Shinya Kitaoka d1f6c4e95b REFACTORING: Add final specifiers (#537)
* add final specifiers

* apply clang-format

* fix for macOS
2016-06-29 15:17:12 +09:00

166 lines
5 KiB

#pragma once
#include "toonz/txshcolumn.h"
#include "toonz/txshcell.h"
#include "tsound.h"
#include <QList>
#include <QTimer>
#undef DVAPI
#undef DVVAR
// forward declarations
class TFilePath;
class ColumnLevel;
//! The TXshSoundColumn class provides a sound column in xsheet and allows its
//! management through cell concept.
/*!Inherits \b TXshCellColumn. */
class DVAPI TXshSoundColumn final : public QObject, public TXshCellColumn {
TSoundOutputDevice *m_player;
QList<ColumnLevel *> m_levels; // owner
/*!Used to menage current playback.*/
TSoundTrackP m_currentPlaySoundTrack;
//! From 0.0 to 1.0
double m_volume;
bool m_isOldVersion;
QTimer m_timer;
TXshColumn::ColumnType getColumnType() const override;
TXshSoundColumn *getSoundColumn() override { return this; }
bool canSetCell(const TXshCell &cell) const override;
TXshColumn *clone() const override;
/*! Clear column and set src level. */
void assignLevels(const TXshSoundColumn *src);
void loadData(TIStream &is) override;
void saveData(TOStream &os) override;
/*! r0 : min row not empty, r1 : max row not empty. Return row count.*/
int getRange(int &r0, int &r1) const override;
/*! Last not empty row - first not empty row. */
int getRowCount() const override;
/*! Return max row not empty. */
int getMaxFrame() const override;
/*! Return min row not empty.*/
int getFirstRow() const override;
const TXshCell &getCell(int row) const override;
void getCells(int row, int rowCount, TXshCell cells[]) override;
bool setCell(int row, const TXshCell &cell) override;
/*! Return false if cannot set cells.*/
bool setCells(int row, int rowCount, const TXshCell cells[]) override;
void insertEmptyCells(int row, int rowCount) override;
void clearCells(int row, int rowCount) override;
void removeCells(int row, int rowCount) override;
/*! Check if frames from \b row to \b row+rowCount are in sequence and
* collapse level if it is true. */
void updateCells(int row, int rowCount);
/*! Modify range of level sound in row. Return new range value of the level in
N.B. Row must be the first or last cell of a sound level. */
int modifyCellRange(int row, int delta, bool modifyStartValue);
bool isCellEmpty(int row) const override;
/*! r0 : min row not empty of level in row, r1 : max row not empty of level in
Return true if level range is not empty.*/
bool getLevelRange(int row, int &r0, int &r1) const override;
/*! r0 : min possible (without offset) row of level in row, r1 : max possible
(without offset) row of level in row.
Return true if level range is not empty.*/
bool getLevelRangeWithoutOffset(int row, int &r0, int &r1) const;
/*! Only debug. */
void checkColumn() const override;
void setXsheet(TXsheet *xsheet) override;
void setFrameRate(double fps);
void updateFrameRate(double fps);
//! From 0.0 to 1.0
void setVolume(double value);
double getVolume() const;
TSoundTrackP getCurrentPlaySoundTruck() { return m_currentPlaySoundTrack; }
//! s0 and s1 are samples
void play(TSoundTrackP soundtrack, int s0, int s1, bool loop);
/*! Play the whole soundSequence, currentFrame it is used to compute an offset
when the user play a single level and hence the audio behind..*/
void play(ColumnLevel *ss, int currentFrame);
void play(int currentFrame = 0);
void stop();
bool isPlaying() const;
void scrub(int fromFrame, int toFrame);
TSoundTrackP getOverallSoundTrack(
int fromFrame = -1, int toFram = -1, double fps = -1,
TSoundTrackFormat format = TSoundTrackFormat());
TSoundTrackP mixingTogether(const std::vector<TXshSoundColumn *> &vect,
int fromFrame = -1, int toFram = -1,
double fps = -1);
bool setCell(int row, const TXshCell &cell, bool updateSequence);
void removeCells(int row, int rowCount, bool shift);
void setCellInEmptyFrame(int row, const TXshCell &cell);
/*! If index == -1 insert soundColumnLevel at last and than order
* soundColumnLevel by startFrame. */
void insertColumnLevel(ColumnLevel *columnLevel, int index = -1);
void removeColumnLevel(ColumnLevel *columnLevel);
ColumnLevel *getColumnLevelByFrame(int frame) const;
ColumnLevel *getColumnLevel(int index);
int getColumnLevelIndex(ColumnLevel *ss) const;
void clear();
protected slots:
void onTimerOut();
#ifdef _WIN32
template class DV_EXPORT_API TSmartPointerT<TXshSoundColumn>;
typedef TSmartPointerT<TXshSoundColumn> TXshSoundColumnP;