2016-03-24 01:31:57 +09:00

165 lines
5.3 KiB

/*! @file
* \brief Finds a row permutation so that the matrix has large entries on the diagonal
* <pre>
* -- SuperLU routine (version 4.0) --
* Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
* June 30, 2009
* </pre>
#include "slu_ddefs.h"
extern int_t mc64id_(int_t*);
extern int_t mc64ad_(int_t*, int_t*, int_t*, int_t [], int_t [], double [],
int_t*, int_t [], int_t*, int_t[], int_t*, double [],
int_t [], int_t []);
/*! \brief
* <pre>
* Purpose
* =======
* DLDPERM finds a row permutation so that the matrix has large
* entries on the diagonal.
* Arguments
* =========
* job (input) int
* Control the action. Possible values for JOB are:
* = 1 : Compute a row permutation of the matrix so that the
* permuted matrix has as many entries on its diagonal as
* possible. The values on the diagonal are of arbitrary size.
* HSL subroutine MC21A/AD is used for this.
* = 2 : Compute a row permutation of the matrix so that the smallest
* value on the diagonal of the permuted matrix is maximized.
* = 3 : Compute a row permutation of the matrix so that the smallest
* value on the diagonal of the permuted matrix is maximized.
* The algorithm differs from the one used for JOB = 2 and may
* have quite a different performance.
* = 4 : Compute a row permutation of the matrix so that the sum
* of the diagonal entries of the permuted matrix is maximized.
* = 5 : Compute a row permutation of the matrix so that the product
* of the diagonal entries of the permuted matrix is maximized
* and vectors to scale the matrix so that the nonzero diagonal
* entries of the permuted matrix are one in absolute value and
* all the off-diagonal entries are less than or equal to one in
* absolute value.
* Restriction: 1 <= JOB <= 5.
* n (input) int
* The order of the matrix.
* nnz (input) int
* The number of nonzeros in the matrix.
* adjncy (input) int*, of size nnz
* The adjacency structure of the matrix, which contains the row
* indices of the nonzeros.
* colptr (input) int*, of size n+1
* The pointers to the beginning of each column in ADJNCY.
* nzval (input) double*, of size nnz
* The nonzero values of the matrix. nzval[k] is the value of
* the entry corresponding to adjncy[k].
* It is not used if job = 1.
* perm (output) int*, of size n
* The permutation vector. perm[i] = j means row i in the
* original matrix is in row j of the permuted matrix.
* u (output) double*, of size n
* If job = 5, the natural logarithms of the row scaling factors.
* v (output) double*, of size n
* If job = 5, the natural logarithms of the column scaling factors.
* The scaled matrix B has entries b_ij = a_ij * exp(u_i + v_j).
* </pre>
dldperm(int_t job, int_t n, int_t nnz, int_t colptr[], int_t adjncy[],
double nzval[], int_t *perm, double u[], double v[])
int_t i, liw, ldw, num;
int_t *iw, icntl[10], info[10];
double *dw;
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
CHECK_MALLOC(0, "Enter dldperm()");
liw = 5*n;
if ( job == 3 ) liw = 10*n + nnz;
if ( !(iw = intMalloc(liw)) ) ABORT("Malloc fails for iw[]");
ldw = 3*n + nnz;
if ( !(dw = (double*) SUPERLU_MALLOC(ldw * sizeof(double))) )
ABORT("Malloc fails for dw[]");
/* Increment one to get 1-based indexing. */
for (i = 0; i <= n; ++i) ++colptr[i];
for (i = 0; i < nnz; ++i) ++adjncy[i];
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
printf("LDPERM(): n %d, nnz %d\n", n, nnz);
slu_PrintInt10("colptr", n+1, colptr);
slu_PrintInt10("adjncy", nnz, adjncy);
* =====
* MC64AD assumes that column permutation vector is defined as:
* perm(i) = j means column i of permuted A is in column j of original A.
* Since a symmetric permutation preserves the diagonal entries. Then
* by the following relation:
* P'(A*P')P = P'A
* we can apply inverse(perm) to rows of A to get large diagonal entries.
* But, since 'perm' defined in MC64AD happens to be the reverse of
* SuperLU's definition of permutation vector, therefore, it is already
* an inverse for our purpose. We will thus use it directly.
#if 0
/* Suppress error and warning messages. */
icntl[0] = -1;
icntl[1] = -1;
mc64ad_(&job, &n, &nnz, colptr, adjncy, nzval, &num, perm,
&liw, iw, &ldw, dw, icntl, info);
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
slu_PrintInt10("perm", n, perm);
printf(".. After MC64AD info %d\tsize of matching %d\n", info[0], num);
if ( info[0] == 1 ) { /* Structurally singular */
printf(".. The last %d permutations:\n", n-num);
slu_PrintInt10("perm", n-num, &perm[num]);
/* Restore to 0-based indexing. */
for (i = 0; i <= n; ++i) --colptr[i];
for (i = 0; i < nnz; ++i) --adjncy[i];
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) --perm[i];
if ( job == 5 )
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
u[i] = dw[i];
v[i] = dw[n+i];
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
CHECK_MALLOC(0, "Exit dldperm()");
return info[0];