2019-03-22 09:09:34 -04:00

737 lines
25 KiB

#pragma once
#include <memory>
// TnzCore includes
#include "tcommon.h"
#include "tgeometry.h"
#include "tpixel.h"
// TnzLib includes
#include "toonz/levelproperties.h"
// Qt includes
#include <QString>
#include <QObject>
#include <QMap>
#include <QRegExp>
#undef DVAPI
#undef DVVAR
// Forward declarations
class TFilePath;
class QSettings;
// Preferences declaration
\brief Stores application-wide preferences used throughout Toonz.
class DVAPI Preferences final : public QObject // singleton
struct LevelFormat {
QString m_name; //!< Name displayed for the format.
m_pathFormat; //!< <TT>[default: ".*"]</TT>Used to recognize levels in
//! the format. It's case <I>in</I>sensitive.
LevelOptions m_options; //!< Options associated to levels in the format.
int m_priority; //!< <TT>[default: 1]</TT> Priority value for the format.
//! Higher priority means that the format is matched first.
LevelFormat(const QString &name = QString())
: m_name(name)
, m_pathFormat(".*", Qt::CaseInsensitive)
, m_priority(1) {}
bool matches(const TFilePath &fp) const;
enum ColumnIconLoadingPolicy {
LoadAtOnce, /**< it tells to load and display column icon
\b at \b once when the scene is opened; */
LoadOnDemand /**< it tells to load display icon \b on
\b demand (generally by clicking on the column
header) */
enum SnappingTarge { SnapStrokes, SnapGuides, SnapAll };
enum PathAliasPriority {
ProjectFolderAliases = 0,
enum FunctionEditorToggle {
ShowGraphEditorInPopup = 0,
static Preferences *instance();
// General settings tab
void setUndoMemorySize(int memorySize);
int getUndoMemorySize() const { return m_undoMemorySize; }
void setDefaultTaskChunkSize(int chunkSize);
int getDefaultTaskChunkSize() const { return m_chunkSize; }
void enableDefaultViewer(bool on);
bool isDefaultViewerEnabled() const { return m_defaultViewerEnabled; }
void enableRasterOptimizedMemory(bool on);
bool isRasterOptimizedMemory() const { return m_rasterOptimizedMemory; }
void enableAutosave(bool on);
bool isAutosaveEnabled() const { return m_autosaveEnabled; }
void setAutosavePeriod(int minutes);
int getAutosavePeriod() const { return m_autosavePeriod; } // minutes
void enableAutosaveScene(bool on);
bool isAutosaveSceneEnabled() const { return m_autosaveSceneEnabled; }
void enableAutosaveOtherFiles(bool on);
bool isAutosaveOtherFilesEnabled() const {
return m_autosaveOtherFilesEnabled;
void enableLevelsBackup(bool enabled);
bool isLevelsBackupEnabled() const { return m_levelsBackupEnabled; }
void enableSceneNumbering(bool enabled);
bool isSceneNumberingEnabled() const { return m_sceneNumberingEnabled; }
void enableReplaceAfterSaveLevelAs(bool on);
bool isReplaceAfterSaveLevelAsEnabled() const {
return m_replaceAfterSaveLevelAs;
void enableStartupPopup(bool on);
bool isStartupPopupEnabled() { return m_startupPopupEnabled; }
void setProjectRoot(int index);
int getProjectRoot() { return m_projectRoot; }
void setCustomProjectRoot(std::wstring path);
QString getCustomProjectRoot() { return m_customProjectRoot; }
void enableWatchFileSystem(bool on);
bool isWatchFileSystemEnabled() { return m_watchFileSystem; }
void setPathAliasPriority(PathAliasPriority priority);
PathAliasPriority getPathAliasPriority() const { return m_pathAliasPriority; }
// Interface tab
void setCurrentLanguage(const QString &currentLanguage);
QString getCurrentLanguage() const;
QString getLanguage(int index) const;
int getLanguageCount() const;
void setCurrentStyleSheet(const QString &currentStyleSheet);
QString getCurrentStyleSheetName() const;
QString getCurrentStyleSheetPath() const;
QString getStyleSheet(int index) const;
int getStyleSheetCount() const;
void setPixelsOnly(bool state);
bool getPixelsOnly() const { return m_pixelsOnly; }
void storeOldUnits();
void resetOldUnits();
QString getOldUnits() const { return m_oldUnits; }
QString getOldCameraUnits() const { return m_oldCameraUnits; }
void setUnits(std::string s);
QString getUnits() const { return m_units; }
void setCameraUnits(std::string s);
QString getCameraUnits() const { return m_cameraUnits; }
void setCurrentRoomChoice(int currentRoomChoice);
void setCurrentRoomChoice(QString currentRoomChoice);
QString getCurrentRoomChoice() const;
int getRoomChoiceCount() const;
QString getRoomChoice(int index) const;
void enableGeneratedMovieView(bool on);
bool isGeneratedMovieViewEnabled() const {
return m_generatedMovieViewEnabled;
void setViewValues(int shrink, int step);
void getViewValues(int &shrink, int &step) const {
shrink = m_shrink, step = m_step;
void setIconSize(const TDimension &dim);
TDimension getIconSize() const { return m_iconSize; }
void setViewerBGColor(const TPixel32 &color, bool isDragging);
TPixel getViewerBgColor() const { return m_viewerBGColor; }
void setPreviewBGColor(const TPixel32 &color, bool isDragging);
TPixel getPreviewBgColor() const { return m_previewBGColor; }
void setChessboardColor1(const TPixel32 &color, bool isDragging);
void setChessboardColor2(const TPixel32 &color, bool isDragging);
void getChessboardColors(TPixel32 &col1, TPixel32 &col2) const {
col1 = m_chessboardColor1;
col2 = m_chessboardColor2;
void enableShowRasterImagesDarkenBlendedInViewer(bool on);
bool isShowRasterImagesDarkenBlendedInViewerEnabled() const {
return m_showRasterImagesDarkenBlendedInViewer;
void enableActualPixelViewOnSceneEditingMode(bool on);
bool isActualPixelViewOnSceneEditingModeEnabled() const {
return m_actualPixelViewOnSceneEditingMode;
void setViewerZoomCenter(int type);
int getViewerZoomCenter() const { return m_viewerZoomCenter; }
void enableShowFrameNumberWithLetters(bool on);
bool isShowFrameNumberWithLettersEnabled() const {
return m_showFrameNumberWithLetters;
void enableLevelNameOnEachMarker(bool on);
bool isLevelNameOnEachMarkerEnabled() const {
return m_levelNameOnEachMarker;
void setColumnIconLoadingPolicy(ColumnIconLoadingPolicy cilp);
ColumnIconLoadingPolicy getColumnIconLoadingPolicy() const {
return (ColumnIconLoadingPolicy)m_columnIconLoadingPolicy;
void enableMoveCurrent(bool on);
bool isMoveCurrentEnabled() const {
return m_moveCurrentFrameByClickCellArea;
void setInterfaceFont(std::string font);
QString getInterfaceFont() { return m_interfaceFont; }
void setInterfaceFontStyle(std::string style);
QString getInterfaceFontStyle() { return m_interfaceFontStyle; }
void setInterfaceFontWeight(int weight);
int getInterfaceFontWeight() { return m_interfaceFontWeight; }
void setFunctionEditorToggle(FunctionEditorToggle status);
FunctionEditorToggle getFunctionEditorToggle() {
return m_functionEditorToggle;
// color calibration using 3DLUT
void enableColorCalibration(bool on);
bool isColorCalibrationEnabled() const { return m_colorCalibrationEnabled; }
void setColorCalibrationLutPath(QString monitorName, QString path);
QMap<QString, QString> &getColorCalibrationLutPathMap() {
return m_colorCalibrationLutPaths;
QString getColorCalibrationLutPath(QString &monitorName) const;
// Visualization tab
void setShow0ThickLines(bool on);
bool getShow0ThickLines() const { return m_show0ThickLines; }
void setRegionAntialias(bool on);
bool getRegionAntialias() const { return m_regionAntialias; }
// Loading tab
void enableAutoExpose(bool on);
bool isAutoExposeEnabled() const { return m_autoExposeEnabled; }
void enableSubsceneFolder(bool on);
bool isSubsceneFolderEnabled() const { return m_subsceneFolderEnabled; }
int addLevelFormat(const LevelFormat &format); //!< Inserts a new level
//! format. \return The
//! associated format index.
void removeLevelFormat(int formatIdx); //!< Removes a level format.
const LevelFormat &levelFormat(
int formatIdx) const; //!< Retrieves a level format.
int levelFormatsCount()
const; //!< Returns the number of stored level formats.
/*! \return Either the index of a matching format, or \p -1 if none
was found. */
int matchLevelFormat(const TFilePath &fp)
const; //!< Returns the \a nonnegative index of the first level format
//! matching the specified file path, <I>or \p -1 if none</I>.
void setInitialLoadTlvCachingBehavior(int type);
int getInitialLoadTlvCachingBehavior() const {
return m_initialLoadTlvCachingBehavior;
void enableRemoveSceneNumberFromLoadedLevelName(bool on);
bool isRemoveSceneNumberFromLoadedLevelNameEnabled() const {
return m_removeSceneNumberFromLoadedLevelName;
void setDefaultImportPolicy(int policy);
int getDefaultImportPolicy() { return m_importPolicy; }
void setIgnoreImageDpi(bool on);
bool isIgnoreImageDpiEnabled() const { return m_ignoreImageDpi; }
// Saving tab
void setRasterBackgroundColor(const TPixel32 &color);
TPixel getRasterBackgroundColor() const { return m_rasterBackgroundColor; }
// Drawing tab
void setScanLevelType(std::string s);
QString getScanLevelType() const { return m_scanLevelType; }
void setDefLevelType(int levelType);
int getDefLevelType() const { return m_defLevelType; }
void setDefLevelWidth(double width);
double getDefLevelWidth() const { return m_defLevelWidth; }
void setDefLevelHeight(double height);
double getDefLevelHeight() const { return m_defLevelHeight; }
void setDefLevelDpi(double dpi);
double getDefLevelDpi() const { return m_defLevelDpi; }
void setAutocreationType(int s);
int getAutocreationType() const { return m_autocreationType; }
bool isAutoCreateEnabled() const { return m_autocreationType > 0; }
bool isAnimationSheetEnabled() const { return m_autocreationType == 2; }
void enableAutoStretch(bool on);
bool isAutoStretchEnabled() const { return m_enableAutoStretch; }
void enableSaveUnpaintedInCleanup(bool on);
bool isSaveUnpaintedInCleanupEnable() const {
return m_saveUnpaintedInCleanup;
void enableMinimizeSaveboxAfterEditing(bool on);
bool isMinimizeSaveboxAfterEditing() const {
return m_minimizeSaveboxAfterEditing;
void setFillOnlySavebox(bool on);
bool getFillOnlySavebox() const { return m_fillOnlySavebox; }
void enableMultiLayerStylePicker(bool on);
bool isMultiLayerStylePickerEnabled() const {
return m_multiLayerStylePickerEnabled;
void enableUseNumpadForSwitchingStyles(bool on);
bool isUseNumpadForSwitchingStylesEnabled() const {
return m_useNumpadForSwitchingStyles;
void setGuidedDrawing(int status);
int getGuidedDrawing() { return m_guidedDrawingType; }
void setAnimatedGuidedDrawing(bool status);
bool getAnimatedGuidedDrawing() const { return m_animatedGuidedDrawing; }
void enableNewLevelSizeToCameraSize(bool on);
bool isNewLevelSizeToCameraSizeEnabled() const {
return m_newLevelSizeToCameraSizeEnabled;
void setVectorSnappingTarget(int target);
int getVectorSnappingTarget() { return m_vectorSnappingTarget; }
void setKeepFillOnVectorSimplify(bool on);
bool getKeepFillOnVectorSimplify() { return m_keepFillOnVectorSimplify; }
void setUseHigherDpiOnVectorSimplify(bool on);
bool getUseHigherDpiOnVectorSimplify() {
return m_useHigherDpiOnVectorSimplify;
void setDownArrowLevelStripNewFrame(bool on);
bool getDownArrowLevelStripNewFrame() {
return m_downArrowInLevelStripCreatesNewFrame;
// Tools Tab
void setDropdownShortcutsCycleOptions(bool on);
bool getDropdownShortcutsCycleOptions() {
return m_dropdownShortcutsCycleOptions;
void setCursorBrushType(std::string brushType);
QString getCursorBrushType() const { return m_cursorBrushType; }
void setCursorBrushStyle(std::string brushStyle);
QString getCursorBrushStyle() const { return m_cursorBrushStyle; }
void enableCursorOutline(bool on);
bool isCursorOutlineEnabled() const { return m_cursorOutlineEnabled; }
// Xsheet tab
void setXsheetStep(int step); //!< Sets the step used for the <I>next/prev
//! step</I> commands.
int getXsheetStep() const {
return m_xsheetStep;
} //!< Returns the step used for the <I>next/prev step</I> commands.
void enableXsheetAutopan(
bool on); //!< Enables/disables xsheet panning during playback.
bool isXsheetAutopanEnabled() const {
return m_xsheetAutopanEnabled;
} //!< Returns whether xsheet pans during playback.
void enableIgnoreAlphaonColumn1(
bool on); //!< Enables/disables xsheet panning during playback.
bool isIgnoreAlphaonColumn1Enabled() const {
return m_ignoreAlphaonColumn1Enabled;
} //!< Returns whether xsheet pans during playback.
void setDragCellsBehaviour(int dragCellsBehaviour);
int getDragCellsBehaviour() const { return m_dragCellsBehaviour; }
void enableShowKeyframesOnXsheetCellArea(bool on);
bool isShowKeyframesOnXsheetCellAreaEnabled() const {
return m_showKeyframesOnXsheetCellArea;
void enableUseArrowKeyToShiftCellSelection(bool on);
bool isUseArrowKeyToShiftCellSelectionEnabled() const {
return m_useArrowKeyToShiftCellSelection;
void enableInputCellsWithoutDoubleClicking(bool on);
bool isInputCellsWithoutDoubleClickingEnabled() const {
return m_inputCellsWithoutDoubleClickingEnabled;
void enableShowXSheetToolbar(bool on);
bool isShowXSheetToolbarEnabled() const { return m_showXSheetToolbar; }
void enableExpandFunctionHeader(bool on);
bool isExpandFunctionHeaderEnabled() const { return m_expandFunctionHeader; }
void enableShowColumnNumbers(bool on);
bool isShowColumnNumbersEnabled() const { return m_showColumnNumbers; }
void enableSyncLevelRenumberWithXsheet(bool on);
bool isSyncLevelRenumberWithXsheetEnabled() const {
return m_syncLevelRenumberWithXsheet;
void enableShortcutCommandsWhileRenamingCell(bool on);
bool isShortcutCommandsWhileRenamingCellEnabled() const {
return m_shortcutCommandsWhileRenamingCellEnabled;
void setXsheetLayoutPreference(std::string layout);
QString getXsheetLayoutPreference() const { return m_xsheetLayoutPreference; }
void setLoadedXsheetLayout(std::string layout);
QString getLoadedXsheetLayout() const { return m_loadedXsheetLayout; }
void setCurrentColumnData(const TPixel &currentColumnColor);
void getCurrentColumnData(TPixel &currentColumnColor) const {
currentColumnColor = m_currentColumnColor;
void enableXsheetCameraColumn(bool on);
bool isXsheetCameraColumnEnabled() const { return m_showXsheetCameraColumn; }
// Animation tab
void setKeyframeType(int s);
int getKeyframeType() const { return m_keyframeType; }
void setAnimationStep(int s);
int getAnimationStep() const { return m_animationStep; }
// Preview tab
void setBlankValues(int blanksCount, TPixel32 blankColor);
void getBlankValues(int &blanksCount, TPixel32 &blankColor) const {
blanksCount = m_blanksCount, blankColor = m_blankColor;
void enablePreviewAlwaysOpenNewFlip(bool on);
bool previewAlwaysOpenNewFlipEnabled() const {
return m_previewAlwaysOpenNewFlipEnabled;
void enableRewindAfterPlayback(bool on);
bool rewindAfterPlaybackEnabled() const {
return m_rewindAfterPlaybackEnabled;
void enableFitToFlipbook(bool on);
bool fitToFlipbookEnabled() const { return m_fitToFlipbookEnabled; }
// Onion Skin tab
void enableOnionSkin(bool on);
bool isOnionSkinEnabled() const { return m_onionSkinEnabled; }
void setOnionPaperThickness(int thickness);
int getOnionPaperThickness() const { return m_onionPaperThickness; }
void setOnionData(const TPixel &frontOnionColor, const TPixel &backOnionColor,
bool inksOnly);
void getOnionData(TPixel &frontOnionColor, TPixel &backOnionColor,
bool &inksOnly) const {
frontOnionColor = m_frontOnionColor, backOnionColor = m_backOnionColor,
inksOnly = m_inksOnly;
bool getOnionSkinDuringPlayback() { return m_onionSkinDuringPlayback; }
void setOnionSkinDuringPlayback(bool on);
void useOnionColorsForShiftAndTraceGhosts(bool on);
bool areOnionColorsUsedForShiftAndTraceGhosts() const {
return m_useOnionColorsForShiftAndTraceGhosts;
// Transparency Check tab
void setTranspCheckData(const TPixel &bg, const TPixel &ink,
const TPixel &paint);
void getTranspCheckData(TPixel &bg, TPixel &ink, TPixel &paint) const {
bg = m_transpCheckBg;
ink = m_transpCheckInk;
paint = m_transpCheckPaint;
void enableCurrentTimelineIndicator(bool on);
bool isCurrentTimelineIndicatorEnabled() const {
return m_currentTimelineEnabled;
// Version Control tab
void enableSVN(bool on);
bool isSVNEnabled() const { return m_SVNEnabled; }
void enableAutomaticSVNFolderRefresh(bool on);
bool isAutomaticSVNFolderRefreshEnabled() const {
return m_automaticSVNFolderRefreshEnabled;
void enableLatestVersionCheck(bool on);
bool isLatestVersionCheckEnabled() const {
return m_latestVersionCheckEnabled;
// Import Export Tab
void setFfmpegPath(std::string path);
QString getFfmpegPath() const { return m_ffmpegPath; }
void setPrecompute(bool enabled);
bool getPrecompute() { return m_precompute; }
void setFfmpegTimeout(int seconds);
int getFfmpegTimeout() { return m_ffmpegTimeout; }
void setFastRenderPath(std::string path);
QString getFastRenderPath() const { return m_fastRenderPath; }
// Uncategorized - internals
void setAskForOverrideRender(bool on);
bool askForOverrideRender() const { return m_askForOverrideRender; }
void setLineTestFpsCapture(int lineTestFpsCapture);
int getLineTestFpsCapture() const { return m_lineTestFpsCapture; }
int getTextureSize() const { return m_textureSize; }
bool useDrawPixel() { return m_textureSize == 0; }
void setShortcutPreset(std::string preset);
QString getShortcutPreset() { return m_shortcutPreset; }
int getShmMax() const {
return m_shmmax;
} //! \sa The \p sysctl unix command.
int getShmSeg() const {
return m_shmseg;
} //! \sa The \p sysctl unix command.
int getShmAll() const {
return m_shmall;
} //! \sa The \p sysctl unix command.
int getShmMni() const {
return m_shmmni;
} //! \sa The \p sysctl unix command.
std::string getLayerNameEncoding() const { return m_layerNameEncoding; };
// Tablet tab
void enableWinInk(bool on);
bool isWinInkEnabled() const { return m_enableWinInk; }
void stopAutoSave();
void startAutoSave();
void autoSavePeriodChanged();
std::unique_ptr<QSettings> m_settings;
QStringList m_languageList, m_styleSheetList;
QMap<int, QString> m_roomMaps;
std::vector<LevelFormat> m_levelFormats;
QString m_units, m_cameraUnits, m_scanLevelType, m_currentRoomChoice,
m_oldUnits, m_oldCameraUnits, m_ffmpegPath, m_shortcutPreset,
m_customProjectRoot, m_interfaceFont, m_interfaceFontStyle;
QString m_fastRenderPath;
double m_defLevelWidth, m_defLevelHeight, m_defLevelDpi;
TDimension m_iconSize;
TPixel32 m_blankColor, m_frontOnionColor, m_backOnionColor, m_transpCheckBg,
m_transpCheckInk, m_transpCheckPaint;
int m_autosavePeriod, // minutes
m_chunkSize, m_blanksCount, m_onionPaperThickness, m_step, m_shrink,
m_textureSize, m_autocreationType, m_keyframeType, m_animationStep,
m_ffmpegTimeout; // seconds
int m_projectRoot, m_importPolicy, m_interfaceFontWeight, m_guidedDrawingType;
QString m_currentLanguage, m_currentStyleSheet;
int m_undoMemorySize, // in megabytes
m_dragCellsBehaviour, m_lineTestFpsCapture, m_defLevelType, m_xsheetStep,
m_shmmax, m_shmseg, m_shmall, m_shmmni, m_vectorSnappingTarget;
bool m_autoExposeEnabled, m_autoCreateEnabled, m_subsceneFolderEnabled,
m_generatedMovieViewEnabled, m_xsheetAutopanEnabled,
m_ignoreAlphaonColumn1Enabled, m_previewAlwaysOpenNewFlipEnabled,
m_rewindAfterPlaybackEnabled, m_fitToFlipbookEnabled, m_autosaveEnabled,
m_autosaveSceneEnabled, m_autosaveOtherFilesEnabled,
m_defaultViewerEnabled, m_pixelsOnly, m_showXSheetToolbar,
m_expandFunctionHeader, m_showColumnNumbers, m_animatedGuidedDrawing;
bool m_rasterOptimizedMemory, m_saveUnpaintedInCleanup,
m_askForOverrideRender, m_automaticSVNFolderRefreshEnabled, m_SVNEnabled,
m_levelsBackupEnabled, m_minimizeSaveboxAfterEditing,
m_sceneNumberingEnabled, m_animationSheetEnabled, m_inksOnly,
bool m_fillOnlySavebox, m_show0ThickLines, m_regionAntialias;
bool m_onionSkinDuringPlayback, m_ignoreImageDpi,
bool m_keepFillOnVectorSimplify, m_useHigherDpiOnVectorSimplify;
bool m_downArrowInLevelStripCreatesNewFrame;
TPixel32 m_viewerBGColor, m_previewBGColor, m_chessboardColor1,
bool m_showRasterImagesDarkenBlendedInViewer,
bool m_dropdownShortcutsCycleOptions;
int m_viewerZoomCenter; // MOUSE_CURSOR = 0, VIEWER_CENTER = 1
// used in the load level popup. ON_DEMAND = 0, ALL_ICONS = 1,
int m_initialLoadTlvCachingBehavior;
// automatically remove 6 letters of scene number from the level name
// ("c0001_A.tlv" -> "A")
bool m_removeSceneNumberFromLoadedLevelName;
// after save level as command, replace the level with "save-as"ed level
bool m_replaceAfterSaveLevelAs;
// convert the last one digit of the frame number to alphabet
// Ex. 12 -> 1B 21 -> 2A 30 -> 3
bool m_showFrameNumberWithLetters;
// display level name on each marker in the xsheet cell area
bool m_levelNameOnEachMarker;
// whether to load the column icon(thumbnail) at once / on demand
int m_columnIconLoadingPolicy;
bool m_moveCurrentFrameByClickCellArea;
bool m_onionSkinEnabled;
bool m_multiLayerStylePickerEnabled;
bool m_precompute;
bool m_showKeyframesOnXsheetCellArea;
std::string m_layerNameEncoding = "SJIS"; // Fixed to SJIS for now. You can
// add interface if you wanna
// change encoding.
// whether to use numpad and tab key shortcut for selecting styles
bool m_useNumpadForSwitchingStyles;
// whether to set the new level size to be the same as the camera size by
// default
bool m_newLevelSizeToCameraSizeEnabled;
// use arrow key to shift cel selection, ctrl + arrow key to resize the
// selection range.
bool m_useArrowKeyToShiftCellSelection;
// enable to input drawing numbers into cells without double-clicking
bool m_inputCellsWithoutDoubleClickingEnabled;
// enable to watch file system in order to update file browser automatically
bool m_watchFileSystem;
// enable OT command shortcut keys while renaming xsheet cell
bool m_shortcutCommandsWhileRenamingCellEnabled;
QString m_xsheetLayoutPreference,
m_loadedXsheetLayout; // Classic, Classic-revised, compact
// defines which alias to be used if both are possible on coding file path
PathAliasPriority m_pathAliasPriority;
// defines behavior of toggle switch in function editor
FunctionEditorToggle m_functionEditorToggle;
bool m_currentTimelineEnabled;
bool m_enableAutoStretch;
// color calibration using 3DLUT
bool m_colorCalibrationEnabled = false;
// map of [monitor name]-[path to the lut file].
// for now non-Windows accepts only one lut path for all kinds of monitors
QMap<QString, QString> m_colorCalibrationLutPaths;
// release version check
bool m_latestVersionCheckEnabled = true;
// Cursor settings
QString m_cursorBrushType;
QString m_cursorBrushStyle;
bool m_cursorOutlineEnabled = false;
TPixel32 m_currentColumnColor, m_rasterBackgroundColor;
bool m_enableWinInk = false;
bool m_useOnionColorsForShiftAndTraceGhosts = false;
bool m_showXsheetCameraColumn = true;