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2016-07-23 23:59:02 +12:00
from discord.ext import commands
from .utils import config
from .utils import checks
2016-08-06 10:00:16 +12:00
import re
2016-07-23 23:59:02 +12:00
2016-07-31 12:20:55 +12:00
2016-07-23 23:59:02 +12:00
class Tags:
"""This class contains all the commands for custom tags"""
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
2016-07-31 12:20:55 +12:00
@commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
2016-07-23 23:59:02 +12:00
async def tags(self, ctx):
"""Prints all the custom tags that this server currently has
EXAMPLE: !tags
RESULT: All tags setup on this server"""
tags = await config.get_content('tags', {'server_id': ctx.message.server.id})
# Simple generator that adds a tag to the list to print, if the tag is for this server
fmt = "\n".join("{}".format(tag['tag']) for tag in tags)
await self.bot.say('```\n{}```'.format(fmt))
except TypeError:
await self.bot.say("There are not tags setup on this server!")
2016-07-23 23:59:02 +12:00
@commands.group(pass_context=True, invoke_without_command=True, no_pm=True)
2016-07-23 23:59:02 +12:00
async def tag(self, ctx, *, tag: str):
"""This can be used to call custom tags
The format to call a custom tag is !tag <tag>
EXAMPLE: !tag butts
RESULT: Whatever you setup for the butts tag!!"""
r_filter = lambda row: (row['server_id'] == ctx.message.server.id) & (row['tag'] == tag)
tags = await config.get_content('tags', r_filter)
if tags is None:
2016-07-23 23:59:02 +12:00
await self.bot.say('That tag does not exist!')
# We shouldn't ever have two tags of the same name, so just get the first result
await self.bot.say("\u200B{}".format(tags[0]['result']))
2016-07-23 23:59:02 +12:00
@tag.command(name='add', aliases=['create', 'start'], pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
2016-07-23 23:59:02 +12:00
async def add_tag(self, ctx, *, result: str):
"""Use this to add a new tag that can be used in this server
Format to add a tag is !tag add <tag> - <result>
EXAMPLE: !tag add this is my new tag - This is what it will be
RESULT: A tag that can be called by '!tag this is my new tag' and will output 'This is what it will be'"""
# Use regex to get the matche for everything before and after a -
match = re.search("(.*) - (.*)", result)
tag = match.group(1).strip()
tag_result = match.group(2).strip()
# Next two checks are just to ensure there was a valid match found
except AttributeError:
await self.bot.say(
"Please provide the format for the tag in: {}tag add <tag> - <result>".format(ctx.prefix))
2016-07-23 23:59:02 +12:00
# If our regex failed to find the content (aka they provided the wrong format)
if len(tag) == 0 or len(tag_result) == 0:
await self.bot.say(
"Please provide the format for the tag in: {}tag add <tag> - <result>".format(ctx.prefix))
# Make sure the tag created does not mention everyone/here
if '@everyone' in tag_result or '@here' in tag_result:
await self.bot.say("You cannot create a tag that mentions everyone!")
entry = {'server_id': ctx.message.server.id, 'tag': tag, 'result': tag_result}
r_filter = lambda row: (row['server_id'] == ctx.message.server.id) & (row['tag'] == tag)
# Try to create new entry first, if that fails (it already exists) then we update it
if await config.add_content('tags', entry, r_filter):
await self.bot.say(
"I have just added the tag `{0}`! You can call this tag by entering !tag {0}".format(tag))
await config.update_content('tags', entry, r_filter)
await self.bot.say(
"I have just updated the tag `{0}`! You can call this tag by entering !tag {0}".format(tag))
2016-07-23 23:59:02 +12:00
@tag.command(name='delete', aliases=['remove', 'stop'], pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
2016-07-23 23:59:02 +12:00
async def del_tag(self, ctx, *, tag: str):
"""Use this to remove a tag from use for this server
Format to delete a tag is !tag delete <tag>
EXAMPLE: !tag delete stupid_tag
RESULT: Deletes that stupid tag"""
r_filter = lambda row: (row['server_id'] == ctx.message.server.id) & (row['tag'] == tag)
if await config.remove_content('tags', r_filter):
await self.bot.say('I have just removed the tag `{}`'.format(tag))
2016-07-23 23:59:02 +12:00
await self.bot.say(
"The tag {} does not exist! You can't remove something if it doesn't exist...".format(tag))
2016-07-24 00:01:16 +12:00
2016-07-31 12:20:55 +12:00
2016-07-24 00:01:16 +12:00
def setup(bot):