Campbell Barton b3bd842e04 Make functions static, ensure declarations match headers (#610)
This patch used -Wmissing-declarations warning
to show functions and symbols that had no declarations, and either:

- Make static
- Add to header

This helps avoid possability that declarations and functions get out of sync.
And ensures all source files reference headers correctly.

It also makes sure functions defined with extern "C",
have this defined in the header. An error found in calligraph.h while writing this patch.

This has been applied to toonzlib, to avoid making very large global changes.
If accepted, -Wmissing-declarations warning could be added to CMake.
2016-07-13 21:05:06 +09:00

1151 lines
34 KiB

#include "texception.h"
#include "toonz/autoclose.h"
#include "trastercm.h"
#include "skeletonlut.h"
using namespace SkeletonLut;
class TAutocloser::Imp {
struct Seed {
UCHAR *m_ptr;
UCHAR m_preseed;
Seed(UCHAR *ptr, UCHAR preseed) : m_ptr(ptr), m_preseed(preseed) {}
int m_closingDistance;
double m_spotAngle;
int m_inkIndex;
int m_opacity;
TRasterP m_raster;
TRasterGR8P m_bRaster;
UCHAR *m_br;
int m_bWrap;
int m_displaceVector[8];
TPointD m_displAverage;
int m_visited;
double m_csp, m_snp, m_csm, m_snm, m_csa, m_sna, m_csb, m_snb;
Imp(const TRasterP &r, int distance = 10, double angle = M_PI_2,
int index = 0, int opacity = 0)
: m_raster(r)
, m_spotAngle(angle)
, m_closingDistance(distance)
, m_inkIndex(index)
, m_opacity(opacity) {}
~Imp() {}
bool inline isInk(UCHAR *br) { return (*br) & 0x1; }
inline void eraseInk(UCHAR *br) { *(br) &= 0xfe; }
UCHAR inline ePix(UCHAR *br) { return (*(br + 1)); }
UCHAR inline wPix(UCHAR *br) { return (*(br - 1)); }
UCHAR inline nPix(UCHAR *br) { return (*(br + m_bWrap)); }
UCHAR inline sPix(UCHAR *br) { return (*(br - m_bWrap)); }
UCHAR inline swPix(UCHAR *br) { return (*(br - m_bWrap - 1)); }
UCHAR inline nwPix(UCHAR *br) { return (*(br + m_bWrap - 1)); }
UCHAR inline nePix(UCHAR *br) { return (*(br + m_bWrap + 1)); }
UCHAR inline sePix(UCHAR *br) { return (*(br - m_bWrap + 1)); }
UCHAR inline neighboursCode(UCHAR *seed) {
return ((swPix(seed) & 0x1) | ((sPix(seed) & 0x1) << 1) |
((sePix(seed) & 0x1) << 2) | ((wPix(seed) & 0x1) << 3) |
((ePix(seed) & 0x1) << 4) | ((nwPix(seed) & 0x1) << 5) |
((nPix(seed) & 0x1) << 6) | ((nePix(seed) & 0x1) << 7));
inline bool notMarkedBorderInk(UCHAR *br) {
return ((((*br) & 0x5) == 1) &&
(ePix(br) == 0 || wPix(br) == 0 || nPix(br) == 0 || sPix(br) == 0));
UCHAR *getPtr(int x, int y) { return m_br + m_bWrap * y + x; }
UCHAR *getPtr(const TPoint &p) { return m_br + m_bWrap * p.y + p.x; }
TPoint getCoordinates(UCHAR *br) {
TPoint p;
int pixelCount = br - m_bRaster->getRawData();
p.y = pixelCount / m_bWrap;
p.x = pixelCount - p.y * m_bWrap;
return p;
void compute(std::vector<Segment> &closingSegmentArray);
void draw(const std::vector<Segment> &closingSegmentArray);
void skeletonize(std::vector<TPoint> &endpoints);
void findSeeds(std::vector<Seed> &seeds, std::vector<TPoint> &endpoints);
void erase(std::vector<Seed> &seeds, std::vector<TPoint> &endpoints);
void circuitAndMark(UCHAR *seed, UCHAR preseed);
bool circuitAndCancel(UCHAR *seed, UCHAR preseed,
std::vector<TPoint> &endpoints);
void findMeetingPoints(std::vector<TPoint> &endpoints,
std::vector<Segment> &closingSegments);
void calculateWeightAndDirection(std::vector<Segment> &orientedEndpoints);
bool spotResearchTwoPoints(std::vector<Segment> &endpoints,
std::vector<Segment> &closingSegments);
bool spotResearchOnePoint(std::vector<Segment> &endpoints,
std::vector<Segment> &closingSegments);
void copy(const TRasterGR8P &braux, TRaster32P &raux);
int exploreTwoSpots(const TAutocloser::Segment &s0,
const TAutocloser::Segment &s1);
int notInsidePath(const TPoint &p, const TPoint &q);
void drawInByteRaster(const TPoint &p0, const TPoint &p1);
TPoint visitEndpoint(UCHAR *br);
bool exploreSpot(const Segment &s, TPoint &p);
bool exploreRay(UCHAR *br, Segment s, TPoint &p);
void visitPix(UCHAR *br, int toVisit, const TPoint &dis);
void cancelMarks(UCHAR *br);
void cancelFromArray(std::vector<Segment> &array, TPoint p, int &count);
#define DRAW_SEGMENT(a, b, da, db, istr1, istr2, block) \
{ \
d = 2 * db - da; \
incr_1 = 2 * db; \
incr_2 = 2 * (db - da); \
while (a < da) { \
if (d <= 0) { \
d += incr_1; \
a++; \
istr1; \
} else { \
d += incr_2; \
a++; \
b++; \
istr2; \
} \
block; \
} \
#define EXPLORE_RAY_ISTR(istr) \
if (!inside_ink) { \
if (((*br) & 0x1) && !((*br) & 0x80)) { \
p.x = istr; \
p.y = (s.first.y < s.second.y) ? s.first.y + y : s.first.y - y; \
return true; \
} \
} else if (inside_ink && !((*br) & 0x1)) \
inside_ink = 0;
namespace {
inline bool isInk(const TPixel32 &pix) { return pix.r < 80; }
TRasterGR8P fillByteRaster(const TRasterCM32P &r, TRasterGR8P &bRaster) {
int i, j;
int lx = r->getLx();
int ly = r->getLy();
// bRaster->create(lx+4, ly+4);
UCHAR *br = bRaster->getRawData();
for (i = 0; i < lx + 4; i++) *(br++) = 0;
for (i = 0; i < lx + 4; i++) *(br++) = 131;
for (i = 0; i < ly; i++) {
*(br++) = 0;
*(br++) = 131;
TPixelCM32 *pix = r->pixels(i);
for (j = 0; j < lx; j++, pix++) {
if (pix->getTone() != pix->getMaxTone())
*(br++) = 3;
*(br++) = 0;
*(br++) = 131;
*(br++) = 0;
for (i = 0; i < lx + 4; i++) *(br++) = 131;
for (i = 0; i < lx + 4; i++) *(br++) = 0;
return bRaster;
#define SET_INK \
if (buf->getTone() == buf->getMaxTone()) \
*buf = TPixelCM32(inkIndex, 0, 255 - opacity);
void drawSegment(TRasterCM32P &r, const TAutocloser::Segment &s,
USHORT inkIndex, USHORT opacity) {
int wrap = r->getWrap();
TPixelCM32 *buf = r->pixels();
int i, j;
for (i=0; i<r->getLy();i++)
for (j=0; j<r->getLx();j++, buf++)
*buf = (1<<4)|0xf;
buf += wrap-r->getLx();
int x, y, dx, dy, d, incr_1, incr_2;
int x1 = s.first.x;
int y1 = s.first.y;
int x2 = s.second.x;
int y2 = s.second.y;
if (x1 > x2) {
tswap(x1, x2);
tswap(y1, y2);
buf += y1 * wrap + x1;
dx = x2 - x1;
dy = y2 - y1;
x = y = 0;
if (dy >= 0) {
if (dy <= dx)
DRAW_SEGMENT(x, y, dx, dy, (buf++), (buf += wrap + 1), SET_INK)
DRAW_SEGMENT(y, x, dy, dx, (buf += wrap), (buf += wrap + 1), SET_INK)
} else {
dy = -dy;
if (dy <= dx)
DRAW_SEGMENT(x, y, dx, dy, (buf++), (buf -= (wrap - 1)), SET_INK)
DRAW_SEGMENT(y, x, dy, dx, (buf -= wrap), (buf -= (wrap - 1)), SET_INK)
} // namespace
void TAutocloser::Imp::compute(std::vector<Segment> &closingSegmentArray) {
std::vector<TPoint> endpoints;
try {
TRasterCM32P raux;
if (!(raux = (TRasterCM32P)m_raster))
throw TException("Unable to autoclose a not CM32 image.");
if (m_raster->getLx() == 0 || m_raster->getLy() == 0)
throw TException("Autoclose error: bad image size");
// Lx = r->lx;
// Ly = r->ly;
TRasterGR8P braux(raux->getLx() + 4, raux->getLy() + 4);
fillByteRaster(raux, braux);
TRect r(2, 2, braux->getLx() - 3, braux->getLy() - 3);
m_bRaster = braux->extract(r);
m_br = m_bRaster->getRawData();
m_bWrap = m_bRaster->getWrap();
m_displaceVector[0] = -m_bWrap - 1;
m_displaceVector[1] = -m_bWrap;
m_displaceVector[2] = -m_bWrap + 1;
m_displaceVector[3] = -1;
m_displaceVector[4] = +1;
m_displaceVector[5] = m_bWrap - 1;
m_displaceVector[6] = m_bWrap;
m_displaceVector[7] = m_bWrap + 1;
findMeetingPoints(endpoints, closingSegmentArray);
// copy(m_bRaster, raux);
catch (TException &e) {
throw e;
void TAutocloser::Imp::draw(const std::vector<Segment> &closingSegmentArray) {
TRasterCM32P raux;
if (!(raux = (TRasterCM32P)m_raster))
throw TException("Unable to autoclose a not CM32 image.");
if (m_raster->getLx() == 0 || m_raster->getLy() == 0)
throw TException("Autoclose error: bad image size");
for (int i = 0; i < (int)closingSegmentArray.size(); i++)
drawSegment(raux, closingSegmentArray[i], m_inkIndex, m_opacity);
void TAutocloser::Imp::copy(const TRasterGR8P &br, TRaster32P &r) {
assert(r->getLx() == br->getLx() && r->getLy() == br->getLy());
int i, j;
int lx = r->getLx();
int ly = r->getLy();
UCHAR *bbuf = br->getRawData();
TPixel *buf = (TPixel *)r->getRawData();
for (i = 0; i < ly; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < lx; j++, buf++, bbuf++) {
buf->m = 255;
if ((*bbuf) & 0x40)
buf->r = 255, buf->g = buf->b = 0;
else if (isInk(bbuf))
buf->r = buf->g = buf->b = 0;
buf->r = buf->g = buf->b = 255;
buf += r->getWrap() - lx;
bbuf += br->getWrap() - lx;
namespace {
int intersect_segment(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int i, double *ris) {
if ((i < std::min(y1, y2)) || (i > std::max(y1, y2)) || (y1 == y2)) return 0;
*ris = ((double)((x1 - x2) * (i - y2)) / (double)(y1 - y2) + x2);
return 1;
inline int distance2(const TPoint p0, const TPoint p1) {
return (p0.x - p1.x) * (p0.x - p1.x) + (p0.y - p1.y) * (p0.y - p1.y);
int closerPoint(const std::vector<TAutocloser::Segment> &points,
std::vector<bool> &marks, int index) {
assert(points.size() == marks.size());
int min, curr;
int minval = (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)();
min = index + 1;
for (curr = index + 1; curr < (int)points.size(); curr++)
if (!(marks[curr])) {
int distance = distance2(points[index].first, points[curr].first);
if (distance < minval) {
minval = distance;
min = curr;
marks[min] = true;
return min;
int intersect_triangle(int x1a, int y1a, int x2a, int y2a, int x3a, int y3a,
int x1b, int y1b, int x2b, int y2b, int x3b, int y3b) {
int minx, maxx, miny, maxy, i;
double xamin, xamax, xbmin, xbmax, val;
miny = std::max(std::min({y1a, y2a, y3a}), std::min({y1b, y2b, y3b}));
maxy = std::min(std::max({y1a, y2a, y3a}), std::max({y1b, y2b, y3b}));
if (maxy < miny) return 0;
minx = std::max(std::min({x1a, x2a, x3a}), std::min({x1b, x2b, x3b}));
maxx = std::min(std::max({x1a, x2a, x3a}), std::max({x1b, x2b, x3b}));
if (maxx < minx) return 0;
for (i = miny; i <= maxy; i++) {
xamin = xamax = xbmin = xbmax = 0.0;
intersect_segment(x1a, y1a, x2a, y2a, i, &xamin);
if (intersect_segment(x1a, y1a, x3a, y3a, i, &val))
if (xamin)
xamax = val;
xamin = val;
if (!xamax) intersect_segment(x2a, y2a, x3a, y3a, i, &xamax);
if (xamax < xamin) {
val = xamin, xamin = xamax, xamax = val;
intersect_segment(x1b, y1b, x2b, y2b, i, &xbmin);
if (intersect_segment(x1b, y1b, x3b, y3b, i, &val))
if (xbmin)
xbmax = val;
xbmin = val;
if (!xbmax) intersect_segment(x2b, y2b, x3b, y3b, i, &xbmax);
if (xbmax < xbmin) {
val = xbmin, xbmin = xbmax, xbmax = val;
if (!((tceil(xamax) < tfloor(xbmin)) || (tceil(xbmax) < tfloor(xamin))))
return 1;
return 0;
} // namespace
int TAutocloser::Imp::notInsidePath(const TPoint &p, const TPoint &q) {
int tmp, x, y, dx, dy, d, incr_1, incr_2;
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
x1 = p.x;
y1 = p.y;
x2 = q.x;
y2 = q.y;
if (x1 > x2) {
tmp = x1, x1 = x2, x2 = tmp;
tmp = y1, y1 = y2, y2 = tmp;
UCHAR *br = getPtr(x1, y1);
dx = x2 - x1;
dy = y2 - y1;
x = y = 0;
if (dy >= 0) {
if (dy <= dx)
DRAW_SEGMENT(x, y, dx, dy, (br++), (br += m_bWrap + 1),
if (!((*br) & 0x2)) return true)
DRAW_SEGMENT(y, x, dy, dx, (br += m_bWrap), (br += m_bWrap + 1),
if (!((*br) & 0x2)) return true)
} else {
dy = -dy;
if (dy <= dx)
DRAW_SEGMENT(x, y, dx, dy, (br++), (br -= m_bWrap - 1),
if (!((*br) & 0x2)) return true)
DRAW_SEGMENT(y, x, dy, dx, (br -= m_bWrap), (br -= m_bWrap - 1),
if (!((*br) & 0x2)) return true)
return 0;
int TAutocloser::Imp::exploreTwoSpots(const TAutocloser::Segment &s0,
const TAutocloser::Segment &s1) {
int x1a, y1a, x2a, y2a, x3a, y3a, x1b, y1b, x2b, y2b, x3b, y3b;
x1a = s0.first.x;
y1a = s0.first.y;
x1b = s1.first.x;
y1b = s1.first.y;
TPoint p0aux = s0.second;
TPoint p1aux = s1.second;
if (x1a == p0aux.x && y1a == p0aux.y) return 0;
if (x1b == p1aux.x && y1b == p1aux.y) return 0;
x2a = tround(x1a + (p0aux.x - x1a) * m_csp - (p0aux.y - y1a) * m_snp);
y2a = tround(y1a + (p0aux.x - x1a) * m_snp + (p0aux.y - y1a) * m_csp);
x3a = tround(x1a + (p0aux.x - x1a) * m_csm - (p0aux.y - y1a) * m_snm);
y3a = tround(y1a + (p0aux.x - x1a) * m_snm + (p0aux.y - y1a) * m_csm);
x2b = tround(x1b + (p1aux.x - x1b) * m_csp - (p1aux.y - y1b) * m_snp);
y2b = tround(y1b + (p1aux.x - x1b) * m_snp + (p1aux.y - y1b) * m_csp);
x3b = tround(x1b + (p1aux.x - x1b) * m_csm - (p1aux.y - y1b) * m_snm);
y3b = tround(y1b + (p1aux.x - x1b) * m_snm + (p1aux.y - y1b) * m_csm);
return (intersect_triangle(x1a, y1a, p0aux.x, p0aux.y, x2a, y2a, x1b, y1b,
p1aux.x, p1aux.y, x2b, y2b) ||
intersect_triangle(x1a, y1a, p0aux.x, p0aux.y, x3a, y3a, x1b, y1b,
p1aux.x, p1aux.y, x2b, y2b) ||
intersect_triangle(x1a, y1a, p0aux.x, p0aux.y, x2a, y2a, x1b, y1b,
p1aux.x, p1aux.y, x3b, y3b) ||
intersect_triangle(x1a, y1a, p0aux.x, p0aux.y, x3a, y3a, x1b, y1b,
p1aux.x, p1aux.y, x3b, y3b));
void TAutocloser::Imp::findMeetingPoints(
std::vector<TPoint> &endpoints, std::vector<Segment> &closingSegments) {
int i;
double alfa;
alfa = m_spotAngle / AUT_SPOT_SAMPLES;
m_csp = cos(m_spotAngle / 5);
m_snp = sin(m_spotAngle / 5);
m_csm = cos(-m_spotAngle / 5);
m_snm = sin(-m_spotAngle / 5);
m_csa = cos(alfa);
m_sna = sin(alfa);
m_csb = cos(-alfa);
m_snb = sin(-alfa);
std::vector<Segment> orientedEndpoints(endpoints.size());
for (i = 0; i < (int)endpoints.size(); i++)
orientedEndpoints[i].first = endpoints[i];
int size = -1;
while ((int)closingSegments.size() > size && !orientedEndpoints.empty()) {
size = closingSegments.size();
while (spotResearchTwoPoints(orientedEndpoints, closingSegments));
while (spotResearchOnePoint(orientedEndpoints, closingSegments));
static bool allMarked(const std::vector<bool> &marks, int index) {
int i;
for (i = index + 1; i < (int)marks.size(); i++)
if (!marks[i]) return false;
return true;
bool TAutocloser::Imp::spotResearchTwoPoints(
std::vector<Segment> &endpoints, std::vector<Segment> &closingSegments) {
int i, distance, current = 0, closerIndex;
int sqrDistance = m_closingDistance * m_closingDistance;
bool found = 0;
std::vector<bool> marks(endpoints.size());
while (current < (int)endpoints.size() - 1) {
found = 0;
for (i = current + 1; i < (int)marks.size(); i++) marks[i] = false;
distance = 0;
while (!found && (distance <= sqrDistance) && !allMarked(marks, current)) {
closerIndex = closerPoint(endpoints, marks, current);
if (exploreTwoSpots(endpoints[current], endpoints[closerIndex]) &&
endpoints[closerIndex].first)) {
Segment(endpoints[current].first, endpoints[closerIndex].first));
if (!EndpointTable[neighboursCode(
getPtr(endpoints[closerIndex].first))]) {
std::vector<Segment>::iterator it = endpoints.begin();
std::advance(it, closerIndex);
std::vector<bool>::iterator it1 = marks.begin();
std::advance(it1, closerIndex);
found = true;
if (found) {
std::vector<Segment>::iterator it = endpoints.begin();
std::advance(it, current);
std::vector<bool>::iterator it1 = marks.begin();
std::advance(it1, current);
} else
return found;
static void clear_marks(POINT *p)
while (p)
p->mark = 0;
p = p->next;
static int there_are_unmarked(POINT *p)
while (p)
if (!p->mark) return 1;
p = p->next;
return 0;
void TAutocloser::Imp::calculateWeightAndDirection(
std::vector<Segment> &orientedEndpoints) {
// UCHAR *br;
int lx = m_raster->getLx();
int ly = m_raster->getLy();
std::vector<Segment>::iterator it = orientedEndpoints.begin();
while (it != orientedEndpoints.end()) {
TPoint p0 = it->first;
TPoint &p1 = it->second;
// br = (UCHAR *)m_bRaster->pixels(p0.y)+p0.x;
// code = neighboursCode(br);
/*if (!EndpointTable[code])
it = orientedEndpoints.erase(it);
TPoint displAverage = visitEndpoint(getPtr(p0));
p1 = p0 - displAverage;
/*if ((point->x2<0 && point->y2<0) || (point->x2>Lx && point->y2>Ly))
* printf("che palle!!!!!!\n");*/
if (p1.x < 0) {
p1.y = tround(p0.y - (float)((p0.y - p1.y) * p0.x) / (p0.x - p1.x));
p1.x = 0;
} else if (p1.x > lx) {
p1.y =
tround(p0.y - (float)((p0.y - p1.y) * (p0.x - lx)) / (p0.x - p1.x));
p1.x = lx;
if (p1.y < 0) {
p1.x = tround(p0.x - (float)((p0.x - p1.x) * p0.y) / (p0.y - p1.y));
p1.y = 0;
} else if (p1.y > ly) {
p1.x =
tround(p0.x - (float)((p0.x - p1.x) * (p0.y - ly)) / (p0.y - p1.y));
p1.y = ly;
bool TAutocloser::Imp::spotResearchOnePoint(
std::vector<Segment> &endpoints, std::vector<Segment> &closingSegments) {
int count = 0;
bool ret = false;
while (count < (int)endpoints.size()) {
TPoint p;
if (exploreSpot(endpoints[count], p)) {
Segment segment(endpoints[count].first, p);
std::vector<Segment>::iterator it =
std::find(closingSegments.begin(), closingSegments.end(), segment);
if (it == closingSegments.end()) {
ret = true;
drawInByteRaster(endpoints[count].first, p);
closingSegments.push_back(Segment(endpoints[count].first, p));
cancelFromArray(endpoints, p, count);
if (!EndpointTable[neighboursCode(getPtr(endpoints[count].first))]) {
std::vector<Segment>::iterator it = endpoints.begin();
std::advance(it, count);
return ret;
bool TAutocloser::Imp::exploreSpot(const Segment &s, TPoint &p) {
int x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, i;
double x2a, y2a, x2b, y2b, xnewa, ynewa, xnewb, ynewb;
int lx = m_raster->getLx();
int ly = m_raster->getLy();
x1 = s.first.x;
y1 = s.first.y;
x2 = s.second.x;
y2 = s.second.y;
if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2) return 0;
if (exploreRay(getPtr(x1, y1), s, p)) return true;
x2a = x2b = (double)x2;
y2a = y2b = (double)y2;
for (i = 0; i < AUT_SPOT_SAMPLES; i++) {
xnewa = x1 + (x2a - x1) * m_csa - (y2a - y1) * m_sna;
ynewa = y1 + (y2a - y1) * m_csa + (x2a - x1) * m_sna;
x3 = tround(xnewa);
y3 = tround(ynewa);
if ((x3 != tround(x2a) || y3 != tround(y2a)) && x3 > 0 && x3 < lx &&
y3 > 0 && y3 < ly &&
getPtr(x1, y1),
Segment(TPoint(x1, y1), TPoint(tround(xnewa), tround(ynewa))), p))
return true;
x2a = xnewa;
y2a = ynewa;
xnewb = x1 + (x2b - x1) * m_csb - (y2b - y1) * m_snb;
ynewb = y1 + (y2b - y1) * m_csb + (x2b - x1) * m_snb;
x3 = tround(xnewb);
y3 = tround(ynewb);
if ((x3 != tround(x2b) || y3 != tround(y2b)) && x3 > 0 && x3 < lx &&
y3 > 0 && y3 < ly &&
getPtr(x1, y1),
Segment(TPoint(x1, y1), TPoint(tround(xnewb), tround(ynewb))), p))
return true;
x2b = xnewb;
y2b = ynewb;
return false;
bool TAutocloser::Imp::exploreRay(UCHAR *br, Segment s, TPoint &p) {
int x, y, dx, dy, d, incr_1, incr_2, inside_ink;
inside_ink = 1;
x = 0;
y = 0;
if (s.first.x < s.second.x) {
dx = s.second.x - s.first.x;
dy = s.second.y - s.first.y;
if (dy >= 0)
if (dy <= dx)
DRAW_SEGMENT(x, y, dx, dy, (br++), (br += m_bWrap + 1),
EXPLORE_RAY_ISTR((s.first.x + x)))
DRAW_SEGMENT(y, x, dy, dx, (br += m_bWrap), (br += m_bWrap + 1),
EXPLORE_RAY_ISTR((s.first.x + x)))
else {
dy = -dy;
if (dy <= dx)
DRAW_SEGMENT(x, y, dx, dy, (br++), (br -= m_bWrap - 1),
EXPLORE_RAY_ISTR((s.first.x + x)))
DRAW_SEGMENT(y, x, dy, dx, (br -= m_bWrap), (br -= m_bWrap - 1),
EXPLORE_RAY_ISTR((s.first.x + x)))
} else {
dx = s.first.x - s.second.x;
dy = s.second.y - s.first.y;
if (dy >= 0)
if (dy <= dx)
DRAW_SEGMENT(x, y, dx, dy, (br--), (br += m_bWrap - 1),
EXPLORE_RAY_ISTR((s.first.x - x)))
DRAW_SEGMENT(y, x, dy, dx, (br += m_bWrap), (br += m_bWrap - 1),
EXPLORE_RAY_ISTR((s.first.x - x)))
else {
dy = -dy;
if (dy <= dx)
DRAW_SEGMENT(x, y, dx, dy, (br--), (br -= m_bWrap + 1),
EXPLORE_RAY_ISTR((s.first.x - x)))
DRAW_SEGMENT(y, x, dy, dx, (br -= m_bWrap), (br -= m_bWrap + 1),
EXPLORE_RAY_ISTR((s.first.x - x)))
return false;
void TAutocloser::Imp::drawInByteRaster(const TPoint &p0, const TPoint &p1) {
int x, y, dx, dy, d, incr_1, incr_2;
UCHAR *br;
if (p0.x > p1.x) {
br = getPtr(p1);
dx = p0.x - p1.x;
dy = p0.y - p1.y;
} else {
br = getPtr(p0);
dx = p1.x - p0.x;
dy = p1.y - p0.y;
x = y = 0;
if (dy >= 0) {
if (dy <= dx)
DRAW_SEGMENT(x, y, dx, dy, (br++), (br += m_bWrap + 1), ((*br) |= 0x41))
DRAW_SEGMENT(y, x, dy, dx, (br += m_bWrap), (br += m_bWrap + 1),
((*br) |= 0x41))
} else {
dy = -dy;
if (dy <= dx)
DRAW_SEGMENT(x, y, dx, dy, (br++), (br -= m_bWrap - 1), ((*br) |= 0x41))
DRAW_SEGMENT(y, x, dy, dx, (br -= m_bWrap), (br -= m_bWrap - 1),
((*br) |= 0x41))
TPoint TAutocloser::Imp::visitEndpoint(UCHAR *br)
m_displAverage = TPointD();
m_visited = 0;
visitPix(br, m_closingDistance, TPoint());
return TPoint(convert((1.0 / m_visited) * m_displAverage));
void TAutocloser::Imp::visitPix(UCHAR *br, int toVisit, const TPoint &dis) {
UCHAR b = 0;
int i, pixToVisit = 0;
*br |= 0x10;
m_displAverage.x += dis.x;
m_displAverage.y += dis.y;
if (toVisit == 0) return;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
UCHAR *v = br + m_displaceVector[i];
if (isInk(v) && !((*v) & 0x10)) {
b |= (1 << i);
if (pixToVisit == 0) return;
if (pixToVisit <= 4) toVisit = troundp(toVisit / (double)pixToVisit);
if (toVisit == 0) return;
int x[8] = {-1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1};
int y[8] = {-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1};
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (b & (1 << i))
visitPix(br + m_displaceVector[i], toVisit, dis + TPoint(x[i], y[i]));
void TAutocloser::Imp::cancelMarks(UCHAR *br) {
*br &= 0xef;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
UCHAR *v = br + m_displaceVector[i];
if (isInk(v) && (*v) & 0x10) cancelMarks(v);
void TAutocloser::Imp::skeletonize(std::vector<TPoint> &endpoints) {
std::vector<Seed> seeds;
findSeeds(seeds, endpoints);
erase(seeds, endpoints);
void TAutocloser::Imp::findSeeds(std::vector<Seed> &seeds,
std::vector<TPoint> &endpoints) {
int i, j;
UCHAR preseed;
UCHAR *br = m_br;
for (i = 0; i < m_bRaster->getLy(); i++) {
for (j = 0; j < m_bRaster->getLx(); j++, br++) {
if (notMarkedBorderInk(br)) {
preseed = FirstPreseedTable[neighboursCode(br)];
if (preseed != 8) /*non e' un pixel isolato*/
seeds.push_back(Seed(br, preseed));
circuitAndMark(br, preseed);
} else {
(*br) |= 0x8;
br += m_bWrap - m_bRaster->getLx();
void TAutocloser::Imp::circuitAndMark(UCHAR *seed, UCHAR preseed) {
UCHAR *walker;
UCHAR displ, prewalker;
*seed |= 0x4;
displ = NextPointTable[(neighboursCode(seed) << 3) | preseed];
// assert(displ>=0 && displ<8);
walker = seed + m_displaceVector[displ];
prewalker = displ ^ 0x7;
while ((walker != seed) || (preseed != prewalker)) {
*walker |= 0x4; /* metto la marca di passaggio */
displ = NextPointTable[(neighboursCode(walker) << 3) | prewalker];
// assert(displ>=0 && displ<8);
walker += m_displaceVector[displ];
prewalker = displ ^ 0x7;
void TAutocloser::Imp::erase(std::vector<Seed> &seeds,
std::vector<TPoint> &endpoints) {
int i, size = 0, oldSize;
UCHAR *seed, preseed, code, displ;
oldSize = seeds.size();
while (oldSize != size) {
oldSize = size;
size = seeds.size();
for (i = oldSize; i < size; i++) {
seed = seeds[i].m_ptr;
preseed = seeds[i].m_preseed;
if (!isInk(seed)) {
code = NextSeedTable[neighboursCode(seed)];
seed += m_displaceVector[code & 0x7];
preseed = (code & 0x38) >> 3;
if (circuitAndCancel(seed, preseed, endpoints)) {
if (isInk(seed)) {
displ = NextPointTable[(neighboursCode(seed) << 3) | preseed];
// assert(displ>=0 && displ<8);
seeds.push_back(Seed(seed + m_displaceVector[displ], displ ^ 0x7));
} else /* il seed e' stato cancellato */
code = NextSeedTable[neighboursCode(seed)];
Seed(seed + m_displaceVector[code & 0x7], (code & 0x38) >> 3));
bool TAutocloser::Imp::circuitAndCancel(UCHAR *seed, UCHAR preseed,
std::vector<TPoint> &endpoints) {
UCHAR *walker, *previous;
UCHAR displ, prewalker;
bool ret = false;
displ = NextPointTable[(neighboursCode(seed) << 3) | preseed];
// assert(displ>=0 && displ<8);
if ((displ == preseed) && !((*seed) & 0x8)) {
*seed |= 0x8;
walker = seed + m_displaceVector[displ];
prewalker = displ ^ 0x7;
while ((walker != seed) || (preseed != prewalker)) {
// assert(prewalker>=0 && prewalker<8);
displ = NextPointTable[(neighboursCode(walker) << 3) | prewalker];
// assert(displ>=0 && displ<8);
if ((displ == prewalker) && !((*walker) & 0x8)) {
*walker |= 0x8;
previous = walker + m_displaceVector[prewalker];
if (ConnectionTable[neighboursCode(previous)]) {
ret = true;
if (previous != seed) eraseInk(previous);
walker += m_displaceVector[displ];
prewalker = displ ^ 0x7;
displ = NextPointTable[(neighboursCode(walker) << 3) | prewalker];
if ((displ == preseed) && !((*seed) & 0x8)) {
*seed |= 0x8;
if (ConnectionTable[neighboursCode(seed + m_displaceVector[preseed])]) {
ret = true;
eraseInk(seed + m_displaceVector[preseed]);
if (ConnectionTable[neighboursCode(seed)]) {
ret = true;
return ret;
void TAutocloser::Imp::cancelFromArray(std::vector<Segment> &array, TPoint p,
int &count) {
std::vector<Segment>::iterator it = array.begin();
int i = 0;
for (; it != array.end(); ++it, i++)
if (it->first == p) {
if (!EndpointTable[neighboursCode(getPtr(p))]) {
assert(i != count);
if (i < count) count--;
int is_in_list(LIST list, UCHAR *br)
POINT *aux;
aux = list.head;
if (aux->p == br) return 1;
aux = aux->next;
return 0;
TAutocloser::TAutocloser(const TRasterP &r, int distance, double angle,
int index, int opacity)
: m_imp(new Imp(r, distance, angle, index, opacity)) {}
void TAutocloser::exec() {
std::vector<TAutocloser::Segment> segments;
TAutocloser::~TAutocloser() {}
void TAutocloser::compute(std::vector<Segment> &closingSegmentArray) {
void TAutocloser::draw(const std::vector<Segment> &closingSegmentArray) {