Toshihiro Shimizu 890dddabbd first commit
2016-03-19 02:57:51 +09:00

116 lines
3.9 KiB

// TnzCore includes
#include "tfilepath.h"
// STD includes
#include <set>
#undef DVAPI
#undef DVVAR
// Forward declarations
class ToonzScene;
class TXshLevel;
class TXshSimpleLevel;
class TLevel;
class TIStream;
class TOStream;
// TLevelSet declaration
//! The TLevelSet is a typical ToonzScene component that is used to trace all levels in a
//! Toonz scene.
The main purpose of the TLevelSet is that of acting as a container of <B> externally
owned <\B> TXshLevel* instances. The container is internally implemented as a vector,
and shares its access model.
Additionally, the set is used to map the stored levels by their names (case-insensitive
comparisons), and associates a \a folder to each of the level instances.
The level folder is not physical (ie it does not refer to a directory in the file system),
but can be used to list the levels pool in a hierarchycal view.
\warning This class distinguishes between \b paths and \b folders as described above, but
the associated data type (TFilePath) is the same. Please, pay attention to the
function argument names, in this respect.
class DVAPI TLevelSet
std::vector<TXshLevel *> m_levels; //!< The levels container
std::map<std::wstring, TXshLevel *> m_levelTable; //!< Name to level map
std::map<TXshLevel *, TFilePath> m_folderTable; //!< Level to its containing folder map
std::vector<TFilePath> m_folders; //!< Folders container
TFilePath m_defaultFolder; //!< The root folder
std::set<TXshLevel *> m_saveSet; //!< If m_saveSet is not empty, only its levels
//!< will be saved
bool insertLevel(TXshLevel *level);
bool renameLevel(TXshLevel *level, const std::wstring &newName);
void removeLevel(TXshLevel *level, bool deleteIt = true);
void clear();
int getLevelCount() const;
TXshLevel *getLevel(int index) const;
TXshLevel *getLevel(const std::wstring &levelName) const;
TXshLevel *getLevel(const ToonzScene &scene, const TFilePath &levelPath) const;
bool hasLevel(const std::wstring &levelName) const;
bool hasLevel(const ToonzScene &scene, const TFilePath &levelPath) const;
void listLevels(std::vector<TXshLevel *> &levels) const;
void listLevels(std::vector<TXshLevel *> &levels, const TFilePath &parentFolder) const;
TFilePath getDefaultFolder() const { return m_defaultFolder; }
void setDefaultFolder(TFilePath folder);
TFilePath createFolder(const TFilePath &parent, const std::wstring &newName);
TFilePath renameFolder(const TFilePath &folder, const std::wstring &newName);
void removeFolder(const TFilePath &folder);
TFilePath getFolder(TXshLevel *xl) const;
void listFolders(std::vector<TFilePath> &folders, const TFilePath &parentFolder) const;
void moveLevelToFolder(const TFilePath &folder, TXshLevel *level);
//! Defines the set of levels that will be saved in output streams (in case it's empty, all
//! levels will be saved). \sa The saveData() method inherited from TPersist.
void setSaveSet(const std::set<TXshLevel *> &saveSet) { m_saveSet = saveSet; }
void loadData(TIStream &is);
void saveData(TOStream &os);
// Not copiable
TLevelSet(const TLevelSet &);
TLevelSet &operator=(const TLevelSet &);
void saveFolder(TOStream &os, TFilePath folder);
void loadFolder(TIStream &is, TFilePath folder);