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% PERMUTATION : Helpful notes on permutation matrices and vectors.
% There are two ways to represent permutations in Matlab.
% A *permutation matrix* is a square matrix P that is zero except for exactly
% one 1 in each row and each column. A *permutation vector* is a 1 by n
% or n by 1 vector p that contains each of the integers 1:n exactly once.
% Let A be any n by n matrix, P be an n by n permutation matrix, and p be
% a permutation vector of length n. Then:
% P*A is a permutation of the rows of A.
% A*P' is the same permutation of the columns of A. Remember the transpose!
% A(p,:) is a permutation of the rows of A.
% A(:,p) is the same permutation of the columns of A.
% Matrix P and column vector p represent the same permutation if and only if
% any of the following three equivalent conditions holds:
% p = P*(1:n)' or P = sparse(1:n,p,1,n,n) or P = I(p,:),
% where I = speye(n,n) is the identity matrix of the right size.
% The inverse of a permutation matrix is its transpose:
% Pinv = inv(P) = P'
% The inverse of a permutation vector can be computed by a one-liner:
% pinv(p) = 1:n;
% (This works only if pinv doesn't already exist, or exists with the correct
% dimensions. To be safe, say: pinv=zeros(1,n); pinv(p)=1:n; )
% Products of permutations go one way for matrices and the other way for
% vectors. If P1, P2, and P3 are permutation matrices and p1, p2, and p3
% are the corresponding permutation vectors, then
% P1 = P2 * P3 if and only if p1 = p3(p2).
% Permutation vectors are a little more compact to store and efficient
% to apply than sparse permutation matrices (and much better than full
% permutation matrices). A sparse permutation matrix takes about twice
% the memory of a permutation vector. The Matlab function LU returns
% a permutation matrix (sparse if the input was sparse); most other
% built-in Matlab functions return permutation vectors, including
% John Gilbert, 6 April 1995
% Copyright (c) 1995 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
help permutation