2016-03-24 01:31:57 +09:00

105 lines
2.9 KiB

include ../make.inc
# This makefile creates the test programs for the linear equation
# routines in SuperLU. The test files are grouped as follows:
# ALINTST -- Auxiliary test routines
# SLINTST -- Single precision real test routines
# DLINTST -- Double precision real test routines
# CLINTST -- Double precision complex test routines
# ZLINTST -- Double precision complex test routines
# Test programs can be generated for all or some of the four different
# precisions. Enter make followed by one or more of the data types
# desired. Some examples:
# make single
# make single double
# Alternatively, the command
# make
# without any arguments creates all four test programs.
# The executable files are called
# stest
# dtest
# ctest
# ztest
# To remove the object files after the executable files have been
# created, enter
# make clean
# On some systems, you can force the source files to be recompiled by
# entering (for example)
# make single FRC=FRC
ALINTST = sp_ienv.o
SLINTST = sdrive.o sp_sconvert.o sgst01.o sgst02.o sgst04.o sgst07.o
DLINTST = ddrive.o sp_dconvert.o dgst01.o dgst02.o dgst04.o dgst07.o
CLINTST = cdrive.o sp_cconvert.o cgst01.o cgst02.o cgst04.o cgst07.o
ZLINTST = zdrive.o sp_zconvert.o zgst01.o zgst02.o zgst04.o zgst07.o
all: testmat single double complex complex16
(cd MATGEN; $(MAKE))
single: ./stest stest.out
stest.out: stest stest.csh
@echo Testing SINGLE PRECISION linear equation routines
csh stest.csh
double: ./dtest dtest.out
dtest.out: dtest dtest.csh
@echo Testing DOUBLE PRECISION linear equation routines
csh dtest.csh
complex: ./ctest ctest.out
ctest.out: ctest ctest.csh
@echo Testing SINGLE COMPLEX linear equation routines
csh ctest.csh
complex16: ./ztest ztest.out
ztest.out: ztest ztest.csh
@echo Testing DOUBLE COMPLEX linear equation routines
csh ztest.csh
# Do not optimize this routine #
dlamch.o: dlamch.c ; $(CC) -c $<
timer.o: timer.c ; $(CC) -O -c $<
rm -f *.o *test *.out