
1014 lines
37 KiB

// TnzCore includes
#include "tstencilcontrol.h"
#include "tvectorgl.h"
#include "tvectorrenderdata.h"
#include "tcolorfunctions.h"
#include "tpalette.h"
#include "tropcm.h"
#include "trasterimage.h"
#include "tvectorimage.h"
#include "tcolorstyles.h"
#include "timage_io.h"
#include "tofflinegl.h"
#include "tpixelutils.h"
#include "tstroke.h"
#include "tenv.h"
#include "tregion.h"
// TnzLib includes
#include "toonz/stage2.h"
#include "toonz/stageplayer.h"
#include "toonz/stagevisitor.h"
#include "toonz/txsheet.h"
#include "toonz/txshsimplelevel.h"
#include "toonz/txshchildlevel.h"
#include "toonz/txshcolumn.h"
#include "toonz/txshcell.h"
#include "toonz/onionskinmask.h"
#include "toonz/dpiscale.h"
#include "toonz/imagemanager.h"
#include "toonz/tstageobjecttree.h"
#include "toonz/preferences.h"
#include "toonz/fill.h"
#include "toonz/levelproperties.h"
#include "toonz/autoclose.h"
#include "toonz/txshleveltypes.h"
#include "imagebuilders.h"
#include "toonz/toonzscene.h"
#include "toonz/sceneproperties.h"
#include "tstencilcontrol.h"
// Qt includes
#include <QImage>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPolygon>
#include <QThreadStorage>
#include <QMatrix>
#include "toonz/stage.h"
// #define NUOVO_ONION
/*! \namespace Stage
\brief The Stage namespace provides a set of objects, class and
method, useful to view images in display.
using namespace Stage;
typedef std::vector<Player> PlayerSet;
/*! \var Stage::inch
For historical reasons camera stand is defined in a coordinate
system in which
an inch is equal to 'Stage::inch' unit.
Pay attention: modify this value condition apparent line
thickness of
images .pli.
const double Stage::inch = 53.33333;
const double Stage::standardDpi = 120.0;
namespace {
void updateOnionSkinSize(const PlayerSet &players) {
assert(Player::m_onionSkinFrontSize == 0 && Player::m_onionSkinBackSize == 0);
int i;
int maxOnionSkinFrontValue = 0, maxOnionSkinBackValue = 0,
firstFrontOnionSkin = 0, firstBackOnionSkin = 0, lastBackVisibleSkin = 0;
for (i = 0; i < (int)players.size(); i++) {
Player player = players[i];
if (player.m_onionSkinDistance == c_noOnionSkin) continue;
if (player.m_onionSkinDistance > 0 &&
maxOnionSkinFrontValue < player.m_onionSkinDistance)
maxOnionSkinFrontValue = player.m_onionSkinDistance;
if (player.m_onionSkinDistance < 0 &&
maxOnionSkinBackValue > player.m_onionSkinDistance)
maxOnionSkinBackValue = player.m_onionSkinDistance;
if (firstFrontOnionSkin == 0 && player.m_onionSkinDistance > 0)
firstFrontOnionSkin = player.m_onionSkinDistance;
else if (player.m_onionSkinDistance > 0 &&
firstFrontOnionSkin > player.m_onionSkinDistance)
firstFrontOnionSkin = player.m_onionSkinDistance;
if (firstBackOnionSkin == 0 && player.m_onionSkinDistance < 0)
firstBackOnionSkin = player.m_onionSkinDistance;
else if (player.m_onionSkinDistance < 0 &&
firstBackOnionSkin < player.m_onionSkinDistance)
firstBackOnionSkin = player.m_onionSkinDistance;
// Level Editing Mode can send players at a depth beyond what is visible.
if (player.m_onionSkinDistance < lastBackVisibleSkin &&
lastBackVisibleSkin = player.m_onionSkinDistance;
Player::m_onionSkinFrontSize = maxOnionSkinFrontValue;
Player::m_onionSkinBackSize = maxOnionSkinBackValue;
Player::m_firstFrontOnionSkin = firstFrontOnionSkin;
Player::m_firstBackOnionSkin = firstBackOnionSkin;
Player::m_lastBackVisibleSkin = lastBackVisibleSkin;
bool descending(int i, int j) { return (i > j); }
} // namespace
/*! The class PlayerLt allows a priority operator for player.
\n Compare zdepth of two players.
class PlayerLt {
PlayerLt() {}
inline bool operator()(const Player &a, const Player &b) const {
if (a.m_bingoOrder < b.m_bingoOrder)
return true;
else if (a.m_bingoOrder > b.m_bingoOrder)
return false;
return a.m_z < b.m_z;
class StackingOrder {
StackingOrder() {}
inline bool operator()(const std::pair<double, int> &a,
const std::pair<double, int> &b) const {
return a.first < b.first;
/*! The StageBuilder class finds and provides data for frame visualization.
\n The class contains a \b PlayerSet, a vector of player, of all
necessary information.
// Tutto cio che riguarda una "colonna maschera" non e' utilizzato in TOONZ ma
// in TAB Pro.
class StageBuilder {
struct SubXSheet {
ZPlacement m_camera;
TAffine m_aff, m_zaff;
double m_z;
PlayerSet m_players;
std::vector<PlayerSet *> m_maskPool;
std::vector<ZPlacement> m_placementStack;
ZPlacement m_cameraPlacement;
std::vector<SubXSheet> m_subXSheetStack;
std::vector<int> m_masks;
int m_onionSkinDistance;
double m_fade;
ShiftTraceGhostId m_shiftTraceGhostId;
bool m_camera3d;
OnionSkinMask m_onionSkinMask;
int m_currentColumnIndex; // application's current column index
int m_ancestorColumnIndex; // index of the column that is the deepest
// ancestor of the column being processed
int m_currentXsheetLevel; // level of the current xsheet, see: editInPlace
int m_xsheetLevel; // xsheet-level of the column being processed
// for guided tweening
TFrameId m_currentFrameId;
int m_isGuidedDrawingEnabled;
int m_guidedFrontStroke = -1;
int m_guidedBackStroke = -1;
std::vector<TXshColumn *> m_ancestors;
const ImagePainter::VisualSettings *m_vs;
TRasterImageP m_liveViewImage;
TRasterImageP m_lineupImage;
Stage::Player m_liveViewPlayer;
Stage::Player m_lineupPlayer;
bool m_currentDrawingOnTop;
virtual ~StageBuilder();
/*! Add in \b players vector information about specify cell.
\n Analyze cell in row \b row and column \b col of xsheet \b xsh. If level
containing this cell is a simple level, \b TXshSimpleLevel,
create a Pleyer
object with information of the cell. Else if level is a child
\b TXshChildLevel, recall \b addFrame().
void addCell(PlayerSet &players, ToonzScene *scene, TXsheet *xsh, int row,
int col, int level, int subSheetColIndex = -1);
/*! Verify if onion-skin is active and recall \b addCell().
\n Compute the distance between each cell with active onion-skin and
cell and recall \b addCell(). If onion-skin is not active
recall \b addCell()
with argument current cell.
void addCellWithOnionSkin(PlayerSet &players, ToonzScene *scene, TXsheet *xsh,
int row, int col, int level,
int subSheetColIndex = -1);
/*!Recall \b addCellWithOnionSkin() for each cell of row \b row.*/
// if subSheetColIndex >= 0 it means that this function is called on visiting
// subxsheet images and it indicates the column index in the current (parent)
// xsheet. Checking options (like Fill Check etc.) will then valuate this
// index to identify if the column is current.
void addFrame(PlayerSet &players, ToonzScene *scene, TXsheet *xsh, int row,
int level, bool includeUnvisible, bool checkPreviewVisibility,
int subSheetColIndex = -1);
/*! Add in \b players vector information about \b level cell with \b TFrameId
\b fid.
\n Compute information for all cell with active onion-skin, if onion-skin
is not active
compute information only for current cell.
void addSimpleLevelFrame(PlayerSet &players, TXshSimpleLevel *level,
const TFrameId &fid);
/*! Recall \b visitor.onImage(player) for each \b player contained in \b
* players vector.
void visit(PlayerSet &players, Visitor &visitor, bool isPlaying = false);
// debug!
#ifdef _DEBUG
void dumpPlayerSet(PlayerSet &players, std::ostream &out);
void dumpAll(std::ostream &out);
: m_onionSkinDistance(c_noOnionSkin)
, m_camera3d(false)
, m_currentColumnIndex(-1)
, m_ancestorColumnIndex(-1)
, m_fade(0)
, m_shiftTraceGhostId(NO_GHOST)
, m_currentXsheetLevel(0)
, m_xsheetLevel(0)
, m_currentDrawingOnTop(false) {
StageBuilder::~StageBuilder() { clearPointerContainer(m_maskPool); }
#ifdef _DEBUG
void StageBuilder::dumpPlayerSet(PlayerSet &players, std::ostream &out) {
out << "[";
int m = players.size();
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
if (i > 0) out << " ";
const Player &player = players[i];
out << "img";
if (!player.m_masks.empty()) {
out << "(" << player.m_masks[0];
for (unsigned int j = 1; j < player.m_masks.size(); j++)
out << "," << player.m_masks[j];
out << ")";
out << "]";
void StageBuilder::dumpAll(std::ostream &out) {
dumpPlayerSet(m_players, out);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_maskPool.size(); i++) {
if (i > 0) out << " ";
out << " mask:";
dumpPlayerSet(*m_maskPool[i], out);
void StageBuilder::addCell(PlayerSet &players, ToonzScene *scene, TXsheet *xsh,
int row, int col, int level, int subSheetColIndex) {
// Local functions
struct locals {
static inline bool isMeshDeformed(TXsheet *xsh, TStageObject *obj,
const ImagePainter::VisualSettings *vs) {
const TStageObjectId &parentId = obj->getParent();
if (parentId.isColumn() && obj->getParentHandle()[0] != 'H') {
TStageObject *parentObj = xsh->getStageObject(parentId);
if (!parentObj->getPlasticSkeletonDeformation()) return false;
TXshColumn *parentCol = xsh->getColumn(parentId.getIndex());
return (parentCol->getColumnType() == TXshColumn::eMeshType) &&
(parentCol != vs->m_plasticVisualSettings.m_showOriginalColumn);
return false;
static inline bool applyPlasticDeform(
TXshColumn *col, const ImagePainter::VisualSettings *vs) {
const PlasticVisualSettings &pvs = vs->m_plasticVisualSettings;
return pvs.m_applyPlasticDeformation && (col != pvs.m_showOriginalColumn);
}; // locals
TXshColumnP column = xsh->getColumn(col);
TStageObject *pegbar = xsh->getStageObject(TStageObjectId::ColumnId(col));
// Build affine placements
TAffine columnAff = pegbar->getPlacement(row);
double columnZ = pegbar->getZ(row);
double columnNoScaleZ = pegbar->getGlobalNoScaleZ();
TXshCell cell = xsh->getCell(row, col);
TXshLevel *xl = cell.m_level.getPointer();
TXshSimpleLevel *sl = xl ? xl->getSimpleLevel() : 0;
// check the previous row for a stop motion layer
if (!xl && !column->isMask()) {
// Get the last populated cell
cell = xsh->getCell(row - 1, col);
xl = cell.m_level.getPointer();
if (!xl) return;
sl = xl->getSimpleLevel();
if (sl && m_liveViewImage && sl == m_liveViewPlayer.m_sl)
row -= 1;
ZPlacement cameraPlacement;
if (m_subXSheetStack.empty())
cameraPlacement = m_cameraPlacement;
cameraPlacement = m_subXSheetStack.back().m_camera;
TAffine columnZaff;
bool columnBehindCamera = TStageObject::perspective(
columnZaff, cameraPlacement.m_aff, cameraPlacement.m_z, columnAff,
columnZ, columnNoScaleZ);
if (!columnBehindCamera) return;
bool storePlayer = sl || (column->isMask() && column->isInvertedMask()) ||
(xl && xl->getChildLevel() &&
locals::applyPlasticDeform(column.getPointer(), m_vs) &&
locals::isMeshDeformed(xsh, pegbar, m_vs));
if (storePlayer) {
// Build and store a player
Player player;
player.m_sl = sl;
player.m_fid = cell.m_frameId;
player.m_xsh = xsh;
player.m_column = col;
player.m_frame = row;
player.m_currentFrameId = m_currentFrameId;
player.m_isGuidedDrawingEnabled = m_isGuidedDrawingEnabled;
player.m_guidedFrontStroke = m_guidedFrontStroke;
player.m_guidedBackStroke = m_guidedBackStroke;
player.m_dpiAff = sl ? getDpiAffine(sl, cell.m_frameId) : TAffine();
player.m_onionSkinDistance = m_onionSkinDistance;
// when visiting the subxsheet, valuate the subxsheet column index
bool isCurrent = (subSheetColIndex >= 0)
? (subSheetColIndex == m_currentColumnIndex)
: (col == m_currentColumnIndex);
player.m_isCurrentColumn = isCurrent;
player.m_ancestorColumnIndex = m_ancestorColumnIndex;
player.m_masks = m_masks;
player.m_opacity = column->getOpacity();
player.m_filterColor =
player.m_isMask = column->isMask();
player.m_isInvertedMask = column->isInvertedMask();
player.m_canRenderMask = column->canRenderMask();
if (m_subXSheetStack.empty()) {
player.m_z = columnZ;
player.m_placement = m_camera3d ? columnAff : columnZaff;
} else {
const SubXSheet &parent = m_subXSheetStack.back();
player.m_z = parent.m_z;
player.m_placement =
(m_camera3d ? parent.m_aff : parent.m_zaff) * columnZaff;
if (m_shiftTraceGhostId != NO_GHOST) {
// if F1, F2 or F3 key is pressed, then draw only the corresponding ghost
int flipKey = m_onionSkinMask.getGhostFlipKey();
if (Qt::Key_F1 <= flipKey && flipKey <= Qt::Key_F3) {
if (m_shiftTraceGhostId == TRACED && flipKey == Qt::Key_F2) {
} else if (m_shiftTraceGhostId == FIRST_GHOST &&
flipKey == Qt::Key_F1) {
player.m_placement =
m_onionSkinMask.getShiftTraceGhostAff(0) * player.m_placement;
} else if (m_shiftTraceGhostId == SECOND_GHOST &&
flipKey == Qt::Key_F3) {
player.m_placement =
m_onionSkinMask.getShiftTraceGhostAff(1) * player.m_placement;
else {
int opacity = player.m_opacity;
player.m_bingoOrder = 10;
if (m_onionSkinMask.getShiftTraceStatus() !=
if (m_shiftTraceGhostId == FIRST_GHOST) {
player.m_opacity = 30;
player.m_opacity = opacity;
player.m_onionSkinDistance = -1;
player.m_placement =
m_onionSkinMask.getShiftTraceGhostAff(0) * player.m_placement;
} else if (m_shiftTraceGhostId == SECOND_GHOST) {
player.m_opacity = 30;
player.m_opacity = opacity;
player.m_onionSkinDistance = 1;
player.m_placement =
m_onionSkinMask.getShiftTraceGhostAff(1) * player.m_placement;
player.m_currentDrawingOnTop = m_currentDrawingOnTop;
if (m_currentDrawingOnTop && player.m_isCurrentColumn)
player.m_bingoOrder = 10;
} else if (TXshChildLevel *cl = xl ? xl->getChildLevel() : 0) {
int childRow = cell.m_frameId.getNumber() - 1;
TXsheet *childXsheet = cl->getXsheet();
TStageObjectId childCameraId =
TStageObject *childCamera = childXsheet->getStageObject(childCameraId);
TAffine childCameraAff = childCamera->getPlacement(childRow);
double childCameraZ = childCamera->getZ(childRow);
std::vector<UCHAR> originalOpacity(childXsheet->getColumnCount());
for (int c = 0; c < childXsheet->getColumnCount(); c++) {
originalOpacity[c] = childXsheet->getColumn(c)->getOpacity();
SubXSheet subXSheet;
subXSheet.m_camera = ZPlacement(childCameraAff, childCameraZ);
subXSheet.m_z = columnZ;
TAffine childCameraZaff =
childCameraAff *
TScale((1000 + childCameraZ) / 1000); // TODO: put in some lib
TAffine invChildCameraZaff = childCameraZaff.inv();
subXSheet.m_aff = columnAff * invChildCameraZaff;
subXSheet.m_zaff = columnZaff * invChildCameraZaff;
if (!m_subXSheetStack.empty()) {
const SubXSheet &parentXSheet = m_subXSheetStack.back();
subXSheet.m_z =
m_subXSheetStack.front().m_z; // Top-level xsheet cell's z
subXSheet.m_aff = parentXSheet.m_aff * subXSheet.m_aff;
subXSheet.m_zaff = parentXSheet.m_zaff * subXSheet.m_zaff;
// inherit the column index when visiting grandchild (sub-sub) sheet
int subCol = (subSheetColIndex >= 0) ? subSheetColIndex : col;
addFrame(players, scene, childXsheet, childRow, level + 1, false, false,
for (int c = 0; c < childXsheet->getColumnCount(); c++)
static bool alreadyAdded(TXsheet *xsh, int row, int index,
const std::vector<int> &rows, int col) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < index; i++)
if (xsh->getCell(rows[i], col) == xsh->getCell(rows[index], col))
return true;
if (xsh->getCell(rows[index], col) == xsh->getCell(row, col)) return true;
return false;
void StageBuilder::addCellWithOnionSkin(PlayerSet &players, ToonzScene *scene,
TXsheet *xsh, int row, int col,
int level, int subSheetColIndex) {
struct locals {
static inline bool hasOnionSkinnedMeshParent(StageBuilder *sb, TXsheet *xsh,
int col) {
const TStageObjectId &parentId =
return parentId.isColumn() &&
(parentId.getIndex() == sb->m_currentColumnIndex);
static inline bool doStandardOnionSkin(StageBuilder *sb, TXsheet *xsh,
int level, int col) {
const OnionSkinMask &osm = sb->m_onionSkinMask;
return level == sb->m_xsheetLevel && osm.isEnabled() && !osm.isEmpty() &&
(osm.isWholeScene() || col == sb->m_currentColumnIndex ||
locals::hasOnionSkinnedMeshParent(sb, xsh, col));
}; // locals
if (m_onionSkinMask.isShiftTraceEnabled()) {
// when visiting the subxsheet, valuate the subxsheet column index
bool isCurrent = (subSheetColIndex >= 0)
? (subSheetColIndex == m_currentColumnIndex)
: (col == m_currentColumnIndex);
if (isCurrent) {
TXshCell cell = xsh->getCell(row, col);
// First Ghost
int r;
r = row + m_onionSkinMask.getShiftTraceGhostFrameOffset(0);
if (r >= 0 && xsh->getCell(r, col) != cell &&
(cell.getSimpleLevel() == 0 ||
xsh->getCell(r, col).getSimpleLevel() == cell.getSimpleLevel())) {
m_shiftTraceGhostId = FIRST_GHOST;
addCell(players, scene, xsh, r, col, level, subSheetColIndex);
r = row + m_onionSkinMask.getShiftTraceGhostFrameOffset(1);
if (r >= 0 && xsh->getCell(r, col) != cell &&
(cell.getSimpleLevel() == 0 ||
xsh->getCell(r, col).getSimpleLevel() == cell.getSimpleLevel())) {
m_shiftTraceGhostId = SECOND_GHOST;
addCell(players, scene, xsh, r, col, level, subSheetColIndex);
// draw current working frame
if (!cell.isEmpty()) {
m_shiftTraceGhostId = TRACED;
addCell(players, scene, xsh, row, col, level, subSheetColIndex);
m_shiftTraceGhostId = NO_GHOST;
// flip non-current columns as well
else {
int flipKey = m_onionSkinMask.getGhostFlipKey();
if (flipKey == Qt::Key_F1) {
int r = row + m_onionSkinMask.getShiftTraceGhostFrameOffset(0);
addCell(players, scene, xsh, r, col, level, subSheetColIndex);
} else if (flipKey == Qt::Key_F3) {
int r = row + m_onionSkinMask.getShiftTraceGhostFrameOffset(1);
addCell(players, scene, xsh, r, col, level, subSheetColIndex);
} else
addCell(players, scene, xsh, row, col, level, subSheetColIndex);
} else if (locals::doStandardOnionSkin(this, xsh, level, col)) {
std::vector<int> rows;
m_onionSkinMask.getAll(row, rows);
std::vector<int>::iterator it = rows.begin();
while (it != rows.end() && *it < row) it++;
std::sort(rows.begin(), it, descending);
int frontPos = 0, backPos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)rows.size(); i++) {
if (rows[i] == row) continue;
m_onionSkinDistance = rows[i] - row;
if (m_onionSkinMask.isEveryFrame() ||
!alreadyAdded(xsh, row, i, rows, col)) {
m_onionSkinDistance = (rows[i] - row) < 0 ? --backPos : ++frontPos;
addCell(players, scene, xsh, rows[i], col, level, subSheetColIndex);
m_onionSkinDistance = 0;
addCell(players, scene, xsh, row, col, level, subSheetColIndex);
m_onionSkinDistance = c_noOnionSkin;
} else
addCell(players, scene, xsh, row, col, level, subSheetColIndex);
void StageBuilder::addFrame(PlayerSet &players, ToonzScene *scene, TXsheet *xsh,
int row, int level, bool includeUnvisible,
bool checkPreviewVisibility, int subSheetColIndex) {
int columnCount = xsh->getColumnCount();
unsigned int maskCount = m_masks.size();
std::vector<std::pair<double, int>> shuffle;
for (int c = 0; c < columnCount; c++) {
TXshColumnP column = xsh->getColumn(c);
TStageObject *pegbar = xsh->getStageObject(TStageObjectId::ColumnId(c));
double columnSO = pegbar->getSO(row);
shuffle.push_back(std::make_pair(columnSO, c));
std::stable_sort(shuffle.begin(), shuffle.end(), StackingOrder());
for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
int c = shuffle[i].second;
if (CameraTestCheck::instance()->isEnabled() && c != m_currentColumnIndex)
if (level == 0) {
// m_isCurrentColumn = (c == m_currentColumnIndex);
m_ancestorColumnIndex = c;
TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(c);
bool isMask = false;
if (column && !column->isEmpty() && !column->getSoundColumn()) {
if (!column->isPreviewVisible() && checkPreviewVisibility) {
if (!isMask && column->getColumnType() != TXshColumn::eMeshType) {
while (m_masks.size() > maskCount) m_masks.pop_back();
if (column->isCamstandVisible() ||
includeUnvisible) // se l'"occhietto" non e' chiuso
if (column->isMask()) // se e' una maschera (usate solo in tab pro)
if (column->canRenderMask())
addCellWithOnionSkin(players, scene, xsh, row, c, level,
isMask = true;
std::vector<int> saveMasks;
int maskIndex = m_maskPool.size();
PlayerSet *mask = new PlayerSet();
addCellWithOnionSkin(*mask, scene, xsh, row, c, level);
std::stable_sort(mask->begin(), mask->end(), PlayerLt());
} else
addCellWithOnionSkin(players, scene, xsh, row, c, level,
if (!isMask && column->getColumnType() != TXshColumn::eMeshType) {
while (m_masks.size() > maskCount) m_masks.pop_back();
if (level == 0) std::stable_sort(players.begin(), players.end(), PlayerLt());
void StageBuilder::addSimpleLevelFrame(PlayerSet &players,
TXshSimpleLevel *level,
const TFrameId &fid) {
auto addGhost = [&](int ghostIndex, int ghostRow, bool fullOpac = false) {
const TFrameId &ghostFid = level->index2fid(ghostRow);
Player player;
player.m_sl = level;
player.m_frame = level->guessIndex(ghostFid);
player.m_fid = ghostFid;
player.m_isCurrentColumn = true;
player.m_isCurrentXsheetLevel = true;
player.m_isEditingLevel = true;
player.m_currentFrameId = m_currentFrameId;
player.m_isGuidedDrawingEnabled = m_isGuidedDrawingEnabled;
player.m_guidedFrontStroke = m_guidedFrontStroke;
player.m_guidedBackStroke = m_guidedBackStroke;
player.m_isVisibleinOSM = ghostRow >= 0;
player.m_onionSkinDistance = m_onionSkinDistance;
player.m_dpiAff = getDpiAffine(level, ghostFid);
player.m_ancestorColumnIndex = -1;
if (fullOpac) {
player.m_placement = m_onionSkinMask.getShiftTraceGhostAff(ghostIndex) *
int opacity = player.m_opacity;
player.m_bingoOrder = 10;
if (m_onionSkinMask.getShiftTraceStatus() !=
player.m_opacity = 30;
player.m_opacity = opacity;
player.m_onionSkinDistance = (ghostIndex == 0) ? -1 : 1;
player.m_placement = m_onionSkinMask.getShiftTraceGhostAff(ghostIndex) *
int index = -1;
int row = level->guessIndex(fid);
// Shift & Trace
if (m_onionSkinMask.isShiftTraceEnabled()) {
int previousOffset = m_onionSkinMask.getShiftTraceGhostFrameOffset(0);
int forwardOffset = m_onionSkinMask.getShiftTraceGhostFrameOffset(1);
// If F1, F2 or F3 key is pressed, then only
// display the corresponding ghost
int flipKey = m_onionSkinMask.getGhostFlipKey();
if (Qt::Key_F1 <= flipKey && flipKey <= Qt::Key_F3) {
if (flipKey == Qt::Key_F1 && previousOffset != 0) {
addGhost(0, row + previousOffset, true);
} else if (flipKey == Qt::Key_F3 && forwardOffset != 0) {
addGhost(1, row + forwardOffset, true);
else {
// draw the first ghost
if (previousOffset != 0) addGhost(0, row + previousOffset);
if (forwardOffset != 0) addGhost(1, row + forwardOffset);
// Onion Skin
else if (!m_onionSkinMask.isEmpty() && m_onionSkinMask.isEnabled()) {
std::vector<int> rows;
m_onionSkinMask.getAll(row, rows);
std::vector<int>::iterator it = rows.begin();
while (it != rows.end() && *it < row) ++it;
std::sort(rows.begin(), it, descending);
m_onionSkinDistance = 0;
int frontPos = 0, backPos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)rows.size(); i++) {
const TFrameId &fid2 = level->index2fid(rows[i]);
if (fid2 == fid) continue;
Player &player = players.back();
player.m_sl = level;
player.m_frame = level->guessIndex(fid);
player.m_fid = fid2;
player.m_isCurrentColumn = true;
player.m_isCurrentXsheetLevel = true;
player.m_isEditingLevel = true;
player.m_currentFrameId = m_currentFrameId;
player.m_isGuidedDrawingEnabled = m_isGuidedDrawingEnabled;
player.m_guidedFrontStroke = m_guidedFrontStroke;
player.m_guidedBackStroke = m_guidedBackStroke;
player.m_isVisibleinOSM = rows[i] >= 0;
player.m_onionSkinDistance = rows[i] - row;
player.m_onionSkinDistance = rows[i] - row < 0 ? --backPos : ++frontPos;
player.m_dpiAff = getDpiAffine(level, fid2);
Player &player = players.back();
player.m_sl = level;
player.m_frame = level->guessIndex(fid);
player.m_fid = fid;
if (!m_onionSkinMask.isEmpty() && m_onionSkinMask.isEnabled())
player.m_onionSkinDistance = 0;
player.m_isCurrentColumn = true;
player.m_isCurrentXsheetLevel = true;
player.m_isEditingLevel = true;
player.m_ancestorColumnIndex = -1;
player.m_dpiAff = getDpiAffine(level, fid);
player.m_currentDrawingOnTop = m_currentDrawingOnTop;
void StageBuilder::visit(PlayerSet &players, Visitor &visitor, bool isPlaying) {
std::vector<int> masks;
int m = players.size();
int h = 0;
bool stopMotionShown = false;
for (; h < m; h++) {
Player &player = players[h];
unsigned int i = 0;
// vale solo per TAB pro
for (; i < masks.size() && i < player.m_masks.size(); i++)
if (masks[i] != player.m_masks[i]) break;
// vale solo per TAB pro
if (i < masks.size() || i < player.m_masks.size()) {
while (i < masks.size()) {
while (i < player.m_masks.size()) {
int maskIndex = player.m_masks[i];
visit(*m_maskPool[maskIndex], visitor, isPlaying);
TStencilControl::MaskType maskType = TStencilControl::SHOW_INSIDE;
if (m_maskPool[maskIndex]->size()) {
Player playerMask = m_maskPool[maskIndex]->at(0);
if (playerMask.m_isInvertedMask)
maskType = TStencilControl::SHOW_OUTSIDE;
player.m_isPlaying = isPlaying;
if (m_liveViewImage && player.m_sl == m_liveViewPlayer.m_sl) {
if (m_lineupImage) {
m_lineupPlayer.m_sl = NULL;
visitor.onRasterImage(m_lineupImage.getPointer(), m_lineupPlayer);
stopMotionShown = true;
if (m_liveViewImage) {
m_liveViewPlayer.m_sl = NULL;
visitor.onRasterImage(m_liveViewImage.getPointer(), m_liveViewPlayer);
stopMotionShown = true;
} else {
if (!stopMotionShown && (m_liveViewImage || m_lineupImage)) {
if (m_lineupImage) {
m_lineupPlayer.m_sl = NULL;
visitor.onRasterImage(m_lineupImage.getPointer(), m_lineupPlayer);
if (m_liveViewImage) {
m_liveViewPlayer.m_sl = NULL;
visitor.onRasterImage(m_liveViewImage.getPointer(), m_liveViewPlayer);
// vale solo per TAB pro
for (h = 0; h < (int)masks.size(); h++) visitor.disableMask();
/*! Declare a \b StageBuilder object and recall \b StageBuilder::addFrame() and
\b StageBuilder::visit().
void Stage::visit(Visitor &visitor, const VisitArgs &args) {
ToonzScene *scene = args.m_scene;
TXsheet *xsh = args.m_xsh;
int row = args.m_row;
int col = args.m_col;
const OnionSkinMask *osm = args.m_osm;
bool camera3d = args.m_camera3d;
int xsheetLevel = args.m_xsheetLevel;
bool isPlaying = args.m_isPlaying;
StageBuilder sb;
sb.m_vs = &visitor.m_vs;
TStageObjectId cameraId = xsh->getStageObjectTree()->getCurrentCameraId();
TStageObject *camera = xsh->getStageObject(cameraId);
TAffine cameraAff = camera->getPlacement(row);
double z = camera->getZ(row);
sb.m_cameraPlacement = ZPlacement(cameraAff, z);
sb.m_camera3d = camera3d;
sb.m_currentColumnIndex = col;
sb.m_xsheetLevel = xsheetLevel;
sb.m_onionSkinMask = *osm;
sb.m_currentFrameId = args.m_currentFrameId;
sb.m_isGuidedDrawingEnabled = args.m_isGuidedDrawingEnabled;
sb.m_guidedFrontStroke = args.m_guidedFrontStroke;
sb.m_guidedBackStroke = args.m_guidedBackStroke;
sb.m_currentDrawingOnTop = args.m_currentDrawingOnTop;
if (args.m_liveViewImage) {
sb.m_liveViewImage = args.m_liveViewImage;
sb.m_liveViewPlayer = args.m_liveViewPlayer;
if (args.m_lineupImage) {
sb.m_lineupImage = args.m_lineupImage;
sb.m_lineupPlayer = args.m_lineupPlayer;
Player::m_onionSkinFrontSize = 0;
Player::m_onionSkinBackSize = 0;
Player::m_firstFrontOnionSkin = 0;
Player::m_firstBackOnionSkin = 0;
Player::m_lastBackVisibleSkin = 0;
Player::m_isShiftAndTraceEnabled = osm->isShiftTraceEnabled();
Player::m_isLightTableEnabled = osm->isLightTableEnabled();
sb.addFrame(sb.m_players, scene, xsh, row, 0, args.m_onlyVisible,
sb.visit(sb.m_players, visitor, isPlaying);
void Stage::visit(Visitor &visitor, ToonzScene *scene, TXsheet *xsh, int row) {
Stage::VisitArgs args;
args.m_scene = scene;
args.m_xsh = xsh;
args.m_row = row;
args.m_col = -1;
OnionSkinMask osm;
args.m_osm = &osm;
visit(visitor, args); // scene, xsh, row, -1, OnionSkinMask(), false, 0);
/*! Declare a \b StageBuilder object and recall \b
and \b StageBuilder::visit().
void Stage::visit(Visitor &visitor, TXshSimpleLevel *level, const TFrameId &fid,
const OnionSkinMask &osm, bool isPlaying,
int isGuidedDrawingEnabled, int guidedBackStroke,
int guidedFrontStroke) {
StageBuilder sb;
sb.m_vs = &visitor.m_vs;
sb.m_onionSkinMask = osm;
sb.m_currentFrameId = fid;
sb.m_isGuidedDrawingEnabled = isGuidedDrawingEnabled;
sb.m_guidedFrontStroke = guidedFrontStroke;
sb.m_guidedBackStroke = guidedBackStroke;
Player::m_onionSkinFrontSize = 0;
Player::m_onionSkinBackSize = 0;
Player::m_firstFrontOnionSkin = 0;
Player::m_firstBackOnionSkin = 0;
Player::m_lastBackVisibleSkin = 0;
Player::m_isShiftAndTraceEnabled = osm.isShiftTraceEnabled();
Player::m_isLightTableEnabled = osm.isLightTableEnabled();
sb.addSimpleLevelFrame(sb.m_players, level, fid);
sb.visit(sb.m_players, visitor, isPlaying);
void Stage::visit(Visitor &visitor, TXshLevel *level, const TFrameId &fid,
const OnionSkinMask &osm, bool isPlaying,
double isGuidedDrawingEnabled, int guidedBackStroke,
int guidedFrontStroke) {
if (level && level->getSimpleLevel())
visit(visitor, level->getSimpleLevel(), fid, osm, isPlaying,
(int)isGuidedDrawingEnabled, guidedBackStroke, guidedFrontStroke);