2021-08-16 23:36:09 -04:00

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#pragma once
#include "tgeometry.h"
#include "traster.h"
#include "kiss_fft.h"
#include "tools/kiss_fftnd.h"
#include "ttile.h"
#include "stdfx.h"
#include "tfxparam.h"
#include <QThread>
#include <QVector>
struct double4 {
double x, y, z, w;
struct double2 {
double x, y;
struct int2 {
int x, y;
namespace BokehUtils {
class MyThread : public QThread {
enum Channel { Red = 0, Green, Blue };
int m_channel;
volatile bool m_finished;
TRasterP m_layerTileRas;
double4* m_result;
double* m_alpha_bokeh;
kiss_fft_cpx* m_kissfft_comp_iris;
double m_layerHardness;
double m_masterHardness;
TRasterGR8P m_kissfft_comp_in_ras, m_kissfft_comp_out_ras;
kiss_fft_cpx *m_kissfft_comp_in, *m_kissfft_comp_out;
kiss_fftnd_cfg m_kissfft_plan_fwd, m_kissfft_plan_bkwd;
bool m_isTerminated;
// not used for now
bool m_doLightenComp;
MyThread(Channel channel, TRasterP layerTileRas, double4* result,
double* alpha_bokeh, kiss_fft_cpx* kissfft_comp_iris,
double layerHardness, double masterHardness = 0.0,
bool doLightenComp = false); // not used for now
// Convert the pixels from RGB values to exposures and multiply it by alpha
// channel value.
// Store the results in the real part of kiss_fft_cpx.
template <typename RASTER, typename PIXEL>
void setLayerRaster(const RASTER srcRas, kiss_fft_cpx* dstMem,
TDimensionI dim);
void run();
bool isFinished() { return m_finished; }
bool init();
void terminateThread() { m_isTerminated = true; }
bool checkTerminationAndCleanupThread();
class BokehRefThread : public QThread {
int m_channel;
volatile bool m_finished;
kiss_fft_cpx* m_fftcpx_channel_before;
kiss_fft_cpx* m_fftcpx_channel;
kiss_fft_cpx* m_fftcpx_alpha;
kiss_fft_cpx* m_fftcpx_iris;
double4* m_result_buff;
kiss_fftnd_cfg m_kissfft_plan_fwd, m_kissfft_plan_bkwd;
TDimensionI m_dim;
bool m_isTerminated;
BokehRefThread(int channel, kiss_fft_cpx* fftcpx_channel_before,
kiss_fft_cpx* fftcpx_channel, kiss_fft_cpx* fftcpx_alpha,
kiss_fft_cpx* fftcpx_iris, double4* result_buff,
kiss_fftnd_cfg kissfft_plan_fwd,
kiss_fftnd_cfg kissfft_plan_bkwd, TDimensionI& dim);
void run() override;
bool isFinished() { return m_finished; }
void terminateThread() { m_isTerminated = true; }
// normalize the source raster image to 0-1 and set to dstMem
// returns true if the source is (seems to be) premultiplied
template <typename RASTER, typename PIXEL>
void setSourceRaster(const RASTER srcRas, double4* dstMem, TDimensionI dim);
// normalize brightness of the depth reference image to unsigned char
// and store into dstMem
template <typename RASTER, typename PIXEL>
void setDepthRaster(const RASTER srcRas, unsigned char* dstMem,
TDimensionI dim);
// create the depth index map
void defineSegemntDepth(
const unsigned char* indexMap_main, const unsigned char* indexMap_sub,
const double* mainSub_ratio, const unsigned char* depth_host,
const TDimensionI& dimOut, QVector<double>& segmentDepth_main,
QVector<double>& segmentDepth_sub, const double focusDepth,
int distancePrecision = 10, double nearDepth = 0.0, double farDepth = 1.0);
// convert source image value rgb -> exposure
void convertRGBToExposure(const double4* source_buff, int size,
double filmGamma);
// convert result image value exposure -> rgb
void convertExposureToRGB(const double4* result_buff, int size,
double filmGamma);
// obtain iris size from the depth value
double calcIrisSize(const double depth, const double bokehPixelAmount,
const double onFocusDistance,
const double bokehAdjustment = 1.0, double nearDepth = 0.0,
double farDepth = 1.0);
// generate the segment layer source at the current depth
// considering fillGap and doMedian options
void retrieveLayer(const double4* source_buff,
const double4* segment_layer_buff,
const unsigned char* indexMap_mainSub, int index, int lx,
int ly, bool fillGap = true, bool doMedian = false,
int margin = 0);
// normal-composite the layer as is, without filtering
void compositeAsIs(const double4* segment_layer_buff,
const double4* result_buff_mainSub, int size);
// Resize / flip the iris image according to the size ratio.
// Normalize the brightness of the iris image.
// Enlarge the iris to the output size.
void convertIris(const double irisSize, kiss_fft_cpx* kissfft_comp_iris_before,
const TDimensionI& dimOut, const TRectD& irisBBox,
const TTile& irisTile);
// retrieve segment layer image for each channel
void retrieveChannel(const double4* segment_layer_buff, // src
kiss_fft_cpx* fftcpx_r_before, // dst
kiss_fft_cpx* fftcpx_g_before, // dst
kiss_fft_cpx* fftcpx_b_before, // dst
kiss_fft_cpx* fftcpx_a_before, // dst
int size);
// multiply filter on channel
void multiplyFilter(kiss_fft_cpx* fftcpx_channel, // dst
kiss_fft_cpx* fftcpx_iris, // filter
int size);
// normal comosite the alpha channel
void compositeAlpha(const double4* result_buff, // dst
const kiss_fft_cpx* fftcpx_alpha, // alpha
int lx, int ly);
// interpolate main and sub exposures
// set to result
void interpolateExposureAndConvertToRGB(
const double4* result_main_buff, // result1
const double4* result_sub_buff, // result2
const double* mainSub_ratio, // ratio
const double4* result_buff, // dst
int size, double layerHardnessRatio = 1.0);
//"Over" composite the layer to the output exposure.
void compositLayerAsIs(TTile& layerTile, double4* result, TDimensionI& dimOut,
double filmGamma);
// Do FFT the alpha channel.
// Forward FFT -> Multiply by the iris data -> Backward FFT
void calcAlfaChannelBokeh(kiss_fft_cpx* kissfft_comp_iris, TTile& layerTile,
double* alpha_bokeh);
// convert to channel value and set to output
template <typename RASTER, typename PIXEL>
void setOutputRaster(double4* src, const RASTER dstRas, TDimensionI& dim,
int2 margin);
// Get the pixel size of bokehAmount ( referenced ino_blur.cpp )
double getBokehPixelAmount(const double bokehAmount, const TAffine affine);
} // namespace BokehUtils
class Iwa_BokehCommonFx : public TStandardRasterFx {
TRasterFxPort m_iris;
TDoubleParamP m_onFocusDistance; // Focus Distance (0-1)
TDoubleParamP m_bokehAmount; // The maximum bokeh size. The size of bokeh at
// the layer separated by 1.0 from the focal
// position
TDoubleParamP m_hardness; // Film gamma
struct LayerValue {
TTile* sourceTile;
// set to false if the input image is already premultiplied.
// this parameter is now always false (assuming input images are always
// premultiplied). the value is left to keep backward compatibility
bool premultiply;
double layerHardness;
int depth_ref;
double irisSize;
double distance;
double bokehAdjustment;
double depthRange;
int distancePrecision;
bool fillGap;
bool doMedian;
void doFx(TTile& tile, double frame, const TRenderSettings& settings,
double bokehPixelAmount, int margin, TDimensionI& dimOut,
TRectD& irisBBox, TTile& irisTile, QList<LayerValue>& layerValues,
QMap<int, unsigned char*>& ctrls);
void doBokehRef(double4* result, double frame,
const TRenderSettings& settings, double bokehPixelAmount,
int margin, TDimensionI& dimOut, TRectD& irisBBox,
TTile& irisTile, kiss_fft_cpx* kissfft_comp_iris,
LayerValue layer, unsigned char* ctrl);
void doCompute(TTile& tile, double frame,
const TRenderSettings& settings) override = 0;
bool doGetBBox(double frame, TRectD& bBox,
const TRenderSettings& info) final override;
bool canHandle(const TRenderSettings& info, double frame) final override;