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2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
from . import utils
from discord.ext import commands
import asyncio
import math
face_map = {
'S': 'spades',
'D': 'diamonds',
'C': 'clubs',
'H': 'hearts'
card_map = {
'A': 'Ace',
'K': 'King',
'Q': 'Queen',
'J': 'Jack'
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
class Blackjack:
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
self.games = {}
def __unload(self):
# Simply cancel every task
for game in self.games.values():
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
def create_game(self, message):
# When we're done with the game, we need to delete the game itself and remove it's instance from games
# To do this, it needs to be able to access this instance of Blackjack
game = Game(self.bot, message, self)
self.games[message.server.id] = game
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
@commands.group(pass_context=True, no_pm=True, aliases=['bj'], invoke_without_command=True)
async def blackjack(self, ctx):
"""Creates a game/joins the current running game of blackjack
EXAMPLE: !blackjack
RESULT: A new game of blackjack!"""
# Get this server's game if it exists
game = self.games.get(ctx.message.server.id)
# If it doesn't, start one
if game is None:
# Try to join the game
status = game.join(ctx.message.author)
# If it worked, they're ready to play
if status:
fmt = "{} has joined the game of blackjack, and will be able to play next round!"
await self.bot.say(fmt.format(ctx.message.author.display_name))
# Otherwise, lets check *why* they couldn't join
if game.playing(ctx.message.author):
await self.bot.say("You are already playing! Wait for your turn!")
await self.bot.say("There are already a max number of players playing/waiting to play!")
@blackjack.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True, name='leave', aliases=['quit'])
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
async def blackjack_leave(self, ctx):
"""Leaves the current game of blackjack
EXAMPLE: !blackjack leave
RESULT: You stop losing money in blackjack"""
# Get this server's game if it exists
game = self.games.get(ctx.message.server.id)
if game is None:
await self.bot.say("There are currently no games of Blackjack running!")
status = game.leave(ctx.message.author)
if status:
await self.bot.say("You have left the game, and will be removed at the end of this round")
await self.bot.say("Either you have already bet, or you are not even playing right now!")
@blackjack.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True, name='forcestop', aliases=['stop'])
async def blackjack_stop(self, ctx):
"""Forces the game to stop, mostly for use if someone has gone afk
EXAMPLE: !blackjack forcestop
RESULT: No more blackjack spam"""
# Get this server's game if it exists
game = self.games.get(ctx.message.server.id)
if game is None:
await self.bot.say("There are currently no games of Blackjack running!")
del self.games[ctx.message.server.id]
await self.bot.say("The blackjack game running here has just ended")
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
def FOIL(a, b):
"""Uses FOIL to calculate a new possible total (who knew math would come in handy?!)
For our purposes, we are adding, not multiplying, so this is not the *same* as using normal FOIL
So no built in method will work"""
# This whole thing may *look* like it may add a lot of entries
# However, we are going to be using pretty short lists, and duplicate entries will be common
# So this isn't actually as bad as it looks
new_totals = []
for i in a:
for x in b:
total = i + x
if total not in new_totals:
# The list comprehension is to ensure we don't care about totals over 21
new_totals = [x for x in new_totals if x < 22]
return new_totals
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
class Player:
def __init__(self, member):
self.member = member
self.hand = utils.Deck(prefill=False)
# The chips a player starts with
self.chips = 1000
def bust(self):
for total in self.count:
if total <= 21:
return False
return True
def count(self):
"""The current count of our hand"""
total = [0]
for card in self.hand:
# Order is suit, face...so we want the second value
face = card[1]
if face in ['Q', 'K', 'J']:
for index, t in enumerate(total):
total[index] += 10
elif face == 'A':
total = FOIL(total, [1, 11])
for index, t in enumerate(total):
total[index] += int(face)
# If we have more than one possible total (there is at least one ace) then we do not care about one if it is
# over 21
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
if len(total) > 1:
new_total = [x for x in total if x < 22]
# However, if the ace is there and both possibilities cause a bust, we want the lowest one to be our count
if len(new_total) == 0:
new_total = [min(total)]
total = new_total
return total
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Player):
if hasattr(other, 'member') and other.member == self.member:
return True
return False
def __str__(self):
# We only care about our hand, for printing wise
fmt = "Hand:\n"
fmt += "\n".join(
"{} of {}".format(
card_map.get(card[1], card[1]),
face_map.get(card[0], card[0]))
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
for card in self.hand
fmt += "\n(Total: {})".format(self.count)
return fmt
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
class Game:
def __init__(self, bot, message, bj):
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
player = Player(message.author)
self.bj = bj
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
self.bot = bot
self.players = [{'status': 'playing', 'player': player}]
# Our buffer for players who want to join
# People cannot join in the middle of a game, so we'll add them at the end
self._added_players = []
# Our list of players who lost/left
self._removed_players = []
# The channel we'll send messages to
self.channel = message.channel
# People can join in on this game, but lets make sure we don't go over the limit however
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
self._max_players = 10
# Lets create our main deck, and shuffle it
self.deck = utils.Deck()
2017-02-28 12:49:37 +13:00
# So apparently, it is possible, with 10 players and nearly everyone/everyone busting
# To actually deplete the deck, and cause it to return None, and mess up later
# Due to this, lets make put 2 decks in here
_deck2 = utils.Deck()
del _deck2
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
# The dealer
self.dealer = Player('Dealer')
self.min_bet = 5
self.max_bet = 500
self.bet = 0
self.task = self.bot.loop.create_task(self.game_task())
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
async def game_task(self):
"""The task to handle the entire game"""
while len(self.players) > 0:
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
await self.bot.send_message(self.channel, "A new round has started!!")
# First wait for bets
await self.bet_task()
# To allow people to leave correctly during the betting phase
# (i.e. they left before they bet) we need to do a cleanup here
# Then deal to every player
# Now wait for our round to finish
await self.round_task()
# Now it's the dealers turn
# This is the only loop we have to worry about still occurring if there are no more players
# This is due to the fact the dealer has nothing to do with players during his "turn"
# We need an extra check here to stop this from occurring
if len(self.players) > 0:
await self.dealer_task()
# Then clean everything up, including:
# Put everyone's hand inside the deck
# Shuffle the deck
# Payout/pickup bets
# Include any new players
# Remove players leaving/ran out of chips
await self.cleanup()
# If we reach the end of this loop, that means there are no more players
del self.bj.games[self.channel.server.id]
async def dealer_task(self):
"""The task handling the dealer's play after all players have stood"""
fmt = "It is the dealer's turn to play\n\n{}".format(self.dealer)
msg = await self.bot.send_message(self.channel, fmt)
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
if self.dealer.bust:
fmt = msg.content + "\n\nDealer has busted!!"
await self.bot.edit_message(msg, fmt)
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
for num in self.dealer.count:
if num > 16:
fmt = "It is the dealer's turn to play\n\n{}".format(self.dealer)
msg = await self.bot.edit_message(msg, fmt)
async def round_task(self):
"""The task handling the round itself, asking each person to hit or stand"""
# This task is going to be called at the beginning of a game
# It is purely for asking for hit or stand from each player, till this round is over
# A differen task will handle if a player hit blackjack to start (so they would not be 'playing')
# Our check to make sure a valid 'command' was provided
check = lambda m: m.content.lower() in ['hit', 'stand', 'double']
# First lets handle the blackjacks
for entry in [p for p in self.players if p['status'] == 'blackjack']:
player = entry['player']
fmt = "You got a blackjack {0.member.mention}!\n\n{0}".format(player)
await self.bot.send_message(self.channel, fmt)
2017-02-28 13:07:23 +13:00
# Loop through each player (as long as their status is playing) and they have bet chips
for entry in [p for p in self.players if p['status'] == 'playing' and hasattr(p['player'], 'bet')]:
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
player = entry['player']
# Let them know it's their turn to play
fmt = "It is your turn to play {0.member.mention}\n\n{0}".format(player)
await self.bot.send_message(self.channel, fmt)
# If they're not playing anymore (i.e. they busted, are standing, etc.) then we don't want to keep asking
# them to hit or stand
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
while entry['status'] not in ['stand', 'bust']:
# Ask if they want to hit or stand
fmt = "Hit, stand, or double?"
await self.bot.send_message(self.channel, fmt)
msg = await self.bot.wait_for_message(timeout=60, author=player.member, channel=self.channel,
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
# If they took to long, make them stand so the next person can play
if msg is None:
await self.bot.send_message(self.channel, "Took to long! You're standing!")
entry['status'] = 'stand'
# If they want to hit
elif 'hit' in msg.content.lower():
await self.bot.send_message(self.channel, player)
# If they want to stand
elif 'stand' in msg.content.lower():
elif 'double' in msg.content.lower():
await self.bot.send_message(self.channel, player)
# TODO: Handle double, split
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
async def bet_task(self):
"""Performs the task of betting"""
def check(_msg):
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
"""Makes sure the message provided is within the min and max bets"""
msg_length = int(_msg.content)
return self.min_bet <= msg_length <= self.max_bet
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
except ValueError:
return _msg.content.lower() == 'skip'
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
# There is one situation that we want to allow that means we cannot loop through players like normally would
# be the case: Betting has started; while one person is betting, another joins This means our list has
# changed, and neither based on the length or looping through the list itself will handle this To handle
# this, we'll loop 'infinitely', get a list of players who haven't bet yet, and then use the first person in
# that list
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
while True:
players = [p for p in self.players if p['status'] == 'playing']
# If everyone has bet/there is no one playing anymore
if len(players) == 0:
entry = players[0]
player = entry['player']
fmt = "Your turn to bet {0.member.mention}, your current chips are: {0.chips}\n" \
"Current min bet is {1}, current max bet is {2}\n" \
"Place your bet now (please provide only the number;" \
"'skip' if you would like to leave this game)".format(player, self.min_bet, self.max_bet)
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
await self.bot.send_message(self.channel, fmt)
msg = await self.bot.wait_for_message(timeout=60, author=player.member, channel=self.channel, check=check)
if msg is None:
await self.bot.send_message(self.channel, "You took too long! You're sitting this round out")
entry['status'] = 'stand'
elif msg.content.lower() == 'skip':
await self.bot.send_message(self.channel, "Alright, you've been removed from the game")
num = int(msg.content)
# Set the new bet, and remove it from this players chip total
if num <= player.chips:
player.bet = num
player.chips -= num
entry['status'] = 'bet'
await self.bot.send_message(self.channel, "You can't bet more than you have!!")
# Call this so that we can correct the list, if someone has left or join
async def cleanup(self):
"""Performs the tasks done after the game has completed"""
dealer_count = max(self.dealer.count)
# A list of losers, winners, and people who tied
losers = []
ties = []
winners = []
blackjack = []
for entry in self.players:
player = entry['player']
# Quick check here to ensure the player isn't someone who got added
# Specifically right after the betting phase
if not hasattr(player, 'bet'):
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
hand = player.hand
count = max(player.count)
# First, lets handle bets
# TODO: Handle blackjacks
# First if is to check If we can possibly win (a bust is an automatic loss, no matter what)
# Payouts for wins are 2 times the bet
if entry['status'] == 'blackjack':
if dealer_count != 21:
player.chips += math.floor(player.bet * 2.5)
# A push, the player gets their chips back
player.chips += player.bet
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
elif not player.bust:
# If the dealer busts, we win
if dealer_count > 21:
player.chips += player.bet * 2
# If the dealer hasn't busted, we need to compare
if count == dealer_count:
# A push, the player gets their chips back
player.chips += player.bet
elif count > dealer_count:
# The player won, they get their payout
player.chips += player.bet * 2
# The player lost
# Otherwise, they lost, nothing we need to do
player.bet = 0
# "Draw" the remaining cards so that the hand is emptied, as well as returned
cards = list(hand.draw(hand.count))
# Now add them back into the deck
# While we're already looping, another task we need to complete is removing people who lost
# So if their chips are 0 (or less which shouldn't happen) add them to the _removed_players list
if player.chips <= 0:
entry['status'] = 'playing'
# Now that we've looped through everyone, send the message regarding the outcome
fmt = "Round stats:\n"
if len(winners) > 0:
# First get a string of all the winners
_fmt = " ".join(m.member.display_name for m in winners)
# Add that to the main string
fmt += "Winners: {}\n".format(_fmt)
if len(losers) > 0:
# First get a string of all the losers
_fmt = " ".join(m.member.display_name for m in losers)
# Add that to the main string
fmt += "Losers: {}\n".format(_fmt)
if len(ties) > 0:
# First get a string of all the ties
_fmt = " ".join(m.member.display_name for m in ties)
# Add that to the main string
fmt += "Ties: {}\n".format(_fmt)
if len(blackjack) > 0:
# First get a string of all the blackjacks
_fmt = " ".join(m.member.display_name for m in blackjack)
# Add that to the main string
fmt += "Blackjacks: {}\n".format(_fmt)
await self.bot.send_message(self.channel, fmt)
# Do the same for the dealers hand
cards = list(self.dealer.hand.draw(self.dealer.hand.count))
# Now that's complete, shuffle the deck
def player_cleanup(self):
"""Handles the cleanup of adding and removing waiting players"""
# We need this method separate from our other cleanup processes
# Because people can leave/join in the middle of betting (if they haven't already bet)
# Include the new players
# What we want to do is remove any players that are in the game and have left the server
for entry in self.players:
m = entry['player'].member
if m not in self.channel.server.members:
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
# Remove the players who left
self.players = [p for p in self.players if p['player'] not in self._removed_players]
def _get_player_index(self, player):
"""Provides the index of a certain player"""
for i, entry in enumerate(self.players):
if entry['player'] == player:
return i
def get_player(self, member):
"""Returns the player object for the discord member provided"""
for entry in self.players:
if entry['player'].member == member:
return entry['player']
def playing(self, member):
"""Returns true if the member provided is currently in this game"""
for entry in self.players:
if member == entry['player'].member:
return True
return False
def deal(self):
"""Deals to all players playing"""
# I would like this to simulate a real "deal", so need to deal to each member in order
for i in range(2):
for entry in self.players:
card = list(self.deck.draw())
# Make sure we detect blackjack here, as this is when it matters
if 21 in entry['player'].count:
entry['status'] = 'blackjack'
entry['status'] = 'playing'
# Also add a card to the dealer's hand
card = list(self.deck.draw())
def join(self, member):
"""Adds the member to the game playing"""
if self.playing(member):
return False
if len(self.players) + len(self._added_players) >= self._max_players:
return False
player = Player(member)
entry = {'status': 'playing', 'player': player}
return True
def leave(self, member):
player = self.get_player(member)
# If they are playing, then add them to the _removed_players list so that they can be removed at the end of
# the round
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
if player:
# We need to make sure they haven't already bet
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
index = self._get_player_index(player)
if self.players[index]['status'] == 'bet':
return False
self.players[index]['status'] = 'left'
return True
return False
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
def double(self, player):
"""Doubles down on the current hand"""
# First double the bet
player.chips -= player.bet
player.bet *= 2
# Then hit
# After doubling down, they are not allowed to play again, make them stand
def stand(self, player):
"""Causes a player to stand"""
for entry in self.players:
if entry['player'] == player:
entry['status'] = 'stand'
def hit(self, player):
"""Hits a player"""
# Draw one card
card = list(self.deck.draw())
# Add it to the player's hand
# If this is the dealer, we don't need to care about this
if player == self.dealer:
if player.bust:
index = self._get_player_index(player)
self.players[index]['status'] = 'bust'
elif 21 in player.count:
index = self._get_player_index(player)
self.players[index]['status'] = 'stand'
2016-12-15 08:37:22 +13:00
def setup(bot):