Campbell Barton b3bd842e04 Make functions static, ensure declarations match headers (#610)
This patch used -Wmissing-declarations warning
to show functions and symbols that had no declarations, and either:

- Make static
- Add to header

This helps avoid possability that declarations and functions get out of sync.
And ensures all source files reference headers correctly.

It also makes sure functions defined with extern "C",
have this defined in the header. An error found in calligraph.h while writing this patch.

This has been applied to toonzlib, to avoid making very large global changes.
If accepted, -Wmissing-declarations warning could be added to CMake.
2016-07-13 21:05:06 +09:00

978 lines
32 KiB

#include "tcenterlinevectP.h"
// Skeleton re-organization
// Skeleton re-organization Globals
namespace {
VectorizerCoreGlobals *globals;
std::vector<unsigned int> contourFamilyOfOrganized;
JointSequenceGraph *currJSGraph;
ContourFamily *currContourFamily;
// Skeleton re-organization
// EXPLANATION: The raw skeleton data obtained from StraightSkeletonizer
// class need to be grouped in joints and sequences before proceding with
// conversion in quadratics - which works on single sequences.
// NOTE: Due to maxHeight, we have to assume that a single SkeletonGraph can
// hold
// more connected graphs at once.
// a) Isolate graph-like part of skeleton
// b) Retrieve remaining single sequences.
typedef std::map<UINT, UINT, std::less<UINT>> uintMap;
// void organizeGraphs(SkeletonList* skeleton)
void organizeGraphs(SkeletonList *skeleton, VectorizerCoreGlobals &g) {
globals = &g;
SkeletonList::iterator currGraphPtr;
Sequence currSequence;
uintMap jointsMap;
UINT i, j;
UINT counter = 0; // We also count current graph number, to associate
// organized graphs to their contour family
for (currGraphPtr = skeleton->begin(); currGraphPtr != skeleton->end();
++currGraphPtr) {
SkeletonGraph &currGraph = **currGraphPtr;
currSequence.m_graphHolder = &currGraph;
// Separate single Points - can happen only when a single node gets stored
// in a SkeletonGraph.
if (currGraph.getNodesCount() == 1) {
// Discriminate between graphs, two-endpoint single sequences, and circular
// ones
bool has1DegreePoint = 0;
for (i = 0; i < currGraph.getNodesCount(); ++i)
if (currGraph.getNode(i).degree() != 2)
if (currGraph.getNode(i).degree() == 1)
has1DegreePoint = 1;
goto _graph;
if (has1DegreePoint)
goto _two_endpoint;
goto _circulars;
_two_endpoint : {
// Find head
for (i = 0; currGraph.getNode(i).degree() != 1; ++i)
currSequence.m_head = i;
currSequence.m_headLink = 0;
// Find tail
for (++i;
i < currGraph.getNodesCount() && currGraph.getNode(i).degree() == 2;
currSequence.m_tail = i;
currSequence.m_tailLink = 0;
_graph : {
// Organize Graph-like part
JointSequenceGraph &JSGraph = globals->organizedGraphs.back();
// Gather all sequence extremities
for (i = 0; i < currGraph.getNodesCount(); ++i) {
if (currGraph.getNode(i).degree() != 2) {
j = JSGraph.newNode(i);
// Using a map to keep one-to-one relation between j and i
jointsMap.insert(uintMap::value_type(i, j));
// Extract Sequences
for (i = 0; i < JSGraph.getNodesCount(); ++i) {
UINT joint = *JSGraph.getNode(i);
for (j = 0; j < currGraph.getNode(joint).getLinksCount(); ++j) {
currSequence.m_head = joint;
currSequence.m_headLink = j;
// Seek tail
UINT oldNode = joint,
thisNode = currGraph.getNode(joint).getLink(j).getNext();
while (currGraph.getNode(thisNode).degree() == 2) {
ORGANIZEGRAPHS_SIGN); // Sign thisNode as part of a JSGraph
currSequence.advance(oldNode, thisNode);
currSequence.m_tail = thisNode;
currSequence.m_tailLink =
JSGraph.newLink(i, jointsMap.find(thisNode)->second, currSequence);
// NOTE: The following may seem uncommon - you must observe that, *WHEN
// maxThickness<INF*,
// more isolated sequence groups may arise in the SAME SkeletonGraph; so,
// an organized
// graph may contain different unconnected basic graph-structures.
// Further, remaining circular sequences may still exist. Therefore:
// Proceed with remaining circulars extraction
_circulars : {
// Extract all circular sequences
// Find a sequence point
for (i = 0; i < currGraph.getNodesCount(); ++i) {
if (!currGraph.getNode(i).hasAttribute(ORGANIZEGRAPHS_SIGN) &&
currGraph.getNode(i).degree() == 2) {
unsigned int curr = i, currLink = 0;
currSequence.next(curr, currLink);
for (; curr != i; currSequence.next(curr, currLink))
// Add sequence
currSequence.m_head = currSequence.m_tail = i;
currSequence.m_headLink = 0;
currSequence.m_tailLink = 1;
// Junction Recovery
// EXPLANATION: Junction recovery attempts to reshape skeleton junctions when
// possible. The original polygons shape must not be exceedingly broken, and
// no visible shape alteration must found.
// WARNING: Currently not working together with
// globals->currConfig->m_maxThickness<INF.
// Globals
namespace {
const double roadsMaxSlope = 0.3;
const double shapeDistMul = 1;
const double hDiffMul = 0.3;
const double lineDistMul = 1;
const double pullBackMul = 0.2;
// Roads Extraction
// SMALL ISSUE: The following is currently done for both side
// of a sequence...
inline void findRoads(const Sequence &s) {
unsigned int curr, currLink, next;
unsigned int roadStart, roadStartLink;
double d, hMax, length;
bool lowSlope, roadOn = 0;
curr = s.m_head;
currLink = s.m_headLink;
for (; curr != s.m_tail; s.next(curr, currLink)) {
next = s.m_graphHolder->getNode(curr).getLink(currLink).getNext();
d = planeDistance(*s.m_graphHolder->getNode(curr),
lowSlope =
fabs(s.m_graphHolder->getNode(curr).getLink(currLink)->getSlope()) <
? 1
: 0;
// Entering event in a *possibile* road axis
if (!roadOn && lowSlope) {
length = 0;
hMax = s.m_graphHolder->getNode(curr)->z;
roadStart = curr;
roadStartLink = currLink;
// Exit event from a """
else if (roadOn && !lowSlope && (length > hMax))
// Then sign ROAD the sequence from roadStart to curr.
for (; roadStart != curr; s.next(roadStart, roadStartLink))
// Now update vars
if (lowSlope) {
length += d;
if (hMax < s.m_graphHolder->getNode(next)->z)
hMax = s.m_graphHolder->getNode(next)->z;
roadOn = lowSlope;
// At sequence end, force an exit event
if (roadOn && (length > hMax))
for (; roadStart != curr; s.next(roadStart, roadStartLink))
// Find the 'roads' of the current Graph.
static void findRoads(const JointSequenceGraph &JSGraph) {
unsigned int i, j;
// For all Sequence of currGraph, extract roads
for (i = 0; i < JSGraph.getNodesCount(); ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < JSGraph.getNode(i).getLinksCount(); ++j)
// if(JSGraph.getNode(i).getLink(j)->isForward())
// Junction Recovery Classes
// Entering point of a Sequence inside a Junction Area
class EnteringSequence final : public Sequence {
TPointD m_direction; // In this case, we keep
double m_height; // separated (x,y) and z coords.
// Also store indices toward the next (outer) joint
unsigned int m_initialJoint;
unsigned int m_outerLink;
EnteringSequence() {}
EnteringSequence(const Sequence &s) : Sequence(s) {}
class JunctionArea {
std::vector<EnteringSequence> m_enteringSequences;
std::vector<unsigned int> m_jointsAbsorbed;
TPointD m_newJointPosition;
JunctionArea() {}
// Initialize Junction Area
void expandArea(unsigned int initial);
// Calculate and evaluate area
bool checkShape();
bool solveJunctionPosition();
bool makeHeights();
bool calculateReconstruction();
// Substitute area over old configuration
bool sequencesPullBack();
void apply();
// Expansion Procedure
// Junction Area expansion procedure
inline void JunctionArea::expandArea(unsigned int initial) {
unsigned int a;
unsigned int curr, currLink;
unsigned int i, iLink, iNext;
JointSequenceGraph::REACHED); // Nodes absorbed gets signed
for (a = 0; a < m_jointsAbsorbed.size(); ++a) {
// Extract a joint from vector
curr = m_jointsAbsorbed[a];
for (currLink = 0; currLink < currJSGraph->getNode(curr).getLinksCount();
++currLink) {
Sequence &s = *currJSGraph->node(curr).link(currLink);
if (s.m_graphHolder->getNode(s.m_head)
.getAccess()) {
// Expand into all nearby sequences, until a ROAD is found
i = s.m_head;
iLink = s.m_headLink;
for (; i != s.m_tail &&
s.next(i, iLink))
// If the sequence has been completely run, include next joint in the
// expansion procedure AND sign it as 'REACHED'
if (i == s.m_tail) {
iNext = currJSGraph->getNode(curr).getLink(currLink).getNext();
if (!currJSGraph->node(iNext).hasAttribute(
JointSequenceGraph::REACHED)) {
// Negate access to this sequence
} else {
// Initialize and copy the entering sequence found
m_enteringSequences.back().m_head = i;
m_enteringSequences.back().m_headLink = iLink;
// Initialize entering directions
iNext = s.m_graphHolder->getNode(i).getLink(iLink).getNext();
m_enteringSequences.back().m_direction = planeProjection(
*s.m_graphHolder->getNode(i) - *s.m_graphHolder->getNode(iNext));
m_enteringSequences.back().m_direction =
m_enteringSequences.back().m_direction *
(1 / norm(m_enteringSequences.back().m_direction));
// Initialize entering height / slope
m_enteringSequences.back().m_height = s.m_graphHolder->getNode(i)->z;
// Also store pointer to link toward the joint at the end of sequence
m_enteringSequences.back().m_initialJoint = curr;
m_enteringSequences.back().m_outerLink = currLink;
// Area Shape Test
inline bool JunctionArea::checkShape() {
std::vector<EnteringSequence>::iterator a, b;
unsigned int node, contour, first, last, n;
TPointD A, A1, B, B1, P, P1;
bool result = 1;
// First, sign all outgoing arcs' m_leftGeneratingNode as end of
// control procedure
for (a = m_enteringSequences.begin(); a != m_enteringSequences.end(); ++a) {
node = a->m_graphHolder->getNode(a->m_head)
contour = a->m_graphHolder->getNode(a->m_head)
// Now, check shape
for (a = m_enteringSequences.begin(), b = m_enteringSequences.end() - 1;
a != m_enteringSequences.end(); b = a, ++a) {
// Initialize contour check
first = a->m_graphHolder->getNode(a->m_head)
// last= b->m_graphHolder->getNode(b->m_head).getLink(b->m_headLink)
// ->getLeftGenerator();
contour = a->m_graphHolder->getNode(a->m_head)
n = (*currContourFamily)[contour].size();
// Better this effective way to find the last
unsigned int numChecked = 0;
for (last = first; !(*currContourFamily)[contour][last].hasAttribute(
ContourNode::JR_RESERVED) &&
numChecked < n;
last = (last + 1) % n, ++numChecked)
// Security check
if (numChecked == n) return 0;
A = planeProjection((*currContourFamily)[contour][first].m_position);
A1 = planeProjection(
(*currContourFamily)[contour][(first + 1) % n].m_position);
B = planeProjection((*currContourFamily)[contour][last].m_position);
B1 = planeProjection(
(*currContourFamily)[contour][(last + 1) % n].m_position);
for (node = first; !(*currContourFamily)[contour][node].hasAttribute(
node = (node + 1) % n) {
P = planeProjection((*currContourFamily)[contour][node].m_position);
P1 = planeProjection(
(*currContourFamily)[contour][(node + 1) % n].m_position);
// Segment P-P1 must be included in fat lines passing for A-A1 or B-B1
result &=
(fabs(cross(P - A, normalize(A1 - A))) < a->m_height * shapeDistMul &&
fabs(cross(P1 - A, normalize(A1 - A))) < a->m_height * shapeDistMul)
(fabs(cross(P - B, normalize(B1 - B))) < b->m_height * shapeDistMul &&
fabs(cross(P1 - B, normalize(B1 - B))) < b->m_height * shapeDistMul);
// Finally, restore nodes attributes
for (a = m_enteringSequences.begin(); a != m_enteringSequences.end(); ++a) {
node = a->m_graphHolder->getNode(a->m_head)
contour = a->m_graphHolder->getNode(a->m_head)
return result;
// Solve new junction position problem
inline bool JunctionArea::solveJunctionPosition() {
std::vector<EnteringSequence>::iterator a;
double Sx2 = 0, Sy2 = 0, Sxy = 0;
TPointD P, v, b;
double h;
// Build preliminary sums for the linear system
for (a = m_enteringSequences.begin(); a != m_enteringSequences.end(); ++a) {
h = a->m_height;
v = a->m_direction;
P = planeProjection(*a->m_graphHolder->getNode(a->m_head));
// Height-weighted problem
Sx2 += sq(v.x) * h;
Sy2 += sq(v.y) * h;
Sxy += v.x * v.y * h;
b.x += h * (sq(v.y) * P.x - (v.x * v.y * P.y));
b.y += h * (sq(v.x) * P.y - (v.x * v.y * P.x));
// First check problem determinant
double det = Sx2 * Sy2 - sq(Sxy);
if (fabs(det) < 0.1) return 0;
// Now construct linear system
TAffine M(Sx2 / det, Sxy / det, 0, Sxy / det, Sy2 / det, 0);
m_newJointPosition = M * b;
// Finally, check if J is too far from the line extensions of the entering
// sequences
for (a = m_enteringSequences.begin(); a != m_enteringSequences.end(); ++a) {
P = planeProjection(*a->m_graphHolder->getNode(a->m_head));
if (tdistance(m_newJointPosition, a->m_direction, P) >
a->m_height * lineDistMul)
return 0;
return 1;
// Calculate optimal joint heights
// Globals
namespace {
const std::vector<EnteringSequence> *currEnterings;
const std::vector<unsigned int> *heightIndicesPtr;
std::vector<double> *optHeights;
double optMeanError;
double hMax;
inline bool checkCircles(std::vector<double> &heights) {
unsigned int i, j;
double cos, sin, frac;
TPointD vi, vj;
// Execute test on angle-consecutive EnteringSequences couples
for (j = 0, i = currEnterings->size() - 1; j < currEnterings->size();
i = j, ++j) {
vi = (*currEnterings)[i].m_direction;
vj = (*currEnterings)[j].m_direction;
sin = cross(vi, vj);
if (heights[i] == heights[j]) goto test_against_max_height;
frac = heights[i] / heights[j];
if (sin < 0) return 0;
cos = vi * vj;
if (cos < 0 && (frac < -cos || frac > (-1 / cos))) return 0;
// Reusing cos
cos = (sin < 0.1)
? std::max(heights[i], heights[j])
: norm((vi * (heights[j] / sin)) + (vj * (heights[i] / sin)));
if (cos < hMax) return 0;
return 1;
inline void tryConfiguration(const std::vector<unsigned int> &bounds) {
std::vector<double> currHeights(currEnterings->size());
double mean, currMeanError = 0;
unsigned int i, j, first, end;
for (i = 0, first = 0; i <= bounds.size(); first = end, ++i) {
end = i < bounds.size() ? end = bounds[i] + 1 : currEnterings->size();
// Calculate mean from first (included) to end (not included)
for (j = first, mean = 0; j < end; ++j)
mean += (*currEnterings)[(*heightIndicesPtr)[j]].m_height;
mean /= end - first;
// Check if the distance from extremities to mean is tolerable
if (std::max((*currEnterings)[(*heightIndicesPtr)[end - 1]].m_height - mean,
mean - (*currEnterings)[(*heightIndicesPtr)[first]].m_height) >
hDiffMul * mean)
// Calculate squared error to mean
for (j = first; j < end; ++j)
currMeanError +=
sq((*currEnterings)[(*heightIndicesPtr)[j]].m_height - mean);
// Set calculated currHeights
for (j = first; j < end; ++j) currHeights[(*heightIndicesPtr)[j]] = mean;
// Update current maximum height
hMax = mean; // Global
// If this configuration could be better than current, launch circle test
if (optHeights->empty() || currMeanError < optMeanError) {
if (checkCircles(currHeights)) {
(*optHeights) = currHeights;
optMeanError = currMeanError;
class hLess {
std::vector<EnteringSequence> &m_entSequences;
hLess(std::vector<EnteringSequence> &v) : m_entSequences(v) {}
inline bool operator()(unsigned int a, unsigned int b) {
return m_entSequences[a].m_height < m_entSequences[b].m_height;
// EXPLANATION: We build intervals on which height means are done.
// Their right Interval Bounds are supposed INCLUDED.
// Example: heights[]= {1, 2, 3, 4}; rightIntervalBounds[]={0, 2};
// => do height means on: {1}, {2,3}, {4}. (*)
// After means are calculated, a test on the obtained configuration is
// performed. Among those configurations which pass the test, the one
// with rightIntervalBounds.size()->min and, on same sizes,
// currMeanError->min is the 'best' configuration possible.
// If no height configuration pass the test, reconstruction fails.
//(*) NOTE: The right Interval Bounds will never include index n-1, which
// interferes with push_backs.
inline bool JunctionArea::makeHeights() {
std::vector<unsigned int> heightOrderedIndices;
std::vector<unsigned int> rightIntervalBounds;
std::vector<double> optimalHeights;
unsigned int i, n, m;
// Sort entering sequences' indices for increasing height/thickness
for (i = 0; i < m_enteringSequences.size(); ++i) heightOrderedIndices[i] = i;
sort(heightOrderedIndices.begin(), heightOrderedIndices.end(),
// Initialize globals/references
currEnterings = &m_enteringSequences;
heightIndicesPtr = &heightOrderedIndices;
optMeanError = 0;
optHeights = &optimalHeights;
// Now build height-mean configurations and launch their tests
n = m_enteringSequences.size();
// The m=0 case is done first, apart
for (m = 1; m < n && optimalHeights.empty(); ++m) {
// Initialize bounds
rightIntervalBounds[0] = 0;
while (!rightIntervalBounds.empty()) {
// Fill bounds if necessary
while (rightIntervalBounds.size() < m)
rightIntervalBounds.push_back(rightIntervalBounds.back() + 1);
//'Advance' configuration: increment last index and pop those
// exceeding valid size. If bounds gets empty, done all configs
// with m+1 intervals.
while ((
rightIntervalBounds.back() < n - 1 - (m - rightIntervalBounds.size())
? 0
: (rightIntervalBounds.pop_back(), !rightIntervalBounds.empty())))
if (!optimalHeights.empty()) {
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) m_enteringSequences[i].m_height = optimalHeights[i];
return 1;
return 0;
// Area Calculation Main
class EntSequenceLess {
EntSequenceLess() {}
inline bool operator()(const EnteringSequence &a, const EnteringSequence &b) {
// m_direction is normalized, therefore:
return a.m_direction.y >= 0
? b.m_direction.y >= 0 ? a.m_direction.x > b.m_direction.x : 1
: b.m_direction.y < 0 ? a.m_direction.x < b.m_direction.x : 0;
bool JunctionArea::calculateReconstruction() {
unsigned int i;
if (m_enteringSequences.size() == 0) return 0;
// Apply preliminary tests for this Junction Area
// a) Check if endpoints got absorbed by the expansion process
for (i = 0; i < m_jointsAbsorbed.size(); ++i)
if (currJSGraph->getNode(m_jointsAbsorbed[i]).degree() == 1) return 0;
// b) Check if the contours shape resembles that of a crossing
sort(m_enteringSequences.begin(), m_enteringSequences.end(),
if (!checkShape()) return 0;
// c) Build the new junction Point plane position
if (!solveJunctionPosition()) return 0;
// d) Build joint optimal heights (each for entering sequence...)
if (!makeHeights()) return 0;
return 1;
// Sequences Pull Back
// EXPLANATION: We have to insure that connecting entering sequences to the
// new junction point happens *smoothly*. In order to do this, wh withdraw
// entering sequences along the enterin road, until the angle given by the
// connecting line and the entering direction is small.
// However, sequence pull back can be done only under some constraints:
// * we have to remain inside a road axis
// * ........................ a given fat line around the entering direction
inline bool JunctionArea::sequencesPullBack() {
std::vector<EnteringSequence>::iterator a;
double alongLinePosition, distanceFromLine;
unsigned int i, iLink, tail;
TPointD P;
for (a = m_enteringSequences.begin(); a != m_enteringSequences.end(); ++a) {
i = a->m_head;
iLink = a->m_headLink;
// NOTE: updated tails are stored this way, *DONT* look in a->m_tail
// because these typically store old infos
tail =
P = planeProjection(*a->m_graphHolder->getNode(a->m_head));
while (i != tail) {
alongLinePosition = a->m_direction * (m_newJointPosition - P);
distanceFromLine = tdistance(m_newJointPosition, a->m_direction, P);
if (alongLinePosition >= 0 &&
(distanceFromLine / alongLinePosition) <= 0.5)
goto found_pull_back;
// We then take the next arc and check it
if (!a->m_graphHolder->getNode(i).getLink(iLink)->hasAttribute(
return 0; // Pull back failed
a->next(i, iLink);
P = planeProjection(*a->m_graphHolder->getNode(i));
if (tdistance(P, a->m_direction, m_newJointPosition) >
std::max(pullBackMul * a->m_height, 1.0))
return 0; // Pull back failed
// Now checking opposite sequence extremity
if (alongLinePosition < 0 || (distanceFromLine / alongLinePosition) > 0.5)
return 0;
a->m_head = i;
a->m_headLink = iLink;
return 1;
// Substitute new junction configuration
void JunctionArea::apply() {
std::vector<EnteringSequence>::iterator a;
unsigned int newJoint, newSkeletonNode;
unsigned int head, headLink, tail, tailLink;
unsigned int outerJoint, outerLink;
unsigned int i, next, nextLink;
// First, check if Entering Sequences pullback is possible
if (!sequencesPullBack()) return;
// Then, we can substitute the old configuration
// First, sign as 'ELIMINATED' all absorbed joints
for (i = 0; i < m_jointsAbsorbed.size(); ++i)
newJoint = currJSGraph->newNode();
for (a = m_enteringSequences.begin(); a != m_enteringSequences.end(); ++a) {
// Initialize infos
newSkeletonNode =
a->m_graphHolder->newNode(T3DPointD(m_newJointPosition, a->m_height));
// Retrieve sequence infos to substitute
// NOTE: We update *tail* infos in currJSGraph sequences after each "apply"
const JointSequenceGraph::Link &tempLink =
head = tempLink->m_head;
headLink = tempLink->m_headLink;
tail = tempLink->m_tail;
tailLink = tempLink->m_tailLink;
outerJoint = tempLink.getNext();
// Find outerLink - from outerJoint to a->m_initialJoint
for (i = 0;
(currJSGraph->getNode(outerJoint).getLink(i)->m_tail != head) ||
(currJSGraph->getNode(outerJoint).getLink(i)->m_tailLink != headLink);
outerLink = i;
// Now, provide skeleton linkages
// NOTE: Discriminate between the following cases
// a) m_head->degree == 2
// b) m_head == m_tail
// c) m_head == original m_head - or, (m_head!=m_tail && m_head->deg>2)
if (a->m_graphHolder->getNode(a->m_head).degree() == 2) {
a->m_graphHolder->newLink(newSkeletonNode, a->m_head);
// Better clear road attribute or set it?
} else if (a->m_head == tail) {
a->m_graphHolder->newLink(newSkeletonNode, tail);
} else //(a->m_head == head)
// In this case, better introduce further a new substitute of head
unsigned int newHead = a->m_graphHolder->newNode(
a->m_graphHolder->newLink(newSkeletonNode, newHead);
a->m_graphHolder->newLink(newHead, newSkeletonNode);
// Link newHead on the other side
next = a->m_graphHolder->getNode(head).getLink(headLink).getNext();
nextLink = a->m_graphHolder->getNode(next).linkOfNode(head);
a->m_graphHolder->newLink(newHead, next);
// Finally, update joint linkings and sequence tails.
Sequence newSequence;
newSequence.m_graphHolder = a->m_graphHolder;
newSequence.m_head = newSkeletonNode;
newSequence.m_headLink = 0;
newSequence.m_tail = tail;
newSequence.m_tailLink = tailLink;
currJSGraph->node(outerJoint).link(outerLink)->m_tail = newSkeletonNode;
currJSGraph->node(outerJoint).link(outerLink)->m_tailLink = 0;
currJSGraph->newLink(newJoint, outerJoint, newSequence);
// Junction Recovery Main
// EXPLANATION: Junction Recovery attempts reconstruction of badly-behaved
// crossings in the raw skeleton of the image.
// void inline junctionRecovery(Contours* polygons)
void junctionRecovery(Contours *polygons, VectorizerCoreGlobals &g) {
globals = &g;
unsigned int i, j;
std::vector<JunctionArea> junctionAreasList;
// For all joints not processed by the Recoverer, launch a new junction
// area reconstruction
for (i = 0; i < globals->organizedGraphs.size(); ++i) {
currJSGraph = &globals->organizedGraphs[i];
currContourFamily = &(*polygons)[contourFamilyOfOrganized[i]];
// First, graph roads are found and signed on the skeleton
// Then, junction areas are identified and reconstructions are calculated
for (j = 0; j < currJSGraph->getNodesCount(); ++j)
if (!currJSGraph->getNode(j).hasAttribute(JointSequenceGraph::REACHED)) {
if (!junctionAreasList.back().calculateReconstruction())
// Finally, reconstructions are substituted inside the skeleton
for (j = 0; j < junctionAreasList.size(); ++j) junctionAreasList[j].apply();