Toshihiro Shimizu 890dddabbd first commit
2016-03-19 02:57:51 +09:00

366 lines
10 KiB

#include "texception.h"
#include "stdfx.h"
#include "tpixelutils.h"
#include "tbasefx.h"
#include "tfxparam.h"
#include "trop.h"
#include "tparamset.h"
// Local namespace stuff
enum Status {
NoPortsConnected = 0,
Port0Connected = 1 << 1,
Port1Connected = 1 << 2,
StatusGood = Port0Connected | Port1Connected
inline Status operator|(const Status &l, const Status &r)
return Status(((int)l | (int)r));
inline int operator&(const Status &l)
return int(l);
Status getFxStatus(const TRasterFxPort &port0, const TRasterFxPort &port1)
Status status = NoPortsConnected;
if (port0.isConnected())
status = status | Port0Connected;
if (port1.isConnected())
status = status | Port1Connected;
return status;
void makeRectCoherent(TRectD &rect, const TPointD &pos)
rect -= pos;
rect.x0 = tfloor(rect.x0);
rect.y0 = tfloor(rect.y0);
rect.x1 = tceil(rect.x1);
rect.y1 = tceil(rect.y1);
rect += pos;
// Glow functions
template <typename T>
void fade(TRasterPT<T> ras, double fade, T color) //Why it is not in TRop..??
if (fade <= 0.0)
double maxChannelValueD = T::maxChannelValue;
assert(fade <= 1.0);
for (int j = 0; j < ras->getLy(); j++) {
T *pix = ras->pixels(j);
T *endPix = pix + ras->getLx();
for (; pix < endPix; ++pix) {
if (pix->m > 0) {
if (pix->m == T::maxChannelValue) {
pix->r = troundp(pix->r + fade * (color.r - pix->r));
pix->g = troundp(pix->g + fade * (color.g - pix->g));
pix->b = troundp(pix->b + fade * (color.b - pix->b));
pix->m = troundp(pix->m + fade * (color.m - pix->m));
} else {
int val;
double factor = pix->m / maxChannelValueD;
val = troundp(pix->r + fade * (color.r * factor - pix->r));
pix->r = (val > T::maxChannelValue) ? T::maxChannelValue : val;
val = troundp(pix->g + fade * (color.g * factor - pix->g));
pix->g = (val > T::maxChannelValue) ? T::maxChannelValue : val;
val = troundp(pix->b + fade * (color.b * factor - pix->b));
pix->b = (val > T::maxChannelValue) ? T::maxChannelValue : val;
val = troundp(pix->m + fade * (color.m * factor - pix->m));
pix->m = (val > T::maxChannelValue) ? T::maxChannelValue : val;
// Glow Fx
class GlowFx : public TBaseRasterFx
TRasterFxPort m_lighted, m_light;
TDoubleParamP m_value;
TDoubleParamP m_brightness;
TDoubleParamP m_fade;
TPixelParamP m_color;
GlowFx() : m_value(10.0), m_brightness(100.0), m_color(TPixel::White), m_fade(0.0)
m_value->setValueRange(0, (std::numeric_limits<double>::max)());
m_brightness->setValueRange(0, (std::numeric_limits<double>::max)());
m_fade->setValueRange(0.0, 100.0);
bindParam(this, "value", m_value);
bindParam(this, "brightness", m_brightness);
bindParam(this, "color", m_color);
bindParam(this, "fade", m_fade);
addInputPort("Light", m_light);
addInputPort("Source", m_lighted);
bool doGetBBox(double frame, TRectD &bbox, const TRenderSettings &info)
if (getActiveTimeRegion().contains(frame))
if (m_light.isConnected()) {
TRectD b0, b1;
bool ret = m_light->doGetBBox(frame, b0, info);
bbox = b0.enlarge(tceil(m_value->getValue(frame)));
if (m_lighted.isConnected()) {
ret = ret && m_lighted->doGetBBox(frame, b1, info);
bbox += b1;
return ret;
} else if (m_lighted.isConnected())
return m_lighted->doGetBBox(frame, bbox, info);
return false;
inline void buildLightRects(const TRectD &tileRect, TRectD &inRect, TRectD &outRect, double blur)
if (inRect != TConsts::infiniteRectD) //Could be, if the input light is a zerary Fx
makeRectCoherent(inRect, tileRect.getP00());
int blurI = tceil(blur);
//It seems that the TRop::blur does wrong with these (cuts at the borders).
//I don't know why - they would be best...
//TRectD blurOutRect((lightRect).enlarge(blurI) * tileRect);
//lightRect = ((tileRect).enlarge(blurI) * lightRect);
//So we revert to the sum of the two
outRect = inRect = ((tileRect).enlarge(blurI) * inRect) + ((inRect).enlarge(blurI) * tileRect);
void doCompute(TTile &tile, double frame, const TRenderSettings &ri)
Status status = getFxStatus(m_light, m_lighted);
if (status & NoPortsConnected)
//If no port, just do nothing :)
//Calculate source
if (status & Port1Connected)
m_lighted->compute(tile, frame, ri);
//Calculate light
if (status & Port0Connected) {
//Init light infos
TDimension tileSize(tile.getRaster()->getSize());
TRectD tileRect(tile.m_pos, TDimensionD(tileSize.lx, tileSize.ly));
double scale = sqrt(fabs(ri.m_affine.det()));
double blur = m_value->getValue(frame) * scale;
//Build the light interesting rect
TRectD lightRect, blurOutRect;
m_light->getBBox(frame, lightRect, ri);
buildLightRects(tileRect, lightRect, blurOutRect, blur);
if ((lightRect.getLx() <= 0) || (lightRect.getLy() <= 0))
if ((blurOutRect.getLx() <= 0) || (blurOutRect.getLy() <= 0))
//Calculate the light tile
TTile lightTile;
TDimension lightSize(tround(lightRect.getLx()), tround(lightRect.getLy()));
m_light->allocateAndCompute(lightTile, lightRect.getP00(), lightSize, tile.getRaster(), frame, ri);
//Init glow parameters
TPixel32 color = m_color->getValue(frame);
double brightness = m_brightness->getValue(frame) / 100.0;
double fade = m_fade->getValue(frame) / 100.0;
//Now, apply the glow
//First, deal with the fade
TRasterP light = lightTile.getRaster();
TRaster32P light32 = light;
TRaster64P light64 = light;
if (light32)
::fade(light32, fade, color);
else if (light64)
::fade(light64, fade, toPixel64(color));
//Then, build the blur
TRasterP blurOut;
if (blur > 0) {
//Build a temporary output to the blur
TRasterP light(lightTile.getRaster());
blurOut = light->create(
//Apply the blur. Please note that SSE2 should not be used for now - I've seen it
//doing strange things to the blur...
TPointD displacement(lightRect.getP00() - blurOutRect.getP00());
TRop::blur(blurOut, light, blur, tround(displacement.x), tround(displacement.y), false);
} else
blurOut = lightTile.getRaster();
//Apply the rgbm scale
TRop::rgbmScale(blurOut, blurOut, 1, 1, 1, brightness);
//Apply the add
TRectD interestingRect(tileRect * blurOutRect);
TRect interestingTileRect(
tround(interestingRect.x0 - tileRect.x0),
tround(interestingRect.y0 - tileRect.y0),
tround(interestingRect.x1 - tileRect.x0) - 1,
tround(interestingRect.y1 - tileRect.y0) - 1);
TRect interestingBlurRect(
tround(interestingRect.x0 - blurOutRect.x0),
tround(interestingRect.y0 - blurOutRect.y0),
tround(interestingRect.x1 - blurOutRect.x0) - 1,
tround(interestingRect.y1 - blurOutRect.y0) - 1);
if ((interestingTileRect.getLx() <= 0) || (interestingTileRect.getLy() <= 0))
if ((interestingBlurRect.getLx() <= 0) || (interestingBlurRect.getLy() <= 0))
TRasterP tileInterestRas(tile.getRaster()->extract(interestingTileRect));
TRasterP blurInterestRas(blurOut->extract(interestingBlurRect));
TRop::add(blurInterestRas, tileInterestRas, tileInterestRas);
virtual void doDryCompute(TRectD &rect,
double frame,
const TRenderSettings &info)
Status status = getFxStatus(m_light, m_lighted);
if (status & NoPortsConnected)
if (status & Port1Connected)
m_lighted->dryCompute(rect, frame, info);
if (status & Port0Connected) {
double scale = sqrt(fabs(info.m_affine.det()));
double blur = m_value->getValue(frame) * scale;
TRectD lightRect, blurOutRect;
m_light->getBBox(frame, lightRect, info);
buildLightRects(rect, lightRect, blurOutRect, blur);
if ((lightRect.getLx() <= 0) || (lightRect.getLy() <= 0))
if ((blurOutRect.getLx() <= 0) || (blurOutRect.getLy() <= 0))
m_light->dryCompute(lightRect, frame, info);
//Just like the blur
bool canHandle(const TRenderSettings &info, double frame)
if (m_light.isConnected())
return (m_value->getValue(frame) == 0) ? true : isAlmostIsotropic(info.m_affine);
return true;
int getMemoryRequirement(const TRectD &rect, double frame, const TRenderSettings &info)
double scale = sqrt(fabs(info.m_affine.det()));
double blur = m_value->getValue(frame) * scale;
return TRasterFx::memorySize(rect.enlarge(blur), info.m_bpp);
TFxPort *getXsheetPort() const
return getInputPort(1);