2016-03-24 01:31:57 +09:00

86 lines
2.9 KiB

include ../make.inc
# This is the makefile to create a library for C-BLAS.
# The files are organized as follows:
# SBLAS1 -- Single precision real BLAS routines
# CBLAS1 -- Single precision complex BLAS routines
# DBLAS1 -- Double precision real BLAS routines
# ZBLAS1 -- Double precision complex BLAS routines
# CB1AUX -- Real BLAS routines called by complex routines
# ZB1AUX -- D.P. real BLAS routines called by d.p. complex
# routines
# ALLBLAS -- Auxiliary routines for Level 2 and 3 BLAS
# SBLAS2 -- Single precision real BLAS2 routines
# CBLAS2 -- Single precision complex BLAS2 routines
# DBLAS2 -- Double precision real BLAS2 routines
# ZBLAS2 -- Double precision complex BLAS2 routines
# SBLAS3 -- Single precision real BLAS3 routines
# CBLAS3 -- Single precision complex BLAS3 routines
# DBLAS3 -- Double precision real BLAS3 routines
# ZBLAS3 -- Double precision complex BLAS3 routines
# The library can be set up to include routines for any combination
# of the four precisions. To create or add to the library, enter make
# followed by one or more of the precisions desired. Some examples:
# make single
# make single complex
# make single double complex complex16
# Alternatively, the command
# make
# without any arguments creates a library of all four precisions.
# The library is called
# blas.a
# and is created at the next higher directory level.
# To remove the object files after the library is created, enter
# make clean
SBLAS1 = isamax.o sasum.o saxpy.o scopy.o sdot.o snrm2.o \
srot.o sscal.o sswap.o
SBLAS2 = sgemv.o ssymv.o strsv.o sger.o ssyr2.o
DBLAS1 = idamax.o dasum.o daxpy.o dcopy.o ddot.o dnrm2.o \
drot.o dscal.o dswap.o
DBLAS2 = dgemv.o dsymv.o dtrsv.o dger.o dsyr2.o
CBLAS1 = icamax.o scasum.o caxpy.o ccopy.o scnrm2.o \
cscal.o cswap.o
CBLAS2 = cgemv.o chemv.o ctrsv.o cgerc.o cher2.o
ZBLAS1 = izamax.o dzasum.o zaxpy.o zcopy.o dznrm2.o \
zscal.o dcabs1.o zswap.o
ZBLAS2 = zgemv.o zhemv.o ztrsv.o zgerc.o zher2.o
all: single double complex complex16
single: $(SBLAS1) $(SBLAS2) $(SBLAS3)
double: $(DBLAS1) $(DBLAS2) $(DBLAS3)
complex: $(CBLAS1) $(CBLAS2) $(CBLAS3)
complex16: $(ZBLAS1) $(ZBLAS2) $(ZBLAS3)
rm -f *.o ../lib/libblas.a