Campbell Barton b3bd842e04 Make functions static, ensure declarations match headers (#610)
This patch used -Wmissing-declarations warning
to show functions and symbols that had no declarations, and either:

- Make static
- Add to header

This helps avoid possability that declarations and functions get out of sync.
And ensures all source files reference headers correctly.

It also makes sure functions defined with extern "C",
have this defined in the header. An error found in calligraph.h while writing this patch.

This has been applied to toonzlib, to avoid making very large global changes.
If accepted, -Wmissing-declarations warning could be added to CMake.
2016-07-13 21:05:06 +09:00

1550 lines
47 KiB

#include "toonz/tcenterlinevectorizer.h"
// TnzCore includes
#include "tsystem.h"
#include "tstopwatch.h"
#include "tpalette.h"
#include "trastercm.h"
#include "ttoonzimage.h"
#include "tregion.h"
#include "tstroke.h"
#include "trasterimage.h"
#include "tmathutil.h"
// tcg includes
#include "tcg/tcg_numeric_ops.h"
#include "tcg/tcg_function_types.h"
// STD includes
#include <cmath>
#include <functional>
#undef DEBUG
struct ControlPoint {
TStroke *m_stroke;
int m_index;
ControlPoint(TStroke *stroke, int index) : m_stroke(stroke), m_index(index) {}
TPointD getPoint() const { return m_stroke->getControlPoint(m_index); }
void setPoint(const TPointD &p) {
TThickPoint point = m_stroke->getControlPoint(m_index);
point.x = p.x;
point.y = p.y;
m_stroke->setControlPoint(m_index, point);
class Node;
class DataPixel {
TPoint m_pos;
int m_value;
bool m_ink;
Node *m_node;
DataPixel() : m_value(0), m_ink(false), m_node(0) {}
#ifdef _WIN32
template class DV_EXPORT_API TSmartPointerT<TRasterT<DataPixel>>;
typedef TRasterPT<DataPixel> DataRasterP;
class Junction;
class Node {
Node *m_other;
DataPixel *m_pixel;
Node *m_prev, *m_next;
Junction *m_junction;
#ifdef DEBUG
bool m_flag;
bool m_visited;
: m_pixel(0)
, m_prev(0)
, m_next(0)
, m_junction(0)
#ifdef DEBUG
m_visited(false) {
class ProtoStroke;
class Junction {
TThickPoint m_center;
std::deque<Node *> m_nodes;
int m_junctionOrder;
std::vector<ProtoStroke *> m_protoStrokes;
bool m_locked;
: m_center()
, m_nodes()
, m_junctionOrder(0)
, m_protoStrokes()
, m_locked(false) {}
bool isConvex();
class ProtoStroke {
TPointD m_startDirection, m_endDirection;
Junction *m_startJunction, *m_endJunction;
std::deque<TThickPoint> m_points;
: m_points()
, m_startDirection()
, m_endDirection()
, m_startJunction(0)
, m_endJunction(0) {}
ProtoStroke(std::deque<TThickPoint>::iterator it_b,
std::deque<TThickPoint>::iterator it_e)
: m_points(it_b, it_e)
, m_startDirection()
, m_endDirection()
, m_startJunction(0)
, m_endJunction(0) {}
static double computeDistance2(Node *na, Node *nb) {
TPointD d = convert(na->m_pixel->m_pos - nb->m_pixel->m_pos);
return d * d;
static void renormalizeImage(TVectorImage *vi) {
int i, j;
int n = vi->getStrokeCount();
std::vector<ControlPoint> points;
points.reserve(n * 2);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
TStroke *stroke = vi->getStroke(i);
int m = stroke->getControlPointCount();
if (m > 0) {
if (m == 1)
points.push_back(ControlPoint(stroke, 0));
else {
points.push_back(ControlPoint(stroke, 0));
points.push_back(ControlPoint(stroke, m - 1));
int count = points.size();
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
ControlPoint &pi = points[i];
TPointD posi = pi.getPoint();
TPointD center = posi;
std::vector<int> neighbours;
for (j = i + 1; j < count; j++) {
TPointD posj = points[j].getPoint();
double d = tdistance(posj, posi);
if (d < 0.01) {
center += posj;
int m = neighbours.size();
if (m == 1) continue;
center = center * (1.0 / m);
for (j = 0; j < m; j++) points[neighbours[j]].setPoint(center);
class OutlineVectorizer {
TPalette *m_palette;
TRasterP m_src;
OutlineConfiguration m_configuration;
DataRasterP m_dataRaster;
std::vector<std::pair<int, DataRasterP>> m_dataRasterArray;
TVectorImageP m_vimage;
std::vector<Node *> m_nodes;
std::list<std::vector<TThickPoint>> m_protoOutlines;
std::vector<Junction *> m_junctions;
OutlineVectorizer(const OutlineConfiguration &configuration,
TPalette *palette)
: m_configuration(configuration), m_palette(palette) {}
void traceOutline(Node *initialNode);
void createOutlineStrokes();
void makeDataRaster(const TRasterP &src);
Node *findOtherSide(Node *node);
void clearNodes();
Node *createNode(DataPixel *pix);
void clearJunctions();
void init();
void link(DataPixel *pix, DataPixel *from, DataPixel *to);
TPoint computeGradient(DataPixel *pix) {
const int wrap = m_dataRaster->getWrap();
TPoint g(0, 0);
int n, s, w, e, nw, sw, ne, se;
w = pix[-1].m_value;
nw = pix[-1 + wrap].m_value;
sw = pix[-1 - wrap].m_value;
e = pix[+1].m_value;
ne = pix[+1 + wrap].m_value;
se = pix[+1 - wrap].m_value;
n = pix[+wrap].m_value;
s = pix[-wrap].m_value;
g.y = -sw + ne - se + nw + 2 * (n - s);
g.x = -sw + ne + se - nw + 2 * (e - w);
return g;
// not implemented
OutlineVectorizer(const OutlineVectorizer &);
OutlineVectorizer &operator=(const OutlineVectorizer &);
OutlineVectorizer::~OutlineVectorizer() {
void OutlineVectorizer::init() {
int y;
DataRasterP dataRaster = m_dataRaster;
const int wrap = dataRaster->getWrap();
const int delta[] = {-wrap - 1, -wrap, -wrap + 1, 1,
wrap + 1, wrap, wrap - 1, -1};
for (y = 1; y < dataRaster->getLy() - 1; y++) {
DataPixel *pix = dataRaster->pixels(y);
DataPixel *endPix = pix + dataRaster->getLx() - 1;
for (pix++; pix < endPix; ++pix) {
if ((pix->m_ink == false) || (pix[-wrap].m_ink && pix[wrap].m_ink &&
pix[-1].m_ink && pix[1].m_ink))
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (pix[delta[i]].m_ink && pix[delta[(i + 1) & 0x7]].m_ink == false)
int start = i;
if (i == 8) continue; // punto isolato
for (;;) {
int j = (i + 1) & 0x7;
assert(i < 8 && pix[delta[i]].m_ink);
assert(j < 8 && pix[delta[j]].m_ink == false);
j = (j + 1) & 0x7;
while (pix[delta[j]].m_ink == false);
assert(j < 8 && pix[delta[j]].m_ink);
if (((i + 2) & 0x7) != j || (i & 1) == 0) {
// il bianco comprende anche un fianco
link(pix, pix + delta[i], pix + delta[j]);
i = j;
assert(i < 8);
while (pix[delta[(i + 1) & 0x7]].m_ink) i = (i + 1) & 0x7;
assert(i < 8 && pix[delta[i]].m_ink);
assert(pix[delta[(i + 1) & 0x7]].m_ink == false);
if (i == start) break;
Node *OutlineVectorizer::createNode(DataPixel *pix) {
Node *node = new Node();
node->m_pixel = pix;
node->m_other = pix->m_node;
pix->m_node = node;
return node;
void OutlineVectorizer::clearNodes() {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (int)m_nodes.size(); i++) delete m_nodes[i];
void OutlineVectorizer::clearJunctions() {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (int)m_junctions.size(); i++) delete m_junctions[i];
void OutlineVectorizer::link(DataPixel *pix, DataPixel *srcPix,
DataPixel *dstPix) {
Node *srcNode = 0, *dstNode = 0, *node = 0;
Node *tmp;
for (tmp = pix->m_node; tmp; tmp = tmp->m_other) {
if (tmp->m_pixel == 0) continue;
if (tmp->m_prev && tmp->m_prev->m_pixel == srcPix) {
assert(srcNode == 0);
if (node) {
assert(node->m_next->m_pixel == dstPix);
assert(node->m_prev == 0);
node->m_prev = tmp->m_prev;
tmp->m_prev->m_next = node;
tmp->m_next = tmp->m_prev = 0;
tmp->m_pixel = 0;
assert(tmp->m_next == 0);
srcNode = tmp->m_prev;
node = tmp;
if (tmp->m_next && tmp->m_next->m_pixel == dstPix) {
assert(dstNode == 0);
if (node) {
assert(node->m_prev->m_pixel == srcPix);
assert(node->m_next == 0);
node->m_next = tmp->m_next;
tmp->m_next->m_prev = node;
tmp->m_next = tmp->m_prev = 0;
tmp->m_pixel = 0;
assert(tmp->m_prev == 0);
dstNode = tmp->m_next;
node = tmp;
if (!node) node = createNode(pix);
if (!srcNode) srcNode = createNode(srcPix);
if (!dstNode) dstNode = createNode(dstPix);
if (!node->m_next) {
node->m_next = dstNode;
assert(dstNode->m_prev == 0);
dstNode->m_prev = node;
if (!node->m_prev) {
node->m_prev = srcNode;
assert(srcNode->m_next == 0);
srcNode->m_next = node;
assert(node->m_next == dstNode);
assert(node->m_prev == srcNode);
assert(dstNode->m_prev == node);
assert(srcNode->m_next == node);
void OutlineVectorizer::traceOutline(Node *initialNode) {
Node *startNode = initialNode;
Node *node;
do {
if (!startNode) break;
node = findOtherSide(startNode);
if (!node) break;
double startDist2 = computeDistance2(startNode, node);
if (startDist2 > 0.1) break;
startNode = startNode->m_next;
} while (startNode != initialNode);
if (!startNode) return;
node = startNode;
std::vector<TThickPoint> points;
do {
node = node->m_next;
if (!node) break;
node->m_visited = true;
points.push_back(TThickPoint(convert(node->m_pixel->m_pos), 0));
} while (node != startNode);
Node *OutlineVectorizer::findOtherSide(Node *node) {
DataPixel *pix = node->m_pixel;
TPoint dir = -computeGradient(pix);
if (dir == TPoint(0, 0)) return 0;
TPoint d1(tsign(dir.x), 0), d2(0, tsign(dir.y));
int num = abs(dir.y), den = abs(dir.x);
if (num > den) {
tswap(d1, d2);
tswap(num, den);
TPoint pos = pix->m_pos;
int i;
for (i = 0;; i++) {
TPoint q(pos.x + d1.x * i + d2.x * num * i / den,
pos.y + d1.y * i + d2.y * num * i / den);
DataPixel *nextPix = m_dataRaster->pixels(q.y) + q.x;
if (nextPix->m_ink == false) break;
pix = nextPix;
if (!pix->m_node) {
const int wrap = m_dataRaster->getWrap();
if (pix[-1].m_node)
else if (pix[1].m_node)
else if (pix[wrap].m_node)
pix += wrap;
else if (pix[-wrap].m_node)
pix -= wrap;
else {
if (!pix->m_node) return 0;
Node *q = pix->m_node;
while (q->m_pixel == 0 && q->m_other) q = q->m_other;
assert(q && q->m_pixel == pix);
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if (!q->m_prev) break;
q = q->m_prev;
Node *best = q;
double bestDist2 = computeDistance2(q, node);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
q = q->m_next;
if (!q) break;
double dist2 = computeDistance2(q, node);
if (dist2 < bestDist2) {
bestDist2 = dist2;
best = q;
return best;
void OutlineVectorizer::createOutlineStrokes() {
m_vimage->enableRegionComputing(true, false);
int j;
for (j = 0; j < (int)m_nodes.size(); j++) {
Node *node = m_nodes[j];
if (node->m_pixel == 0 || node->m_visited) continue;
#ifdef DEBUG
for (j = 0; j < (int)m_nodes.size(); j++) {
Node *node = m_nodes[j];
if (node->m_pixel == 0 || node->m_flag) continue;
std::list<std::vector<TThickPoint>>::iterator it_outlines =
for (it_outlines; it_outlines != m_protoOutlines.end(); it_outlines++) {
if (it_outlines->size() > 3) {
std::vector<TThickPoint> points;
std::vector<TThickPoint>::iterator it;
if (it_outlines->size() > 10) {
it = it_outlines->begin() + 1;
for (;;) {
// Baco: Ricontrolla l'if seguente - in alcuni casi va fuori bounds...
if ((int)it_outlines->size() <= m_configuration.m_smoothness + 1)
if (it >= it_outlines->end() - (m_configuration.m_smoothness + 1))
for (j = 0; j < m_configuration.m_smoothness; j++)
it = it_outlines->erase(it);
it = it_outlines->begin();
TThickPoint old = *it;
for (; it != it_outlines->end(); ++it) {
TThickPoint point((1 / 2.0) * (*it + old));
old = *it;
TStroke *stroke =
TStroke::interpolate(points, m_configuration.m_interpolationError);
inline int colorDistance2(const TPixel32 &c0, const TPixel32 &c1) {
return ((c0.r - c1.r) * (c0.r - c1.r) + (c0.g - c1.g) * (c0.g - c1.g) +
(c0.b - c1.b) * (c0.b - c1.b));
#define MAX_TOLERANCE 20
#include "tcolorstyles.h"
void OutlineVectorizer::makeDataRaster(const TRasterP &src) {
m_vimage = new TVectorImage();
if (!src) return;
m_src = src;
int x, y, ii = 0;
TRaster32P srcRGBM = (TRaster32P)m_src;
TRasterCM32P srcCM = (TRasterCM32P)m_src;
TRasterGR8P srcGR = (TRasterGR8P)m_src;
// Inizializzo DataRasterP per i casi in cui si ha un TRaster32P, un
// TRasterGR8P o un TRasterCM32P molto grande
DataRasterP dataRaster(m_src->getSize().lx + 2, m_src->getSize().ly + 2);
if (srcRGBM || srcGR ||
(srcCM && srcCM->getLx() * srcCM->getLy() > 5000000)) {
int ly = dataRaster->getLy();
int lx = dataRaster->getLx();
int wrap = dataRaster->getWrap();
DataPixel *dataPix0 = dataRaster->pixels(0);
DataPixel *dataPix1 = dataRaster->pixels(0) + m_src->getLx() + 1;
for (y = 0; y < ly; y++, dataPix0 += wrap, dataPix1 += wrap) {
dataPix0->m_pos.x = 0;
dataPix1->m_pos.x = lx - 1;
dataPix0->m_pos.y = dataPix1->m_pos.y = y;
dataPix0->m_value = dataPix1->m_value = 0;
dataPix0->m_ink = dataPix1->m_ink = false;
dataPix0->m_node = dataPix1->m_node = 0;
dataPix0 = dataRaster->pixels(0);
dataPix1 = dataRaster->pixels(ly - 1);
for (x = 0; x < lx; x++, dataPix0++, dataPix1++) {
dataPix0->m_pos.x = dataPix1->m_pos.x = x;
dataPix0->m_pos.y = 0;
dataPix1->m_pos.y = ly - 1;
dataPix0->m_value = dataPix1->m_value = 0;
dataPix0->m_ink = dataPix1->m_ink = false;
dataPix0->m_node = dataPix1->m_node = 0;
if (srcRGBM) {
int inkId = m_palette->getClosestStyle(m_configuration.m_inkColor);
if (!inkId ||
m_configuration.m_inkColor !=
m_palette->getStyle(inkId)->getMainColor()) {
inkId = m_palette->getStyleCount();
m_palette->getStylePage(1)->insertStyle(1, m_configuration.m_inkColor);
m_palette->setStyle(inkId, m_configuration.m_inkColor);
m_dataRasterArray.push_back(std::pair<int, DataRasterP>(inkId, dataRaster));
int maxDistance2 =
m_configuration.m_threshold * m_configuration.m_threshold;
for (y = 0; y < m_src->getLy(); y++) {
TPixel32 *inPix = srcRGBM->pixels(y);
TPixel32 *inEndPix = inPix + srcRGBM->getLx();
DataPixel *dataPix = dataRaster->pixels(y + 1) + 1;
x = 0;
while (inPix < inEndPix) {
*dataPix = DataPixel();
int distance2 = colorDistance2(m_configuration.m_inkColor, *inPix);
if (y == 0 || y == m_src->getLy() - 1 || x == 0 ||
x == m_src->getLx() - 1 || inPix->m == 0) {
dataPix->m_value = 255;
dataPix->m_ink = false;
} else {
dataPix->m_value = (inPix->r + 2 * inPix->g + inPix->b) >> 2;
dataPix->m_ink = (distance2 < maxDistance2);
dataPix->m_pos.x = x++;
dataPix->m_pos.y = y;
dataPix->m_node = 0;
} else if (srcGR) {
int inkId = m_palette->getClosestStyle(m_configuration.m_inkColor);
if (!inkId ||
m_configuration.m_inkColor !=
m_palette->getStyle(inkId)->getMainColor()) {
inkId = m_palette->getStyleCount();
m_palette->getStylePage(1)->insertStyle(1, m_configuration.m_inkColor);
m_palette->setStyle(inkId, m_configuration.m_inkColor);
m_dataRasterArray.push_back(std::pair<int, DataRasterP>(inkId, dataRaster));
int threshold = m_configuration.m_threshold;
for (y = 0; y < m_src->getLy(); y++) {
TPixelGR8 *inPix = srcGR->pixels(y);
TPixelGR8 *inEndPix = inPix + srcGR->getLx();
DataPixel *dataPix = dataRaster->pixels(y + 1) + 1;
x = 0;
while (inPix < inEndPix) {
*dataPix = DataPixel();
if (y == 0 || y == m_src->getLy() - 1 || x == 0 ||
x == m_src->getLx() - 1) {
dataPix->m_value = 255;
dataPix->m_ink = false;
} else {
dataPix->m_value = inPix->value;
dataPix->m_ink = (inPix->value < threshold);
dataPix->m_pos.x = x++;
dataPix->m_pos.y = y;
dataPix->m_node = 0;
else if (srcCM) {
int currInk, nextInk = 0;
if (srcCM->getLx() * srcCM->getLy() > 5000000) {
int threshold = m_configuration.m_threshold;
int inkId = m_palette->getClosestStyle(TPixel::Black);
if (TPixel::Black != m_palette->getStyle(inkId)->getMainColor()) {
inkId = m_palette->getStyleCount();
m_palette->getStylePage(1)->insertStyle(1, m_configuration.m_inkColor);
m_palette->setStyle(inkId, m_configuration.m_inkColor);
std::pair<int, DataRasterP>(inkId, dataRaster));
// inizializza la parte centrale
for (y = 0; y < m_src->getLy(); y++) {
TPixelCM32 *inPix = srcCM->pixels(y);
TPixelCM32 *inEndPix = inPix + m_src->getLx();
DataPixel *dataPix = dataRaster->pixels(y + 1) + 1;
x = 0;
while (inPix < inEndPix) {
*dataPix = DataPixel();
int value = inPix->getTone();
if (m_configuration.m_ignoreInkColors) inkId = 1;
if (y == 0 || y == m_src->getLy() - 1 || x == 0 ||
x == m_src->getLx() - 1) {
dataPix->m_value = 255;
dataPix->m_ink = false;
} else {
dataPix->m_value = value;
dataPix->m_ink = (value < threshold);
dataPix->m_pos.x = x++;
dataPix->m_pos.y = y;
dataPix->m_node = 0;
} else {
do {
// Inizializzo DataRasterP
DataRasterP dataRaster(m_src->getSize().lx + 2,
m_src->getSize().ly + 2);
int ly = dataRaster->getLy();
int lx = dataRaster->getLx();
int wrap = dataRaster->getWrap();
DataPixel *dataPix0 = dataRaster->pixels(0);
DataPixel *dataPix1 = dataRaster->pixels(0) + m_src->getLx() + 1;
for (y = 0; y < ly; y++, dataPix0 += wrap, dataPix1 += wrap) {
dataPix0->m_pos.x = 0;
dataPix1->m_pos.x = lx - 1;
dataPix0->m_pos.y = dataPix1->m_pos.y = y;
dataPix0->m_value = dataPix1->m_value = 0;
dataPix0->m_ink = dataPix1->m_ink = false;
dataPix0->m_node = dataPix1->m_node = 0;
dataPix0 = dataRaster->pixels(0);
dataPix1 = dataRaster->pixels(ly - 1);
for (x = 0; x < lx; x++, dataPix0++, dataPix1++) {
dataPix0->m_pos.x = dataPix1->m_pos.x = x;
dataPix0->m_pos.y = 0;
dataPix1->m_pos.y = ly - 1;
dataPix0->m_value = dataPix1->m_value = 0;
dataPix0->m_ink = dataPix1->m_ink = false;
dataPix0->m_node = dataPix1->m_node = 0;
int threshold =
m_configuration.m_threshold; // tolerance: 1->MAX thresh: 1-255
currInk = nextInk;
nextInk = 0;
std::pair<int, DataRasterP>(currInk, dataRaster));
// inizializza la parte centrale
for (y = 0; y < m_src->getLy(); y++) {
TPixelCM32 *inPix = srcCM->pixels(y);
TPixelCM32 *inEndPix = inPix + m_src->getLx();
DataPixel *dataPix = dataRaster->pixels(y + 1) + 1;
x = 0;
while (inPix < inEndPix) {
*dataPix = DataPixel();
int value = inPix->getTone();
if (value < 255 && !m_configuration.m_ignoreInkColors) {
int ink = inPix->getInk();
if (currInk == 0) {
currInk = ink;
m_dataRasterArray.back().first = ink;
} else if (ink != currInk) {
value = 255;
if (nextInk == 0) {
for (ii = 0; ii < (int)m_dataRasterArray.size() - 1; ii++)
if (m_dataRasterArray[ii].first == ink) break;
if (ii == (int)m_dataRasterArray.size() - 1) nextInk = ink;
dataPix->m_pos.x = x++;
dataPix->m_pos.y = y;
dataPix->m_value = value;
dataPix->m_ink = (value < threshold);
dataPix->m_node = 0;
} while (nextInk != 0);
if (m_configuration.m_ignoreInkColors) {
assert(m_dataRasterArray.size() == 1);
m_dataRasterArray.back().first = 1;
} else
TVectorImageP VectorizerCore::outlineVectorize(
const TImageP &image, const OutlineConfiguration &configuration,
TPalette *palette) {
TVectorImageP out;
OutlineVectorizer vectorizer(configuration, palette);
TRasterImageP ri = image;
TToonzImageP vi = image;
if (ri)
int layersCount = vectorizer.m_dataRasterArray.size();
if (layersCount > 1) {
out = new TVectorImage();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (int)layersCount; i++) {
vectorizer.m_dataRaster = vectorizer.m_dataRasterArray[i].second;
vectorizer.m_configuration.m_strokeStyleId =
if (layersCount > 1) out->mergeImage(vectorizer.m_vimage, TAffine());
if (i != (int)layersCount - 1) vectorizer.m_vimage = new TVectorImage();
return (layersCount == 1) ? vectorizer.m_vimage : out;
static bool isPointInRegion(TPointD p, TRegion *r) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
double stepX = i * 0.2;
int j;
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
double stepY = j * 0.2;
if (r->contains(TPointD(p.x + stepX, p.y + stepY))) return true;
return false;
// Se findInk == true :
// trova il punto piu' vicino a p con ink puro e restituisce true se e'
// contenuto nella regione
// Se findInk == false :
// Trova il punto piu' vicino a p con paint puro e restituisce true se e'
// contenuto nella regione
//(Daniele) Aggiunti controlli per evitare uscite dai bounds
static bool isNearestInkOrPaintInRegion(bool findInk, const TRasterCM32P &ras,
TRegion *r, const TAffine &aff,
const TPoint &p) {
bool isTheLastSquare = false;
int mx, my, Mx, My;
int i;
for (i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
int j, t, s, e;
if (p.x - i >= 0) {
my = std::max(p.y - i, 0);
My = std::min(p.y + i, ras->getLy() - 1);
for (j = my; j <= My; j++) {
TPixelCM32 col = ras->pixels(j)[p.x - i];
int tone = col.getTone();
if ((findInk && tone == 0) || (!findInk && tone == 255)) {
if (isPointInRegion(aff * TPointD(double(p.x - i), double(j)), r))
return true;
isTheLastSquare = true;
if (p.y + i < ras->getLy()) {
mx = std::max(p.x - i + 1, 0);
Mx = std::min(p.x + i, ras->getLx() - 1);
for (t = mx; t <= Mx; t++) {
TPixelCM32 col = ras->pixels(p.y + i)[t];
int tone = col.getTone();
if ((findInk && tone == 0) || (!findInk && tone == 255)) {
if (isPointInRegion(aff * TPointD(double(t), double(p.y + i)), r))
return true;
isTheLastSquare = true;
if (p.x + i < ras->getLx()) {
my = std::max(p.y - i, 0);
My = std::min(p.y + i - 1, ras->getLy() - 1);
for (s = my; s <= My; s++) {
TPixelCM32 col = ras->pixels(s)[p.x + i];
int tone = col.getTone();
if ((findInk && tone == 0) || (!findInk && tone == 255)) {
if (isPointInRegion(aff * TPointD(double(p.x + i), double(s)), r))
return true;
isTheLastSquare = true;
if (p.y - i >= 0) {
mx = std::max(p.x - i + 1, 0);
Mx = std::min(p.x + i - 1, ras->getLx() - 1);
for (e = mx; e <= Mx; e++) {
TPixelCM32 col = ras->pixels(p.y - i)[e];
int tone = col.getTone();
if ((findInk && tone == 0) || (!findInk && tone == 255)) {
if (isPointInRegion(aff * TPointD(double(e), double(p.y - i)), r))
return true;
isTheLastSquare = true;
if (isTheLastSquare) return false;
return false;
inline bool isBright(const TPixelCM32 &pix, int threshold) {
return pix.getTone() >= threshold;
inline bool isBright(const TPixelGR8 &pix, int threshold) {
return pix.value >= threshold;
inline bool isBright(const TPixel32 &pix, int threshold) {
// Using Value in HSV color model
return std::max(pix.r, std::max(pix.g, pix.b)) >= threshold * (pix.m / 255.0);
// Using Lightness in HSL color model
// return (max(pix.r,max(pix.g,pix.b)) + min(pix.r,min(pix.g,pix.b))) / 2.0
// >= threshold * (pix.m / 255.0);
// Using (relative) Luminance
// return 0.2126 * pix.r + 0.7152 * pix.g + 0.0722 * pix.b >= threshold *
// (pix.m / 255.0);
inline bool isDark(const TPixelCM32 &pix, int threshold) {
return !isBright(pix, threshold);
inline bool isDark(const TPixelGR8 &pix, int threshold) {
return !isBright(pix, threshold);
inline bool isDark(const TPixelRGBM32 &pix, int threshold) {
return !isBright(pix, threshold);
template <typename Pix, typename Selector>
bool getInternalPoint(const TRasterPT<Pix> &ras, const Selector &sel,
const TAffine &inverse, const VectorizerConfiguration &c,
const TRegion *region, TPointD &p) {
struct Locals {
const TRasterPT<Pix> &m_ras;
const Selector &m_sel;
const TAffine &m_inverse;
double m_pixelSize;
const TRegion &m_region;
static bool contains(const TRegion &region, const TPointD &p) {
return region.getBBox().contains(p) &&
(region.leftScanlineIntersections(p.x, p.y) % 2);
bool contains(const TPointD &p) {
if (!contains(m_region, p)) return false;
UINT sr, srCount = m_region.getSubregionCount();
for (sr = 0; sr != srCount; ++sr) {
if (contains(*m_region.getSubregion(sr), p)) return false;
return true;
// Subdivide the output scanline in even intervals, and sample each's
// midpoint
bool sampleMidpoints(TPointD &p, double x0, double x1, double y,
int intervalsCount) {
const double iCountD = intervalsCount;
for (int i = 0; i != intervalsCount; ++i) {
double i_x0 = tcg::numeric_ops::lerp(x0, x1, i / iCountD),
i_x1 = tcg::numeric_ops::lerp(x0, x1, (i + 1) / iCountD);
if (sample(p = TPointD(0.5 * (i_x0 + i_x1), y))) return true;
return false;
// Sample the output scanline's midpoint
bool sample(TPointD &point) {
return (contains(point) &&
adjustPoint(point) // Ensures that point is inRaster()
&& selected(point));
TPoint toRaster(const TPointD &p) {
const TPointD &pRasD = m_inverse * p;
return TPoint(pRasD.x, pRasD.y);
bool inRaster(const TPointD &point) {
const TPoint &pRas = toRaster(point);
return (pRas.x >= 0 && pRas.x < m_ras->getLx() && pRas.y >= 0 &&
pRas.y < m_ras->getLy());
bool selected(const TPointD &point) {
const TPoint &pRas = toRaster(point);
return m_sel(m_ras->pixels(pRas.y)[pRas.x]);
bool adjustPoint(TPointD &p) {
const TRectD &bbox = m_region.getBBox();
const double tol = std::max(1e-1 * m_pixelSize, 1e-4);
TPointD newP = p;
// Adjust along x axis
int iCount = scanlineIntersectionsBefore(newP.x, newP.y, true);
double in0 = newP.x, out0 = bbox.x0, in1 = newP.x, out1 = bbox.x1;
isolateBorderX(in0, out0, newP.y, iCount, tol);
isolateBorderX(in1, out1, newP.y, iCount, tol);
newP = TPointD(0.5 * (in0 + in1), newP.y);
assert(scanlineIntersectionsBefore(newP.x, newP.y, true) == iCount);
// Adjust along y axis
int iCount = scanlineIntersectionsBefore(newP.x, newP.y, false);
double in0 = newP.y, out0 = bbox.y0, in1 = newP.y, out1 = bbox.y1;
isolateBorderY(newP.x, in0, out0, iCount, tol);
isolateBorderY(newP.x, in1, out1, iCount, tol);
newP = TPointD(newP.x, 0.5 * (in0 + in1));
assert(scanlineIntersectionsBefore(newP.x, newP.y, false) == iCount);
return inRaster(newP) ? (p = newP, true) : false;
void isolateBorderX(double &xIn, double &xOut, double y, int iCount,
const double tol) {
assert(scanlineIntersectionsBefore(xIn, y, true) == iCount);
while (true) {
// Subdivide current interval
double mid = 0.5 * (xIn + xOut);
if (scanlineIntersectionsBefore(mid, y, true) == iCount)
xIn = mid;
xOut = mid;
if (std::abs(xOut - xIn) < tol) break;
void isolateBorderY(double x, double &yIn, double &yOut, int iCount,
const double tol) {
assert(scanlineIntersectionsBefore(x, yIn, false) == iCount);
while (true) {
// Subdivide current interval
double mid = 0.5 * (yIn + yOut);
if (scanlineIntersectionsBefore(x, mid, false) == iCount)
yIn = mid;
yOut = mid;
if (std::abs(yOut - yIn) < tol) break;
int scanlineIntersectionsBefore(double x, double y, bool hor) {
int result = m_region.scanlineIntersectionsBefore(x, y, hor);
UINT sr, srCount = m_region.getSubregionCount();
for (sr = 0; sr != srCount; ++sr)
result +=
m_region.getSubregion(sr)->scanlineIntersectionsBefore(x, y, hor);
return result;
} locals = {ras, sel, inverse, c.m_thickScale, *region};
const TRectD &regionBBox = region->getBBox();
double regionMidY = 0.5 * (regionBBox.y0 + regionBBox.y1);
int ic, icEnd = tceil((regionBBox.x1 - regionBBox.x0) / c.m_thickScale) +
1; // Say you have 4 pixels, in [0, 4]. We want to
// have at least 4 intervals where midpoints are
// taken - so end intervals count is 5.
for (ic = 1; ic < icEnd; ic *= 2) {
if (locals.sampleMidpoints(p, regionBBox.x0, regionBBox.x1, regionMidY, ic))
return true;
return false;
// Taking lone, unchecked points is dangerous - they could lie inside
// region r and still have a wrong color (for example, if they lie
//*on* a boundary stroke).
// Plus, over-threshold regions should always be considered black.
// In order to improve this, we search a 4way-local-brightest
// neighbour of p. Observe that, however, it may still lie outside r;
// would that happen, p was not significative in the first place.
inline TPixel32 takeLocalBrightest(const TRaster32P rr, TRegion *r,
const VectorizerConfiguration &c,
TPoint &p) {
TPoint pMax;
while (r->contains(c.m_affine * convert(p))) {
pMax = p;
if (p.x > 0 && rr->pixels(p.y)[p.x - 1] > rr->pixels(pMax.y)[pMax.x])
pMax = TPoint(p.x - 1, p.y);
if (p.x < rr->getLx() - 1 &&
rr->pixels(p.y)[p.x + 1] > rr->pixels(pMax.y)[pMax.x])
pMax = TPoint(p.x + 1, p.y);
if (p.y > 0 && rr->pixels(p.y - 1)[p.x] > rr->pixels(pMax.y)[pMax.x])
pMax = TPoint(p.x, p.y - 1);
if (p.y < rr->getLy() - 1 &&
rr->pixels(p.y + 1)[p.x] > rr->pixels(pMax.y)[pMax.x])
pMax = TPoint(p.x, p.y + 1);
if (p == pMax) break;
p = pMax;
if (!isBright(rr->pixels(p.y)[p.x], c.m_threshold))
return TPixel32::Black;
return rr->pixels(p.y)[p.x];
inline TPixel32 takeLocalBrightest(const TRasterGR8P rgr, TRegion *r,
const VectorizerConfiguration &c,
TPoint &p) {
TPoint pMax;
while (r->contains(c.m_affine * convert(p))) {
pMax = p;
if (p.x > 0 && rgr->pixels(pMax.y)[pMax.x] < rgr->pixels(p.y)[p.x - 1])
pMax = TPoint(p.x - 1, p.y);
if (p.x < rgr->getLx() - 1 &&
rgr->pixels(pMax.y)[pMax.x] < rgr->pixels(p.y)[p.x + 1])
pMax = TPoint(p.x + 1, p.y);
if (p.y > 0 && rgr->pixels(pMax.y)[pMax.x] < rgr->pixels(p.y - 1)[p.x])
pMax = TPoint(p.x, p.y - 1);
if (p.y < rgr->getLy() - 1 &&
rgr->pixels(pMax.y)[pMax.x] < rgr->pixels(p.y + 1)[p.x])
pMax = TPoint(p.x, p.y + 1);
if (p == pMax) break;
p = pMax;
if (!isBright(rgr->pixels(p.y)[p.x], c.m_threshold))
return TPixel32::Black;
else {
int val = rgr->pixels(p.y)[p.x].value;
return TPixel32(val, val, val, 255);
inline TPixel32 takeLocalDarkest(const TRaster32P rr, TRegion *r,
const VectorizerConfiguration &c, TPoint &p) {
TPoint pMax;
while (r->contains(c.m_affine * convert(p))) // 1
pMax = p;
if (p.x > 0 && rr->pixels(p.y)[p.x - 1] < rr->pixels(pMax.y)[pMax.x])
pMax = TPoint(p.x - 1, p.y);
if (p.x < rr->getLx() - 1 &&
rr->pixels(p.y)[p.x + 1] < rr->pixels(pMax.y)[pMax.x])
pMax = TPoint(p.x + 1, p.y);
if (p.y > 0 && rr->pixels(p.y - 1)[p.x] < rr->pixels(pMax.y)[pMax.x])
pMax = TPoint(p.x, p.y - 1);
if (p.y < rr->getLy() - 1 &&
rr->pixels(p.y + 1)[p.x] < rr->pixels(pMax.y)[pMax.x])
pMax = TPoint(p.x, p.y + 1);
if (p == pMax) break;
p = pMax;
return rr->pixels(p.y)[p.x];
inline TPixel32 takeLocalDarkest(const TRasterGR8P rgr, TRegion *r,
const VectorizerConfiguration &c, TPoint &p) {
TPoint pMax;
while (r->contains(c.m_affine * convert(p))) {
pMax = p;
if (p.x > 0 && rgr->pixels(p.y)[p.x - 1] < rgr->pixels(pMax.y)[pMax.x])
pMax = TPoint(p.x - 1, p.y);
if (p.x < rgr->getLx() - 1 &&
rgr->pixels(p.y)[p.x + 1] < rgr->pixels(pMax.y)[pMax.x])
pMax = TPoint(p.x + 1, p.y);
if (p.y > 0 && rgr->pixels(p.y - 1)[p.x] < rgr->pixels(pMax.y)[pMax.x])
pMax = TPoint(p.x, p.y - 1);
if (p.y < rgr->getLy() - 1 &&
rgr->pixels(p.y + 1)[p.x] < rgr->pixels(pMax.y)[pMax.x])
pMax = TPoint(p.x, p.y + 1);
if (p == pMax) break;
p = pMax;
int val = rgr->pixels(p.y)[p.x].value;
return TPixel32(val, val, val, 255);
// Vectorizer Core
void VectorizerCore::applyFillColors(TRegion *r, const TRasterP &ras,
TPalette *palette,
const CenterlineConfiguration &c,
int regionCount) {
struct locals {
static inline bool alwaysTrue(const TPixelCM32 &) { return true; }
TRasterCM32P rt = ras;
TRaster32P rr = ras;
TRasterGR8P rgr = ras;
assert(rt || rr || rgr);
bool isBrightRegion = true;
unsigned int e, edgesCount = r->getEdgeCount();
for (e = 0; e < edgesCount; ++e) {
if (isInkRegionEdge(r->getEdge(e)->m_s)) {
if (r->getEdge(e)->m_w0 > r->getEdge(e)->m_w1) isBrightRegion = false;
if (isInkRegionEdgeReversed(r->getEdge(e)->m_s)) {
if (r->getEdge(e)->m_w0 < r->getEdge(e)->m_w1) isBrightRegion = false;
TAffine inverse = c.m_affine.inv();
TPointD pd;
typedef bool (*cm_func)(const TPixelCM32 &, int);
typedef bool (*rgbm_func)(const TPixelRGBM32 &, int);
typedef bool (*gr_func)(const TPixelGR8 &, int);
bool tookPoint =
? rt
? getInternalPoint(
rt, tcg::bind2nd(cm_func(isBright), c.m_threshold),
inverse, c, r,
pd) || // If no bright pixel could be found,
getInternalPoint(rt, locals::alwaysTrue, inverse, c, r,
: // then any pixel inside the region
rr ? getInternalPoint(
rr, tcg::bind2nd(rgbm_func(isBright), c.m_threshold),
inverse, c, r, pd)
: // must suffice.
rgr, tcg::bind2nd(gr_func(isBright), c.m_threshold),
inverse, c, r, pd)
: rt ? getInternalPoint(rt,
tcg::bind2nd(cm_func(isDark), c.m_threshold),
inverse, c, r, pd)
: rr ? getInternalPoint(
rr, tcg::bind2nd(rgbm_func(isDark), c.m_threshold),
inverse, c, r, pd)
: getInternalPoint(
rgr, tcg::bind2nd(gr_func(isDark), c.m_threshold),
inverse, c, r, pd);
if (tookPoint) {
pd = inverse * pd;
TPoint p(pd.x, pd.y); // The same thing that happened inside
// getInternalPoint()
if (ras->getBounds().contains(p)) {
int styleId = 0;
if (rt) {
TPixelCM32 col = rt->pixels(p.y)[p.x];
styleId = isBrightRegion
? col.getPaint()
: col.getInk(); // Only paint colors with centerline
} // vectorization
else {
TPixel32 color;
// Update color found to local brightness-extremals
if (rr) {
color = isBrightRegion ? takeLocalBrightest(rr, r, c, p)
: takeLocalDarkest(rr, r, c, p);
} else {
color = isBrightRegion ? takeLocalBrightest(rgr, r, c, p)
: takeLocalDarkest(rgr, r, c, p);
if (color.m != 0) {
styleId = palette->getClosestStyle(color);
TPixel32 oldColor = palette->getStyle(styleId)->getMainColor();
if (!(isAlmostZero(double(oldColor.r - color.r), 15.0) &&
isAlmostZero(double(oldColor.g - color.g), 15.0) &&
isAlmostZero(double(oldColor.b - color.b), 15.0))) {
styleId = palette->getStyleCount();
palette->getStylePage(1)->insertStyle(1, color);
palette->setStyle(styleId, color);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)r->getSubregionCount(); ++i)
applyFillColors(r->getSubregion(i), ras, palette, c, regionCount);
void VectorizerCore::applyFillColors(TRegion *r, const TRasterP &ras,
TPalette *palette,
const OutlineConfiguration &c,
int regionCount) {
TRasterCM32P rt = ras;
TRaster32P rr = ras;
TRasterGR8P rgr = ras;
assert(rt || rr || rgr);
TAffine inverse = c.m_affine.inv();
bool doInks = !c.m_ignoreInkColors, doPaints = !c.m_leaveUnpainted;
// Retrieve a point inside the specified region
TPointD pd;
if (r->getInternalPoint(pd)) {
pd = inverse * pd; // Convert point to raster coordinates
TPoint p(pd.x, pd.y); //
// Retrieve the corresponding pixel in the raster image
if (ras->getBounds().contains(p)) {
int styleId = 0;
if (rt) {
// Toonz colormap case
TPixelCM32 col =
rt->pixels(p.y)[p.x]; // In the outline vectorization case, color
int tone = col.getTone(); // can be either ink or paint
if (tone == 0) // Full ink case
styleId = doInks ? col.getInk() : 1;
else if (tone == 255 && doPaints) // Full paint case
styleId = col.getPaint();
else if (tone != 255) {
if (regionCount % 2 == 1) {
// Whenever regionCount is odd, ink is checked first
if (isNearestInkOrPaintInRegion(true, rt, r, c.m_affine, p))
styleId = doInks ? col.getInk() : 1;
else if (doPaints &&
isNearestInkOrPaintInRegion(false, rt, r, c.m_affine, p))
styleId = col.getPaint();
} else {
// Whenever regionCount is even, paint is checked first
if (doPaints &&
isNearestInkOrPaintInRegion(false, rt, r, c.m_affine, p))
styleId = col.getPaint();
else if (isNearestInkOrPaintInRegion(true, rt, r, c.m_affine, p))
styleId = doInks ? col.getInk() : 1;
} else {
TPixel32 color;
if (rr)
color = rr->pixels(p.y)[p.x];
else {
int val = rgr->pixels(p.y)[p.x].value;
color = (val < 80) ? TPixel32::Black : TPixel32::White;
if ((color.m != 0) && ((!c.m_leaveUnpainted) ||
(c.m_leaveUnpainted && color == c.m_inkColor))) {
styleId = palette->getClosestStyle(color);
TPixel32 oldColor = palette->getStyle(styleId)->getMainColor();
if (!(isAlmostZero(double(oldColor.r - color.r), 15.0) &&
isAlmostZero(double(oldColor.g - color.g), 15.0) &&
isAlmostZero(double(oldColor.b - color.b), 15.0))) {
styleId = palette->getStyleCount();
palette->getStylePage(1)->insertStyle(1, color);
palette->setStyle(styleId, color);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)r->getSubregionCount(); ++i)
applyFillColors(r->getSubregion(i), ras, palette, c, regionCount);
void VectorizerCore::applyFillColors(TVectorImageP vi, const TImageP &img,
TPalette *palette,
const VectorizerConfiguration &c) {
const CenterlineConfiguration &centConf =
static_cast<const CenterlineConfiguration &>(c);
const OutlineConfiguration &outConf =
static_cast<const OutlineConfiguration &>(c);
// If configuration is not set for color fill at all, quit.
if (c.m_leaveUnpainted && (!c.m_outline || outConf.m_ignoreInkColors)) return;
TToonzImageP ti = img;
TRasterImageP ri = img;
assert(ti || ri);
TRasterP ras = ti ? TRasterP(ti->getRaster()) : TRasterP(ri->getRaster());
int r, regionsCount = vi->getRegionCount();
if (c.m_outline) {
for (r = 0; r < regionsCount; ++r)
applyFillColors(vi->getRegion(r), ras, palette, outConf, 1);
} else {
for (r = 0; r < regionsCount; ++r)
applyFillColors(vi->getRegion(r), ras, palette, centConf,
1); // 1 - c.m_makeFrame;
TVectorImageP VectorizerCore::vectorize(const TImageP &img,
const VectorizerConfiguration &c,
TPalette *plt) {
TVectorImageP vi;
if (c.m_outline)
vi = newOutlineVectorize(
img, static_cast<const NewOutlineConfiguration &>(c), plt);
else {
TImageP img2(img);
vi = centerlineVectorize(
img2, static_cast<const CenterlineConfiguration &>(c), plt);
if (vi) {
for (int i = 0; i < (int)vi->getStrokeCount(); ++i) {
TStroke *stroke = vi->getStroke(i);
for (int j = 0; j < stroke->getControlPointCount(); ++j) {
TThickPoint p = stroke->getControlPoint(j);
p = TThickPoint(c.m_affine * p, c.m_thickScale * p.thick);
stroke->setControlPoint(j, p);
applyFillColors(vi, img2, plt, c);
return vi;
void VectorizerCore::emitPartialDone(void) {
emit partialDone(m_currPartial++, m_totalPartials);
void VectorizerCore::emitPartialDone(int current)
m_currPartial= current;
emit partialDone(current, m_totalPartials);