2022-02-20 16:32:41 -05:00

1175 lines
37 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

#ifdef _WIN32
//#define UNICODE // per le funzioni di conversione da/a UNC
#include <windows.h>
#include <lm.h>
const char slash = '\\';
const char auxslash = '/';
const char wslash = L'\\';
const char wauxslash = L'/';
const char slash = '/';
const char auxslash = '\\';
const char wslash = '/';
const char wauxslash = '\\';
#include "tfilepath.h"
#include "tconvert.h"
#include "tfiletype.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <cctype>
#include <sstream>
// QT
#include <QObject>
#include <QRegExp>
bool TFilePath::m_underscoreFormatAllowed = true;
// specifies file path condition for sequential image for each project.
// See filepathproperties.h
bool TFilePath::m_useStandard = true;
bool TFilePath::m_acceptNonAlphabetSuffix = false;
int TFilePath::m_letterCountForSuffix = 1;
namespace {
/*-- fromSeg位置 と
* toSeg位置は含まず、それらの間に挟まれている文字列が「数字4ケタ」ならtrueを返す
* --*/
bool isNumbers(std::wstring str, int fromSeg, int toSeg) {
if (toSeg - fromSeg != 5) return false;
for (int pos = fromSeg + 1; pos < toSeg; pos++) {
if (str[pos] < '0' || str[pos] > '9') return false;
// Let's check if it follows the format ####A (i.e 00001 or 00001a)
int numDigits = 0, numLetters = 0;
for (int pos = fromSeg + 1; pos < toSeg; pos++) {
if ((str[pos] >= 'A' && str[pos] <= 'Z') ||
(str[pos] >= 'a' && str[pos] <= 'z')) {
// Not the right format if we ran into a letter without first finding a
// number
if (!numDigits) return false;
// We'll keep track of the number of letters we find.
// NOTE: From here on out we should only see letters
} else if (str[pos] >= '0' && str[pos] <= '9') {
// Not the right format if we ran into a number that followed a letter.
// This format is not something we expect currently
if (numLetters) return false; // not right format
// We'll keep track of the number of digits we find.
} else // Not the right format if we found something we didn't expect
return false;
// Not the right format if we see too many letters.
// At the time of this logic, we only expect 1 letter. Can expand to 2 or
// more later, if we want.
if (numLetters > 1) return false;
return true; // We're good!
bool checkForSeqNum(QString type) {
TFileType::Type typeInfo = TFileType::getInfoFromExtension(type);
if ((typeInfo & TFileType::IMAGE) && !(typeInfo & TFileType::LEVEL))
return true;
return false;
}; // namespace
// TFrameId::operator string() const
std::string TFrameId::expand(FrameFormat format) const {
if (m_frame == EMPTY_FRAME)
return "";
else if (m_frame == NO_FRAME)
return "-";
else if (m_frame == STOP_FRAME)
return "x";
std::ostringstream o_buff;
if (format == FOUR_ZEROS || format == UNDERSCORE_FOUR_ZEROS) {
o_buff << m_frame;
} else if (format == CUSTOM_PAD || format == UNDERSCORE_CUSTOM_PAD) {
o_buff << m_frame;
} else {
o_buff << m_frame;
if (m_letter.isEmpty())
return o_buff.str();
return o_buff.str() + m_letter.toStdString();
const TFrameId &TFrameId::operator++() {
m_letter = "";
// m_letter = 0;
return *this;
const TFrameId &TFrameId::operator--() {
if (!m_letter.isEmpty()) m_letter = "";
// if (m_letter > 0)
// m_letter = 0;
return *this;
inline bool isSlash(char c) { return c == slash || c == auxslash; }
inline bool isSlash(wchar_t c) { return c == wslash || c == wauxslash; }
// cerca l'ultimo '/' o '\'. Se non c'e' ritorna -1
// di modo che la sottostringa che parte da getLastSlash() + 1 e'
// nome.frame.tipo
inline int getLastSlash(const std::wstring &path) {
int i;
for (i = path.length() - 1; i >= 0 && !isSlash(path[i]); i--) {
return i;
void TFilePath::setPath(string path)
bool isUncName = false;
// elimino i '//', './' e '/' finali; raddrizzo gli slash 'storti'.
// se il path comincia con "<alpha>:" aggiungo uno slash
int length =path.length();
int pos = 0;
if(path.length()>=2 && isalpha(path[0]) && path[1] == ':')
if(path.length()==2 || !isSlash(path[pos])) m_path.append(1,slash);
#ifdef _WIN32
else //se si tratta di un path in formato UNC e' del tipo "\\\\MachineName"
if (path.length() >= 3 && path[0] == '\\' && path[1] == '\\' &&
(isalpha(path[2]) || isdigit(path[2])) )
isUncName = true;
pos = 3;
if(path[pos] == '.')
if(pos>1) m_path.append(1,'.');
else if(!isSlash(path[pos])) m_path.append(path,pos-1,2);
else {
while(pos+1<length && isSlash(path[pos+1]))
else if(isSlash(path[pos]))
do pos++;
while(pos<length && isSlash(path[pos]));
// rimuovo l'eventuale '/' finale (a meno che m_path == "/" o m_path ==
// oppure sia UNC (Windows only) )
if(!(m_path.length()==1 && m_path[0] == slash ||
m_path.length()==3 && isalpha(m_path[0]) && m_path[1] == ':' &&
m_path[2] == slash)
&& m_path.length()>1 && m_path[m_path.length()-1] == slash)
m_path.erase(m_path.length()-1, 1);
if (isUncName && m_path.find_last_of('\\') == 1) // e' indicato solo il nome
della macchina...
m_path.append(1, slash);
void append(string &out, wchar_t c)
if(32 <= c && c<=127 && c!='&') out.append(1, (char)c);
else if(c=='&') out.append("&amp;");
ostringstream ss;
ss << "&#" << c << ";" << '\0';
out += ss.str();
void TFilePath::setPath(std::wstring path) {
bool isUncName = false;
// elimino i '//', './' e '/' finali; raddrizzo gli slash 'storti'.
// se il path comincia con "<alpha>:" aggiungo uno slash
int length = path.length();
int pos = 0;
if (path.length() >= 2 && iswalpha(path[0]) && path[1] == L':') {
m_path.append(1, (wchar_t)path[0]);
m_path.append(1, L':');
// m_path.append(path,0,2);
pos = 2;
if (path.length() == 2 || !isSlash(path[pos])) m_path.append(1, wslash);
// se si tratta di un path in formato UNC e' del tipo "\\\\MachineName"
else if ((path.length() >= 3 && path[0] == L'\\' && path[1] == L'\\' &&
iswalnum(path[2])) ||
(path.length() >= 3 && path[0] == L'/' && path[1] == L'/' &&
iswalnum(path[2]))) {
isUncName = true;
m_path.append(2, L'\\');
m_path.append(1, path[2]);
pos = 3;
for (; pos < length; pos++)
if (path[pos] == L'.') {
if (pos >= length) {
if (pos > 1) m_path.append(1, L'.');
} else if (!isSlash(path[pos])) {
m_path.append(1, L'.');
m_path.append(1, path[pos]);
} else {
while (pos + 1 < length && isSlash(path[pos + 1])) pos++;
} else if (isSlash(path[pos])) {
int firstSlashPos = pos;
while (pos < length && isSlash(path[pos]));
if (firstSlashPos == 0 && pos == 4) // Caso "\\\\MachineName"
m_path.append(2, wslash);
m_path.append(1, wslash);
} else {
m_path.append(1, path[pos]);
// rimuovo l'eventuale '/' finale (a meno che m_path == "/" o m_path ==
// "<letter>:\"
// oppure sia UNC (Windows only) )
if (!((m_path.length() == 1 && m_path[0] == wslash) ||
(m_path.length() == 3 && iswalpha(m_path[0]) && m_path[1] == L':' &&
m_path[2] == wslash)) &&
(m_path.length() > 1 && m_path[m_path.length() - 1] == wslash))
m_path.erase(m_path.length() - 1, 1);
if (isUncName && !(m_path.find_last_of(L'\\') > 1 ||
m_path.find_last_of(L'/') >
1)) // e' indicato solo il nome della macchina...
m_path.append(1, wslash);
TFilePath::TFilePath(const char *path) { setPath(::to_wstring(path)); }
TFilePath::TFilePath(const std::string &path) { setPath(::to_wstring(path)); }
TFilePath::TFilePath(const std::wstring &path) { setPath(path); }
TFilePath::TFilePath(const QString &path) { setPath(path.toStdWString()); }
bool TFilePath::operator==(const TFilePath &fp) const {
#ifdef _WIN32
return _wcsicmp(m_path.c_str(), fp.m_path.c_str()) == 0;
// On case insensitive systems like OSX, we need to
// compare using all the same case to confirm it is unique
// We'll force this for Linux as well since the project might
// be shared on other platforms.
return toLower(m_path) == toLower(fp.m_path);
bool TFilePath::operator<(const TFilePath &fp) const {
std::wstring iName = m_path;
std::wstring jName = fp.m_path;
int i1 = 0, j1 = 0;
int i2 = m_path.find(L"\\");
int j2 = fp.m_path.find(L"\\");
if (i2 == j2 && j2 == -1)
#ifdef _WIN32
return _wcsicmp(m_path.c_str(), fp.m_path.c_str()) < 0;
return m_path < fp.m_path;
if (!i2) {
i2 = m_path.find(L"\\", i1);
if (!j2) {
j2 = fp.m_path.find(L"\\", j1);
while (i2 != -1 || j2 != -1) {
iName = (i2 != -1) ? m_path.substr(i1, i2 - i1) : m_path;
jName = (j2 != -1) ? fp.m_path.substr(j1, j2 - j1) : fp.m_path;
// se le due parti di path, conpresi tra slash sono uguali
// itero il processo di confronto altrimenti ritorno
#ifdef _WIN32
char differ;
differ = _wcsicmp(iName.c_str(), jName.c_str());
if (differ != 0) return differ < 0 ? true : false;
if (TFilePath(iName) != TFilePath(jName))
return TFilePath(iName) < TFilePath(jName);
i1 = (i2 != -1) ? i2 + 1 : m_path.size();
j1 = (j2 != -1) ? j2 + 1 : fp.m_path.size();
i2 = m_path.find(L"\\", i1);
j2 = fp.m_path.find(L"\\", j1);
iName = m_path.substr(i1, m_path.size() - i1);
jName = fp.m_path.substr(j1, fp.m_path.size() - j1);
#ifdef _WIN32
return _wcsicmp(iName.c_str(), jName.c_str()) < 0;
return TFilePath(iName) < TFilePath(jName);
#ifdef LEVO
bool TFilePath::operator<(const TFilePath &fp) const {
wstring a = m_path, b = fp.m_path;
wstring ka,kb;
int i;
i = a.find_first_of("/\\");
if(i==wstring::npos) {ka = a; a = L"";}
i = b.find_first_of("/\\");
if(i==wstring::npos) {ka = a; a = L"";}
wstring a = toLower(m_path), b = toLower(fp.m_path);
return a < b;
TFilePath &TFilePath::operator+=(const TFilePath &fp) {
if (fp.isEmpty())
return *this;
else if (isEmpty()) {
*this = fp;
return *this;
} else if (m_path.length() != 1 || m_path[0] != slash) {
if (!isSlash(m_path[m_path.length() - 1])) m_path.append(1, wslash);
m_path += fp.m_path;
return *this;
} else {
*this = TFilePath(m_path + fp.m_path);
return *this;
TFilePath TFilePath::operator+(const TFilePath &fp) const {
TFilePath ret(*this);
ret += fp;
return ret;
TFilePath &TFilePath::operator+=(const std::wstring &s) {
if (s.empty()) return *this;
// if(m_path.length()!=1 || m_path[0] != slash)
// m_path += slash;
if (m_path.length() > 0 && !isSlash(m_path[m_path.length() - 1]))
m_path.append(1, wslash);
m_path += s;
return *this;
const std::wstring TFilePath::getWideString() const {
return m_path;
std::wstring s;
int n = m_path.size();
for(int i=0;i<n; i++)
char c = m_path[i];
if(c!='&') s.append(1, (unsigned short)c);
if(m_path[i] == '#')
unsigned short w = 0;
c = m_path[i];
if('0'<=c && c<='9')
w = w*10 + c - '0';
else if('a' <=c && c<='f')
w = w*10 + c - 'a' + 10;
else if('A' <=c && c<='F')
w = w*10 + c - 'A' + 10;
s.append(1, w);
return s;
const wstring TFilePath::getWideString() const
wstring a(L"dummy string");
return a;
QString TFilePath::getQString() const {
return QString::fromStdWString(getWideString());
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const TFilePath &path) {
std::wstring w = path.getWideString();
return out << ::to_string(w) << " ";
// string w = path.getString();
// return out << w << " ";
TFilePath TFilePath::operator+ (const TFilePath &fp) const
if(fp.isEmpty()) return *this;
else if(isEmpty()) return fp;
else if(m_path.length()!=1 || m_path[0] != slash)
return TFilePath(m_path + slash + fp.m_path);
return TFilePath(m_path + fp.m_path);
bool TFilePath::isAbsolute() const {
return ((m_path.length() >= 1 && m_path[0] == slash) ||
(m_path.length() >= 2 && iswalpha(m_path[0]) && m_path[1] == ':'));
bool TFilePath::isRoot() const {
return ((m_path.length() == 1 && m_path[0] == slash) ||
(m_path.length() == 3 && iswalpha(m_path[0]) && m_path[1] == ':' &&
m_path[2] == slash) ||
((m_path.length() > 2 && m_path[0] == slash && m_path[1] == slash) &&
(std::string::npos == m_path.find(slash, 2) ||
m_path.find(slash, 2) == (m_path.size() - 1))));
// ritorna ""(niente tipo, niente punto), "." (file con tipo) o ".." (file con
// tipo e frame)
std::string TFilePath::getDots() const {
if (!TFilePath::m_useStandard) {
TFilePathInfo info = analyzePath();
if (info.extension.isEmpty()) return "";
if (info.sepChar.isNull()) return ".";
// return ".." regardless of sepChar type (either "_" or ".")
return "..";
QString type = QString::fromStdString(getType()).toLower();
if (isFfmpegType()) return ".";
int i = getLastSlash(m_path);
std::wstring str = m_path.substr(i + 1);
// potrei anche avere a.b.c.d dove d e' l'estensione
i = str.rfind(L".");
if (i == (int)std::wstring::npos || str == L"..") return "";
int j = str.substr(0, i).rfind(L".");
if (j == (int)std::wstring::npos && m_underscoreFormatAllowed)
j = str.substr(0, i).rfind(L"_");
if (j != (int)std::wstring::npos)
return (j == i - 1 || (checkForSeqNum(type) && isNumbers(str, j, i))) ? ".."
: ".";
return ".";
QChar TFilePath::getSepChar() const {
if (!TFilePath::m_useStandard) return analyzePath().sepChar;
QString type = QString::fromStdString(getType()).toLower();
if (isFfmpegType()) return QChar();
int i = getLastSlash(m_path);
std::wstring str = m_path.substr(i + 1);
// potrei anche avere a.b.c.d dove d e' l'estensione
i = str.rfind(L".");
if (i == (int)std::wstring::npos || str == L"..") return QChar();
int j = str.substr(0, i).rfind(L".");
if (j != (int)std::wstring::npos)
return (j == i - 1 || (checkForSeqNum(type) && isNumbers(str, j, i)))
? QChar('.')
: QChar();
if (!m_underscoreFormatAllowed) return QChar();
j = str.substr(0, i).rfind(L"_");
if (j != (int)std::wstring::npos)
return (j == i - 1 || (checkForSeqNum(type) && isNumbers(str, j, i)))
? QChar('_')
: QChar();
return QChar();
std::string TFilePath::getDottedType()
const // ritorna l'estensione con PUNTO (se c'e')
if (!TFilePath::m_useStandard) {
QString ext = analyzePath().extension;
if (ext.isEmpty()) return "";
return "." + ext.toLower().toStdString();
int i = getLastSlash(m_path);
std::wstring str = m_path.substr(i + 1);
i = str.rfind(L".");
if (i == (int)std::wstring::npos) return "";
return toLower(::to_string(str.substr(i)));
std::string TFilePath::getUndottedType()
const // ritorna l'estensione senza PUNTO
if (!TFilePath::m_useStandard) {
QString ext = analyzePath().extension;
if (ext.isEmpty())
return "";
return ext.toLower().toStdString();
size_t i = getLastSlash(m_path);
std::wstring str = m_path.substr(i + 1);
i = str.rfind(L".");
if (i == std::wstring::npos || i == str.length() - 1) return "";
return toLower(::to_string(str.substr(i + 1)));
std::wstring TFilePath::getWideName() const // noDot! noSlash!
if (!TFilePath::m_useStandard) {
return analyzePath().levelName.toStdWString();
QString type = QString::fromStdString(getType()).toLower();
int i = getLastSlash(m_path); // cerco l'ultimo slash
std::wstring str = m_path.substr(i + 1);
i = str.rfind(L".");
if (i == (int)std::wstring::npos) return str;
int j = str.substr(0, i).rfind(L".");
if (j != (int)std::wstring::npos) {
if (checkForSeqNum(type) && isNumbers(str, j, i)) i = j;
} else if (m_underscoreFormatAllowed) {
j = str.substr(0, i).rfind(L"_");
if (j != (int)std::wstring::npos && checkForSeqNum(type) &&
isNumbers(str, j, i))
i = j;
return str.substr(0, i);
std::string TFilePath::getName() const // noDot! noSlash!
return ::to_string(getWideName());
// es. TFilePath("/pippo/pluto.0001.gif").getLevelName() == "pluto..gif"
std::string TFilePath::getLevelName() const {
return ::to_string(getLevelNameW());
// es. TFilePath("/pippo/pluto.0001.gif").getLevelName() == "pluto..gif"
std::wstring TFilePath::getLevelNameW() const {
if (!TFilePath::m_useStandard) {
TFilePathInfo info = analyzePath();
if (info.extension.isEmpty()) return info.levelName.toStdWString();
QString name = info.levelName;
if (!info.sepChar.isNull()) name += info.sepChar;
name += "." + info.extension;
return name.toStdWString();
int i = getLastSlash(m_path); // cerco l'ultimo slash
std::wstring str = m_path.substr(i + 1); // str e' m_path senza directory
QString type = QString::fromStdString(getType()).toLower();
if (isFfmpegType()) return str;
int j = str.rfind(L"."); // str[j..] = ".type"
if (j == (int)std::wstring::npos) return str; // no frame; no type
i = str.substr(0, j).rfind(L'.');
if (i == (int)std::wstring::npos && m_underscoreFormatAllowed)
i = str.substr(0, j).rfind(L'_');
if (j == i || j - i == 1) // prova.tif o prova..tif
return str;
if (!checkForSeqNum(type) || !isNumbers(str, i, j) ||
i == (int)std::wstring::npos)
return str;
// prova.0001.tif
return str.erase(i + 1, j - i - 1);
TFilePath TFilePath::getParentDir() const // noSlash!
int i = getLastSlash(m_path); // cerco l'ultimo slash
if (i < 0) {
if (m_path.length() >= 2 &&
(('a' <= m_path[0] && m_path[0] <= 'z') ||
('A' <= m_path[0] && m_path[0] <= 'Z')) &&
m_path[1] == ':')
return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, 2));
return TFilePath("");
} else if (i == 0)
return TFilePath("/");
return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, i));
// return true if the fID is EMPTY_FRAME
bool TFilePath::isLevelName() const {
if (!TFilePath::m_useStandard) {
return analyzePath().fId.getNumber() == TFrameId::EMPTY_FRAME;
QString type = QString::fromStdString(getType()).toLower();
if (isFfmpegType() || !checkForSeqNum(type)) return false;
try {
return getFrame() == TFrameId(TFrameId::EMPTY_FRAME);
catch (...) {
return false;
TFrameId TFilePath::getFrame() const {
if (!TFilePath::m_useStandard) {
return analyzePath().fId;
int i = getLastSlash(m_path); // cerco l'ultimo slash
std::wstring str = m_path.substr(i + 1); // str e' il path senza parentdir
QString type = QString::fromStdString(getType()).toLower();
i = str.rfind(L'.');
if (i == (int)std::wstring::npos || str == L"." || str == L"..")
return TFrameId(TFrameId::NO_FRAME);
int j;
j = str.substr(0, i).rfind(L'.');
if (j == (int)std::wstring::npos && m_underscoreFormatAllowed)
j = str.substr(0, i).rfind(L'_');
if (j == (int)std::wstring::npos) return TFrameId(TFrameId::NO_FRAME);
if (i == j + 1) return TFrameId(TFrameId::EMPTY_FRAME);
// 間が数字でない場合(ファイル名にまぎれた"_" や "."がある場合)を除外する
if (!checkForSeqNum(type) || !isNumbers(str, j, i))
return TFrameId(TFrameId::NO_FRAME);
int k, number = 0, digits = 0;
for (k = j + 1; k < i && iswdigit(str[k]); k++) {
number = number * 10 + str[k] - L'0';
char letter = '\0';
if (iswalpha(str[k])) letter = str[k++] + ('a' - L'a');
// if (number == 0 || k < i) // || letter!='\0')
// throw TMalformedFrameException(
// *this,
// str + L": " + QObject::tr("Malformed frame name").toStdWString());
int padding = 0;
if (str[j + 1] == '0') padding = digits;
return TFrameId(number, letter, padding, str[j]);
bool TFilePath::isFfmpegType() const {
QString type = QString::fromStdString(getType()).toLower();
if (type == "gif" || type == "mp4" || type == "webm" || type == "mov")
return true;
return false;
TFilePath TFilePath::withType(const std::string &type) const {
assert(type.length() < 2 || type.substr(0, 2) != "..");
int i = getLastSlash(m_path); // cerco l'ultimo slash
std::wstring str = m_path.substr(i + 1); // str e' il path senza parentdir
int j = str.rfind(L'.');
if (j == (int)std::wstring::npos || str == L"..")
// il path originale non ha tipo
if (type == "")
return *this;
else if (type[0] == '.')
return TFilePath(m_path + ::to_wstring(type));
return TFilePath(m_path + ::to_wstring("." + type));
} else
// il path originale ha gia' il tipo
if (type == "")
return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, i + j + 1));
else if (type[0] == '.')
return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, i + j + 1) + ::to_wstring(type));
return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, i + j + 2) + ::to_wstring(type));
TFilePath TFilePath::withName(const std::string &name) const {
return withName(::to_wstring(name));
TFilePath TFilePath::withName(const std::wstring &name) const {
if (!TFilePath::m_useStandard) {
TFilePathInfo info = analyzePath();
QString ret = info.parentDir + QString::fromStdWString(name);
if (info.fId.getNumber() != TFrameId::NO_FRAME) {
QString sepChar = (info.sepChar.isNull()) ? "." : QString(info.sepChar);
ret += sepChar + QString::fromStdString(
if (!info.extension.isEmpty()) ret += "." + info.extension;
return TFilePath(ret);
int i = getLastSlash(m_path); // cerco l'ultimo slash
std::wstring str = m_path.substr(i + 1); // str e' il path senza parentdir
QString type = QString::fromStdString(getType()).toLower();
int j;
j = str.rfind(L'.');
if (j == (int)std::wstring::npos) {
if (m_underscoreFormatAllowed) {
j = str.rfind(L'_');
if (j != (int)std::wstring::npos)
return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, i + 1) + name + str.substr(j));
return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, i + 1) + name);
int k;
k = str.substr(0, j).rfind(L".");
if (k == (int)std::wstring::npos && m_underscoreFormatAllowed)
k = str.substr(0, j).rfind(L"_");
if (k == (int)(std::wstring::npos))
k = j;
else if (k != j - 1 && (!checkForSeqNum(type) || !isNumbers(str, k, j)))
k = j;
return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, i + 1) + name + str.substr(k));
TFilePath TFilePath::withParentDir(const TFilePath &dir) const {
int i = getLastSlash(m_path); // cerco l'ultimo slash
return dir + TFilePath(m_path.substr(i + 1));
TFilePath TFilePath::withFrame(const TFrameId &frame,
TFrameId::FrameFormat format) const {
if (!TFilePath::m_useStandard) {
TFilePathInfo info = analyzePath();
// Override format input because it may be wrong.
if (checkForSeqNum(info.extension)) format = frame.getCurrentFormat();
// override format if the original fid is available
else if (info.fId.getNumber() != TFrameId::NO_FRAME)
format = info.fId.getCurrentFormat();
if (info.extension.isEmpty()) {
if (frame.isEmptyFrame() || frame.isNoFrame()) return *this;
return TFilePath(m_path + L"." + ::to_wstring(frame.expand(format)));
if (frame.isNoFrame()) {
return TFilePath(info.parentDir + info.levelName + "." + info.extension);
QString sepChar = (info.sepChar.isNull()) ? QString(frame.getStartSeqInd())
: QString(info.sepChar);
return TFilePath(info.parentDir + info.levelName + sepChar +
QString::fromStdString(frame.expand(format)) + "." +
const std::wstring dot = L".", dotDot = L"..";
int i = getLastSlash(m_path); // cerco l'ultimo slash
std::wstring str = m_path.substr(i + 1); // str e' il path senza parentdir
QString type = QString::fromStdString(getType()).toLower();
assert(str != dot && str != dotDot);
int j = str.rfind(L'.');
const char *ch = ".";
// Override format input because it may be wrong.
if (!isFfmpegType() && checkForSeqNum(type))
format = frame.getCurrentFormat();
if (m_underscoreFormatAllowed && (format == TFrameId::UNDERSCORE_FOUR_ZEROS ||
format == TFrameId::UNDERSCORE_NO_PAD ||
ch = "_";
// no extension case
if (j == (int)std::wstring::npos) {
if (frame.isEmptyFrame() || frame.isNoFrame())
return *this;
return TFilePath(m_path + ::to_wstring(ch + frame.expand(format)));
int k = str.substr(0, j).rfind(L'.');
bool hasValidFrameNum = false;
if (!isFfmpegType() && checkForSeqNum(type)) {
if (isNumbers(str, k, j))
hasValidFrameNum = true;
k = (int)std::wstring::npos;
std::string frameString;
if (frame.isNoFrame())
frameString = "";
else if (!frame.isEmptyFrame() && getDots() != "." && !hasValidFrameNum) {
if (k != (int)std::wstring::npos) {
std::wstring wstr = str.substr(k, j - k);
std::string str2(wstr.begin(), wstr.end());
frameString = str2;
} else
frameString = "";
} else
frameString = ch + frame.expand(format);
if (k != (int)std::wstring::npos)
return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, k + i + 1) + ::to_wstring(frameString) +
else if (m_underscoreFormatAllowed) {
k = str.substr(0, j).rfind(L'_');
if (k != (int)std::wstring::npos &&
(k == j - 1 ||
(checkForSeqNum(type) &&
isNumbers(str, k,
j)))) //-- "_." の並びか、"_[数字]."の並びのとき --
return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, k + i + 1) +
? L""
: ::to_wstring("_" + frame.expand(format))) +
return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, j + i + 1) + ::to_wstring(frameString) +
bool TFilePath::isAncestorOf(const TFilePath &possibleDescendent) const {
size_t len = m_path.length();
if (len == 0) {
// il punto e' antenato di tutti i path non assoluti
return !possibleDescendent.isAbsolute();
// un path e' antenato di se stesso
if (m_path == possibleDescendent.m_path) return true;
int possibleDescendentLen = possibleDescendent.m_path.length();
// altrimenti l'antenato deve essere piu' corto
if ((int)len >= possibleDescendentLen) return false;
// e deve coincidere con la prima parte del discendente
if (toLower(m_path) != toLower(possibleDescendent.m_path.substr(0, len)))
return false;
// se l'antenato non finisce con slash ci deve essere uno slash nel
// discendente, subito dopo
if (m_path[len - 1] != wslash && possibleDescendent.m_path[len] != wslash)
return false;
return true;
TFilePath TFilePath::operator-(const TFilePath &fp) const {
if (toLower(m_path) == toLower(fp.m_path)) return TFilePath("");
if (!fp.isAncestorOf(*this)) return *this;
int len = fp.m_path.length();
if (len == 0 || fp.m_path[len - 1] != wslash) len++;
return TFilePath(m_path.substr(len));
bool TFilePath::match(const TFilePath &fp) const {
if (!TFilePath::m_useStandard) {
if (getParentDir() != fp.getParentDir()) return false;
TFilePathInfo info = analyzePath();
TFilePathInfo info_ext = fp.analyzePath();
return (info.levelName == info_ext.levelName && info.fId == info_ext.fId &&
info.extension == info_ext.extension);
return getParentDir() == fp.getParentDir() && getName() == fp.getName() &&
getFrame() == fp.getFrame() && getType() == fp.getType();
void TFilePath::split(std::wstring &head, TFilePath &tail) const {
TFilePath ancestor = getParentDir();
if (ancestor == TFilePath()) {
head = getWideString();
tail = TFilePath();
for (;;) {
if (ancestor.isRoot()) break;
TFilePath p = ancestor.getParentDir();
if (p == TFilePath()) break;
ancestor = p;
head = ancestor.getWideString();
tail = *this - ancestor;
QString TFilePath::fidRegExpStr() {
if (m_useStandard) return QString("(\\d+)([a-zA-Z]?)");
QString suffixLetter = (m_acceptNonAlphabetSuffix)
? "[^\\._ \\\\/:,;*?\"<>|0123456789]"
: "[a-zA-Z]";
QString countLetter = (m_letterCountForSuffix == 0)
? "{0,}"
: (QString("{0,%1}").arg(m_letterCountForSuffix));
return QString("(\\d+)(%1%2)").arg(suffixLetter).arg(countLetter);
// const QString fIdRegExp("(\\d+)([a-zA-Z]?)");
TFilePath::TFilePathInfo TFilePath::analyzePath() const {
TFilePath::TFilePathInfo info;
int i = getLastSlash(m_path);
std::wstring str = m_path.substr(i + 1);
if (i >= 0) info.parentDir = QString::fromStdWString(m_path.substr(0, i + 1));
QString fileName = QString::fromStdWString(str);
// Level Name : letters other than \/:,;*?"<>|
const QString levelNameRegExp("([^\\\\/:,;*?\"<>|]+)");
// Sep Char : period or underscore
const QString sepCharRegExp("([\\._])");
// Frame Number and Suffix
QString fIdRegExp = TFilePath::fidRegExpStr();
// Extensionletters other than "._" or \/:,;*?"<>| or " "(space)
const QString extensionRegExp("([^\\._ \\\\/:,;*?\"<>|]+)");
// ignore frame numbers on non-sequential (i.e. movie) extension case :
// hoge_0001.mp4
// QRegExp rx_mf("^" + levelNameRegExp + "\\." + extensionRegExp + "$");
// if (rx_mf.indexIn(levelName) != -1) {
// QString ext = rx_mf.cap(2);
// if (!checkForSeqNum(ext)) {
// info.levelName = rx_mf.cap(1);
// info.sepChar = QChar();
// info.fId = TFrameId(TFrameId::NO_FRAME, 0, 0); //NO_PADで初期化する
// info.extension = ext;
// return info;
// }
// hogehoge.0001a.jpg
// empty frame case : hogehoge..jpg
QRegExp rx("^" + levelNameRegExp + sepCharRegExp + "(?:" + fIdRegExp + ")?" +
"\\." + extensionRegExp + "$");
if (rx.indexIn(fileName) != -1) {
assert(rx.captureCount() == 5);
info.levelName = rx.cap(1);
info.sepChar = rx.cap(2)[0];
info.extension = rx.cap(5);
// ignore frame numbers on non-sequential (i.e. movie) extension case :
// hoge_0001.mp4
if (!checkForSeqNum(info.extension)) {
info.levelName = rx.cap(1) + rx.cap(2);
if (!rx.cap(3).isEmpty()) info.levelName += rx.cap(3);
if (!rx.cap(4).isEmpty()) info.levelName += rx.cap(4);
info.sepChar = QChar();
info.fId = TFrameId(TFrameId::NO_FRAME, 0, 0); // initialize with NO_PAD
} else {
QString numberStr = rx.cap(3);
if (numberStr.isEmpty()) // empty frame case : hogehoge..jpg
info.fId =
TFrameId(TFrameId::EMPTY_FRAME, 0, 4, info.sepChar.toLatin1());
else {
int number = numberStr.toInt();
int padding = 0;
if (numberStr[0] == "0") // with padding
padding = numberStr.count();
QString suffix;
if (!rx.cap(4).isEmpty()) suffix = rx.cap(4);
info.fId = TFrameId(number, suffix, padding, info.sepChar.toLatin1());
return info;
// QRegExp rx_ef("^" + levelNameRegExp + sepCharRegExp + "\\." +
// extensionRegExp + "$"); if (rx_ef.indexIn(levelName) != -1) {
// info.levelName = rx_ef.cap(1);
// info.sepChar = rx_ef.cap(2)[0];
// info.fId = TFrameId(TFrameId::EMPTY_FRAME, 0, 4, info.sepChar.toLatin1());
// info.extension = rx_ef.cap(3);
// return info;
// no frame case : hogehoge.jpg
// no level name case : .jpg
QRegExp rx_nf("^(?:" + levelNameRegExp + ")?\\." + extensionRegExp + "$");
if (rx_nf.indexIn(fileName) != -1) {
if (!rx_nf.cap(1).isEmpty()) info.levelName = rx_nf.cap(1);
info.sepChar = QChar();
info.fId = TFrameId(TFrameId::NO_FRAME, 0, 0); // initialize with NO_PAD
info.extension = rx_nf.cap(2);
return info;
// no periods
info.levelName = fileName;
info.sepChar = QChar();
info.fId = TFrameId(TFrameId::NO_FRAME, 0, 0); // initialize with NO_PAD
info.extension = QString();
return info;