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2019-05-27 18:45:09 +12:00
from discord.ext import commands
from cogs.utils.dataIO import dataIO
from collections import deque, defaultdict
from __main__ import send_cmd_help, settings
from .utils import checks
from datetime import datetime as dt, timedelta
import discord
import os
import copy
default_settings = {
"anti-log" : None,
"slowmode_channels" : []
class Antiraid:
'''Antiraid toolkit.'''
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
settings = dataIO.load_json("data/antiraid/settings.json")
self.settings = defaultdict(lambda: default_settings.copy(), settings)
self.sm_cache = {}
@commands.group(pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
async def antiraid(self, ctx):
"""Antiraid settings."""
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await send_cmd_help(ctx)
@antiraid.group(pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
async def slowmode(self, ctx):
"""Slowmode settings.\nChannels that have slowmode enabled will delete a users messages if they posted less than 5 seconds from their last one. This inculdes messages deleted via slowmode. \nNote, any user who has the "manage_messages" for the channel set to true is exempt from being slowed."""
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None or \
isinstance(ctx.invoked_subcommand, commands.Group):
await send_cmd_help(ctx)
@slowmode.command(name="list", pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
async def _slowmode_list(self, ctx):
"""List the channels currently in slowmode."""
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
server = ctx.message.server
schannels = self.settings[server.id].get("slowmode_channels", [])
schannels = [discord.utils.get(server.channels, id=sc) for sc in schannels]
schannels = [sc.name for sc in schannels if sc is not None]
if schannels:
await self.bot.say("\n:eight_spoked_asterisk: The following channel(s) are in slowmode:\n\n```diff\n+ " + "\n+ ".join(schannels) + "```")
await self.bot.say("There are currently no channels in slowmode.")
@slowmode.command(name="enable", pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
async def _slowmode_enable(self, ctx, *channel: discord.Channel):
"""Adds channels to the servers slowmode list."""
server = ctx.message.server
serverchannels = [x.id for x in server.channels]
channels = [r for r in channel if str(r.id) in serverchannels]
schannels = self.settings[server.id].get("slowmode_channels", [])
schannels = [discord.utils.get(server.channels, id=sc) for sc in schannels]
schannels = [sc.id for sc in schannels if sc is not None]
ctmp = {
"worked" : [],
"present" : [],
"noperm" : []
msg = "\n**Slowmode notices:**\n"
#for schannels in serverchannels:
# ctmp["listed"].append(schannels)
for channel in channels:
if channel.id in schannels:
elif channel.permissions_for(server.me).manage_messages == True:
if ctmp["worked"]:
msg += "\n:white_check_mark: The following channel(s) are now in slowmode:\n\n```diff\n+ " + "\n+ ".join(ctmp["worked"]) + "```"
if ctmp["present"]:
msg += "\n:eight_spoked_asterisk: The following channel(s) are already in slowmode:\n\n```diff\n+ " + "\n+ ".join(ctmp["present"]) + "```"
if ctmp["noperm"]:
msg += "\n:anger:I do not have the perms to add the following channel(s) you gave me! These are not in slowmode!:anger:\n\n```diff\n- " + "\n- ".join(ctmp["noperm"]) + "```"
await self.bot.say(msg)
@slowmode.command(name="disable", pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
async def _slowmode_disable(self, ctx, *channel: discord.Channel):
"""Removes channels from the servers slowmode list."""
server = ctx.message.server
serverchannels = [x.id for x in server.channels]
channels = [r for r in channel if str(r.id) in serverchannels]
schannels = self.settings[server.id].get("slowmode_channels", [])
ctmp = {
"worked" : [],
"cleanupf" : [],
"nodata" : []
msg = "\n**Slowmode notices:**\n"
#for schannels in serverchannels:
# ctmp["listed"].append(schannels)
for channel in channels:
except ValueError:
#Check for and clean channals that no longer exist
for c in schannels:
if c not in serverchannels:
except ValueError:
if ctmp["worked"]:
msg += "\n:white_check_mark: The following channel(s) are no longer in slowmode:\n\n```diff\n+ " + "\n+ ".join(ctmp["worked"]) + "```"
if ctmp["nodata"]:
msg += "\n:eight_spoked_asterisk: The following channel(s) weren't in slowmode, no changes needed:\n\n```diff\n+ " + "\n+ ".join(ctmp["nodata"]) + "```"
if ctmp["cleanupf"]:
msg += "\n:exclamation: There was and issue cleaning while preforming a self cleanup! This won't affect the anti raid system, but please contact my owner with the follow data so he can take care of it, thank you!\n\n```diff\n- " + "\n- ".join(ctmp["cleanupf"]) + "```"
await self.bot.say(msg)
async def check_slowmode(self, message):
server = message.server
channel = message.channel
author = message.author
ts = message.timestamp
if server.id not in self.settings:
return False
if channel.id in self.settings[server.id]["slowmode_channels"]:
if channel.id not in self.sm_cache:
self.sm_cache[channel.id] = {}
self.sm_cache[channel.id]["npermsc"] = 0
if channel.permissions_for(author).manage_messages == True:
return False
if channel.permissions_for(server.me).manage_messages == False:
if self.sm_cache[channel.id]["npermsc"] == 0:
await self.bot.send_message(channel, "\n**Slowmode notices:**\n:anger: I no longer have the perms to keep this channel in slowmode! Please restore the manage_messages perm to me, or remove this channel from slowmode!:anger:")
self.sm_cache[channel.id]["npermsc"] += 1
return False
elif self.sm_cache[channel.id]["npermsc"] == 10:
self.sm_cache[channel.id]["npermsc"] = 0
return False
self.sm_cache[channel.id]["npermsc"] += 1
return False
if author.id not in self.sm_cache[channel.id]:
self.sm_cache[channel.id][author.id] = {}
data = {}
data["LastMsgTime"] = ts
data["Counter"] = 0
self.sm_cache[channel.id][author.id] = data
return False
data = self.sm_cache[channel.id][author.id]
LastMsgTime = data["LastMsgTime"]
if (ts - data["LastMsgTime"]) < timedelta(seconds = 5):
await self.bot.delete_message(message)
data["Counter"] += 1
if data["Counter"] == 3:
msg = "\n:no_entry:**Slowmode notices**:no_entry: \n ```diff\n Hold your horses!\n- This channel is in slowmode! Please wait 5 seconds between sending messages.\n Thank you!```\n{}".format(author.mention)
await self.bot.send_message(channel, msg)
data["LastMsgTime"] = ts
self.sm_cache[channel.id][author.id] = data
return True
data["LastMsgTime"] = ts
data["Counter"] = 0
self.sm_cache[channel.id][author.id] = data
return False
async def on_message(self, message):
if message.channel.is_private or self.bot.user == message.author \
or not isinstance(message.author, discord.Member):
# elif self.is_mod_or_superior(message):
# return
await self.check_slowmode(message)
def save(self):
dataIO.save_json("data/antiraid/settings.json", self.settings)
def check_folder():
if not os.path.exists('data/antiraid'):
print('Creating data/antiraid folder...')
def check_files():
ignore_list = {"SERVERS": [], "CHANNELS": []}
files = {
"settings.json" : {}
for filename, value in files.items():
if not os.path.isfile("data/antiraid/{}".format(filename)):
print("Creating empty {}".format(filename))
dataIO.save_json("data/antiraid/{}".format(filename), value)
def setup(bot):
n = Antiraid(bot)