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2016-07-09 13:27:19 +12:00
from discord.ext import commands
from .utils import config
2016-07-16 08:13:26 +12:00
from .utils import checks
2016-07-09 13:27:19 +12:00
import subprocess
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
import os
import glob
2016-07-09 13:27:19 +12:00
import json
import random
import discord
2016-07-11 01:58:46 +12:00
import re
2016-07-09 13:27:19 +12:00
class Core:
"""Core commands, these are the not 'complicated' commands."""
2016-07-09 13:27:19 +12:00
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
async def addbot(self):
"""Provides a link that you can use to add me to a server"""
perms = discord.Permissions.none()
perms.read_messages = True
perms.send_messages = True
perms.manage_roles = True
perms.ban_members = True
perms.kick_members = True
perms.manage_messages = True
perms.embed_links = True
perms.read_message_history = True
perms.attach_files = True
await self.bot.say("Use this URL to add me to a server that you'd like!\n{}"
.format(discord.utils.oauth_url('183748889814237186', perms)))
2016-07-17 03:24:10 +12:00
2016-07-17 02:20:17 +12:00
2016-07-17 02:46:02 +12:00
async def doggo(self, ctx):
2016-07-17 02:20:17 +12:00
"""Use this to print a random doggo image.
Doggo is love, doggo is life."""
f = glob.glob('doggo*')[random.randint(0,len(glob.glob('doggo*'))-1)]
f = open(f,'rb')
await self.bot.send_file(ctx.message.channel,f)
2016-07-17 02:20:17 +12:00
2016-07-09 13:27:19 +12:00
async def joke(self):
"""Prints a random riddle"""
fortuneCommand = "/usr/bin/fortune riddles"
fortune = subprocess.check_output(fortuneCommand.split()).decode("utf-8")
await self.bot.say(fortune)
2016-07-09 13:27:19 +12:00
2016-07-09 13:27:19 +12:00
async def urban(self, *msg: str):
"""Pulls the top urbandictionary.com definition for a term"""
term = '+'.join(msg)
url = "http://api.urbandictionary.com/v0/define?term={}".format(term)
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
data = json.loads(response.read().decode('utf-8'))
if len(data['list']) == 0:
await self.bot.say("No result with that term!")
await self.bot.say(data['list'][0]['definition'])
except discord.HTTPException:
await self.bot.say('```Error: Definition is too long for me to send```')
2016-07-09 13:27:19 +12:00
async def derpi(self, ctx, *search: str):
"""Provides a random image from the first page of derpibooru.org for the following term"""
if len(search) > 0:
2016-07-17 02:20:17 +12:00
# This sets the url as url?q=search+terms
url = 'https://derpibooru.org/search.json?q='
query = '+'.join(search)
url += query
2016-07-17 02:20:17 +12:00
# This will check if the channel is a 'nsfw' channel, if so add 'explicit' to the search term
cursor = config.getCursor()
2016-07-17 02:20:17 +12:00
cursor.execute('use {}'.format(config.db_default))
cursor.execute('select * from nsfw_channels')
result = cursor.fetchall()
if {'channel_id': '{}'.format(ctx.message.channel.id)} in result:
url += ",+explicit&filter_id=95938"
2016-07-10 04:33:48 +12:00
2016-07-17 02:20:17 +12:00
# Get the response from derpibooru and parse the 'searc' result from it
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
data = json.loads(response.read().decode('utf-8'))
results = data['search']
2016-07-17 02:20:17 +12:00
# Get the link if it exists, if not return saying no results found
if len(results) > 0:
index = random.randint(0, len(results) - 1)
imageLink = 'http://' + results[index].get('representations').get('full')[2:].strip()
2016-07-09 13:27:19 +12:00
await self.bot.say("No results with that search term, {0}!".format(ctx.message.author.mention))
2016-07-17 02:20:17 +12:00
# If no search term was provided, search for a random image
with urllib.request.urlopen('https://derpibooru.org/images/random') as response:
imageLink = response.geturl()
2016-07-17 02:20:17 +12:00
# Post link to my link shortening site
# discord still shows image previews through redirects so this is not an issue.
url = 'https://shpro.link/redirect.php/'
data = urllib.parse.urlencode({'link': imageLink}).encode('ascii')
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url, data).read().decode('utf-8')
await self.bot.say(response)
2016-07-09 13:27:19 +12:00
async def roll(self, ctx, notation: str="d6"):
"""Rolls a die based on the notation given
Format should be #d#"""
dice = int(re.search("(\d*)d(\d*)", notation).group(1))
num = int(re.search("(\d*)d(\d*)", notation).group(2))
2016-07-17 02:20:17 +12:00
# This error will be hit if the notation is completely different than #d#
except AttributeError:
await self.bot.say("Please provide the die notation in #d#!")
2016-07-17 02:20:17 +12:00
# This error will be hit if there was an issue converting to an int
# This means the notation was still given wrong
except ValueError:
await self.bot.say("Please provide the die notation in #d#!")
2016-07-17 02:20:17 +12:00
# Dice will be None if d# was provided, assume this means 1d#
2016-07-15 03:15:13 +12:00
dice = dice or '1'
if dice > 10:
await self.bot.say("I'm not rolling more than 10 dice, I have tiny hands")
if num > 100:
await self.bot.say("What die has more than 100 sides? Please, calm down")
2016-07-15 03:16:03 +12:00
valueStr = ", ".join("{}".format(random.randint(1, num)) for i in range(0, int(dice)))
if int(dice) == 1:
2016-07-12 06:13:25 +12:00
fmt = '{0.message.author.name} has rolled a {2} sided die and got the number {3}!'
2016-07-12 05:58:53 +12:00
fmt = '{0.message.author.name} has rolled {1}, {2} sided dice and got the numbers {3}!'
2016-07-12 06:13:25 +12:00
await self.bot.say(fmt.format(ctx, dice, num, valueStr))
2016-07-09 13:27:19 +12:00
@commands.group(pass_context=True, invoke_without_command=True, no_pm=True)
async def tag(self, ctx, *tag: str):
2016-07-13 04:03:35 +12:00
"""This can be used for custom tags
The format to call a custom tag is !tag <tag>"""
tag = ' '.join(tag).strip()
cursor = config.getCursor()
2016-07-13 03:58:25 +12:00
cursor.execute('use {}'.format(config.db_default))
cursor.execute('select * from tags where server_id=%s and tag=%s', (ctx.message.server.id, tag))
result = cursor.fetchone()
if result is None:
await self.bot.say('That tag does not exist!')
await self.bot.say("{}".format(result['result']))
@tag.command(name='add', aliases=['create', 'start'], pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
2016-07-16 08:15:20 +12:00
async def add_tag(self, ctx, *result: str):
2016-07-13 04:03:35 +12:00
"""Use this to add a new tag that can be used in this server
Format to add a tag is !tag add <tag> - <result>"""
result = ' '.join(result).strip()
tag = result[0:result.find('-')]
result = result[result.find('-') + 2:]
cursor = config.getCursor()
cursor.execute('use {}'.format(config.db_default))
cursor.execute('select * from tags where server_id=%s and tag=%s', (ctx.message.server.id, tag))
2016-07-13 03:48:34 +12:00
response = cursor.fetchone()
if response is not None:
await self.bot.say('That tag already exists! Please remove it and re-add it if you want to change it')
sql = 'insert into tags (server_id, tag, result) values (%s, %s, %s)'
cursor.execute(sql, (ctx.message.server.id, tag, result))
await self.bot.say("I have just added the tag `{0}`! You can call this tag by entering !tag {0}".format(tag))
@tag.command(name='delete', aliases=['remove', 'stop'], pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
async def del_tag(self, ctx, *tag: str):
2016-07-13 04:03:35 +12:00
"""Use this to remove a tag that from use for this server
Format to delete a tag is !tag delete <tag>"""
tag = ' '.join(tag).strip()
cursor = config.getCursor()
cursor.execute('use {}'.format(config.db_default))
cursor.execute('select * from tags where server_id=%s and tag=%s', (ctx.message.server.id, tag))
result = cursor.fetchone()
if result is None:
await self.bot.say("The tag {} does not exist! You can't remove something if it doesn't exist...".format(tag))
cursor.execute('delete from tags where server_id=%s and tag=%s', (ctx.message.server.id, tag))
await self.bot.say('I have just removed the tag `{}`'.format(tag))
2016-07-09 13:27:19 +12:00
2016-07-13 03:58:57 +12:00
2016-07-09 13:27:19 +12:00
def setup(bot):