2016-06-15 15:43:10 +09:00

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#include "iwa_pnperspectivefx.h"
#include "trop.h"
#include "tparamuiconcept.h"
#include "iwa_fresnel.h"
#include "iwa_simplexnoise.h"
#include "iwa_noise1234.h"
#include <vector>
namespace {
#ifndef M_PI
const double M_PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
/* 内積を返す */
inline float dot(float3 a, float3 b) {
return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z;
/* 外積を返す */
inline float3 cross(float3 a, float3 b) {
float3 ret = {a.y * b.z - a.z * b.y, a.z * b.x - a.x * b.z,
a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x};
return ret;
/* 正規化する */
inline float3 normalize(float3 v) {
float length = sqrtf(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z);
float3 ret = {v.x / length, v.y / length, v.z / length};
return ret;
template <typename RASTER, typename PIXEL>
void Iwa_PNPerspectiveFx::setOutputRaster(float4 *srcMem, const RASTER dstRas,
TDimensionI dim, int drawLevel,
const bool alp_rend_sw) {
typename PIXEL::Channel halfChan =
(typename PIXEL::Channel)(PIXEL::maxChannelValue / 2);
if (alp_rend_sw)
dstRas->fill(PIXEL(halfChan, halfChan, halfChan, halfChan));
dstRas->fill(PIXEL(halfChan, halfChan, halfChan));
float4 *chan_p = srcMem;
for (int j = 0; j < drawLevel; j++) {
PIXEL *pix = dstRas->pixels(j);
for (int i = 0; i < dstRas->getLx(); i++, chan_p++, pix++) {
float val;
val = (*chan_p).x * (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue + 0.5f;
pix->r = (typename PIXEL::Channel)((val > (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue)
? (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue
: val);
val = (*chan_p).y * (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue + 0.5f;
pix->g = (typename PIXEL::Channel)((val > (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue)
? (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue
: val);
val = (*chan_p).z * (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue + 0.5f;
pix->b = (typename PIXEL::Channel)((val > (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue)
? (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue
: val);
val = (*chan_p).w * (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue + 0.5f;
pix->m = (typename PIXEL::Channel)((val > (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue)
? (float)PIXEL::maxChannelValue
: val);
void Iwa_PNPerspectiveFx::getPNParameters(TTile &tile, double frame,
const TRenderSettings &settings,
PN_Params &params,
TDimensionI &dimOut) {
/* 動作パラメータを得る */
params.renderMode = m_renderMode->getValue();
params.noiseType = m_noiseType->getValue();
params.size = (float)m_size->getValue(frame);
/* SimplexNoiseの密度感をそろえるための係数をかける */
if (params.noiseType == 1) params.size *= 1.41421356f;
params.octaves = m_octaves->getValue() + 1;
params.offset = float2{(float)m_offset->getValue(frame).x,
params.p_intensity = (float)m_persistance_intensity->getValue(frame);
params.p_size = (float)m_persistance_size->getValue(frame);
params.p_offset = (float)m_persistance_offset->getValue(frame);
TPointD _eyeLevel = m_eyeLevel->getValue(frame);
params.eyeLevel = float2{(float)_eyeLevel.x, (float)_eyeLevel.y};
params.alp_rend_sw = m_alpha_rendering->getValue();
params.waveHeight = (float)m_waveHeight->getValue(frame);
const float fov = (float)m_fov->getValue(frame);
TAffine aff = settings.m_affine;
const double scale = 1.0 / sqrt(fabs(aff.det()));
TAffine aff_pn = TScale(scale) * TTranslation(tile.m_pos);
params.a11 = aff_pn.a11;
params.a12 = aff_pn.a12;
params.a13 = aff_pn.a13;
params.a21 = aff_pn.a21;
params.a22 = aff_pn.a22;
params.a23 = aff_pn.a23;
params.time = (float)m_evolution->getValue(frame) * 0.05;
params.p_evolution = (float)m_persistance_evolution->getValue(frame);
TPointD eyePoint =
aff * _eyeLevel - (tile.m_pos + tile.getRaster()->getCenterD());
const float eyeHeight = (float)eyePoint.y;
/* 描画範囲の下からの距離 */
params.drawLevel = (int)((float)dimOut.ly / 2.0f + eyeHeight);
if (params.drawLevel > dimOut.ly) params.drawLevel = dimOut.ly;
/* カメラたて方向のmmサイズの半分の寸法 */
int camHeight = settings.m_cameraBox.getLy();
TPointD vec_p0p1((double)camHeight * aff_pn.a12,
(double)camHeight * aff_pn.a22);
params.fy_2 = sqrtf(vec_p0p1.x * vec_p0p1.x + vec_p0p1.y * vec_p0p1.y) / 2.0f;
float fov_radian_2 = (fov / 2.0f) * float(M_PI_180);
/* カメラから投影面への距離 */
float D = params.fy_2 / tanf(fov_radian_2);
/* カメラから、投影面上の水平線への距離 */
params.A = sqrtf(params.eyeLevel.y * params.eyeLevel.y + D * D);
/* カメラ位置から下枠へのベクトルと、水平線のなす角度 */
float theta = fov_radian_2 + asinf(params.eyeLevel.y / params.A);
float M = params.fy_2 / sinf(fov_radian_2);
params.cam_pos = float3{0.0f, -M * cosf(theta), M * sinf(theta)};
params.base_fresnel_ref = 0.0f;
float phi = 90.0f - theta * 180.0f / M_PI;
if (phi >= 0.0f && phi < 90.0f) {
int index = (int)phi;
float ratio = phi - (float)index;
params.base_fresnel_ref =
fresnel[index] * (1.0f - ratio) + fresnel[index + 1] * ratio;
float intensity = 2.0f; /* -1 1 */
params.int_sum = 0.0f;
for (int o = 0; o < params.octaves; o++) {
params.int_sum += intensity;
intensity *= params.p_intensity;
: m_renderMode(new TIntEnumParam(0, "Noise"))
, m_noiseType(new TIntEnumParam(0, "Perlin Noise"))
, m_size(10.0)
, m_evolution(0.0)
, m_octaves(new TIntEnumParam(0, "1"))
, m_offset(TPointD(0, 0))
, m_persistance_intensity(0.5)
, m_persistance_size(0.5)
, m_persistance_evolution(0.5)
, m_persistance_offset(0.5)
, m_fov(30)
, m_eyeLevel(TPointD(0, 0))
, m_alpha_rendering(true)
, m_waveHeight(10.0) {
bindParam(this, "renderMode", m_renderMode);
bindParam(this, "noiseType", m_noiseType);
bindParam(this, "size", m_size);
bindParam(this, "evolution", m_evolution);
bindParam(this, "octaves", m_octaves);
bindParam(this, "offset", m_offset);
bindParam(this, "persistance_intensity", m_persistance_intensity);
bindParam(this, "persistance_size", m_persistance_size);
bindParam(this, "persistance_evolution", m_persistance_evolution);
bindParam(this, "persistance_offset", m_persistance_offset);
bindParam(this, "fov", m_fov);
bindParam(this, "eyeLevel", m_eyeLevel);
bindParam(this, "alpha_rendering", m_alpha_rendering);
bindParam(this, "waveHeight", m_waveHeight);
m_noiseType->addItem(1, "Simplex Noise");
m_renderMode->addItem(1, "Noise (no resampled)");
m_renderMode->addItem(2, "Warp HV offset");
m_renderMode->addItem(4, "Warp HV offset 2");
m_renderMode->addItem(3, "Fresnel reflectivity");
m_size->setValueRange(0.0, 1000.0);
m_octaves->addItem(1, "2");
m_octaves->addItem(2, "3");
m_octaves->addItem(3, "4");
m_octaves->addItem(4, "5");
m_octaves->addItem(5, "6");
m_octaves->addItem(6, "7");
m_octaves->addItem(7, "8");
m_octaves->addItem(8, "9");
m_octaves->addItem(9, "10");
m_persistance_intensity->setValueRange(0.1, 2.0);
m_persistance_size->setValueRange(0.1, 2.0);
m_persistance_evolution->setValueRange(0.1, 2.0);
m_persistance_offset->setValueRange(0.1, 2.0);
m_fov->setValueRange(10, 90);
m_waveHeight->setValueRange(1.0, 100.0);
bool Iwa_PNPerspectiveFx::doGetBBox(double frame, TRectD &bBox,
const TRenderSettings &info) {
bBox = TConsts::infiniteRectD;
return true;
bool Iwa_PNPerspectiveFx::canHandle(const TRenderSettings &info, double frame) {
return false;
void Iwa_PNPerspectiveFx::doCompute(TTile &tile, double frame,
const TRenderSettings &settings) {
/* サポートしていないPixelタイプはエラーを投げる */
if (!((TRaster32P)tile.getRaster()) && !((TRaster64P)tile.getRaster())) {
throw TRopException("unsupported input pixel type");
TDimensionI dimOut(tile.getRaster()->getLx(), tile.getRaster()->getLy());
/* PerinNoiseのパラメータ */
PN_Params pnParams;
getPNParameters(tile, frame, settings, pnParams, dimOut);
/* 水平線が画面より下のときreturn */
if (pnParams.drawLevel < 0) {
const float evolution = (float)m_evolution->getValue(frame);
const float p_evolution = (float)m_persistance_evolution->getValue(frame);
float4 *out_host;
/* ホストのメモリ確保 */
TRasterGR8P out_host_ras(sizeof(float4) * dimOut.lx, pnParams.drawLevel);
out_host = (float4 *)out_host_ras->getRawData();
doCompute_CPU(tile, frame, settings, out_host, dimOut, pnParams);
/* 出力結果をChannel値に変換して格納 */
TRaster32P outRas32 = (TRaster32P)tile.getRaster();
TRaster64P outRas64 = (TRaster64P)tile.getRaster();
if (outRas32)
setOutputRaster<TRaster32P, TPixel32>(
out_host, outRas32, dimOut, pnParams.drawLevel, pnParams.alp_rend_sw);
else if (outRas64)
setOutputRaster<TRaster64P, TPixel64>(
out_host, outRas64, dimOut, pnParams.drawLevel, pnParams.alp_rend_sw);
void Iwa_PNPerspectiveFx::doCompute_CPU(TTile &tile, double frame,
const TRenderSettings &settings,
float4 *out_host, TDimensionI &dimOut,
PN_Params &pnParams) {
/* モードで分ける */
if (pnParams.renderMode == 0 || pnParams.renderMode == 1) {
calcPerinNoise_CPU(out_host, dimOut, pnParams,
(bool)(pnParams.renderMode == 0));
} else if (pnParams.renderMode == 2 || pnParams.renderMode == 3 ||
pnParams.renderMode == 4) {
calcPNNormal_CPU(out_host, dimOut, pnParams);
if (pnParams.renderMode == 4) {
calcPNNormal_CPU(out_host, dimOut, pnParams, true);
void Iwa_PNPerspectiveFx::calcPerinNoise_CPU(float4 *out_host,
TDimensionI &dimOut, PN_Params &p,
bool doResample) {
int reso = (doResample) ? 10 : 1;
/* 結果を収めるイテレータ */
float4 *out_p = out_host;
/* 各ピクセルについて */
for (int yy = 0; yy < p.drawLevel; yy++) {
for (int xx = 0; xx < dimOut.lx; xx++, out_p++) {
float val_sum = 0.0f;
int count = 0;
/* 各リサンプル点について */
for (int tt = 0; tt < reso; tt++) {
for (int ss = 0; ss < reso; ss++) {
float2 tmpPixPos = {
(float)xx - 0.5f + ((float)ss + 0.5f) / (float)reso,
(float)yy - 0.5f + ((float)tt + 0.5f) / (float)reso};
float2 screenPos = {
tmpPixPos.x * p.a11 + tmpPixPos.y * p.a12 + p.a13,
tmpPixPos.x * p.a21 + tmpPixPos.y * p.a22 + p.a23};
/* ② Perlin Noise 平面上の座標を計算する */
float2 noisePos;
noisePos.x = -(p.eyeLevel.y + p.fy_2) * (screenPos.x - p.eyeLevel.x) /
(screenPos.y - p.eyeLevel.y) +
noisePos.y =
(p.fy_2 + screenPos.y) * p.A / (p.eyeLevel.y - screenPos.y);
float tmpVal = 0.5f;
float currentSize = p.size;
float2 currentOffset = p.offset;
float currentIntensity = 1.0f;
// float2* basis_p = basis;
float currentEvolution = p.time;
/* ノイズを各世代足しこむ */
for (int o = 0; o < p.octaves; o++) {
float2 currentNoisePos = {
(noisePos.x - currentOffset.x) / currentSize,
(noisePos.y - currentOffset.y) / currentSize};
if (p.noiseType == 0) {
tmpVal += currentIntensity *
Noise1234::noise(currentNoisePos.x, currentNoisePos.y,
currentEvolution) /
} else {
tmpVal +=
currentIntensity *
SimplexNoise::noise(currentNoisePos.x, currentNoisePos.y,
currentEvolution) /
currentSize *= p.p_size;
currentOffset.x *= p.p_offset;
currentOffset.y *= p.p_offset;
currentIntensity *= p.p_intensity;
currentEvolution *= p.p_evolution;
val_sum += tmpVal;
count += 1;
float val = val_sum / (float)count;
/* クランプ */
val = (val < 0.0f) ? 0.0f : ((val > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : val);
(*out_p).x = val;
(*out_p).y = val;
(*out_p).z = val;
(*out_p).w = (p.alp_rend_sw) ? val : 1.0f;
void Iwa_PNPerspectiveFx::calcPNNormal_CPU(float4 *out_host,
TDimensionI &dimOut, PN_Params &p,
bool isSubWave) {
/* 結果を収めるイテレータ */
float4 *out_p = out_host;
/* 各ピクセルについて */
for (int yy = 0; yy < p.drawLevel; yy++) {
for (int xx = 0; xx < dimOut.lx; xx++, out_p++) {
float2 screenPos = {(float)xx * p.a11 + (float)yy * p.a12 + p.a13,
(float)xx * p.a21 + (float)yy * p.a22 + p.a23};
/* ② Perlin Noise 平面上の座標を計算する */
float2 noisePos;
noisePos.x = -(p.eyeLevel.y + p.fy_2) * (screenPos.x - p.eyeLevel.x) /
(screenPos.y - p.eyeLevel.y) +
noisePos.y = (p.fy_2 + screenPos.y) * p.A / (p.eyeLevel.y - screenPos.y);
float gradient[2]; /* 0 : よこ差分、1 : たて差分 */
float delta = 0.001f;
/* 横、縦差分それぞれについて */
for (int yokoTate = 0; yokoTate < 2; yokoTate++) {
/* 勾配の初期化 */
gradient[yokoTate] = 0.0f;
/* サンプリング位置のオフセットを求める */
float2 kinbouNoisePos[2] = {
float2{noisePos.x - ((yokoTate == 0) ? delta : 0.0f),
noisePos.y - ((yokoTate == 0) ? 0.0f : delta)},
float2{noisePos.x + ((yokoTate == 0) ? delta : 0.0f),
noisePos.y + ((yokoTate == 0) ? 0.0f : delta)}};
float currentSize = p.size;
float2 currentOffset = p.offset;
float currentIntensity = 1.0f;
// float2* basis_p = basis;
float currentEvolution = (isSubWave) ? p.time + 100.0f : p.time;
/* 各世代について */
for (int o = 0; o < p.octaves; o++, currentSize *= p.p_size,
currentOffset.x *= p.p_offset, currentOffset.y *= p.p_offset,
currentIntensity *= p.p_intensity) {
/* プラス方向、マイナス方向それぞれオフセットしたノイズ座標を求める */
float2 currentOffsetNoisePos[2];
for (int mp = 0; mp < 2; mp++)
currentOffsetNoisePos[mp] =
float2{(kinbouNoisePos[mp].x - currentOffset.x) / currentSize,
(kinbouNoisePos[mp].y - currentOffset.y) / currentSize};
/* ノイズの差分を積算していく */
float noiseDiff;
// Perlin Noise
if (p.noiseType == 0) {
noiseDiff =
currentOffsetNoisePos[1].y, currentEvolution) -
currentOffsetNoisePos[0].y, currentEvolution);
} else {
/* インデックスをチェック */
/* まず、前後 */
CellIds kinbouIds[2] = {
/* 同じセルに入っていたら、普通に差分を計算 */
if (kinbouIds[0] == kinbouIds[1]) {
noiseDiff = SimplexNoise::noise(currentOffsetNoisePos[1].x,
currentEvolution) -
/* 違うセルの場合、中心位置を用いる */
else {
float2 currentCenterNoisePos = {
(noisePos.x - currentOffset.x) / currentSize,
(noisePos.y - currentOffset.y) / currentSize};
CellIds centerIds = SimplexNoise::getCellIds(
currentCenterNoisePos.x, currentCenterNoisePos.y,
if (kinbouIds[0] == centerIds) {
noiseDiff = SimplexNoise::noise(currentCenterNoisePos.x,
currentEvolution) -
} else // if(kinbouIds[1] == centerIds)
noiseDiff = SimplexNoise::noise(currentOffsetNoisePos[1].x,
currentEvolution) -
/* 片端→中心の変位を使っているので、片端→片端に合わせて変位を2倍する
noiseDiff *= 2.0f;
/* 差分に強度を乗算して足しこむ */
gradient[yokoTate] += currentIntensity * noiseDiff / p.int_sum;
currentEvolution *= p.p_evolution;
/* X方向、Y方向の近傍ベクトルを計算する */
float3 vec_x = {delta * 2, 0.0f, gradient[0] * p.waveHeight};
float3 vec_y = {0.0f, delta * 2, gradient[1] * p.waveHeight};
float3 normal = normalize(cross(vec_x, vec_y));
/* カメラから平面へのベクトル */
float3 cam_vec = {noisePos.x - p.cam_pos.x, noisePos.y - p.cam_pos.y,
cam_vec = normalize(cam_vec);
/* WarpHVの参照画像モード */
if (p.renderMode == 2 || p.renderMode == 4) {
/* 平面からの反射ベクトル */
float alpha = dot(normal, cam_vec);
float3 reflect_cam = {
2.0f * alpha * normal.x - cam_vec.x,
2.0f * alpha * normal.y - cam_vec.y,
2.0f * alpha * normal.z - cam_vec.z}; /* これの長さは1 */
/* 完全に水平な面で反射した場合の反射ベクトル */
float3 reflect_cam_mirror = {cam_vec.x, cam_vec.y, -cam_vec.z};
/* 角度のずれを格納する */
/* -PI/2 PI/2 */
float angle_h = atanf(reflect_cam.x / reflect_cam.y) -
atanf(reflect_cam_mirror.x / reflect_cam_mirror.y);
float angle_v = atanf(reflect_cam.z / reflect_cam.y) -
atanf(reflect_cam_mirror.z / reflect_cam_mirror.y);
/* 30°を最大とする */
angle_h = 0.5f + angle_h / 0.5236f;
angle_v = 0.5f - angle_v / 0.5236f;
/* クランプ */
angle_h = (angle_h < 0.0f) ? 0.0f : ((angle_h > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : angle_h);
angle_v = (angle_v < 0.0f) ? 0.0f : ((angle_v > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : angle_v);
if (p.renderMode == 2) {
(*out_p).x = angle_h;
(*out_p).y = angle_v;
(*out_p).z = 0.0f;
(*out_p).w = 1.0f;
} else // p.renderMode == 4
if (!isSubWave) {
(*out_p).y = angle_v;
(*out_p).z = 0.0f;
(*out_p).w = 1.0f;
} else
(*out_p).x = angle_v;
/* フレネル反射モード */
else if (p.renderMode == 3) {
cam_vec.x *= -1;
cam_vec.y *= -1;
cam_vec.z *= -1;
float diffuse_angle = acosf(dot(normal, cam_vec)) * 180.0f / 3.14159f;
float ref = 0.0f;
if (diffuse_angle >= 0.0f && diffuse_angle < 90.0f) {
int index = (int)diffuse_angle;
float ratio = diffuse_angle - (float)index;
float fresnel_ref =
fresnel[index] * (1.0f - ratio) + fresnel[index + 1] * ratio;
ref =
(fresnel_ref - p.base_fresnel_ref) / (1.0f - p.base_fresnel_ref);
} else if (diffuse_angle >= 90.0f)
ref = 1.0f;
/* クランプ */
ref = (ref < 0.0f) ? 0.0f : ((ref > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : ref);
(*out_p).x = ref;
(*out_p).y = ref;
(*out_p).z = ref;
(*out_p).w = (p.alp_rend_sw) ? ref : 1.0f;
void Iwa_PNPerspectiveFx::getParamUIs(TParamUIConcept *&concepts, int &length) {
concepts = new TParamUIConcept[length = 1];
concepts[0].m_type = TParamUIConcept::POINT;
concepts[0].m_label = "Eye Level";
FX_PLUGIN_IDENTIFIER(Iwa_PNPerspectiveFx, "iwa_PNPerspectiveFx");