Campbell Barton b3bd842e04 Make functions static, ensure declarations match headers (#610)
This patch used -Wmissing-declarations warning
to show functions and symbols that had no declarations, and either:

- Make static
- Add to header

This helps avoid possability that declarations and functions get out of sync.
And ensures all source files reference headers correctly.

It also makes sure functions defined with extern "C",
have this defined in the header. An error found in calligraph.h while writing this patch.

This has been applied to toonzlib, to avoid making very large global changes.
If accepted, -Wmissing-declarations warning could be added to CMake.
2016-07-13 21:05:06 +09:00

391 lines
11 KiB

#include <memory>
// SDirection.cpp: implementation of the CSDirection class.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "SDirection.h"
#include "SError.h"
// Construction/Destruction
CSDirection::CSDirection() : m_lX(0), m_lY(0), m_lDf(0) {
for (int i = 0; i < NBDIR; i++) m_df[i] = 0;
CSDirection::CSDirection(const int lX, const int lY, const UCHAR *sel,
const int sens)
: m_lX(lX), m_lY(lY), m_lDf(0) {
for (int i = 0; i < NBDIR; i++) m_df[i] = 0;
try {
if (m_lX > 0 && m_lY > 0) {
m_dir.reset(new UCHAR[m_lX * m_lY]);
if (!m_dir) {
throw SMemAllocError("in directionMap");
memcpy(m_dir.get(), sel, sizeof(UCHAR) * m_lX * m_lY);
// For optimalization purpose.
// The quality is better, if it is removed.
// setContourBorder(2);
} catch (SMemAllocError) {
CSDirection::CSDirection(const int lX, const int lY, const UCHAR *sel,
const int sens, const int border)
: m_lX(lX), m_lY(lY), m_lDf(0) {
for (int i = 0; i < NBDIR; i++) m_df[i] = 0;
try {
if (m_lX > 0 && m_lY > 0) {
m_dir.reset(new UCHAR[m_lX * m_lY]);
if (!m_dir) {
throw SMemAllocError("in directionMap");
memcpy(m_dir.get(), sel, sizeof(UCHAR) * m_lX * m_lY);
if (border > 0) setContourBorder(border);
} catch (SMemAllocError) {
bool CSDirection::isContourBorder(const int xx, const int yy,
const int border) {
for (int y = yy - border; y <= (yy + border); y++)
for (int x = xx - border; x <= (xx + border); x++)
if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < m_lX && y < m_lY)
if (*(m_dir.get() + y * m_lX + x) == (UCHAR)0) return true;
return false;
void CSDirection::setContourBorder(const int border) {
UCHAR *pDir = m_dir.get();
int y = 0;
for (y = 0; y < m_lY; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < m_lX; x++, pDir++)
if (*pDir == (UCHAR)1)
if (!isContourBorder(x, y, border)) *pDir = (UCHAR)2;
int xy = m_lX * m_lY;
pDir = m_dir.get();
for (y = 0; y < xy; y++, pDir++) *pDir = *pDir == (UCHAR)2 ? (UCHAR)0 : *pDir;
void CSDirection::null() {
for (auto &&df : m_df) {
m_lX = m_lY = 0;
m_lDf = 0;
CSDirection::~CSDirection() { null(); }
double CSDirection::adjustAngle(const short sum[4], const int Ima,
const int Im45, const int Ip45) {
short ma = std::max(sum[Im45], sum[Ip45]);
if (ma < 0) return 0.0;
if ((double)ma < (double)sum[Ima] / 10.0) return 0.0;
if (((double)abs(sum[Im45] - sum[Ip45]) / (double)ma) < 0.5) return 0.0;
double d = 45.0 * (double)ma / (double)(sum[Ima] + ma);
if (ma == sum[Im45]) return -d;
return d;
double CSDirection::getAngle(const short sum[4], short ma) {
int nbMax = ma == sum[0] ? 1 : 0;
nbMax = ma == sum[1] ? nbMax + 1 : nbMax;
nbMax = ma == sum[2] ? nbMax + 1 : nbMax;
nbMax = ma == sum[3] ? nbMax + 1 : nbMax;
double diff = 50.0;
if (nbMax == 1) {
double angle, corrAngle;
if (ma == sum[0]) {
angle = 0.0;
corrAngle = adjustAngle(sum, 0, 3, 1);
if (corrAngle < 0.0) angle = 180.0;
} else if (ma == sum[1]) {
angle = 45.0;
corrAngle = adjustAngle(sum, 1, 0, 2);
} else if (ma == sum[2]) {
angle = 90.0;
corrAngle = adjustAngle(sum, 2, 1, 3);
} else {
angle = 135.0;
corrAngle = adjustAngle(sum, 3, 2, 0);
return angle + corrAngle + diff;
///* ?????????????????????? kiprobalni
if (nbMax == 2) {
if (ma == sum[0] && ma == sum[1]) return 22.5 + diff;
if (ma == sum[0] && ma == sum[3]) return 157.5 + diff;
if (ma == sum[1] && ma == sum[2]) return 67.5 + diff;
if (ma == sum[2] && ma == sum[3]) return 112.5 + diff;
return 1.0;
UCHAR CSDirection::getDir(const int xx, const int yy, UCHAR *sel) {
short sum[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
short w = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_lDf; i++) {
int x = xx + m_df[0][i].x;
int y = yy + m_df[0][i].y;
if (y >= 0 && y < m_lY && x >= 0 && x < m_lX) {
UCHAR *pSel = sel + y * m_lX + x;
for (int j = 0; j < NBDIR; j++) sum[j] += (short)(*pSel) * m_df[j][i].w;
w += (short)(*pSel);
if (w == 0) return 0;
short ma = *std::max_element(sum, sum + 4);
double angle = getAngle(sum, ma);
// tmsg_info(" - dir - %d, %d, %d, %d angle=%f", sum[0],sum[1],sum[2],sum[3],
// angle-50.0);
return UC_ROUND(angle);
void CSDirection::makeDir(UCHAR *sel) {
UCHAR *pSel = sel;
UCHAR *pDir = m_dir.get();
for (int y = 0; y < m_lY; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < m_lX; x++, pSel++, pDir++) {
*pDir = 0;
if (*pSel > 0) *pDir = getDir(x, y, sel);
UCHAR CSDirection::equalizeDir_GTE50(UCHAR *sel, const int xx, const int yy,
const int d) {
int sum = 0;
int w = 0;
int aa;
aa = (int)*(sel + yy * m_lX + xx) - 50;
for (int y = yy - d; y <= (yy + d); y++)
for (int x = xx - d; x <= (xx + d); x++)
if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < m_lX && y < m_lY) {
UCHAR *pSel = sel + y * m_lX + x;
int a = (int)*pSel;
if (a >= 50) {
a -= 50;
if (aa < 90 && a > 135) {
a = -(180 - a);
} else if (aa > 90 && a < 45) {
a = 180 + a;
sum += a;
if (w > 0) {
double q = (double)sum / (double)w;
int a = I_ROUND(q);
if (a >= 180) {
a -= 180;
} else if (a < 0) {
a = 180 + a;
return (UCHAR)(a + 50);
return *(sel + yy * m_lX + xx);
UCHAR CSDirection::equalizeDir_LT50(UCHAR *sel, const int xx, const int yy,
const int d) {
int sum = 0;
int w = 0;
for (int y = yy - d; y <= (yy + d); y++)
for (int x = xx - d; x <= (xx + d); x++)
if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < m_lX && y < m_lY) {
int a = (int)*(sel + y * m_lX + x);
if (a >= 50) {
a -= 50;
sum += a;
if (w > 0) {
double q = (double)sum / (double)w;
int a = I_ROUND(q);
if (a >= 180) {
a -= 180;
} else if (a < 0) {
a = 180 + a;
return (UCHAR)(a + 50);
return *(sel + yy * m_lX + xx);
void CSDirection::equalizeDir(UCHAR *sel, const int d) {
UCHAR *pSel = sel;
UCHAR *pDir = m_dir.get();
for (int y = 0; y < m_lY; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < m_lX; x++, pSel++) {
if (*pSel > (UCHAR)0) {
if (*pSel >= (UCHAR)50)
*pDir = equalizeDir_GTE50(sel, x, y, d);
*pDir = equalizeDir_LT50(sel, x, y, d);
} else
*pDir = (UCHAR)0;
static UCHAR getRadius(const double angle, const double r[4]) {
double p, q;
if (angle >= 0.0 && angle < 45.0) {
q = angle / 45.0;
p = r[0] * (1.0 - q) + r[1] * q;
} else if (angle >= 45.0 && angle < 90.0) {
q = (angle - 45.0) / 45.0;
p = r[1] * (1.0 - q) + r[2] * q;
} else if (angle >= 90.0 && angle < 135.0) {
q = (angle - 90.0) / 45.0;
p = r[2] * (1.0 - q) + r[3] * q;
} else {
q = (angle - 135.0) / 45.0;
p = r[3] * (1.0 - q) + r[0] * q;
return (UCHAR)(1 + I_ROUND(p * 254.0));
void CSDirection::makeDirFilter(const int sens) {
const int size = 2 * sens + 1;
const int middle = size / 2;
const int maxVal = size - 1;
m_lDf = size * size;
for (int i = 0; i < NBDIR; i++) {
m_df[i].reset(new SXYW[m_lDf]);
if (!m_df[i]) {
throw SMemAllocError("in directionMap");
for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < size; x++) {
int xy = y * size + x;
m_df[i][xy].x = x - middle;
m_df[i][xy].y = y - middle;
switch (i) {
case 0:
// Horizontal
m_df[i][xy].w = y == middle ? maxVal : -1;
case 1:
// Left - Right
m_df[i][xy].w = x == y ? maxVal : -1;
case 2:
// Vertical
m_df[i][xy].w = x == middle ? maxVal : -1;
case 3:
// Right - Left
m_df[i][xy].w = (x + y) == (size - 1) ? maxVal : -1;
UCHAR CSDirection::blurRadius(UCHAR *sel, const int xx, const int yy,
const int dBlur) {
int sum, w;
sum = w = 0;
for (int y = yy - dBlur; y <= (yy + dBlur); y++)
for (int x = xx - dBlur; x <= (xx + dBlur); x++)
if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < m_lX && y < m_lY) {
UCHAR *pSel = sel + y * m_lX + x;
if (*pSel > (UCHAR)0) {
sum += (int)(*pSel);
if (w > 0) {
double d = (double)sum / (double)w;
d = D_CUT_0_255(d);
return UC_ROUND(d);
return *(sel + yy * m_lX + xx);
void CSDirection::blurRadius(const int dBlur) {
if (m_lX > 0 && m_lY > 0 && m_dir) {
std::unique_ptr<UCHAR[]> sel(new UCHAR[m_lX * m_lY]);
if (!sel) throw SMemAllocError("in directionMap");
memcpy(sel.get(), m_dir.get(), m_lX * m_lY * sizeof(UCHAR));
UCHAR *pSel = sel.get();
UCHAR *pDir = m_dir.get();
for (int y = 0; y < m_lY; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < m_lX; x++, pSel++, pDir++)
if (*pSel > (UCHAR)0) *pDir = blurRadius(sel.get(), x, y, dBlur);
void CSDirection::setDir01() {
int xy = m_lX * m_lY;
UCHAR *pDir = m_dir.get();
for (int i = 0; i < xy; i++, pDir++)
*pDir = *pDir > (UCHAR)0 ? (UCHAR)1 : (UCHAR)0;
void CSDirection::doDir() {
if (m_lX > 0 && m_lY > 0 && m_dir) {
std::unique_ptr<UCHAR[]> sel(new UCHAR[m_lX * m_lY]);
if (!sel) throw SMemAllocError("in directionMap");
size_t length = (size_t)(m_lX * m_lY * sizeof(UCHAR));
memcpy(sel.get(), m_dir.get(), length);
memcpy(sel.get(), m_dir.get(), length);
equalizeDir(sel.get(), 3);
void CSDirection::doRadius(const double rH, const double rLR, const double rV,
const double rRL, const int dBlur) {
try {
int xy = m_lX * m_lY;
UCHAR *pDir = m_dir.get();
double r[4] = {D_CUT_0_1(rH), D_CUT_0_1(rLR), D_CUT_0_1(rV),
for (int i = 0; i < xy; i++, pDir++)
if (*pDir < (UCHAR)50) {
*pDir = (UCHAR)0;
} else
*pDir = getRadius((double)(*pDir - 50), r);
if (dBlur > 0) blurRadius(dBlur);
} catch (SMemAllocError) {
void CSDirection::getResult(UCHAR *sel) {
memcpy(sel, m_dir.get(), (size_t)(m_lX * m_lY * sizeof(UCHAR)));