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import aiohttp
from io import BytesIO
import inspect
import discord
import traceback
2017-06-28 12:14:40 +12:00
from discord.ext import commands
from . import config
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
2019-01-28 15:58:39 +13:00
def channel_is_nsfw(channel):
return isinstance(channel, discord.DMChannel) or channel.is_nsfw()
2017-03-08 17:28:30 +13:00
async def download_image(url):
"""Returns a file-like object based on the URL provided"""
# Simply read the image, to get the bytes
bts = await request(url, attr="read")
if bts is None:
return None
# Then wrap it in a BytesIO object, to be used like an actual file
image = BytesIO(bts)
return image
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
async def request(
# Make sure our User Agent is what's set, and ensure it's sent even if no headers are passed
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
if headers is None:
headers = {}
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
headers["User-Agent"] = config.user_agent
# Try 5 times
for i in range(5):
# Create the session with our headeres
2018-07-15 16:05:43 +12:00
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers) as session:
# Make the request, based on the method, url, and paramaters given
async with session.request(method, url, params=payload) as response:
# If the request wasn't successful, re-attempt
if response.status != 200:
# Get the attribute requested
return_value = getattr(response, attr)
# Next check if this can be called
if callable(return_value):
# This is use for json; it checks the mimetype instead of checking if the actual data
# This causes some places with different mimetypes to fail, even if it's valid json
# This check allows us to force the content_type to use whatever content type is given
if force_content_type_json:
return_value = return_value(
return_value = return_value()
# If this is awaitable, await it
if inspect.isawaitable(return_value):
return_value = await return_value
# Then return it
return return_value
except AttributeError:
# If an invalid attribute was requested, return None
return None
# If an error was hit other than the one we want to catch, try again
2019-01-28 15:58:39 +13:00
async def log_error(error, bot, ctx=None):
# First set the actual channel if it's not set yet
if isinstance(bot.error_channel, int):
bot.error_channel = bot.get_channel(bot.error_channel)
# Format the error message
fmt = f"""```
{error.__class__.__name__}: {error}```"""
# Add the command if ctx is given
if ctx is not None:
fmt = f"Command = {discord.utils.escape_markdown(ctx.message.clean_content).strip()}\n{fmt}"
# If no channel is set, log to a file
if bot.error_channel is None:
fmt = fmt.strip("`")
with open("error_log", "a") as f:
print(fmt, file=f)
# Otherwise send to the error channel
await bot.error_channel.send(fmt)
2017-06-28 12:14:40 +12:00
async def convert(ctx, option):
"""Tries to convert a string to an object of useful representiation"""
2019-01-28 15:58:39 +13:00
# Due to id's being ints, it's very possible that an int is passed
option = str(option)
2017-06-28 12:14:40 +12:00
cmd = ctx.bot.get_command(option)
if cmd:
return cmd
async def do_convert(converter, _ctx, _option):
return await converter.convert(_ctx, _option)
except commands.converter.BadArgument:
return None
member = await do_convert(commands.converter.MemberConverter(), ctx, option)
if member:
return member
channel = await do_convert(commands.converter.TextChannelConverter(), ctx, option)
if channel:
return channel
channel = await do_convert(commands.converter.VoiceChannelConverter(), ctx, option)
if channel:
return channel
role = await do_convert(commands.converter.RoleConverter(), ctx, option)
if role:
return role
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
2019-01-28 15:58:39 +13:00
def update_rating(winner_rating, loser_rating):
# The scale is based off of increments of 25, increasing the change by 1 for each increment
# That is all this loop does, increment the "change" for every increment of 25
# The change caps off at 300 however, so break once we are over that limit
difference = abs(winner_rating - loser_rating)
rating_change = 0
count = 25
while count <= difference:
if count > 300:
rating_change += 1
count += 25
# 16 is the base change, increased or decreased based on whoever has the higher current rating
if winner_rating > loser_rating:
winner_rating += 16 - rating_change
loser_rating -= 16 - rating_change
winner_rating += 16 + rating_change
loser_rating -= 16 + rating_change
return winner_rating, loser_rating
2017-06-07 20:30:19 +12:00
async def update_records(key, db, winner, loser):
# We're using the Harkness scale to rate
# http://opnetchessclub.wikidot.com/harkness-rating-system
2019-01-28 15:58:39 +13:00
wins = f"{key}_wins"
losses = f"{key}_losses"
key = f"{key}_rating"
winner_found = False
loser_found = False
query = (
f"SELECT id, {key}, {wins}, {losses} FROM users WHERE id = any($1::bigint[])"
results = await db.fetch(query, [winner.id, loser.id])
2019-01-28 15:58:39 +13:00
# Set our defaults for the stats
2019-01-28 15:58:39 +13:00
winner_rating = loser_rating = 1000
winner_wins = loser_wins = 0
winner_losses = loser_losses = 0
2019-01-28 15:58:39 +13:00
for result in results:
if result["id"] == winner.id:
winner_found = True
2019-01-28 15:58:39 +13:00
winner_rating = result[key]
winner_wins = result[wins]
winner_losses = result[losses]
2019-01-28 15:58:39 +13:00
loser_found = True
2019-01-28 15:58:39 +13:00
loser_rating = result[key]
loser_wins = result[wins]
loser_losses = result[losses]
# The scale is based off of increments of 25, increasing the change by 1 for each increment
# That is all this loop does, increment the "change" for every increment of 25
# The change caps off at 300 however, so break once we are over that limit
difference = abs(winner_rating - loser_rating)
rating_change = 0
count = 25
while count <= difference:
if count > 300:
rating_change += 1
count += 25
# 16 is the base change, increased or decreased based on whoever has the higher current rating
if winner_rating > loser_rating:
winner_rating += 16 - rating_change
loser_rating -= 16 - rating_change
winner_rating += 16 + rating_change
loser_rating -= 16 + rating_change
# Just increase wins/losses for each person
winner_wins += 1
loser_losses += 1
update_query = f"UPDATE users SET {key}=$1, {wins}=$2, {losses}=$3 WHERE id = $4"
create_query = (
f"INSERT INTO users ({key}, {wins}, {losses}, id) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)"
if winner_found:
await db.execute(
update_query, winner_rating, winner_wins, winner_losses, winner.id
await db.execute(
create_query, winner_rating, winner_wins, winner_losses, winner.id
if loser_found:
await db.execute(update_query, loser_rating, loser_wins, loser_losses, loser.id)
await db.execute(create_query, loser_rating, loser_wins, loser_losses, loser.id)