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ボケ足の伸ばし方を選択でき、参照画像を追加した DirectionalBlur
#include "iwa_directionalblurfx.h"
#include "tparamuiconcept.h"
enum FILTER_TYPE { Linear = 0, Gaussian, Flat };
template <typename RASTER, typename PIXEL>
void Iwa_DirectionalBlurFx::setReferenceRaster(const RASTER srcRas,
float *dstMem, TDimensionI dim) {
float *dst_p = dstMem;
for (int j = 0; j < dim.ly; j++) {
PIXEL *pix = srcRas->pixels(j);
for (int i = 0; i < dim.lx; i++, pix++, dst_p++) {
(*dst_p) = ((float)pix->r * 0.3f + (float)pix->g * 0.59f +
(float)pix->b * 0.11f) /
template <typename RASTER, typename PIXEL>
void Iwa_DirectionalBlurFx::setSourceRaster(const RASTER srcRas, float4 *dstMem,
TDimensionI dim) {
float4 *chann_p = dstMem;
for (int j = 0; j < dim.ly; j++) {
PIXEL *pix = srcRas->pixels(j);
for (int i = 0; i < dim.lx; i++, pix++, chann_p++) {
(*chann_p).x = (float)pix->r / (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue;
(*chann_p).y = (float)pix->g / (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue;
(*chann_p).z = (float)pix->b / (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue;
(*chann_p).w = (float)pix->m / (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue;
template <typename RASTER, typename PIXEL>
void Iwa_DirectionalBlurFx::setOutputRaster(float4 *srcMem, const RASTER dstRas,
TDimensionI dim, int2 margin) {
int out_j = 0;
for (int j = margin.y; j < dstRas->getLy() + margin.y; j++, out_j++) {
PIXEL *pix = dstRas->pixels(out_j);
float4 *chan_p = srcMem;
chan_p += j * dim.lx + margin.x;
for (int i = 0; i < dstRas->getLx(); i++, pix++, chan_p++) {
float val;
val = (*chan_p).x * (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue + 0.5f;
pix->r = (typename PIXEL::Channel)((val > (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue)
? (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue
: val);
val = (*chan_p).y * (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue + 0.5f;
pix->g = (typename PIXEL::Channel)((val > (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue)
? (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue
: val);
val = (*chan_p).z * (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue + 0.5f;
pix->b = (typename PIXEL::Channel)((val > (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue)
? (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue
: val);
val = (*chan_p).w * (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue + 0.5f;
pix->m = (typename PIXEL::Channel)((val > (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue)
? (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue
: val);
: m_angle(0.0)
, m_intensity(10.0)
, m_bidirectional(false)
, m_filterType(new TIntEnumParam(Linear, "Linear")) {
bindParam(this, "angle", m_angle);
bindParam(this, "intensity", m_intensity);
bindParam(this, "bidirectional", m_bidirectional);
bindParam(this, "filterType", m_filterType);
addInputPort("Source", m_input);
addInputPort("Reference", m_reference);
m_intensity->setValueRange(0, (std::numeric_limits<double>::max)());
m_filterType->addItem(Gaussian, "Gaussian");
m_filterType->addItem(Flat, "Flat");
void Iwa_DirectionalBlurFx::doCompute(TTile &tile, double frame,
const TRenderSettings &settings) {
/*- 接続していない場合は処理しない -*/
if (!m_input.isConnected()) {
TPointD blurVector;
double angle = m_angle->getValue(frame) * M_PI_180;
double intensity = m_intensity->getValue(frame);
bool bidirectional = m_bidirectional->getValue();
blurVector.x = intensity * cos(angle);
blurVector.y = intensity * sin(angle);
double shrink = (settings.m_shrinkX + settings.m_shrinkY) / 2.0;
/*- 平行移動成分を消したアフィン変換をかけ、ボケベクトルを変形 -*/
TAffine aff = settings.m_affine;
aff.a13 = aff.a23 = 0;
TPointD blur = (1.0 / shrink) * (aff * blurVector);
/*- ボケの実際の長さを求める -*/
double blurValue = norm(blur);
/*- ボケの実際の長さがほぼ0なら入力画像をそのまま return -*/
if (areAlmostEqual(blurValue, 0, 1e-3)) {
m_input->compute(tile, frame, settings);
/*- 表示の範囲を得る -*/
TRectD bBox =
TRectD(tile.m_pos /*- Render画像上(Pixel単位)の位置 -*/
TDimensionD(/*- Render画像上(Pixel単位)のサイズ -*/
tile.getRaster()->getLx(), tile.getRaster()->getLy()));
/*- 上下左右のマージンを得る -*/
double minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
if (blur.x > 0.0) /*- X成分が正の場合 -*/
maxX = blur.x;
minX = (bidirectional) ? -blur.x : 0.0;
} else /*- X成分が負の場合 -*/
maxX = (bidirectional) ? -blur.x : 0.0;
minX = blur.x;
if (blur.y > 0.0) /*- Y成分が正の場合 -*/
maxY = blur.y;
minY = (bidirectional) ? -blur.y : 0.0;
} else /*- Y成分が負の場合 -*/
maxY = (bidirectional) ? -blur.y : 0.0;
minY = blur.y;
int marginLeft = (int)ceil(std::abs(minX));
int marginRight = (int)ceil(std::abs(maxX));
int marginTop = (int)ceil(std::abs(maxY));
int marginBottom = (int)ceil(std::abs(minY));
/*- マージンは、フィルタの上下左右を反転した寸法になる -*/
TRectD enlargedBBox(bBox.x0 - (double)marginRight,
bBox.y0 - (double)marginTop, bBox.x1 + (double)marginLeft,
bBox.y1 + (double)marginBottom);
std::cout << "Margin Left:" << marginLeft << " Right:" << marginRight
<< " Bottom:" << marginBottom << " Top:" << marginTop << std::endl;
TDimensionI enlargedDimIn(/*- Pixel単位に四捨五入 -*/
(int)(enlargedBBox.getLx() + 0.5),
(int)(enlargedBBox.getLy() + 0.5));
TTile enlarge_tile;
m_input->allocateAndCompute(enlarge_tile, enlargedBBox.getP00(),
enlargedDimIn, tile.getRaster(), frame, settings);
/*- 参照画像が有ったら、メモリに取り込む -*/
float *reference_host = 0;
TRasterGR8P reference_host_ras;
if (m_reference.isConnected()) {
TTile reference_tile;
m_reference->allocateAndCompute(reference_tile, enlargedBBox.getP00(),
enlargedDimIn, tile.getRaster(), frame,
/*- ホストのメモリ確保 -*/
reference_host_ras =
TRasterGR8P(sizeof(float) * enlargedDimIn.lx, enlargedDimIn.ly);
reference_host = (float *)reference_host_ras->getRawData();
/*- 参照画像の輝度を0〜1に正規化してホストメモリに読み込む -*/
TRaster32P ras32 = (TRaster32P)reference_tile.getRaster();
TRaster64P ras64 = (TRaster64P)reference_tile.getRaster();
if (ras32)
setReferenceRaster<TRaster32P, TPixel32>(ras32, reference_host,
else if (ras64)
setReferenceRaster<TRaster64P, TPixel64>(ras64, reference_host,
/*- 計算範囲 -*/
TDimensionI dimOut(tile.getRaster()->getLx(), tile.getRaster()->getLy());
TDimensionI filterDim(marginLeft + marginRight + 1,
marginTop + marginBottom + 1);
doCompute_CPU(tile, frame, settings, blur, bidirectional, marginLeft,
marginRight, marginTop, marginBottom, enlargedDimIn,
enlarge_tile, dimOut, filterDim, reference_host);
/*- 参照画像が刺さっている場合、メモリを解放する -*/
if (reference_host) {
reference_host = 0;
void Iwa_DirectionalBlurFx::doCompute_CPU(
TTile &tile, double frame, const TRenderSettings &settings, TPointD &blur,
bool bidirectional, int marginLeft, int marginRight, int marginTop,
int marginBottom, TDimensionI &enlargedDimIn, TTile &enlarge_tile,
TDimensionI &dimOut, TDimensionI &filterDim, float *reference_host) {
/*- メモリ確保 -*/
TRasterGR8P in_ras(sizeof(float4) * enlargedDimIn.lx, enlargedDimIn.ly);
float4 *in = (float4 *)in_ras->getRawData();
TRasterGR8P out_ras(sizeof(float4) * enlargedDimIn.lx, enlargedDimIn.ly);
float4 *out = (float4 *)out_ras->getRawData();
TRasterGR8P filter_ras(sizeof(float) * filterDim.lx, filterDim.ly);
float *filter = (float *)filter_ras->getRawData();
/*- ソース画像を0〜1に正規化してホストメモリに読み込む -*/
TRaster32P ras32 = (TRaster32P)enlarge_tile.getRaster();
TRaster64P ras64 = (TRaster64P)enlarge_tile.getRaster();
if (ras32)
setSourceRaster<TRaster32P, TPixel32>(ras32, in, enlargedDimIn);
else if (ras64)
setSourceRaster<TRaster64P, TPixel64>(ras64, in, enlargedDimIn);
/*- フィルタ作る -*/
makeDirectionalBlurFilter_CPU(filter, blur, bidirectional, marginLeft,
marginRight, marginTop, marginBottom,
if (reference_host) /*- 参照画像がある場合 -*/
float4 *out_p = out + marginTop * enlargedDimIn.lx;
float *ref_p = reference_host + marginTop * enlargedDimIn.lx;
/*- フィルタリング -*/
for (int y = marginTop; y < dimOut.ly + marginTop; y++) {
out_p += marginRight;
ref_p += marginRight;
for (int x = marginRight; x < dimOut.lx + marginRight;
x++, out_p++, ref_p++) {
/*- 参照画像が黒ならソースをそのまま返す -*/
if ((*ref_p) == 0.0f) {
(*out_p) = in[y * enlargedDimIn.lx + x];
/*- 値を積算する入れ物を用意 -*/
float4 value = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
float *filter_p = filter;
if ((*ref_p) == 1.0f) {
/*- フィルタのサイズでループ
用いるため、上下左右反転してサンプルする -*/
for (int fily = -marginBottom; fily < filterDim.ly - marginBottom;
fily++) {
/*- サンプル座標 と インデックス の このスキャンラインのうしろ -*/
int2 samplePos = {x + marginLeft, y - fily};
int sampleIndex = samplePos.y * enlargedDimIn.lx + samplePos.x;
for (int filx = -marginLeft; filx < filterDim.lx - marginLeft;
filx++, filter_p++, sampleIndex--) {
/*- フィルター値がまたはサンプルピクセルが透明ならcontinue -*/
if ((*filter_p) == 0.0f || in[sampleIndex].w == 0.0f) continue;
/*- サンプル点の値にフィルタ値を掛けて積算する -*/
value.x += in[sampleIndex].x * (*filter_p);
value.y += in[sampleIndex].y * (*filter_p);
value.z += in[sampleIndex].z * (*filter_p);
value.w += in[sampleIndex].w * (*filter_p);
} else {
for (int fily = -marginBottom; fily < filterDim.ly - marginBottom;
fily++) {
for (int filx = -marginLeft; filx < filterDim.lx - marginLeft;
filx++, filter_p++) {
/*- フィルター値がならcontinue -*/
if ((*filter_p) == 0.0f) continue;
/*- サンプル座標 -*/
int2 samplePos = {tround((float)x - (float)filx * (*ref_p)),
tround((float)y - (float)fily * (*ref_p))};
int sampleIndex = samplePos.y * enlargedDimIn.lx + samplePos.x;
/*- サンプルピクセルが透明ならcontinue -*/
if (in[sampleIndex].w == 0.0f) continue;
/*- サンプル点の値にフィルタ値を掛けて積算する -*/
value.x += in[sampleIndex].x * (*filter_p);
value.y += in[sampleIndex].y * (*filter_p);
value.z += in[sampleIndex].z * (*filter_p);
value.w += in[sampleIndex].w * (*filter_p);
/*- 値を格納 -*/
(*out_p) = value;
out_p += marginLeft;
ref_p += marginLeft;
} else /*- 参照画像が無い場合 -*/
float4 *out_p = out + marginTop * enlargedDimIn.lx;
/*- フィルタリング -*/
for (int y = marginTop; y < dimOut.ly + marginTop; y++) {
out_p += marginRight;
for (int x = marginRight; x < dimOut.lx + marginRight; x++, out_p++) {
/*- 値を積算する入れ物を用意 -*/
float4 value = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
/*- フィルタのサイズでループ
用いるため、上下左右反転してサンプルする -*/
int filterIndex = 0;
for (int fily = -marginBottom; fily < filterDim.ly - marginBottom;
fily++) {
/*- サンプル座標 と インデックス の このスキャンラインのうしろ -*/
int2 samplePos = {x + marginLeft, y - fily};
int sampleIndex = samplePos.y * enlargedDimIn.lx + samplePos.x;
for (int filx = -marginLeft; filx < filterDim.lx - marginLeft;
filx++, filterIndex++, sampleIndex--) {
/*- フィルター値がまたはサンプルピクセルが透明ならcontinue -*/
if (filter[filterIndex] == 0.0f || in[sampleIndex].w == 0.0f)
/*- サンプル点の値にフィルタ値を掛けて積算する -*/
value.x += in[sampleIndex].x * filter[filterIndex];
value.y += in[sampleIndex].y * filter[filterIndex];
value.z += in[sampleIndex].z * filter[filterIndex];
value.w += in[sampleIndex].w * filter[filterIndex];
/*- 値を格納 -*/
(*out_p) = value;
out_p += marginLeft;
/*- ラスタのクリア -*/
TRaster32P outRas32 = (TRaster32P)tile.getRaster();
TRaster64P outRas64 = (TRaster64P)tile.getRaster();
int2 margin = {marginRight, marginTop};
if (outRas32)
setOutputRaster<TRaster32P, TPixel32>(out, outRas32, enlargedDimIn, margin);
else if (outRas64)
setOutputRaster<TRaster64P, TPixel64>(out, outRas64, enlargedDimIn, margin);
void Iwa_DirectionalBlurFx::makeDirectionalBlurFilter_CPU(
float *filter, TPointD &blur, bool bidirectional, int marginLeft,
int marginRight, int marginTop, int marginBottom, TDimensionI &filterDim) {
/*- 必要なら、ガウスフィルタを前計算 -*/
FILTER_TYPE filterType = (FILTER_TYPE)m_filterType->getValue();
std::vector<float> gaussian;
if (filterType == Gaussian) {
for (int g = 0; g < 101; g++) {
float x = (float)g / 100.0f;
// sigma == 0.25
gaussian.push_back(exp(-x * x / 0.125f));
/*- フィルタを作る -*/
TPointD p0 =
(bidirectional) ? TPointD(-blur.x, -blur.y) : TPointD(0.0f, 0.0f);
TPointD p1 = blur;
float2 vec_p0_p1 = {static_cast<float>(p1.x - p0.x),
static_cast<float>(p1.y - p0.y)};
float *fil_p = filter;
float intensity_sum = 0.0f;
for (int fy = -marginBottom; fy <= marginTop; fy++) {
for (int fx = -marginLeft; fx <= marginRight; fx++, fil_p++) {
/*- 現在の座標とブラー直線の距離を求める -*/
/*- P0->サンプル点とP0->P1の内積を求める -*/
float2 vec_p0_sample = {static_cast<float>(fx - p0.x),
static_cast<float>(fy - p0.y)};
float dot = vec_p0_sample.x * vec_p0_p1.x + vec_p0_sample.y * vec_p0_p1.y;
/*- 軌跡ベクトルの長さの2乗を計算する -*/
float length2 = vec_p0_p1.x * vec_p0_p1.x + vec_p0_p1.y * vec_p0_p1.y;
/*- 距離の2乗を求める -*/
float dist2;
float framePosRatio;
/*- P0より手前にある場合 -*/
if (dot <= 0.0f) {
dist2 = vec_p0_sample.x * vec_p0_sample.x +
vec_p0_sample.y * vec_p0_sample.y;
framePosRatio = 0.0f;
} else {
/*- P0〜P1間にある場合 -*/
if (dot < length2) {
float p0_sample_dist2 = vec_p0_sample.x * vec_p0_sample.x +
vec_p0_sample.y * vec_p0_sample.y;
dist2 = p0_sample_dist2 - dot * dot / length2;
framePosRatio = dot / length2;
/*- P1より先にある場合 -*/
else {
float2 vec_p1_sample = {static_cast<float>(fx - p1.x),
static_cast<float>(fy - p1.y)};
dist2 = vec_p1_sample.x * vec_p1_sample.x +
vec_p1_sample.y * vec_p1_sample.y;
framePosRatio = 1.0f;
/*- 距離が(√2 + 1)/2より遠かったらreturn dist2との比較だから2乗している
* -*/
if (dist2 > 1.4571f) {
(*fil_p) = 0.0f;
含まれているかをカウントする -*/
int count = 0;
for (int yy = 0; yy < 16; yy++) {
/*- サブピクセルのY座標 -*/
float subPosY = (float)fy + ((float)yy - 7.5f) / 16.0f;
for (int xx = 0; xx < 16; xx++) {
/*- サブピクセルのX座標 -*/
float subPosX = (float)fx + ((float)xx - 7.5f) / 16.0f;
float2 vec_p0_sub = {static_cast<float>(subPosX - p0.x),
static_cast<float>(subPosY - p0.y)};
float sub_dot =
vec_p0_sub.x * vec_p0_p1.x + vec_p0_sub.y * vec_p0_p1.y;
/*- 距離の2乗を求める -*/
float dist2;
/*- P0より手前にある場合 -*/
if (sub_dot <= 0.0f)
dist2 = vec_p0_sub.x * vec_p0_sub.x + vec_p0_sub.y * vec_p0_sub.y;
else {
/*- P0〜P1間にある場合 -*/
if (sub_dot < length2) {
float p0_sub_dist2 =
vec_p0_sub.x * vec_p0_sub.x + vec_p0_sub.y * vec_p0_sub.y;
dist2 = p0_sub_dist2 - sub_dot * sub_dot / length2;
/*- P1より先にある場合 -*/
else {
float2 vec_p1_sub = {static_cast<float>(subPosX - p1.x),
static_cast<float>(subPosY - p1.y)};
dist2 = vec_p1_sub.x * vec_p1_sub.x + vec_p1_sub.y * vec_p1_sub.y;
/*- 距離の乗が0.25より近ければカウントをインクリメント -*/
if (dist2 <= 0.25f) count++;
/*- 保険 カウントがの場合はフィールド値でreturn -*/
if (count == 0) {
(*fil_p) = 0.0f;
/*- countは Max256 -*/
float countRatio = (float)count / 256.0f;
/*- オフセット値を求める -*/
float offset =
(bidirectional) ? std::abs(framePosRatio * 2.0 - 1.0) : framePosRatio;
/*- フィルタごとに分ける -*/
float bokeAsiVal;
switch (filterType) {
case Linear:
bokeAsiVal = 1.0f - offset;
case Gaussian: {
int index = (int)floor(offset * 100.0f);
float ratio = offset * 100.0f - (float)index;
bokeAsiVal =
gaussian[index] * (1.0f - ratio) + gaussian[index + 1] * ratio;
} break;
case Flat:
bokeAsiVal = 1.0f;
bokeAsiVal = 1.0f - offset;
/*- フィールド値の格納 -*/
(*fil_p) = bokeAsiVal * countRatio;
intensity_sum += (*fil_p);
/*- 正規化 -*/
fil_p = filter;
for (int f = 0; f < filterDim.lx * filterDim.ly; f++, fil_p++) {
if ((*fil_p) == 0.0f) continue;
(*fil_p) /= intensity_sum;
bool Iwa_DirectionalBlurFx::doGetBBox(double frame, TRectD &bBox,
const TRenderSettings &info) {
if (false == this->m_input.isConnected()) {
bBox = TRectD();
return false;
bool ret = m_input->doGetBBox(frame, bBox, info);
if (bBox == TConsts::infiniteRectD) return ret;
TPointD blur;
double angle = m_angle->getValue(frame) * M_PI_180;
double intensity = m_intensity->getValue(frame);
bool bidirectional = m_bidirectional->getValue();
blur.x = intensity * cos(angle);
blur.y = intensity * sin(angle);
/*- 上下左右のマージンを得る -*/
double minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
if (blur.x > 0.0) /*- X成分が正の場合 -*/
maxX = blur.x;
minX = (bidirectional) ? -blur.x : 0.0;
} else /*- X成分が負の場合 -*/
maxX = (bidirectional) ? -blur.x : 0.0;
minX = blur.x;
if (blur.y > 0.0) /*- Y成分が正の場合 -*/
maxY = blur.y;
minY = (bidirectional) ? -blur.y : 0.0;
} else /*- Y成分が負の場合 -*/
maxY = (bidirectional) ? -blur.y : 0.0;
minY = blur.y;
int marginLeft = (int)ceil(std::abs(minX));
int marginRight = (int)ceil(std::abs(maxX));
int marginTop = (int)ceil(std::abs(maxY));
int marginBottom = (int)ceil(std::abs(minY));
TRectD enlargedBBox(
bBox.x0 - (double)marginLeft, bBox.y0 - (double)marginBottom,
bBox.x1 + (double)marginRight, bBox.y1 + (double)marginTop);
bBox = enlargedBBox;
return ret;
bool Iwa_DirectionalBlurFx::canHandle(const TRenderSettings &info,
double frame) {
return isAlmostIsotropic(info.m_affine) || m_intensity->getValue(frame) == 0;
void Iwa_DirectionalBlurFx::getParamUIs(TParamUIConcept *&concepts,
int &length) {
concepts = new TParamUIConcept[length = 1];
concepts[0].m_type = TParamUIConcept::POLAR;
concepts[0].m_label = "Angle and Intensity";
FX_PLUGIN_IDENTIFIER(Iwa_DirectionalBlurFx, "iwa_DirectionalBlurFx")