Shinya Kitaoka d1f6c4e95b REFACTORING: Add final specifiers (#537)
* add final specifiers

* apply clang-format

* fix for macOS
2016-06-29 15:17:12 +09:00

479 lines
14 KiB

// TnzCore includes
#include "trop.h"
#include "trop_borders.h"
#include "tpixelutils.h"
// tcg includes
#include "tcg_wrap.h"
#include "tcg/tcg_point.h"
#include "tcg/tcg_cyclic.h"
#include "tcg/tcg_containers_reader.h"
#include "tcg/tcg_triangulate.h"
// TnzExt includes
#include "../common/trop/raster_edge_evaluator.h"
#include "ext/meshbuilder.h"
// Local namespace
namespace {
struct PolygonVertex {
double m_pos[3];
int m_idx;
PolygonVertex(const TPoint &p) : m_idx(-1) {
m_pos[0] = p.x, m_pos[1] = p.y, m_pos[2] = 0.0;
} // namespace
// tcg stuff
namespace tcg {
template <>
struct traits<TTextureMeshP> {
typedef TTextureMeshP *pointer_type;
typedef TTextureMeshP *&reference_type;
typedef TTextureMesh pointed_type;
template <>
struct point_traits<PolygonVertex> {
typedef PolygonVertex point_type;
typedef double value_type;
typedef double float_type;
inline static value_type x(const point_type &p) { return p.m_pos[0]; }
inline static value_type y(const point_type &p) { return p.m_pos[1]; }
} // namespace tcg
// MeshBuilder Locals
namespace {
// Thresholding stuff
template <typename Pix>
void thresholdRaster(const TRasterPT<Pix> &ras, TRasterGR8P &out,
const Pix &transp) {
int lx = ras->getLx(), y, ly = ras->getLy();
for (y = 0; y < ly; ++y) {
Pix *pix, *line = ras->pixels(y), *lineEnd = line + lx;
TPixelGR8 *gr, *grLine = out->pixels(y);
for (pix = line, gr = grLine; pix != lineEnd; ++pix, ++gr)
gr->value = (pix->m && *pix != transp) ? 0 : 255;
template <typename Pix>
void thresholdRasterGr(const TRasterPT<Pix> &ras, TRasterGR8P &out,
const Pix &transp) {
int lx = ras->getLx(), y, ly = ras->getLy();
for (y = 0; y < ly; ++y) {
Pix *pix, *line = ras->pixels(y), *lineEnd = line + lx;
TPixelGR8 *gr, *grLine = out->pixels(y);
for (pix = line, gr = grLine; pix != lineEnd; ++pix, ++gr)
gr->value = (*pix != transp) ? 0 : 255;
void thresholdRasterCM32(const TRasterCM32P &ras, TRasterGR8P &out) {
int lx = ras->getLx(), y, ly = ras->getLy();
for (y = 0; y < ly; ++y) {
TPixelCM32 *pix, *line = ras->pixels(y), *lineEnd = line + lx;
TPixelGR8 *gr, *grLine = out->pixels(y);
for (pix = line, gr = grLine; pix != lineEnd; ++pix, ++gr)
gr->value = (pix->isPurePaint() && !pix->getPaint()) ? 255 : 0;
TRasterGR8P thresholdRaster(const TRasterP &ras,
const MeshBuilderOptions &opts) {
TRasterGR8P binaryRas(ras->getLx(), ras->getLy());
TRasterCM32P rasCM(ras);
if (rasCM)
thresholdRasterCM32(rasCM, binaryRas);
switch (ras->getPixelSize()) {
case 1: {
TRasterGR8P rasGR8(ras);
thresholdRasterGr(rasGR8, binaryRas,
case 2: {
TRasterGR16P rasGR16(ras);
thresholdRasterGr(rasGR16, binaryRas,
case 4: {
TRaster32P ras32(ras);
thresholdRaster(ras32, binaryRas, toPixel32(opts.m_transparentColor));
case 8: {
TRaster64P ras64(ras);
thresholdRaster(ras64, binaryRas, opts.m_transparentColor);
// Build an enlarged ras to preserve borders. 5 pixels should be fine.
TRasterGR8P result(ras->getLx(), ras->getLy());
TRop::blur(result, binaryRas, opts.m_margin, 0, 0);
thresholdRasterGr(result, result, TPixelGR8::White);
return result;
// Borders Extraction stuff
using namespace TRop::borders;
template <typename T>
inline void delete_(T t) {
delete t;
template <typename T>
struct Vector final : public std::vector<T> {
Vector() : std::vector<T>() {}
~Vector() { std::for_each(this->begin(), this->end(), delete_<T>); }
typedef std::vector<TPoint> RasterBorder;
typedef std::vector<PolygonVertex> Polygon;
typedef Vector<Polygon *> Family;
typedef Vector<Family *> Tribe;
struct PolygonReader {
Polygon *m_polygon;
typedef tcg::cyclic_iterator<RasterBorder::iterator> cyclic_iter;
PolygonReader() : m_polygon(0) {}
void openContainer(const cyclic_iter &ct) {
m_polygon = new Polygon;
void addElement(const cyclic_iter &ct) {
void closeContainer() {}
class BordersReader final : public ImageMeshesReaderT<TPixelGR8> {
Vector<RasterBorder *> m_borders;
RasterBorder *m_current;
: ImageMeshesReaderT<TPixelGR8>(PixelSelector<TPixelGR8>(false))
, m_current(0) {}
void openFace(ImageMesh *mesh, int faceIdx, const TPixelGR8 &color) override {
ImageMeshesReader::openFace(mesh, faceIdx); // defines imageIndex
if (mesh) {
ImageMesh::face_type &fc = mesh->face(faceIdx);
fc.imageIndex() = (color.value) ? 0 : 1; // redefines iI
void openEdge(const raster_edge_iterator &it) override {
m_current = new RasterBorder;
void addVertex(const raster_edge_iterator &it) override {
void closeEdge(ImageMesh *mesh, int edgeIdx) override {
ImageMesh::edge_type &ed = mesh->edge(edgeIdx);
ed.imageIndex() = m_borders.size();
m_current = 0;
ImageMeshesReader::closeEdge(mesh, edgeIdx);
Polygon *reduceBorder(RasterBorder *border) {
typedef RasterBorder::iterator iter;
typedef tcg::cyclic_iterator<iter> cyclic_iter;
iter b(border->begin()), e(border->end());
cyclic_iter cBegin(b, b, e - 1, 0), cEnd(b + 1, b, e - 1, 1);
RasterEdgeEvaluator<cyclic_iter> eval(cBegin - 1, cEnd + 1, 2.0,
PolygonReader reader;
tcg::sequence_ops::minimalPath(cBegin, cEnd, eval, reader);
return reader.m_polygon;
void reduceBorders(Tribe *tribe, const ImageMeshesReader &reader,
const Vector<RasterBorder *> &borders, int meshIdx,
const ImageMesh::face_type &fc) {
// Traverse the image structure. Each time a black face is encountered, add
// its associated family to the
// resulting tribe.
const tcg::list<ImageMeshP> &meshes = reader.meshes();
if (meshIdx >= 0 && fc.imageIndex()) {
// Build a family. Start by extracting the face's contour
Family *family = new Family;
const ImageMeshP &mesh = meshes[meshIdx];
Polygon *outerBorder = reduceBorder(borders[mesh->edge(0).imageIndex()]);
// Then, extract the contours of every sub-mesh
int m, mCount = fc.meshesCount();
for (m = 0; m < mCount; ++m) {
int mIdx = fc.mesh(m);
const ImageMeshP &childMesh = meshes[mIdx];
Polygon *innerBorder =
reduceBorders(tribe, reader, borders, mIdx, childMesh->face(0));
// Recursive on the face's sub-mesh faces
int m, mCount = fc.meshesCount();
for (m = 0; m < mCount; ++m) {
int mIdx = fc.mesh(m);
reduceBorders(tribe, reader, borders, mIdx, meshes[mIdx]->face(0));
Tribe *extractBorders(const TRasterGR8P &ras) {
Tribe *result = new Tribe;
BordersReader reader;
TRop::borders::readMeshes(ras, reader);
reduceBorders(result, reader, reader.m_borders, -1, reader.outerFace());
return result;
// Maximum Edge Length stuff
double buildMinimumEdgeLength(Tribe *tribe, int targetMaxVerticesCount) {
// Calculate the tribe's total area
double area = 0.0;
Tribe::iterator ft, fEnd(tribe->end());
for (ft = tribe->begin(); ft != fEnd; ++ft) {
Family *fam = *ft;
// Add area corresponding to the external border
area += fabs(
tcg::polyline_ops::area(fam->front()->begin(), fam->front()->end()));
// Then, subtract all the internal ones
Family::iterator pt, pEnd(fam->end());
for (pt = ++fam->begin(); pt != pEnd; ++pt)
area -= fabs(tcg::polyline_ops::area((*pt)->begin(), (*pt)->end()));
// Given the area, find the approximate edge length corresponding to the
// required
// vertices count
// The idea is: given a polygon, its uniform triangular mesh - made of, say,
// lots of equilateral
// triangles, has vertices count proportional to ( polygon area / sq(mean mesh
// edge length) ).
// Under this assumption, take an equilater triangle as our polygon, and
// assume that its built
// mesh is the regular mesh obtained by subdividing it multiple times,
// Sierpinsky-like.
// Since it can easily be sheared to a corresponding half-square, it can be
// SEEN that in
// this case its vertices count is EXACTLY (l / e_length)^2 / 2, l being the
// large
// triangle's edge. By extension, if A is the area of the triangle, then we
// have:
// A = l^2 * sqrt(3/2) / 2; => l = sqrt(2 * K * A), K = 1.0 /
// sqrt(3/2);
// V = K * A / e_length^2; => e_length = sqrt(KA / V);
// And we just extend this from 'triangle' to 'polygon'.
return sqrt(area / (sqrt(1.5) * targetMaxVerticesCount));
// Mesh Refinement stuff
void refineMeshes(const TMeshImageP &mi, const MeshBuilderOptions &options) {
std::vector<TTextureMeshP> &meshes = mi->meshes();
// Refine every mesh to achieve a target mesh density dependent on the image
// size
/*TRectD bbox(mi->getBBox());
double targetLength = sqrt(bbox.getLx() * bbox.getLy()) * relativeMeshDensity;*/
double targetLength = options.m_targetEdgeLength;
int m, mCount = meshes.size();
for (m = 0; m < mCount; ++m) {
const TTextureMeshP &mesh = meshes[m];
tcg::TriMeshStuff::DefaultEvaluator<TTextureMesh> eval(
0.0, (std::numeric_limits<double>::max)());
// First, perform edge swaps alone. This is useful since results from
// gluTriangulate
// tend to be unbalanced to vertical - this is a good correction.
tcg::refineMesh(*mesh, eval);
// Now, launch a full-scale, finishing simplification
eval.m_collapseValue = targetLength * 0.6;
eval.m_splitValue = targetLength * 1.4;
tcg::refineMesh(*mesh, eval,
20000); // Max 10000 iterations - to avoid loops
// Since we stopped at a max number of iterations, separate collapses from
// splits
// and simplify until the procedure stops.
eval.m_collapseValue = 0.0;
eval.m_splitValue = 1.4 * targetLength;
tcg::refineMesh(*mesh, eval);
eval.m_splitValue = (std::numeric_limits<double>::max)();
eval.m_collapseValue = targetLength * 0.6;
tcg::refineMesh(*mesh, eval);
// Perform 1000 final iterations with uniform split and collapses
eval.m_splitValue = targetLength * 1.4;
tcg::refineMesh(*mesh, eval, 1000);
// Finally, squeeze the mesh to ensure that VEF containers are tight
} // namespace
// Mesh Builder function
TMeshImageP buildMesh(const TRasterP &ras, const MeshBuilderOptions &options) {
// Convert the input image to a binary raster
TRasterGR8P binaryRas = thresholdRaster(ras, options);
// Extract the image borders
Tribe *tribe = extractBorders(binaryRas);
// Calculate maximum edge length
double minEdgeLength =
buildMinimumEdgeLength(tribe, options.m_targetMaxVerticesCount);
MeshBuilderOptions opts(options);
opts.m_targetEdgeLength = std::max(opts.m_targetEdgeLength, minEdgeLength);
// Perform tessellation
TMeshImageP meshImage(new TMeshImage);
std::vector<TTextureMeshP> &meshes = meshImage->meshes();
tcg::sequential_reader<std::vector<TTextureMeshP>> reader(&meshes);
tcg::gluTriangulate(tribe->begin(), tribe->end(), reader);
delete tribe;
// Perform meshes refinement
refineMeshes(meshImage, opts);
return meshImage;