Jeremy Bullock 133c867d93
Merge with core OpenToonz as of 7-5 (#73)
* add multi arc mockup

* implement mutli arc

* add join and smooth option

* reset multiarc and arc when deactivated

* create self loop if the last point is the same as the first

* make join option in multiarc consistent with tape tool

* fix a bug where thickness don't affect mutliarc in vector level

* remove join option in geometric tool

* stop mutliarc after closing shape

* double click can also end multi arc

* fix a bug where multiArc will produce buggy stroke

* fix a bug where geometric tools is not deactivated

* add multiArc shortcut

* rewrite multiArc

* revert changes to tvectorimage

* add undo data for multiArc

* Paste as Copy Command for XSheet

* Remove unneeded code

* Bug fix

* prevent guide lines from jumping around in MultiArc

* make stroke color consistent in MultiArc

* remove color in MultiArc's undo data

* make color consistent in MultiArc with previous version

* Fix single image raster levels

* fix compilation error

* fix a bug where multiArc might generate bugged stroke

* Remove ICONV dep (#3304)

* fix crash on saving studio palette

* Move to Paste Special Menu

* Don't Set Fixed Width if Docking a Floating Panel

Co-authored-by: pojienie <pojienie@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: rim <11380091+rozhuk-im@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: shun-iwasawa <shun.iwasawa@ghibli.jp>
Co-authored-by: Rodney <rodney.baker@gmail.com>
2020-07-05 23:32:52 -06:00

147 lines
5.3 KiB

#include "igs_resource_msg_from_err.h"
#include <locale>
#include <stdexcept>
#if defined UNICODE
/*------ ワイド文字文字列 --> マルチバイト文字列 ------*/
static void wcs_to_mbs(const std::wstring &wcs, std::string &mbs,
const UINT code_page) {
/* 第4引数で -1 指定により終端文字を含む大きさを返す */
int length = ::WideCharToMultiByte(code_page, 0, wcs.c_str(), -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (length <= 1) {
} /* 終端以外の文字がないなら何もしない */
/*** std::vector<char> buf(length);
length = ::WideCharToMultiByte(
code_page ,0 ,wcs.c_str() ,-1
,&buf.at(0) ,static_cast<int>(buf.size()) ,0 ,NULL
length = ::WideCharToMultiByte(code_page, 0, wcs.c_str(), -1,
static_cast<int>(mbs.size()), 0, NULL);
if (0 == length) {
switch (::GetLastError()) {
throw std::domain_error("WideCharToMultiByte():insufficient buffer");
throw std::domain_error("WideCharToMultiByte():invalid flags");
throw std::domain_error("WideCharToMultiByte():invalid parameter");
// mbs = std::string(buf.begin() ,buf.end()-1); /* 終端以外を */
mbs.erase(mbs.end() - 1); /* 終端文字を消す。end()は終端より先位置 */
/*------ UNICODE宣言ならワイド文字文字列をマルチバイト文字列に変換 ------*/
static const std::string mbs_from_ts(const std::basic_string<TCHAR> &ts) {
#if defined UNICODE
std::string mbs;
wcs_to_mbs(ts, mbs, CP_THREAD_ACP);
return mbs;
/* MBCSの場合のsize()は文字数ではなくchar(byte)数,2bytes文字は2 */
return ts;
/*------ エラーメッセージ表示の元関数、直接呼び出すことはしない ------*/
#include <sstream>
const std::string igs::resource::msg_from_err_(
const std::basic_string<TCHAR> &tit, const DWORD error_message_id,
const std::basic_string<TCHAR> &file, const std::basic_string<TCHAR> &line,
const std::basic_string<TCHAR> &funcsig,
const std::basic_string<TCHAR> &comp_type,
const std::basic_string<TCHAR> &msc_full_ver,
const std::basic_string<TCHAR> &date,
const std::basic_string<TCHAR> &time) {
汎用データ型 ワイド文字(UNICODE)(※1) マルチバイト文字(_MBCS)(※2)
TCHAR wchar_t char
LPTSTR wchar_t * char *
LPCTSTR const wchar_t * const char *
※1 1文字を16ビットのワイド文字として表すUnicode を使う方法
すべての文字が 16 ビットに固定されます。
※2 1文字を複数のバイトで表すマルチバイト文字
MBCS(Multibyte Character Set) と呼ばれる文字集合を使う方法
可変長だが、事実上、サポートされているのは 2 バイト文字までなので、
マルチバイト文字の 1 文字は 1 バイトまたは 2 バイトとなります。
Windows 2000 以降、Windows は内部で Unicode を使用しているため、
std::basic_string<TCHAR> errmsg;
errmsg += TEXT('\"');
/* makefile-vc2008mdAMD64等でコンパイルすると
std::basic_string<TCHAR>::size_type index = file.find_last_of(TEXT("/\\"));
if (std::basic_string<TCHAR>::npos != index) {
errmsg += file.substr(index + 1);
} else {
errmsg += file;
errmsg += TEXT(':');
errmsg += line;
errmsg += TEXT(':');
errmsg += comp_type;
errmsg += TEXT(":");
errmsg += msc_full_ver;
std::basic_istringstream<TCHAR> ist(date);
std::basic_string<TCHAR> month, day, year;
ist >> month;
ist >> day;
ist >> year;
errmsg += TEXT(':');
errmsg += year;
errmsg += TEXT(':');
errmsg += month;
errmsg += TEXT(':');
errmsg += day;
errmsg += TEXT(':');
errmsg += time;
errmsg += TEXT('\"');
errmsg += TEXT(' ');
errmsg += TEXT('\"');
errmsg += funcsig;
errmsg += TEXT('\"');
errmsg += TEXT(' ');
errmsg += TEXT('\"');
if (0 < tit.size()) {
errmsg += tit;
if (NO_ERROR != error_message_id) {
errmsg += TEXT(':');
LPTSTR lpMsgBuf = 0;
if (0 < ::FormatMessage(
NULL, error_message_id,
reinterpret_cast<LPTSTR>(&lpMsgBuf), 0,
NULL)) { /* --- 成功 --- */
errmsg += lpMsgBuf;
std::string::size_type index = errmsg.find_first_of(TEXT("\r\n"));
if (std::string::npos != index) {
} else { /* エラー */
errmsg += TEXT("FormatMessage() can not get (error)message");
errmsg += TEXT('\"');
/* MBCSで返す */
return mbs_from_ts(errmsg);