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mirror of synced 2024-06-03 11:14:33 +12:00

First implementation for the new osu for rewrite

This commit is contained in:
Phxntxm 2017-03-10 18:07:39 -06:00
parent 8699b0e303
commit 9e86472b64
2 changed files with 84 additions and 138 deletions

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@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ from . import utils
from discord.ext import commands
import discord
from osuapi import OsuApi, AHConnector
# https://github.com/ppy/osu-api/wiki
BASE_URL = 'https://osu.ppy.sh/api/'
@ -11,156 +13,99 @@ MAX_RETRIES = 5
class Osu:
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
self.key = utils.osu_key
self.payload = {'k': self.key}
self.api = OsuApi(utils.osu_key, connector=AHConnector())
self.osu_users = {}
async def find_beatmap(self, query):
"""Finds a beatmap ID based on the first match of searching a beatmap"""
async def get_user(self, member, username):
"""A function used to get and save user data in cache"""
user = self.osu_users.get(member.id)
if user is None:
user = await self.get_user_from_api(username)
if user is not None:
self.osu_users[member.id] = user
return user
if user.username.lower() == username.lower():
return user
user = await self.get_user_from_api(username)
if user is not None:
self.osu_users[member.id] = user
return user
async def get_beatmap(self, b_id):
"""Gets beatmap info based on the ID provided"""
payload = self.payload.copy()
payload['b'] = b_id
url = BASE_URL + 'get_beatmaps'
data = await utils.request(url, payload=payload)
async def get_user_from_api(self, username):
"""A simple helper function to parse the list given and handle failures"""
user = await self.api.get_user(username)
return data[0]
except (IndexError, TypeError):
return user[0]
except IndexError:
return None
async def get_users(self):
"""A task used to 'cache' all member's and their Osu profile's"""
data = await utils.get_content('osu')
if data is None:
for result in data:
member = int(data['member_id'])
user = await self.get_user_from_api(data['osu_username'])
if user:
self.osu_users[member] = user
async def osu(self, ctx):
async def osu(self, ctx, member=None):
"""Provides basic information about a specific user
@osu.command(name='scores', aliases=['score'])
async def osu_user_scores(self, ctx, user, song=1):
"""Used to get the top scores for a user
You can provide either your Osu ID or your username
However, if your username is only numbers, this will confuse the API
If you have only numbers in your username, you will need to provide your ID
This will by default return the top song, provide song [up to 100] to get that song, in order from best to worst
EXAMPLE: !osu @Person
RESULT: Informationa bout that person's osu account"""
if member is None:
member = ctx.message.author
EXAMPLE: !osu MyUsername 5
RESULT: Info about your 5th best song"""
await ctx.send("Looking up your Osu information...")
# To make this easy for the user, it's indexed starting at 1, so lets subtract by 1
song -= 1
# Make sure the song is not negative however, if so set to 0
if song < 0:
song = 0
# A list of the possible values we'll receive, that we want to display
wanted_info = ['username', 'maxcombo', 'count300', 'count100', 'count50', 'countmiss',
'perfect', 'enabled_mods', 'date', 'rank' 'pp', 'beatmap_title', 'beatmap_version',
'max_combo', 'artist', 'difficulty']
# A couple of these aren't the best names to display, so setup a map to change these just a little bit
key_map = {'maxcombo': 'combo',
'count300': '300 hits',
'count100': '100 hits',
'count50': '50 hits',
'countmiss': 'misses',
'perfect': 'got_max_combo'}
payload = self.payload.copy()
payload['u'] = user
payload['limit'] = 100
# The endpoint that we're accessing to get this information
url = BASE_URL + 'get_user_beat'
data = await utils.request(url, payload=payload)
data = data[song]
except (IndexError, TypeError):
if data is not None and len(data) == 0:
await ctx.send("I could not find any top songs for the user {}".format(user))
data = data[len(data) - 1]
# There's a little bit more info that we need, some info specific to the beatmap.
# Due to this we'll need to make a second request
beatmap_data = await self.get_beatmap(data.get('beatmap_id', None))
# Lets add the extra data we want
data['beatmap_title'] = beatmap_data.get('title')
data['beatmap_version'] = beatmap_data.get('version')
data['max_combo'] = beatmap_data.get('max_combo')
data['artist'] = beatmap_data.get('artist')
# Lets round this, no need for such a long number
data['difficulty'] = round(float(beatmap_data.get('difficultyrating')), 2)
# Now lets create our dictionary needed to create the image
# The dict comprehension we're using is simpler than it looks, it's simply they key: value
# If the key is in our wanted_info list
# We also get the wanted value from the key_map if it exists, using the key itself if it doesn't
# We then title it and replace _ with a space to ensure nice formatting
fmt = [(key_map.get(k, k).title().replace('_', ' '), v) for k, v in data.items() if k in wanted_info]
# Attempt to create our banner and upload that
# If we can't find the images needed, or don't have permissions, just send a message instead
banner = await utils.create_banner(ctx.message.author, "Osu User Stats", fmt)
await self.bot.upload(banner)
except (FileNotFoundError, discord.Forbidden):
_fmt = "\n".join("{}: {}".format(k, r) for k, r in fmt)
await ctx.send("```\n{}```".format(_fmt))
@osu.command(name='user', pass_context=True)
async def osu_user_info(self, ctx, *, user):
"""Used to get information about a specific user
You can provide either your Osu ID or your username
However, if your username is only numbers, this will confuse the API
If you have only numbers in your username, you will need to provide your ID
EXAMPLE: !osu user MyUserName
RESULT: Info about your user"""
await ctx.send("Looking up your Osu information...")
# A list of the possible values we'll receive, that we want to display
wanted_info = ['username', 'playcount', 'ranked_score', 'pp_rank', 'level', 'pp_country_rank',
'accuracy', 'country', 'pp_country_rank', 'count_rank_s', 'count_rank_a']
# A couple of these aren't the best names to display, so setup a map to change these just a little bit
key_map = {'playcount': 'play_count',
'count_rank_ss': 'total_SS_ranks',
'count_rank_s': 'total_s_ranks',
'count_rank_a': 'total_a_ranks'}
# The paramaters that we'll send to osu to get the information needed
payload = self.payload.copy()
payload['u'] = user
# The endpoint that we're accessing to get this information
url = BASE_URL + 'get_user'
data = await utils.request(url, payload=payload)
# Make sure we found a result, we should only find one with the way we're searching
data = data[0]
except (IndexError, TypeError):
await ctx.send("I could not find anyone with the user name/id of {}".format(user))
user = self.osu_users[member.id]
if user is None:
await ctx.send("I do not have {}'s Osu user saved!".format(member.display_name))
# Now lets create our dictionary needed to create the image
# The dict comprehension we're using is simpler than it looks, it's simply they key: value
# If the key is in our wanted_info list
# We also get the wanted value from the key_map if it exists, using the key itself if it doesn't
# We then title it and replace _ with a space to ensure nice formatting
fmt = {key_map.get(k, k).title().replace('_', ' '): v for k, v in data.items() if k in wanted_info}
e = discord.Embed(title='Osu profile for {}'.format(user.username))
e.add_field(name='Rank', value=user.pp_rank, inline=False)
e.add_field(name='Level', value=user.level, inline=False)
e.add_field(name='Performance Points', value=user.pp_raw, inline=False)
e.add_field(name='Accuracy', value=user.accuracy, inline=False)
e.add_field(name='SS Ranks', value=user.count_rank_ss, inline=False)
e.add_field(name='S Ranks', value=user.count_rank_s, inline=False)
e.add_field(name='A Ranks', value=user.count_rank_a, inline=False)
e.add_field(name='Country', value=user.country, inline=False)
e.add_field(name='Country Rank', value=user.pp_country_rank, inline=False)
e.add_field(name='Playcount', value=user.playcount, inline=False)
e.add_field(name='Ranked Score', value=user.ranked_score, inline=False)
e.add_field(name='Total Score', value=user.total_score, inline=False)
# Attempt to create our banner and upload that
# If we can't find the images needed, or don't have permissions, just send a message instead
banner = await utils.create_banner(ctx.message.author, "Osu User Stats", fmt)
await ctx.send(file=banner)
except (FileNotFoundError, discord.Forbidden):
_fmt = "\n".join("{}: {}".format(k, r) for k, r in fmt.items())
await ctx.send("```\n{}```".format(_fmt))
@osu.command(aliases=['create', 'connect'])
async def osu_add(self, ctx, *, username):
"""Links an osu account to your discord account
EXAMPLE: !osu add username
RESULT: Links your username to your account, and allows stats to be pulled from it"""
author = ctx.message.author
user = await self.get_user(author, username)
if user is None:
await ctx.send("I couldn't find an osu user that matches {}".format(username))
entry = {
'member_id': str(author.id),
'osu_username': user.username
if not await utils.add_content('osu', entry):
await utils.update_content('osu', entry, str(author.id))
await ctx.send("I have just saved your Osu user {}".format(author.display_name))
def setup(bot):

View file

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ required_tables = {
'server_settings': 'server_id',
'raffles': 'id',
'strawpolls': 'server_id',
'osu', 'member_id',
'tags': 'server_id',
'tictactoe': 'member_id',
'twitch': 'member_id'