Campbell Barton b3bd842e04 Make functions static, ensure declarations match headers (#610)
This patch used -Wmissing-declarations warning
to show functions and symbols that had no declarations, and either:

- Make static
- Add to header

This helps avoid possability that declarations and functions get out of sync.
And ensures all source files reference headers correctly.

It also makes sure functions defined with extern "C",
have this defined in the header. An error found in calligraph.h while writing this patch.

This has been applied to toonzlib, to avoid making very large global changes.
If accepted, -Wmissing-declarations warning could be added to CMake.
2016-07-13 21:05:06 +09:00

2012 lines
68 KiB

#include "tcenterlinevectP.h"
//#define _SSDEBUG // Uncomment to
// enable the debug viewer
//#define _UPDATE // Shows borders
// updated to current time
// Forward declarations
struct VectorizationContext;
// Rationale
NOTE: Input is a vector of Contours, representing the borders of a
polygonal region. First border is the outer one, followed by internal
counter-borders; each Contour is itself a vector of "ContourNode"s,
ordered so that the region to be thinned is at the RIGHT of segments
formed by successive nodes.
Output is a Graph structure representing the straight skeleton of the
thinned region. Original contours survive the thinning procedure.
// Straight Skeleton Debugger
#ifdef _SSDEBUG
#include <QWidget>
#include <QTransform>
#include <QEventLoop>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QMouseEvent>
#include <QWheelEvent>
class SSDebugger final : public QWidget {
VectorizationContext &m_context;
QPoint m_pos, m_pressPos;
double m_scale;
QTransform m_transform;
QEventLoop m_loop;
double m_height;
SSDebugger(VectorizationContext &context);
~SSDebugger() {}
void loop() { m_loop.exec(); }
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event);
inline QPoint winToWorld(int x, int y);
inline QPoint worldToWin(double x, double y);
inline QPointF winToWorldF(int x, int y);
inline bool isOnScreen(ContourNode *node);
// Node Updates
TPointD updated(ContourNode *input);
#endif // _SSDEBUG
// Classes
class ContourEdge {
enum { NOT_OPPOSITE = 0x1 };
TPointD m_direction;
unsigned short m_attributes;
ContourEdge() : m_attributes(0) {}
ContourEdge(TPointD dir) : m_direction(dir), m_attributes(0) {}
int hasAttribute(int attr) const { return m_attributes & attr; }
void setAttribute(int attr) { m_attributes |= attr; }
void clearAttribute(int attr) { m_attributes &= ~attr; }
class IndexTable {
typedef std::list<ContourNode *> IndexColumn;
m_columns; //!< Countours set by 'column identifier'.
m_identifiers; //!< Column identifiers by original contour index.
// NOTE: Contours are stored in 'comb' structure (vector of lists) since
// contours may both
// be SPLIT (new entry in a list) and MERGED (two lists merge).
IndexTable() {}
IndexColumn *operator[](int i) { return &m_columns[i]; }
IndexColumn &columnOfId(int id) { return m_columns[m_identifiers[id]]; }
// Initialization
void build(ContourFamily &family);
void clear();
// Specific handlers
IndexColumn::iterator find(ContourNode *index);
void merge(IndexColumn::iterator index1, IndexColumn::iterator index2);
void remove(IndexColumn::iterator index);
class Event {
/*! \remark Values are sorted by preference at simultaneous events. */
enum Type //! An event's possible types.
{ special, //!< A vertex event that is also an edge event (V case).
edge, //!< An edge shrinks to 0 length.
vertex, //!< Two contour nodes clash.
split_regenerate, //!< Placeholder type for split events that must be
//! regenerated.
split, //!< An edge is split by a clashing contour node.
failure };
double m_height;
double m_displacement;
ContourNode *m_generator;
ContourNode *m_coGenerator;
Type m_type;
unsigned int m_algoritmicTime;
VectorizationContext *m_context;
// In-builder event constructor
Event(ContourNode *generator, VectorizationContext *context);
// Event calculators
inline void calculateEdgeEvent();
inline void calculateSplitEvent();
// Auxiliary event calculators
inline double splitDisplacementWith(ContourNode *plane);
inline bool tryRayEdgeCollisionWith(ContourNode *edge);
// Event handlers
inline bool process();
inline void processEdgeEvent();
inline void processMaxEvent();
inline void processSplitEvent();
inline void processVertexEvent();
inline void processSpecialEvent();
inline bool testRayEdgeCollision(ContourNode *opposite, double &displacement,
double &height, double &side1,
double &side2);
struct EventGreater {
bool operator()(const Event &event1, const Event &event2) const {
return event1.m_height > event2.m_height ||
(event1.m_height == event2.m_height &&
event1.m_type > event2.m_type);
class Timeline final
: public std::priority_queue<Event, std::vector<Event>, EventGreater> {
Timeline() {}
// NOTE: Timeline construction contains the most complex part of
// vectorization;
// progress bar partial notification happens there, so thisVectorizer's signal
// emission methods must be passed and used.
void build(ContourFamily &polygons, VectorizationContext &context,
VectorizerCore *thisVectorizer);
// Preliminary methods/functions
// IndexTable methods
void IndexTable::build(ContourFamily &family) {
unsigned int i;
// NOTE: At the beginning, m_identifiers= 1, .. , m_columns.size() - 1;
for (i = 0; i < m_columns.size(); ++i) {
m_identifiers[i] = i;
// Each node referenced in the Table is signed as 'head' of the cirular
// list.
// Explanation: during the skeletonization process, ContourNodes and calculated
// Events are unaware of global index-changes generated by other events, so
// the position of index stored in one Event has to be retrieved in the
// IndexTable before event processing begins.
// NOTE: Can this be done in a more efficient way?...
inline IndexTable::IndexColumn::iterator IndexTable::find(ContourNode *sought) {
int indexId = m_identifiers[sought->m_ancestorContour];
IndexColumn::iterator res;
// Search for the HEAD attribute in index's Contour
for (; !sought->hasAttribute(ContourNode::HEAD); sought = sought->m_next)
// Finally, find index through our column
for (res = m_columns[indexId].begin(); (*res) != sought; ++res)
return res;
// Handles active contour merging due to split/vertex events
void IndexTable::merge(IndexColumn::iterator index1,
IndexColumn::iterator index2) {
IndexColumn::iterator current;
int identifier1 = m_identifiers[(*index1)->m_ancestorContour],
identifier2 = m_identifiers[(*index2)->m_ancestorContour];
remove(index2); // We maintain only one index of the merged contour
// Now, append columns
if (!m_columns[identifier2].empty()) {
append<IndexTable::IndexColumn, IndexTable::IndexColumn::reverse_iterator>(
m_columns[identifier1], m_columns[identifier2]);
// Then, update stored identifiers
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < m_columns.size(); ++k) {
if (m_identifiers[k] == identifier2) m_identifiers[k] = identifier1;
// Removes given index in Table
inline void IndexTable::remove(IndexColumn::iterator index) {
inline void IndexTable::clear() { m_columns.clear(), m_identifiers.clear(); }
// Straight Skeleton Algorithm
// Global Variables
struct VectorizationContext {
VectorizerCoreGlobals *m_globals;
// Globals
unsigned int m_totalNodes; // Number of original contour nodes
unsigned int m_contoursCount; // Number of contours in input region
IndexTable m_activeTable; // Index table of active contours
SkeletonGraph *m_output; // Output skeleton of input region
double m_currentHeight; // Height of our 'roof-flooding' process
Timeline m_timeline; // Ordered queue of all possible events
unsigned int m_algoritmicTime; // Number of events precessed up to now
// Containers
std::vector<ContourEdge> m_edgesHeap;
std::vector<ContourNode> m_nodesHeap; // of *non-original* nodes only
unsigned int m_nodesHeapCount; // number of nodes used in nodesHeap
//'Linear Axis-added' *pseudo-original* nodes and edges
std::vector<ContourNode> m_linearNodesHeap;
std::vector<ContourEdge> m_linearEdgesHeap;
unsigned int m_linearNodesHeapCount;
VectorizationContext(VectorizerCoreGlobals *globals) : m_globals(globals) {}
ContourNode *getNode() { return &m_nodesHeap[m_nodesHeapCount++]; }
ContourNode *getLinearNode() {
return &m_linearNodesHeap[m_linearNodesHeapCount];
ContourEdge *getLinearEdge() {
return &m_linearEdgesHeap[m_linearNodesHeapCount++];
inline void addLinearNodeBefore(ContourNode *node);
inline void repairDegenerations(
const std::vector<ContourNode *> &degenerates);
inline void prepareGlobals();
inline void prepareContours(ContourFamily &family);
inline void newSkeletonLink(unsigned int cur, ContourNode *node);
// WARNING: To be launched only *after* prepareContours - node countings happen
// there
inline void VectorizationContext::prepareGlobals() {
// NOTE: Let n be the total number of nodes in the family, k the number of
// split events
// effectively happening in the process, m the number of original
// contours of the family.
// Now:
// * Each split event eliminates its generating reflex node and
// introduces
// two convex nodes
// * Each edge event eliminates its couple of generating nodes and
// introduces one new convex node
// * Each max event eliminates 3 generating nodes without introducing
// new ones
// So, split events introduce 2k non-original nodes, and (k-m+2) is the number
// of max events
// necessarily happening, since (m-1) are the *merging* split events.
// On the n+k-3(k-m+2) nodes remaining for pure edge events, as many
// non-original nodes are inserted.
//=> This yields 2k + n-2k+3m-6= n+3m-6 non-original nodes. Contemporaneous
// events such as
// vertex and special events can only decrease the number of non-original
// nodes requested.
// Initialize non-original nodes container
m_nodesHeap.resize(m_totalNodes + 3 * m_contoursCount - 6);
m_nodesHeapCount = 0;
// Reset time/height variables
m_currentHeight = 0;
m_algoritmicTime = 0;
// Clean IndexTable
inline void VectorizationContext::newSkeletonLink(unsigned int cur,
ContourNode *node) {
if (node->hasAttribute(ContourNode::SK_NODE_DROPPED)) {
SkeletonArc arcCopy(node);
m_output->newLink(node->m_outputNode, cur, arcCopy);
m_output->newLink(cur, node->m_outputNode, arcCopy);
// Thinning Functions/Methods
// Repair Polygon Degenerations
// EXPLANATION: After "Polygonizer", there may be simpleness degenerations
// about polygons which are dangerous to deal in the thinning process.
// Typically, these correspond to cases in which node->m_direction.z ~ 0
//(too fast), and are concave.
// We then deal with them *before* the process begins, by splitting one
// such node in two slower ones (known as 'Linear Axis' method).
inline void VectorizationContext::addLinearNodeBefore(ContourNode *node) {
ContourNode *newNode = getLinearNode();
ContourEdge *newEdge = getLinearEdge();
newNode->m_position = node->m_position;
// Build new edge
if (node->m_direction.z < 0.1)
newEdge->m_direction = rotate270(node->m_edge->m_direction);
newEdge->m_direction = normalize(node->m_edge->m_direction +
newNode->m_edge = newEdge;
// Link newNode
newNode->m_prev = node->m_prev;
newNode->m_next = node;
node->m_prev->m_next = newNode;
node->m_prev = newNode;
// Build remaining infos
node->buildNodeInfos(); // Rebuild
newNode->m_updateTime = 0;
newNode->m_ancestor = node->m_ancestor;
newNode->m_ancestorContour = node->m_ancestorContour;
// Set node and newNode's edges not to be recognized as possible
// opposites by the other (could happen in *future* instants)
// Further sign newly added node
inline void VectorizationContext::repairDegenerations(
const std::vector<ContourNode *> &degenerates) {
unsigned int i;
m_linearNodesHeapCount = 0;
for (i = 0; i < degenerates.size(); ++i) {
if (!degenerates[i]->hasAttribute(ContourNode::AMBIGUOUS_LEFT)) {
// Node Infos Construction
inline void VectorizationContext::prepareContours(ContourFamily &family) {
std::vector<ContourNode *> degenerateNodes;
// Build circular links
unsigned int i, j, k;
unsigned int current;
m_contoursCount = family.size();
m_totalNodes = 0;
for (i = 0; i < family.size(); ++i) {
for (j = 0, k = family[i].size() - 1; j < family[i].size(); k = j, ++j) {
family[i][k].m_next = &family[i][j];
family[i][j].m_prev = &family[i][k];
m_totalNodes += family[i].size();
// Build node edges
current = 0;
for (i = 0; i < family.size(); ++i) {
for (j = 0, k = family[i].size() - 1; j < family[i].size(); k = j, ++j) {
m_edgesHeap[current].m_direction = normalize(
planeProjection(family[i][j].m_position - family[i][k].m_position));
family[i][k].m_edge = &m_edgesHeap[current];
bool maxThicknessNotZero = m_globals->currConfig->m_maxThickness > 0.0;
// Now build remaining infos
for (i = 0; i < family.size(); ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < family[i].size(); ++j) {
family[i][j].m_updateTime = 0;
family[i][j].m_ancestor = j;
family[i][j].m_ancestorContour = i;
// Check the following degeneration
if (family[i][j].m_concave && family[i][j].m_direction.z < 0.3) {
// Push this node among degenerate ones
// Insert output node in sharp angles
if (!family[i][j].m_concave && family[i][j].m_direction.z < 0.6 &&
maxThicknessNotZero) {
family[i][j].m_outputNode = m_output->newNode(family[i][j].m_position);
// Push on nodes having AMBIGUOUS_RIGHT attribute
if (family[i][j].hasAttribute(ContourNode::AMBIGUOUS_RIGHT))
family[i][j].m_position += 0.02 * family[i][j].m_direction;
// Finally, ensure polygon degenerations found are solved
if (maxThicknessNotZero) repairDegenerations(degenerateNodes);
// WARNING: m_edge field of *this* and *previous* node must already be defined.
inline void ContourNode::buildNodeInfos(bool forceConvex) {
TPointD direction;
double parameter;
// Calculate node convexity
if (forceConvex)
m_concave = 0;
else if (cross(m_edge->m_direction, m_prev->m_edge->m_direction) < 0) {
m_concave = 1;
} else
m_concave = 0;
// Build node direction
direction = m_edge->m_direction - m_prev->m_edge->m_direction;
parameter = norm(direction);
if (parameter > 0.01) {
direction = direction * (1 / parameter);
if (m_concave) direction = -direction;
} else
direction = rotate270(m_edge->m_direction);
m_direction.x = direction.x;
m_direction.y = direction.y;
// Calculate node speed
m_direction.z = cross(planeProjection(m_direction), m_edge->m_direction);
if (m_direction.z < 0) m_direction.z = 0;
// Calculate angular momentum
m_AngularMomentum = cross(m_position, m_direction);
if (m_concave) {
m_AuxiliaryMomentum1 = m_AuxiliaryMomentum2 = m_AngularMomentum;
} else {
m_AuxiliaryMomentum1 =
T3DPointD(m_edge->m_direction.y, -m_edge->m_direction.x, 1));
m_AuxiliaryMomentum2 =
cross(m_position, T3DPointD(m_prev->m_edge->m_direction.y,
-m_prev->m_edge->m_direction.x, 1));
// Timeline Construction
// NOTE: In the following, we achieve these results:
// * Build the timeline - events priority queue
// * Process those split events which *necessarily* happen
// Pre-processing of split events is useful in order to lower execution times.
// Each node is first associated to a random integer; then a referencing
// vector is ordered according to those integers - events are calculated
// following this order. Split events are therefore calculated sparsely
// along the polygons, allowing a significant time reduction effect.
class RandomizedNode {
ContourNode *m_node;
int m_number;
RandomizedNode() {}
RandomizedNode(ContourNode *node) : m_node(node), m_number(rand()) {}
inline ContourNode *operator->(void) { return m_node; }
class RandomizedNodeLess {
RandomizedNodeLess() {}
inline bool operator()(RandomizedNode a, RandomizedNode b) {
return (a.m_number < b.m_number);
void Timeline::build(ContourFamily &polygons, VectorizationContext &context,
VectorizerCore *thisVectorizer) {
unsigned int i, j, current;
std::vector<RandomizedNode> nodesToBeTreated(context.m_totalNodes);
T3DPointD momentum, ray;
// Build casual ordered node-array
for (i = 0, current = 0; i < polygons.size(); ++i)
for (j = 0; j < polygons[i].size(); ++j)
nodesToBeTreated[current++] = RandomizedNode(&polygons[i][j]);
// Same for linear-added nodes
for (i = 0; i < context.m_linearNodesHeapCount; ++i)
nodesToBeTreated[current++] = RandomizedNode(&context.m_linearNodesHeap[i]);
double maxThickness = context.m_globals->currConfig->m_maxThickness;
// Compute events generated by nodes
// NOTE: are edge events to be computed BEFORE split ones?
for (i = 0; i < nodesToBeTreated.size(); ++i) {
// Break calculation at user cancel press
if (thisVectorizer->isCanceled()) break;
Event currentEvent(nodesToBeTreated[i].m_node, &context);
// Notify event calculation
if (!nodesToBeTreated[i].m_node->hasAttribute(ContourNode::LINEAR_ADDED))
if (currentEvent.m_type != Event::failure &&
currentEvent.m_height < maxThickness)
if (currentEvent.m_type == Event::split) {
if (currentEvent.m_coGenerator->m_concave) {
ray =
-currentEvent.m_coGenerator->m_edge->m_direction.x, 1);
momentum = cross(currentEvent.m_coGenerator->m_position, ray);
if (currentEvent.m_generator->m_direction * momentum +
ray * currentEvent.m_generator->m_AngularMomentum <
0) {
if (currentEvent.m_coGenerator->m_next->m_concave) {
ray =
-currentEvent.m_coGenerator->m_edge->m_direction.x, 1);
momentum = cross(currentEvent.m_coGenerator->m_next->m_position, ray);
if (currentEvent.m_generator->m_direction * momentum +
ray * currentEvent.m_generator->m_AngularMomentum >
0) {
if (cross(currentEvent.m_generator->m_edge->m_direction,
currentEvent.m_coGenerator->m_edge->m_direction) > 0.02 &&
currentEvent.m_generator->m_prev->m_edge->m_direction) >
0.02) // 0.02 in comparison with 'parameter' in buildNodeInfos
// Pre-processing succeeded
// Event Calculation
// Calculates event generated by input node
Event::Event(ContourNode *generator, VectorizationContext *context)
: m_height(infinity)
, m_displacement(infinity)
, m_generator(generator)
, m_type(failure)
, m_algoritmicTime(context->m_algoritmicTime)
, m_context(context) {
if (generator->m_concave)
// The edge event *generated by a node* is defined as the earliest edge event
// generated by its adjacent edges. Remember that 'edge events' correspond to
// those in which one edge gets 0 length.
inline void Event::calculateEdgeEvent() {
struct locals {
static inline void buildDisplacements(ContourNode *edgeFirst, double &d1,
double &d2) {
ContourNode *edgeSecond = edgeFirst->m_next;
// If bisectors are almost opposite, avoid: there must be another bisector
// colliding with m_generator *before* coGenerator - allowing a positive
// result here may interfere with it.
if ((edgeFirst->m_concave && edgeSecond->m_concave) ||
edgeFirst->m_direction * edgeSecond->m_direction < -0.9) {
d1 = d2 = -1.0;
double det = edgeFirst->m_direction.y * edgeSecond->m_direction.x -
edgeFirst->m_direction.x * edgeSecond->m_direction.y;
double cx = edgeSecond->m_position.x - edgeFirst->m_position.x,
cy = edgeSecond->m_position.y - edgeFirst->m_position.y;
d1 = (edgeSecond->m_direction.x * cy - edgeSecond->m_direction.y * cx) /
d2 =
(edgeFirst->m_direction.x * cy - edgeFirst->m_direction.y * cx) / det;
static inline double height(ContourNode *node, double displacement) {
return node->m_position.z + displacement * node->m_direction.z;
}; // locals
double minHeight, minDisplacement;
bool positiveEdgeDispl;
m_type = edge;
// Calculate the two possible displacement parameters
double firstDisplacement, prevDisplacement, nextDisplacement,
// right == prev
locals::buildDisplacements(m_generator, nextDisplacement, lastDisplacement);
locals::buildDisplacements(m_generator->m_prev, firstDisplacement,
// Take the smallest positive between them and assign the co-generator
// NOTE: In a missed vertex event, the threshold value is to compare with the
// possible pushes at the end of processSplit
// However, admitting slightly negative displacements should be ok: due to the
// weak linear axis imposed for concave
// vertices, it is impossible to have little negative displacements apart from
// the above mentioned pushed case.
// ..currently almost true..
static const double minusTol = -0.03;
bool prevDispPositive = (prevDisplacement > minusTol);
bool nextDispPositive = (nextDisplacement > minusTol);
if (nextDispPositive) {
if (!prevDispPositive || nextDisplacement < prevDisplacement) {
m_coGenerator = m_generator;
minDisplacement = nextDisplacement;
minHeight = locals::height(m_coGenerator, nextDisplacement);
positiveEdgeDispl = (nextDispPositive && lastDisplacement > minusTol);
} else {
m_coGenerator = m_generator->m_prev;
minDisplacement = prevDisplacement;
minHeight = locals::height(
firstDisplacement); // Height is built on the edge's first
positiveEdgeDispl =
(prevDispPositive &&
firstDisplacement >
minusTol); // endpoint to have the same values on adjacent
} // generators. It's important for SPECIAL events.
} else if (prevDispPositive) {
m_coGenerator = m_generator->m_prev;
minDisplacement = prevDisplacement;
minHeight = locals::height(m_coGenerator, firstDisplacement); // Same here
positiveEdgeDispl = (prevDispPositive && firstDisplacement > minusTol);
} else {
m_type = failure;
// NOTA: Le const di tolleranza sono da confrontare tra:
// a) i push alla fine di processSplit per evitare rogne coi vertex multipli
// b) Le condizioni di esclusione su side1 e side2 in trySplit che evitano a)
// c) Le condizioni di riconoscimento di vertex e special events - perche' se
// mancano...
// Special cases: (forse da raffinare le condizioni - comunque ora sono
// efficaci)
if (nextDispPositive && !m_generator->m_concave) {
if (m_generator->m_prev->m_concave && m_generator->m_next->m_concave &&
fabs(nextDisplacement - prevDisplacement) <
0.1) // condizione debole per escludere subito i casi evidentemente
// innocenti
// Check 'V' (special) event - can generate a new concave vertex
ContourNode *prevRay = m_generator->m_prev,
*nextRay = m_generator->m_next;
double side = prevRay->m_direction * nextRay->m_AngularMomentum +
nextRay->m_direction * prevRay->m_AngularMomentum;
// NOTE: fabs(side) / || prevRay->dir x nextRay->dir || is the distance
// between the two rays.
if (fabs(side) <
0.03 * norm(cross(prevRay->m_direction, nextRay->m_direction)))
m_type = special, m_coGenerator = m_generator;
} else if (fabs(nextDisplacement - prevDisplacement) < 0.01) {
// Then choose to make the event with a concave vertex (to resemble the
// 'LL' case)
m_coGenerator =
m_generator->m_next->m_concave ? m_generator : m_generator->m_prev;
// Now, if calculated height is coherent, this Event is valid.
if (positiveEdgeDispl // Edges shrinking to a point after a FORWARD
minHeight > m_context->m_currentHeight -
0.01) // displacement are processable - this dominates
m_height = minHeight,
m_displacement =
minDisplacement; // height considerations which may be affected by
else // numerical errors
m_type = failure;
inline void Event::calculateSplitEvent() {
unsigned int i;
bool forceFirst;
ContourNode *opposite, *first, *last;
std::list<ContourNode *>::iterator currentContour;
// Sign *edges* not to be taken as possible opposites
for (i = 0; i < m_generator->m_notOpposites.size(); ++i)
// Check adjacent edge events
calculateEdgeEvent(); // DO NOT REMOVE - adjacent convexes may have
// been calculated too earlier
// First check opposites in the m_generator active contour
first =
m_generator->m_next->m_next; // Adjacent edges were already considered
last = m_generator->m_prev->m_prev; // by calculateEdgeEvents()
for (opposite = first; opposite != last; opposite = opposite->m_next) {
if (!opposite->m_edge->hasAttribute(ContourEdge::NOT_OPPOSITE))
IndexTable &activeTable = m_context->m_activeTable;
// Then, try in the remaining active contours whose identifier is != our
for (i = 0; i < activeTable.m_columns.size(); ++i) {
for (currentContour = activeTable[i]->begin();
currentContour != activeTable[i]->end(); currentContour++) {
// Da spostare sopra il 2o for
if (activeTable.m_identifiers[(*currentContour)->m_ancestorContour] !=
activeTable.m_identifiers[m_generator->m_ancestorContour]) {
first = *currentContour;
for (opposite = first, forceFirst = 1;
// Better the first next cond. - in case of thinning errors, at
// least it does not get loop'd.
!opposite->hasAttribute(ContourNode::HEAD) // opposite!=first
|| (forceFirst ? forceFirst = 0, 1 : 0);
opposite = opposite->m_next) {
if (!opposite->m_edge->hasAttribute(ContourEdge::NOT_OPPOSITE))
// Restore edge attributes
for (i = 0; i < m_generator->m_notOpposites.size(); ++i)
inline bool Event::testRayEdgeCollision(ContourNode *opposite,
double &displacement, double &height,
double &side1, double &side2) {
// Initialize test vectors
// NOTE: In the convex case, slab guards MUST be orthogonal to the edge, due
// to this case:
// ______/| the ray would not hit the edge - AND THUS FOREGO
// -> |
T3DPointD firstSlabGuard =
opposite->m_concave ? opposite->m_direction
: T3DPointD(opposite->m_edge->m_direction.y,
-opposite->m_edge->m_direction.x, 1);
T3DPointD lastSlabGuard =
? opposite->m_next->m_direction
: T3DPointD(opposite->m_edge->m_direction.y,
-opposite->m_edge->m_direction.x, 1);
T3DPointD roofSlabOrthogonal(-opposite->m_edge->m_direction.y,
opposite->m_edge->m_direction.x, 1);
if (roofSlabOrthogonal * (opposite->m_position - m_generator->m_position) >
-0.01 // Ray's vertex generator is below the roof slab
//&& roofSlabOrthogonal * m_generator->m_direction > 0
//// Ray must go 'against' the roof slab
planeProjection(roofSlabOrthogonal) *
planeProjection(m_generator->m_direction) >
0 // Ray must go against the opposing edge
(side1 = m_generator->m_direction *
opposite->m_AuxiliaryMomentum1 + // Ray must pass inside the
// first slab guard
firstSlabGuard * m_generator->m_AngularMomentum) > -0.01 //
(side2 = m_generator->m_direction *
opposite->m_next->m_AuxiliaryMomentum2 + // Ray must pass
// inside the
// second slab
// guard
lastSlabGuard * m_generator->m_AngularMomentum) < 0.01 //
(m_generator->m_ancestorContour !=
opposite->m_ancestorContour // Helps with immediate splits from
// coincident
|| m_generator->m_ancestor != opposite->m_ancestor)) // linear vertexes
displacement = splitDisplacementWith(opposite);
// Possible Security checks for almost complanarity cases
if (displacement > -0.01 && displacement < 0.01) {
T3DPointD slabLeftOrthogonal(-opposite->m_edge->m_direction.y,
opposite->m_edge->m_direction.x, 1);
double check1 =
(m_generator->m_position - opposite->m_position) *
normalize(cross(opposite->m_direction, slabLeftOrthogonal));
double check2 =
(m_generator->m_position - opposite->m_next->m_position) *
normalize(cross(opposite->m_next->m_direction, slabLeftOrthogonal));
if (check1 > 0.02 || check2 < -0.02) return false;
// Check height/displacement conditions
if (displacement > -0.01 &&
displacement < m_displacement + 0.01 // admitting concurrent events
(height = m_generator->m_position.z +
displacement * m_generator->m_direction.z) >
m_context->m_currentHeight - 0.01)
return true;
return false;
inline bool Event::tryRayEdgeCollisionWith(ContourNode *opposite) {
ContourNode *newCoGenerator;
Type type;
double displacement, height, side1, side2;
if (testRayEdgeCollision(opposite, displacement, height, side1, side2)) {
type = split_regenerate;
newCoGenerator = opposite;
// Check against the REAL slab guards for type deduction
double firstSide =
? side1
: m_generator->m_direction * opposite->m_AngularMomentum +
opposite->m_direction * m_generator->m_AngularMomentum,
secondSide = opposite->m_next->m_concave
? side2
: m_generator->m_direction *
opposite->m_next->m_AngularMomentum +
opposite->m_next->m_direction *
if (firstSide > -0.01 && secondSide < 0.01) {
double displacement_, height_;
if (firstSide < 0.01) {
// Ray hits first extremity of edge
if (opposite->m_concave ||
testRayEdgeCollision(opposite->m_prev, displacement_, height_,
side1, side2))
type = vertex;
} else if (secondSide > -0.01) {
// Ray hits second extremity of edge
if (opposite->m_next->m_concave ||
testRayEdgeCollision(opposite->m_next, displacement_, height_,
side1, side2)) {
type = vertex;
newCoGenerator = opposite->m_next;
} else
type = split;
if (type == split_regenerate &&
height <=
->m_currentHeight) // Split regeneration is allowed only at
return false; // future times
// If competing with another event split/vertex, approve replacement only if
// the angle
// between m_generator and newCoGenerator is < than with current
// m_coGenerator.
if (m_type != edge && fabs(displacement - m_displacement) < 0.01 &&
return false;
// Pero' nel caso di quasi contemporaneo con un convesso, puo' permettere di
// scegliere quello con Displacement > !! ...
// Da rivedere... (cmq succede raramente che crei grossi problemi)
m_type = type, m_coGenerator = newCoGenerator;
m_displacement = displacement, m_height = height;
return true;
return false;
inline double Event::splitDisplacementWith(ContourNode *slab) {
TPointD slabLeftOrthogonal(-slab->m_edge->m_direction.y,
double denom = m_generator->m_direction.z +
slabLeftOrthogonal * TPointD(m_generator->m_direction.x,
if (denom < 0.01)
return -1; // generator-emitted ray is almost parallel to slab
TPointD difference =
planeProjection(slab->m_position - m_generator->m_position);
return (slabLeftOrthogonal * difference + slab->m_position.z -
m_generator->m_position.z) /
// Event Processing
// Event::Process discriminates event types and calls their specific handlers
inline bool Event::process() {
Timeline &timeline = m_context->m_timeline;
unsigned int &algoritmicTime = m_context->m_algoritmicTime;
if (!m_generator->hasAttribute(ContourNode::ELIMINATED)) {
switch (m_type) {
case special:
if (m_coGenerator->m_prev->hasAttribute(
ContourNode::ELIMINATED) || // These two are most probably
// useless - could
ContourNode::ELIMINATED) || // try to remove them once I'm in for
// some testing...
m_algoritmicTime < m_coGenerator->m_prev->m_updateTime ||
m_algoritmicTime < m_coGenerator->m_next->m_updateTime) {
// recalculate event
Event newEvent(m_generator, m_context);
if (newEvent.m_type != failure) timeline.push(newEvent);
return false;
// else allow processing
case edge:
if (m_coGenerator->hasAttribute(ContourNode::ELIMINATED) ||
m_algoritmicTime < m_coGenerator->m_next->m_updateTime) {
// recalculate event
Event newEvent(m_generator, m_context);
if (newEvent.m_type != failure) timeline.push(newEvent);
return false;
// Deal with edge superposition cases *only* when m_generator has the
// m_direction.z == 0.0
if ((m_coGenerator->m_direction.z == 0.0 &&
m_coGenerator != m_generator) ||
(m_coGenerator->m_next->m_direction.z == 0.0 &&
m_coGenerator == m_generator))
return false;
// else allow processing
algoritmicTime++; // global
if (m_generator->m_next->m_next == m_generator->m_prev)
case vertex:
if (m_coGenerator->hasAttribute(ContourNode::ELIMINATED)) {
// recalculate event
Event newEvent(m_generator, m_context);
if (newEvent.m_type != failure) timeline.push(newEvent);
return false;
// Unlike the split case, we don't need to rebuild if
// the event is not up to date with m_coGenerator - since
// the event is not about splitting an edge
if (m_coGenerator ==
->m_next // CAN devolve to a special event - which should
m_coGenerator ==
->m_prev) // already be present in the timeline
return false;
// then, process it
case split_regenerate:
if (m_coGenerator->hasAttribute(ContourNode::ELIMINATED) ||
(m_algoritmicTime < m_coGenerator->m_next->m_updateTime)) {
// recalculate event
Event newEvent(m_generator, m_context);
if (newEvent.m_type != failure) timeline.push(newEvent);
return false;
// This may actually happen on current implementation, due to quirky event
// generation and preferential events rejection. See function tryRay..()
// around the end. Historically resolved to a split event, so we maintain
// that.
// assert(false);
/* fallthrough */
case split: // No break is intended
if (m_coGenerator->hasAttribute(ContourNode::ELIMINATED) ||
(m_algoritmicTime < m_coGenerator->m_next->m_updateTime)) {
// recalculate event
Event newEvent(m_generator, m_context);
if (newEvent.m_type != failure) timeline.push(newEvent);
return false;
// else allow processing (but check these conditions)
if (m_coGenerator != m_generator->m_next &&
m_coGenerator !=
->m_prev) // Because another edge already occurs at his place
return true; // Processing succeeded
// EXPLANATION: Here is the typical case:
// \ /
// \ x /
// 2---1 = m_coGenerator
// m_coGenerator's edge reduces to 0. Then, nodes 1 and 2 gets ELIMINATED from
// the active contour and a new node at position "x" is placed instead.
// Observe also that nodes 1 or 2 may be concave (but not both)...
inline void Event::processEdgeEvent() {
ContourNode *newNode;
T3DPointD position(m_generator->m_position +
m_displacement * m_generator->m_direction);
// Eliminate and unlink extremities of m_coGenerator's edge
// Then, take a node from heap and insert it at their place.
newNode = m_context->getNode();
newNode->m_position = position;
newNode->m_next = m_coGenerator->m_next->m_next;
m_coGenerator->m_next->m_next->m_prev = newNode;
newNode->m_prev = m_coGenerator->m_prev;
m_coGenerator->m_prev->m_next = newNode;
// Then, initialize new node (however, 3rd component is m_height...)
newNode->m_position =
m_generator->m_position + m_displacement * m_generator->m_direction;
newNode->m_edge = m_coGenerator->m_next->m_edge;
newNode->buildNodeInfos(1); // 1 => Force convex node
newNode->m_ancestor = m_coGenerator->m_next->m_ancestor;
newNode->m_ancestorContour = m_coGenerator->m_next->m_ancestorContour;
newNode->m_updateTime = m_context->m_algoritmicTime;
// We allocate an output vertex on newNode's position under these conditions
// NOTE: Update once graph_old is replaced
if (newNode->m_direction.z < 0.7 ||
m_coGenerator->hasAttribute(ContourNode::SK_NODE_DROPPED) ||
m_coGenerator->m_next->hasAttribute(ContourNode::SK_NODE_DROPPED)) {
newNode->m_outputNode = m_context->m_output->newNode(position);
m_context->newSkeletonLink(newNode->m_outputNode, m_coGenerator);
m_context->newSkeletonLink(newNode->m_outputNode, m_coGenerator->m_next);
// If m_coGenerator or its m_next is HEAD of this contour, then
// redefine newNode as the new head.
if (m_coGenerator->hasAttribute(ContourNode::HEAD) ||
m_coGenerator->m_next->hasAttribute(ContourNode::HEAD)) {
std::list<ContourNode *>::iterator it;
std::list<ContourNode *> &column =
for (it = column.begin(); !(*it)->hasAttribute(ContourNode::ELIMINATED);
// assert(*it == m_coGenerator || *it == m_coGenerator->m_next);
*it = newNode, newNode->setAttribute(ContourNode::HEAD);
// Finally, calculate the Event raising by newNode
Event newEvent(newNode, m_context);
if (newEvent.m_type != Event::failure) m_context->m_timeline.push(newEvent);
// Typical triangle case
inline void Event::processMaxEvent() {
T3DPointD position(m_generator->m_position +
m_displacement * m_generator->m_direction);
unsigned int outputNode = m_context->m_output->newNode(position);
m_context->newSkeletonLink(outputNode, m_generator);
m_context->newSkeletonLink(outputNode, m_generator->m_prev);
m_context->newSkeletonLink(outputNode, m_generator->m_next);
// Then remove active contour and eliminate nodes
std::list<ContourNode *>::iterator eventVertexIndex =
// EXPLANATION: Ordinary split event:
// m_coGenerator = a'---------b'
// x
// b = m_generator
// / \
// c a
// We eliminate b and split/merge the border/s represented in the scheme.
inline void Event::processSplitEvent() {
ContourNode *newLeftNode,
*newRightNode; // left-right in the sense of the picture
T3DPointD position(m_generator->m_position +
m_displacement * m_generator->m_direction);
IndexTable &activeTable = m_context->m_activeTable;
unsigned int &algoritmicTime = m_context->m_algoritmicTime;
// First, we find in the Index Table the contours involved
std::list<ContourNode *>::iterator genContour, coGenContour;
genContour = activeTable.find(m_generator);
if (activeTable.m_identifiers[m_generator->m_ancestorContour] !=
activeTable.m_identifiers[m_coGenerator->m_ancestorContour]) {
// We have two different contours, that merge in one
coGenContour = activeTable.find(m_coGenerator);
// Now, update known nodes
// Allocate 2 new nodes and link the following way:
newLeftNode = m_context->getNode();
newRightNode = m_context->getNode();
newLeftNode->m_position = newRightNode->m_position = position;
// On the right side
m_coGenerator->m_next->m_prev = newRightNode;
newRightNode->m_next = m_coGenerator->m_next;
m_generator->m_prev->m_next = newRightNode;
newRightNode->m_prev = m_generator->m_prev;
// On the left side
m_coGenerator->m_next = newLeftNode;
newLeftNode->m_prev = m_coGenerator;
m_generator->m_next->m_prev = newLeftNode;
newLeftNode->m_next = m_generator->m_next;
// Assign and calculate the new nodes' informations
newLeftNode->m_edge = m_generator->m_edge;
newRightNode->m_edge = m_coGenerator->m_edge;
newLeftNode->m_ancestor = m_generator->m_ancestor;
newLeftNode->m_ancestorContour = m_generator->m_ancestorContour;
newRightNode->m_ancestor = m_coGenerator->m_ancestor;
newRightNode->m_ancestorContour = m_coGenerator->m_ancestorContour;
// We can force the new nodes to be convex
newLeftNode->m_updateTime = newRightNode->m_updateTime = algoritmicTime;
// Now, output the found interaction
newLeftNode->m_outputNode = m_context->m_output->newNode(position);
newRightNode->m_outputNode = newLeftNode->m_outputNode;
m_context->newSkeletonLink(newLeftNode->m_outputNode, m_generator);
// Update the active Index Table:
if (activeTable.m_identifiers[m_generator->m_ancestorContour] !=
activeTable.m_identifiers[m_coGenerator->m_ancestorContour]) {
// If we have two different contours, they merge in one
// We keep coGenContour and remove genContour
activeTable.merge(coGenContour, genContour);
} else {
// Else we have only one contour, which splits in two
*genContour = newLeftNode;
// (Vertex compatibility): Moving newRightNode a bit on
newRightNode->m_position += 0.02 * newRightNode->m_direction;
// Finally, calculate the new left and right Events
Event newLeftEvent(newLeftNode, m_context);
if (newLeftEvent.m_type != Event::failure)
Event newRightEvent(newRightNode, m_context);
if (newRightEvent.m_type != Event::failure)
// c L a'
// \ /
// m_generator = b x b' = m_coGenerator
// / \
// a R c'
// Reflex vertices b and b' collide. Observe that a new reflex vertex may rise
// here.
inline void Event::processVertexEvent() {
ContourNode *newLeftNode,
*newRightNode; // left-right in the sense of the picture
T3DPointD position(m_generator->m_position +
m_displacement * m_generator->m_direction);
IndexTable &activeTable = m_context->m_activeTable;
unsigned int &algoritmicTime = m_context->m_algoritmicTime;
// First, we find in the Index Table the contours involved
std::list<ContourNode *>::iterator genContour, coGenContour;
genContour = activeTable.find(m_generator);
if (activeTable.m_identifiers[m_generator->m_ancestorContour] !=
activeTable.m_identifiers[m_coGenerator->m_ancestorContour]) {
// We have two different contours, that merge in one
coGenContour = activeTable.find(m_coGenerator);
// Now, update known nodes
// Allocate 2 new nodes and link the following way:
newLeftNode = m_context->getNode();
newRightNode = m_context->getNode();
newLeftNode->m_position = newRightNode->m_position = position;
// On the right side
m_coGenerator->m_next->m_prev = newRightNode;
newRightNode->m_next = m_coGenerator->m_next;
m_generator->m_prev->m_next = newRightNode;
newRightNode->m_prev = m_generator->m_prev;
// On the left side
m_coGenerator->m_prev->m_next = newLeftNode;
newLeftNode->m_prev = m_coGenerator->m_prev;
m_generator->m_next->m_prev = newLeftNode;
newLeftNode->m_next = m_generator->m_next;
// Assign and calculate the new nodes' informations
newLeftNode->m_edge = m_generator->m_edge;
newRightNode->m_edge = m_coGenerator->m_edge;
newLeftNode->m_ancestor = m_generator->m_ancestor;
newLeftNode->m_ancestorContour = m_generator->m_ancestorContour;
newRightNode->m_ancestor = m_coGenerator->m_ancestor;
newRightNode->m_ancestorContour = m_coGenerator->m_ancestorContour;
// We *CAN'T* force the new nodes to be convex here
newLeftNode->m_updateTime = newRightNode->m_updateTime = algoritmicTime;
// Now, output the found interaction
newLeftNode->m_outputNode = m_context->m_output->newNode(position);
newRightNode->m_outputNode = newLeftNode->m_outputNode;
m_context->newSkeletonLink(newLeftNode->m_outputNode, m_generator);
m_context->newSkeletonLink(newLeftNode->m_outputNode, m_coGenerator);
// Update the active Index Table
if (activeTable.m_identifiers[m_generator->m_ancestorContour] !=
activeTable.m_identifiers[m_coGenerator->m_ancestorContour]) {
// If we have two different contours, they merge in one
activeTable.merge(genContour, coGenContour);
// Check if the generator is head, if so update.
if (m_generator->hasAttribute(ContourNode::HEAD)) {
*genContour = newLeftNode;
} else {
// Else we have only one contour, which splits in two
*genContour = newLeftNode;
// Before calculating the new interactions, to each new node we assign
// as impossible opposite edges the adjacent of the other node.
if (newLeftNode->m_concave) {
newLeftNode->m_notOpposites = m_generator->m_notOpposites;
append<std::vector<ContourEdge *>,
std::vector<ContourEdge *>::reverse_iterator>(
newLeftNode->m_notOpposites, m_coGenerator->m_notOpposites);
} else if (newRightNode->m_concave) {
newRightNode->m_notOpposites = m_generator->m_notOpposites;
append<std::vector<ContourEdge *>,
std::vector<ContourEdge *>::reverse_iterator>(
newRightNode->m_notOpposites, m_coGenerator->m_notOpposites);
// We also forbid newRightNode to be involved in events at the same location
// of this one.
// We just push its position in the m_direction by 0.02.
newRightNode->m_position += 0.02 * newRightNode->m_direction;
// Finally, calculate the new left and right Events
Event newLeftEvent(newLeftNode, m_context);
if (newLeftEvent.m_type != Event::failure)
Event newRightEvent(newRightNode, m_context);
if (newRightEvent.m_type != Event::failure)
// x
// ---c a---
// \ /
// b = m_coGenerator
// Typical "V" event in which rays emitted from a, b and c collide.
// This events have to be recognized different from vertex events, and
// better treated as a whole event, rather than two simultaneous edge events.
inline void Event::processSpecialEvent() {
ContourNode *newNode;
T3DPointD position(m_generator->m_position +
m_displacement * m_generator->m_direction);
// Get and link newNode to the rest of this contour
newNode = m_context->getNode();
newNode->m_position = position;
m_coGenerator->m_prev->m_prev->m_next = newNode;
newNode->m_prev = m_coGenerator->m_prev->m_prev;
m_coGenerator->m_next->m_next->m_prev = newNode;
newNode->m_next = m_coGenerator->m_next->m_next;
// Then, initialize newNode infos
newNode->m_edge = m_coGenerator->m_next->m_edge;
newNode->m_ancestor = m_coGenerator->m_next->m_ancestor;
newNode->m_ancestorContour = m_coGenerator->m_next->m_ancestorContour;
// Neither this case can be forced convex
newNode->m_updateTime = m_context->m_algoritmicTime;
// Now build output
newNode->m_outputNode = m_context->m_output->newNode(position);
m_context->newSkeletonLink(newNode->m_outputNode, m_coGenerator->m_prev);
m_context->newSkeletonLink(newNode->m_outputNode, m_coGenerator);
m_context->newSkeletonLink(newNode->m_outputNode, m_coGenerator->m_next);
// If m_coGenerator or one of his adjacents is HEAD of this contour, then
// redefine newNode as the new head.
if (m_coGenerator->hasAttribute(ContourNode::HEAD) ||
m_coGenerator->m_next->hasAttribute(ContourNode::HEAD) ||
m_coGenerator->m_prev->hasAttribute(ContourNode::HEAD)) {
std::list<ContourNode *>::iterator it;
std::list<ContourNode *> &column =
for (it = column.begin(); !(*it)->hasAttribute(ContourNode::ELIMINATED);
// assert(*it == m_coGenerator || *it == m_coGenerator->m_next || *it ==
// m_coGenerator->m_prev);
*it = newNode, newNode->setAttribute(ContourNode::HEAD);
// Finally, calculate the Event raising by newNode
Event newEvent(newNode, m_context);
if (newEvent.m_type != Event::failure) m_context->m_timeline.push(newEvent);
// Straight Skeleton mains
static SkeletonGraph *skeletonize(ContourFamily &regionContours,
VectorizationContext &context,
VectorizerCore *thisVectorizer) {
SkeletonGraph *output = context.m_output = new SkeletonGraph;
IndexTable &activeTable = context.m_activeTable;
double maxThickness = context.m_globals->currConfig->m_maxThickness;
if (maxThickness > 0.0) // if(!currConfig->m_outline)
Timeline &timeline = context.m_timeline;
timeline.build(regionContours, context, thisVectorizer);
#ifdef _SSDEBUG
SSDebugger debugger(context);
bool spawnDebugger = false;
if (timeline.size() > 1000) {
debugger.m_height = context.m_currentHeight;
spawnDebugger = true;
if (thisVectorizer->isCanceled()) {
// Bailing out
while (!timeline.empty()) timeline.pop();
return output;
// Process timeline
while (!timeline.empty()) {
Event currentEvent = timeline.top();
// If maxThickness hit, stop before processing
if (currentEvent.m_height >= maxThickness) break;
// Redraw debugger window
#ifdef _SSDEBUG
if (spawnDebugger && debugger.isOnScreen(currentEvent.m_generator)) {
debugger.m_height = currentEvent.m_height;
if (currentEvent.m_type == Event::split ||
currentEvent.m_type == Event::vertex)
if (currentEvent.m_type == Event::edge)
#endif // _SSDEBUG
// Process event
context.m_currentHeight = currentEvent.m_height;
// The thinning process terminates: deleting non-original nodes and edges.
while (!timeline.empty()) timeline.pop();
#ifdef _SSDEBUG
if (spawnDebugger) {
debugger.m_height = context.m_currentHeight;
#endif // _SSDEBUG
// Finally, update remaining nodes not processed due to maxThickness and
// connect them to output skeleton
unsigned int i, l, n;
IndexTable::IndexColumn::iterator j;
ContourNode *k;
for (i = 0; i < regionContours.size(); ++i)
for (j = activeTable[i]->begin(); j != activeTable[i]->end(); ++j) {
unsigned int count = 0;
unsigned int addedNode;
for (k = *j; !k->hasAttribute(ContourNode::HEAD) || !count;
k = k->m_next) {
addedNode = output->newNode(
k->m_position +
k->m_direction *
((maxThickness - k->m_position.z) /
(k->m_direction.z > 0.01 ? k->m_direction.z : 1)));
context.newSkeletonLink(addedNode, k);
// output->node(addedNode).setAttribute(ContourNode::SS_OUTLINE);
n = output->getNodesCount();
SkeletonArc arcCopy;
SkeletonArc arcCopyRev;
for (l = 1; l < count; ++l) {
output->newLink(n - l, n - l - 1, arcCopyRev);
output->newLink(n - l - 1, n - l, arcCopy);
output->newLink(n - l, n - 1, arcCopyRev);
output->newLink(n - 1, n - l, arcCopy);
return output;
SkeletonList *skeletonize(Contours &contours, VectorizerCore *thisVectorizer,
VectorizerCoreGlobals &g) {
VectorizationContext context(&g);
SkeletonList *res = new SkeletonList;
unsigned int i, j;
// Find overall number of nodes
unsigned int overallNodes = 0;
for (i = 0; i < contours.size(); ++i)
for (j = 0; j < contours[i].size(); ++j)
overallNodes += contours[i][j].size();
for (i = 0; i < contours.size(); ++i) {
res->push_back(skeletonize(contours[i], context, thisVectorizer));
if (thisVectorizer->isCanceled()) break;
return res;
#ifdef _SSDEBUG
SSDebugger::SSDebugger(VectorizationContext &context)
: m_context(context)
, m_scale(1.0)
, m_loop(this)
, m_transform(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, height()) {
inline TPointD SSDebugger::updated(ContourNode *node) {
#ifdef _UPDATE
if (node->m_direction.z > 1e-4) {
return planeProjection(
node->m_position +
((m_height - node->m_position.z) / node->m_direction.z) *
} else
return planeProjection(node->m_position);
return planeProjection(node->m_position);
#define line(a, b) p.drawLine(QLineF((a).x, (a).y, (b).x, (b).y));
void SSDebugger::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) {
QPainter p(this);
// Draw currently produced skeleton
const SkeletonGraph &skeleton = *m_context.m_output;
int n, nCount = skeleton.getNodesCount();
for (n = 0; n != nCount; ++n) {
const SkeletonGraph::Node &node = skeleton.getNode(n);
int l, lCount = node.getLinksCount();
for (l = 0; l != lCount; ++l)
line(*node, *skeleton.getNode(node.getLink(l).getNext()));
// Draw background Debug Point
// Versione updated
IndexTable &activeTable = m_context.m_activeTable;
unsigned int i;
ContourNode *first, *last, *currNode;
std::list<ContourNode *>::iterator currentContour;
for (i = 0; i < activeTable.m_columns.size(); ++i) {
for (currentContour = activeTable[i]->begin();
currentContour != activeTable[i]->end(); currentContour++) {
// Draw edge
last = first = *currentContour;
first = first->m_next;
// assert(!last->hasAttribute(ContourNode::ELIMINATED));
line(updated(last), updated(first));
for (currNode = first; !currNode->hasAttribute(ContourNode::HEAD);
currNode = currNode->m_next) {
// assert(!currNode->hasAttribute(ContourNode::ELIMINATED));
line(updated(currNode), updated(currNode->m_next));
// Draw bisector
last = first = *currentContour;
first = first->m_next;
line(updated(last), updated(last) + planeProjection(last->m_direction));
for (currNode = first; !currNode->hasAttribute(ContourNode::HEAD);
currNode = currNode->m_next)
updated(currNode) + planeProjection(currNode->m_direction));
// Draw edge
last = first = *currentContour;
first = first->m_next;
line(updated(last), updated(last) + last->m_edge->m_direction);
for (currNode = first; !currNode->hasAttribute(ContourNode::HEAD);
currNode = currNode->m_next)
updated(currNode) + currNode->m_edge->m_direction);
// Finally, draw text strings
const QPointF &worldPos = winToWorldF(m_pos.x(), m_pos.y());
p.drawText(rect().bottomLeft(), QString("WinPos: %1 %2 WorldPos: %3 %4")
void SSDebugger::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { m_loop.exit(); }
void SSDebugger::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) {
m_pos = event->pos();
if (event->buttons() == Qt::MiddleButton) {
m_transform.translate((event->x() - m_pressPos.x()) / m_scale,
(m_pressPos.y() - event->y()) / m_scale);
m_pressPos = event->pos();
void SSDebugger::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) {
m_pressPos = m_pos = event->pos();
void SSDebugger::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) {}
QPoint SSDebugger::worldToWin(double x, double y) {
return m_transform.map(QPointF(x, y)).toPoint();
QPoint SSDebugger::winToWorld(int x, int y) {
return m_transform.inverted().map(QPoint(x, y));
QPointF SSDebugger::winToWorldF(int x, int y) {
return m_transform.inverted().map(QPointF(x, y));
void SSDebugger::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) {
QPoint w_coords;
double zoom_par = 1 + event->delta() * 0.001;
m_scale *= zoom_par;
w_coords = winToWorld(event->x(), event->y());
m_transform.translate(w_coords.x(), w_coords.y());
m_transform.scale(zoom_par, zoom_par);
m_transform.translate(-w_coords.x(), -w_coords.y());
inline bool SSDebugger::isOnScreen(ContourNode *node) {
const TPointD &pos = updated(node);
return rect().contains(worldToWin(pos.x, pos.y));