True,
info.get('webpage_url', None) or info.get('url', None))
if info['extractor'] in ['generic', 'Dropbox']:
@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ class YoutubeDLSource(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio):
if headers.get('ice-audio-info'):
raise LiveStreamError("Cannot download from a livestream")
if info.get('is_live', False):
raise LiveStreamError("Cannot download from a livestream")
@ -64,6 +63,7 @@ class YoutubeDLSource(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio):
async def prepare(self):
await self.get_info()
asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self.download(), self.loop)
return self.info
async def download(self):
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class YoutubeDLSource(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio):
'before_options': '-nostdin',
'options': '-vn -b:a 128k'
super().__init__(self.downloader.ytdl.prepare_filename(result), **opts)
super().__init__(self.downloader.ytdl.prepare_filename(self.info), **opts)
def title(self):

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@