shun-iwasawa 5083a56d27 cell mark
2021-12-24 00:20:04 -05:00

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#pragma once
#ifndef XDTSIO_H
#define XDTSIO_H
#include "tfilepath.h"
#include <QString>
#include <QList>
#include <QPair>
#include <QStringList>
#include <iostream>
class ToonzScene;
class TFilePath;
class TXsheet;
class TXshCellColumn;
class QJsonObject;
namespace XdtsIo {
enum FieldId { CELL = 0, DIALOG = 3, CAMERAWORK = 5 };
// (*1) Field: Input location of each timesheet instruction.
// Fields are divided into cells, dialog, and camerawork.
// [FieldId] [field name] [details]
// 0 Cell Field for cell numbers
// 3 Dialog Field for speaker names and line timing
// 5 Camerawork Field for camerawork instructions
// "description": "Cut / scene information",
class XdtsHeader {
//"description": "Cut No."
//"pattern" : "\\d{1,4}"
QString m_cut;
//"description": "Scene No.",
//"pattern" : "\\d{1,4}"
QString m_scene;
// "required": ["cut", "scene"]
void read(const QJsonObject &json);
void write(QJsonObject &json) const;
bool isEmpty() const { return m_cut.isEmpty() && m_scene.isEmpty(); }
//"description": "Frame instruction information",
class XdtsFrameDataItem {
//"description": "Instruction type(*2)",
//*2 Currently only supports instructions with id=0.
enum DataId { Default = 0 } m_id;
//"description": "Instruction value(*3)",
QList<QString> m_values;
// "minItems" : 1,
//"required": ["id", "values"]
//(*3) Values are different depending on the field type.
// Values for each field are as follows.
// [Field name: Cell]
// Enter the cell number string and special instruction string(*4)
// (value element numbers: 1)
// [Field name: Dialog]
// In the dialog's first frame, enter the speaker name in the first
// element, and the dialog's string in the second element.
// When the line lasts for multiple frames, specify the character
// string "SYMBOL_HYPHEN" up to the end frame.
// (value element numbers: 1<>`2)
// [Field name: Camerawork]
// In the camerawork's first frame, enter the camerawork instruction
// string When the camerawork lasts for multiple frames, specify the
// character string "SYMBOL_HYPHEN" up to the end frame.
// (value element numbers: 1)
//(*4) Special instruction character strings
// [Character string] [Instruction] [Valid field]
// SYMBOL_TICK_1 Inbetween symbol(<28>) Cell
// SYMBOL_TICK_2 Reverse sheet symbol(<28>œ) Cell
// SYMBOL_NULL_CELL Empty cell symbol(<28>~) Cell
// SYMBOL_HYPHEN Continue previous All fields
// field instruction
TFrameId str2Fid(const QString &) const;
QString fid2Str(const TFrameId &) const;
enum { SYMBOL_TICK_1 = -100, SYMBOL_TICK_2 = -200 };
XdtsFrameDataItem() : m_id(Default) {}
XdtsFrameDataItem(TFrameId fId) : m_id(Default) {
void read(const QJsonObject &json);
void write(QJsonObject &json) const;
TFrameId getFrameId() const;
//"description": "Individual layer frame information",
class XdtsTrackFrameItem {
//"description": "Frame instruction information",
QList<XdtsFrameDataItem> m_data;
//"description": "Frame No.(*5)",
// (*5) Set as 0 when specifying the first frame.
//"minimum" : 0
int m_frame;
//"required": ["data", "frame"]
XdtsTrackFrameItem() = default;
XdtsTrackFrameItem(int frame, TFrameId fId) : m_frame(frame) {
void read(const QJsonObject &json);
void write(QJsonObject &json) const;
QPair<int, TFrameId> frameFid() const;
//"description": "Individual field layer info",
class XdtsFieldTrackItem {
//"description": "Individual layer frame information",
QList<XdtsTrackFrameItem> m_frames;
//"description": "Layer No.(*6)",
// (*6) Set as 0 for the bottom layer.
// corresponds to column numbers in OT
int m_trackNo;
// "minimum" : 0
//"required": ["frames", "trackNo"]
XdtsFieldTrackItem(int trackNo = 0) : m_trackNo(trackNo) {}
void read(const QJsonObject &json);
void write(QJsonObject &json) const;
bool isEmpty() const { return m_frames.isEmpty(); }
int getTrackNo() const { return m_trackNo; }
QVector<TFrameId> getCellFrameIdTrack(QList<int> &tick1,
QList<int> &tick2) const;
QString build(TXshCellColumn *);
void addFrame(int frame, TFrameId fId) {
m_frames.append(XdtsTrackFrameItem(frame, fId));
class XdtsTimeTableFieldItem {
// "description": "Field type(*1)",
FieldId m_fieldId;
//"description": "Individual field layer info",
QList<XdtsFieldTrackItem> m_tracks;
//"required": ["fieldId", "tracks"]
XdtsTimeTableFieldItem(FieldId fieldId = CELL) : m_fieldId(fieldId) {}
void read(const QJsonObject &json);
void write(QJsonObject &json) const;
bool isCellField() { return m_fieldId == CELL; }
QList<int> getOccupiedColumns() const;
QVector<TFrameId> getColumnTrack(int col, QList<int> &tick1,
QList<int> &tick2) const;
void build(TXsheet *, QStringList &);
class XdtsTimeTableHeaderItem {
//"description": "Field type(*1)",
FieldId m_fieldId;
//"description": "Layer name array(*7)",
//(*7) Specify layer names with trackNo's that match numbers counted as 0,1,2,
// etc.
QStringList m_names;
//"required": ["fieldId", "names"]
XdtsTimeTableHeaderItem(FieldId fieldId = CELL) : m_fieldId(fieldId) {}
void read(const QJsonObject &json);
void write(QJsonObject &json) const;
bool isCellField() { return m_fieldId == CELL; }
QStringList getLayerNames() const { return m_names; }
void build(QStringList &);
void addName(QString name) { m_names.append(name); }
class XdtsTimeTableItem {
//"description": "Individual field info",
QList<XdtsTimeTableFieldItem> m_fields;
int m_cellFieldIndex = -1;
//"description": "Timesheet total frames",
//"minimum" : 1
int m_duration;
//"description": "Timesheet name",
QString m_name;
// "description": "Individual field layer name",
QList<XdtsTimeTableHeaderItem> m_timeTableHeaders;
int m_cellHeaderIndex = -1;
//"required": ["duration", "name", "timeTableHeaders"]
void read(const QJsonObject &json);
void write(QJsonObject &json) const;
QStringList getLevelNames() const;
XdtsTimeTableFieldItem getCellField() { return m_fields[m_cellFieldIndex]; }
XdtsTimeTableHeaderItem getCellHeader() {
return m_timeTableHeaders[m_cellHeaderIndex];
int getDuration() { return m_duration; }
void build(TXsheet *, QString, int duration);
bool isEmpty() {
return m_duration == 0 || m_fields.isEmpty() ||
// "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema",
class XdtsData {
XdtsHeader m_header;
//"description": "Timesheet info",
//"minItems" : 1,
QList<XdtsTimeTableItem> m_timeTables;
// "description": "XTDS file format version",
enum Version { Ver_2018_11_29 = 5 } m_version;
//"required": ["timeTables", "version"]
XdtsData(Version version = Ver_2018_11_29) : m_version(version) {}
void read(const QJsonObject &json);
void write(QJsonObject &json) const;
QStringList getLevelNames() const;
XdtsTimeTableItem &timeTable() { return m_timeTables[0]; }
void build(TXsheet *, QString, int duration);
bool isEmpty() { return m_timeTables.isEmpty(); }
bool loadXdtsScene(ToonzScene *scene, const TFilePath &scenePath);
} // namespace XdtsIo