Ivan Mahonin 2fc36cb841 Allow to cross compile for Windows with Linux/Mingw (part 2 of 3, bugfixes) (#1149)
* #mingw #bug: place explicit instantiations on templates before first use

* #mingw #bug: remove API attributes from inline functions

* #mingw #bug: add 'static' attribute for local functions

* #mingw #bug: fix API attributes for splitSpeedInOutSegment

* #mingw #bug: replace strstream to stringstream

* #mingw #bug: remove cross references to plasticskeleton from tnzcore

* #mingw #bug: fix bug with order of initializaition of static variables

* #mingw #bug: fix glutInit
2017-05-19 19:20:33 +09:00

490 lines
15 KiB

#include "tfilepath.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#ifdef WIN32
const char slash = '\\';
const char auxslash = '/';
const char slash = '/';
const char auxslash = '\\';
// TFrameId::operator string() const
std::string TFrameId::expand(FrameFormat format) const {
if (m_frame == EMPTY_FRAME)
return "";
else if (m_frame == NO_FRAME)
return "-";
std::stringstream o_buff;
if (format == FOUR_ZEROS) {
o_buff << m_frame;
} else {
o_buff << m_frame;
if (m_letter != '\0') o_buff << m_letter;
return o_buff.str();
const TFrameId &TFrameId::operator++() {
m_letter = 0;
return *this;
const TFrameId &TFrameId::operator--() {
if (m_letter > 0)
m_letter = 0;
return *this;
inline bool isSlash(char c) { return c == slash || c == auxslash; }
// cerca l'ultimo '/' o '\'. Se non c'e' ritorna -1
// di modo che la sottostringa che parte da getLastSlash() + 1 e'
// nome.frame.tipo
inline int getLastSlash(const string &path) {
int i;
for (i = path.length() - 1; i >= 0 && !isSlash(path[i]); i--) {
return i;
void TFilePath::setPath(string path) {
bool isUncName = false;
// elimino i '//', './' e '/' finali; raddrizzo gli slash 'storti'.
// se il path comincia con "<alpha>:" aggiungo uno slash
int length = path.length();
int pos = 0;
if (path.length() >= 2 && isalpha(path[0]) && path[1] == ':') {
m_path.append(path, 0, 2);
pos = 2;
if (path.length() == 2 || !isSlash(path[pos])) m_path.append(1, slash);
#ifdef WIN32
else // se si tratta di un path in formato UNC e' del tipo "\\\\MachineName"
if (path.length() >= 3 && path[0] == '\\' && path[1] == '\\' &&
isalpha(path[2])) {
isUncName = true;
m_path.append(path, 0, 3);
pos = 3;
for (; pos < length; pos++)
if (path[pos] == '.') {
if (pos >= length) {
if (pos > 1) m_path.append(1, '.');
} else if (!isSlash(path[pos]))
m_path.append(path, pos - 1, 2);
else {
while (pos + 1 < length && isSlash(path[pos + 1])) pos++;
} else if (isSlash(path[pos])) {
while (pos < length && isSlash(path[pos]));
m_path.append(1, slash);
} else {
m_path.append(1, path[pos]);
// rimuovo l'eventuale '/' finale (a meno che m_path == "/" o m_path ==
// "<letter>:\"
// oppure sia UNC (Windows only) )
if (!(m_path.length() == 1 && m_path[0] == slash ||
m_path.length() == 3 && isalpha(m_path[0]) && m_path[1] == ':' &&
m_path[2] == slash) &&
m_path.length() > 1 && m_path[m_path.length() - 1] == slash)
m_path.erase(m_path.length() - 1, 1);
if (isUncName &&
m_path.find_last_of('\\') ==
1) // e' indicato solo il nome della macchina...
m_path.append(1, slash);
TFilePath::TFilePath(string path) : m_path("") { setPath(path); }
TFilePath::TFilePath(const char *path) : m_path("") { setPath(string(path)); }
bool TFilePath::operator==(const TFilePath &fp) const {
#ifdef WIN32
return stricmp(m_path.c_str(), fp.m_path.c_str()) == 0;
return m_path == fp.m_path;
bool TFilePath::operator<(const TFilePath &fp) const {
string iName = m_path;
string jName = fp.m_path;
int i1 = 0, j1 = 0;
int i2 = m_path.find("\\");
int j2 = fp.m_path.find("\\");
if (i2 == j2 && j2 == -1)
#ifdef WIN32
return stricmp(m_path.c_str(), fp.m_path.c_str()) < 0;
return m_path < fp.m_path;
if (!i2) {
i2 = m_path.find("\\", i1);
if (!j2) {
j2 = fp.m_path.find("\\", j1);
while (i2 != -1 || j2 != -1) {
iName = m_path.substr(i1, i2 - i1);
jName = fp.m_path.substr(j1, j2 - j1);
// se le due parti di path, conpresi tra slash sono uguali
// itero il processo di confronto altrimenti ritorno
#ifdef WIN32
char differ;
differ = stricmp(iName.c_str(), jName.c_str());
if (differ != 0) return differ < 0 ? true : false;
if (TFilePath(iName) != TFilePath(jName))
return TFilePath(iName) < TFilePath(jName);
i1 = i2 + 1;
j1 = j2 + 1;
i2 = m_path.find("\\", i1);
j2 = fp.m_path.find("\\", j1);
iName = m_path.substr(i1, m_path.size() - i1);
jName = fp.m_path.substr(j1, fp.m_path.size() - j1);
#ifdef WIN32
return stricmp(iName.c_str(), jName.c_str()) < 0;
return TFilePath(iName) < TFilePath(jName);
TFilePath &TFilePath::operator+=(const TFilePath &fp) {
if (fp.isEmpty())
return *this;
else if (isEmpty()) {
*this = fp;
return *this;
} else if (m_path.length() != 1 || m_path[0] != slash) {
*this = TFilePath(m_path + slash + fp.m_path);
return *this;
} else {
*this = TFilePath(m_path + fp.m_path);
return *this;
TFilePath TFilePath::operator+(const TFilePath &fp) const {
TFilePath ret(*this);
ret += fp;
return ret;
TFilePath TFilePath::operator+ (const TFilePath &fp) const
if(fp.isEmpty()) return *this;
else if(isEmpty()) return fp;
else if(m_path.length()!=1 || m_path[0] != slash)
return TFilePath(m_path + slash + fp.m_path);
return TFilePath(m_path + fp.m_path);
bool TFilePath::isAbsolute() const {
return m_path.length() >= 1 && m_path[0] == slash ||
m_path.length() >= 2 && isalpha(m_path[0]) && m_path[1] == ':';
bool TFilePath::isRoot() const {
return m_path.length() == 1 && m_path[0] == slash ||
m_path.length() == 3 && isalpha(m_path[0]) && m_path[1] == ':' &&
m_path[2] == slash;
// ritorna ""(niente tipo, niente punto), "." (file con tipo) o ".." (file con
// tipo e frame)
string TFilePath::getDots() const {
int i = getLastSlash(m_path);
string str = m_path.substr(i + 1);
// potrei anche avere a.b.c.d dove d e' l'estensione
i = str.rfind(".");
if (i == string::npos || str == "..") return "";
return str.substr(0, i).rfind(".") == string::npos ? "." : "..";
string TFilePath::getDottedType()
const // ritorna l'estensione con PUNTO (se c'e')
int i = getLastSlash(m_path);
string str = m_path.substr(i + 1);
i = str.rfind(".");
if (i == string::npos) return "";
#ifdef WIN32
return toLower(str.substr(i));
return str.substr(i);
string TFilePath::getUndottedType() const // ritorna l'estensione senza PUNTO
size_t i = getLastSlash(m_path);
string str = m_path.substr(i + 1);
i = str.rfind(".");
if (i == string::npos || i == str.length() - 1) return "";
#ifdef WIN32
return toLower(str.substr(i + 1));
return str.substr(i + 1);
string TFilePath::getName() const // noDot! noSlash!
int i = getLastSlash(m_path); // cerco l'ultimo slash
string str = m_path.substr(i + 1);
i = str.rfind(".");
if (i == string::npos) return str;
int j = str.substr(0, i).rfind(".");
if (j != string::npos) i = j;
return str.substr(0, i);
// es. TFilePath("/pippo/pluto.0001.gif").getLevelName() == "pluto..gif"
string TFilePath::getLevelName() const {
int i = getLastSlash(m_path); // cerco l'ultimo slash
string str = m_path.substr(i + 1); // str e' m_path senza directory
i = str.find("."); // posizione del primo punto di str
if (i == string::npos) return str; // no frame; no type
int j = str.rfind("."); // str[j..] = ".type"
if (j == i || j - i == 1) // prova.tif o prova..tif
return str;
else // prova.0001.tif
return str.erase(i + 1, j - i - 1);
TFilePath TFilePath::getParentDir() const // noSlash!
int i = getLastSlash(m_path); // cerco l'ultimo slash
if (i < 0) {
if (m_path.length() >= 2 && ('a' <= m_path[0] && m_path[0] <= 'z' ||
'A' <= m_path[0] && m_path[0] <= 'Z') &&
m_path[1] == ':')
return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, 2));
return TFilePath("");
} else if (i == 0)
return TFilePath("/");
return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, i));
TFrameId TFilePath::getFrame() const {
int i = getLastSlash(m_path); // cerco l'ultimo slash
string str = m_path.substr(i + 1); // str e' il path senza parentdir
i = str.rfind('.');
if (i == string::npos || str == "." || str == "..")
return TFrameId(TFrameId::NO_FRAME);
int j = str.substr(0, i).rfind('.');
if (j == string::npos) return TFrameId(TFrameId::NO_FRAME);
if (i == j + 1) return TFrameId(TFrameId::EMPTY_FRAME);
int k, number = 0;
for (k = j + 1; k < i && isdigit(str[k]); k++)
number = number * 10 + str[k] - '0';
char letter = '\0';
if (isalpha(str[k])) letter = str[k++];
if (number == 0 || k < i) throw TMalformedFrameException();
return TFrameId(number, letter);
TFilePath TFilePath::withType(const string &type) const {
const string dotDot = "..";
assert(type.length() < 2 || type.substr(0, 2) != dotDot);
int i = getLastSlash(m_path); // cerco l'ultimo slash
string str = m_path.substr(i + 1); // str e' il path senza parentdir
int j = str.rfind('.');
if (j == string::npos || str == dotDot)
// il path originale non ha tipo
if (type == "")
return *this;
else if (type[0] == '.')
return TFilePath(m_path + type);
return TFilePath(m_path + "." + type);
} else
// il path originale ha gia' il tipo
if (type == "")
return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, i + j + 1));
else if (type[0] == '.')
return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, i + j + 1) + type);
return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, i + j + 2) + type);
TFilePath TFilePath::withName(const string &name) const {
int i = getLastSlash(m_path); // cerco l'ultimo slash
string str = m_path.substr(i + 1); // str e' il path senza parentdir
int j = str.rfind('.');
if (j == string::npos) return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, i + 1) + name);
int k = str.substr(0, j).rfind(".");
if (k == string::npos) k = j;
return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, i + 1) + name + str.substr(k));
TFilePath TFilePath::withParentDir(const TFilePath &dir) const {
int i = getLastSlash(m_path); // cerco l'ultimo slash
return dir + TFilePath(m_path.substr(i + 1));
TFilePath TFilePath::withFrame(const TFrameId &frame,
TFrameId::FrameFormat format) const {
const string dot = ".", dotDot = "..";
int i = getLastSlash(m_path); // cerco l'ultimo slash
string str = m_path.substr(i + 1); // str e' il path senza parentdir
assert(str != dot && str != dotDot);
int j = str.rfind('.');
if (j == string::npos) {
if (frame.isEmptyFrame() || frame.isNoFrame())
return *this;
return TFilePath(m_path + "." + frame.expand(format));
string frameString;
if (frame.isNoFrame())
frameString = "";
frameString = "." + frame.expand(format);
int k = str.substr(0, j).rfind('.');
if (k == string::npos)
return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, j + i + 1) + frameString + str.substr(j));
return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, k + i + 1) + frameString + str.substr(j));
bool TFilePath::isAncestorOf(const TFilePath &fp) const {
size_t len = m_path.length();
if (len == 0) {
// il punto e' antenato di tutti i path non assoluti
return !fp.isAbsolute();
return len < fp.m_path.length() // l'antenato deve essere piu' corto
(m_path[len - 1] == slash // deve finire con slash se e' "/" o "C:\"
fp.m_path[len] ==
slash) // negli altri casi ci deve essere uno slash subito dopo
#ifdef WIN32
toLower(m_path) == toLower(fp.m_path.substr(0, len));
m_path == fp.m_path.substr(0, len);
TFilePath TFilePath::operator-(const TFilePath &fp) const {
#ifdef WIN32
if (toLower(m_path) == toLower(fp.m_path)) return TFilePath("");
if (m_path == fp.m_path) return TFilePath("");
if (!fp.isAncestorOf(*this)) return *this;
int len = fp.m_path.length();
if (len == 0 || fp.m_path[len - 1] != slash) len++;
return TFilePath(m_path.substr(len));
bool TFilePath::match(const TFilePath &fp) const {
return getParentDir() == fp.getParentDir() && getName() == fp.getName() &&
getFrame() == fp.getFrame() && getType() == fp.getType();
TFilePath TFilePath::decode(const std::map<string, string> &dictionary) const {
TFilePath parent = getParentDir();
TFilePath filename = withParentDir("");
std::map<string, string>::const_iterator it =
if (it != dictionary.end()) filename = TFilePath(it->second);
if (parent.isEmpty())
return filename;
return parent.decode(dictionary) + filename;