Campbell Barton b3bd842e04 Make functions static, ensure declarations match headers (#610)
This patch used -Wmissing-declarations warning
to show functions and symbols that had no declarations, and either:

- Make static
- Add to header

This helps avoid possability that declarations and functions get out of sync.
And ensures all source files reference headers correctly.

It also makes sure functions defined with extern "C",
have this defined in the header. An error found in calligraph.h while writing this patch.

This has been applied to toonzlib, to avoid making very large global changes.
If accepted, -Wmissing-declarations warning could be added to CMake.
2016-07-13 21:05:06 +09:00

525 lines
16 KiB

#include "trastercm.h"
#include "toonz/fill.h"
#include "toonz/ttilesaver.h"
#include "tpalette.h"
#include "tpixelutils.h"
#include <stack>
namespace { // Utility Function
inline TPoint nearestInkNotDiagonal(const TRasterCM32P &r, const TPoint &p) {
TPixelCM32 *buf = (TPixelCM32 *)r->pixels(p.y) + p.x;
if (p.x < r->getLx() - 1 && (!(buf + 1)->isPurePaint()))
return TPoint(p.x + 1, p.y);
if (p.x > 0 && (!(buf - 1)->isPurePaint())) return TPoint(p.x - 1, p.y);
if (p.y < r->getLy() - 1 && (!(buf + r->getWrap())->isPurePaint()))
return TPoint(p.x, p.y + 1);
if (p.y > 0 && (!(buf - r->getWrap())->isPurePaint()))
return TPoint(p.x, p.y - 1);
return TPoint(-1, -1);
// dal punto x,y si espande a destra e a sinistra.
// la riga ridisegnata va da *xa a *xb compresi
// x1 <= *xa <= *xb <= x2
// N.B. se non viene disegnato neanche un pixel *xa>*xb
void fillRow(const TRasterCM32P &r, const TPoint &p, int &xa, int &xb,
int paint, TPalette *palette, TTileSaverCM32 *saver) {
int tone, oldtone;
TPixelCM32 *pix, *pix0, *limit, *tmp_limit;
/* vai a destra */
TPixelCM32 *line = r->pixels(p.y);
pix0 = line + p.x;
pix = pix0;
limit = line + r->getBounds().x1;
oldtone = pix->getTone();
tone = oldtone;
for (; pix <= limit; pix++) {
if (pix->getPaint() == paint) break;
tone = pix->getTone();
if (tone > oldtone || tone == 0) break;
oldtone = tone;
if (tone == 0) {
tmp_limit = pix + 10; // edge stop fill == 10 per default
if (limit > tmp_limit) limit = tmp_limit;
for (; pix <= limit; pix++) {
if (pix->getPaint() == paint) break;
if (pix->getTone() != 0) break;
xb = p.x + pix - pix0 - 1;
/* vai a sinistra */
pix = pix0;
limit = line + r->getBounds().x0;
oldtone = pix->getTone();
tone = oldtone;
for (pix--; pix >= limit; pix--) {
if (pix->getPaint() == paint) break;
tone = pix->getTone();
if (tone > oldtone || tone == 0) break;
oldtone = tone;
if (tone == 0) {
tmp_limit = pix - 10;
if (limit < tmp_limit) limit = tmp_limit;
for (; pix >= limit; pix--) {
if (pix->getPaint() == paint) break;
if (pix->getTone() != 0) break;
xa = p.x + pix - pix0 + 1;
if (saver) saver->save(TRect(xa, p.y, xb, p.y));
if (xb >= xa) {
pix = line + xa;
int n;
for (n = 0; n < xb - xa + 1; n++, pix++) {
if (palette && pix->isPurePaint()) {
TPoint pInk = nearestInkNotDiagonal(r, TPoint(xa + n, p.y));
if (pInk != TPoint(-1, -1)) {
TPixelCM32 *pixInk =
(TPixelCM32 *)r->getRawData() + (pInk.y * r->getWrap() + pInk.x);
if (pixInk->getInk() != paint &&
palette->getStyle(pixInk->getInk())->getFlags() != 0)
inkFill(r, pInk, paint, 0, saver);
void findSegment(const TRaster32P &r, const TPoint &p, int &xa, int &xb,
const TPixel32 &color) {
int matte, oldmatte;
TPixel32 *pix, *pix0, *limit, *tmp_limit;
/* vai a destra */
TPixel32 *line = r->pixels(p.y);
pix0 = line + p.x;
pix = pix0;
limit = line + r->getBounds().x1;
oldmatte = pix->m;
matte = oldmatte;
for (; pix <= limit; pix++) {
if (*pix == color) break;
matte = pix->m;
if (matte < oldmatte || matte == 255) break;
oldmatte = matte;
if (matte == 0) {
tmp_limit = pix + 10; // edge stop fill == 10 per default
if (limit > tmp_limit) limit = tmp_limit;
for (; pix <= limit; pix++) {
if (*pix == color) break;
if (pix->m != 255) break;
xb = p.x + pix - pix0 - 1;
/* vai a sinistra */
pix = pix0;
limit = line + r->getBounds().x0;
oldmatte = pix->m;
matte = oldmatte;
for (; pix >= limit; pix--) {
if (*pix == color) break;
matte = pix->m;
if (matte < oldmatte || matte == 255) break;
oldmatte = matte;
if (matte == 0) {
tmp_limit = pix - 10;
if (limit < tmp_limit) limit = tmp_limit;
for (; pix >= limit; pix--) {
if (*pix == color) break;
if (pix->m != 255) break;
xa = p.x + pix - pix0 + 1;
class FillSeed {
int m_xa, m_xb;
int m_y, m_dy;
FillSeed(int xa, int xb, int y, int dy)
: m_xa(xa), m_xb(xb), m_y(y), m_dy(dy) {}
inline int threshTone(const TPixelCM32 &pix, int fillDepth) {
if (fillDepth == TPixelCM32::getMaxTone())
return pix.getTone();
return ((pix.getTone()) > fillDepth) ? TPixelCM32::getMaxTone()
: pix.getTone();
inline int threshMatte(int matte, int fillDepth) {
if (fillDepth == 255)
return matte;
return (matte < fillDepth) ? 255 : matte;
bool isPixelInSegment(const std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> &segments, int x) {
for (int i = 0; i < (int)segments.size(); i++) {
std::pair<int, int> segment = segments[i];
if (segment.first <= x && x <= segment.second) return true;
return false;
void insertSegment(std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> &segments,
const std::pair<int, int> segment) {
for (int i = segments.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
std::pair<int, int> app = segments[i];
if (segment.first <= app.first && app.second <= segment.second)
segments.erase(segments.begin() + i);
} // namespace
/*-- 戻り値はsaveBoxが更新されたかどうか --*/
bool fill(const TRasterCM32P &r, const FillParameters &params,
TTileSaverCM32 *saver) {
TPixelCM32 *pix, *limit, *pix0, *oldpix;
int oldy, xa, xb, xc, xd, dy;
int oldxc, oldxd;
int tone, oldtone;
TPoint p = params.m_p;
int x = p.x, y = p.y;
int paint = params.m_styleId;
int fillDepth =
params.m_shiftFill ? params.m_maxFillDepth : params.m_minFillDepth;
/*-- getBoundsは画像全面 --*/
TRect bbbox = r->getBounds();
/*- 画面外のクリックの場合はreturn -*/
if (!bbbox.contains(p)) return false;
/*- 既に同じ色が塗られている場合はreturn -*/
if ((r->pixels(p.y) + p.x)->getPaint() == paint) return false;
/*- 「透明部分だけを塗る」オプションが有効で、既に色が付いている場合はreturn
* -*/
if (params.m_emptyOnly && (r->pixels(p.y) + p.x)->getPaint() != 0)
return false;
assert(fillDepth >= 0 && fillDepth < 16);
switch (TPixelCM32::getMaxTone()) {
case 15:
fillDepth = (15 - fillDepth);
case 255:
fillDepth = ((15 - fillDepth) << 4) | (15 - fillDepth);
/*-- 四隅の色を見て、一つでも変わったらsaveBoxを更新する --*/
TPixelCM32 borderIndex[4];
TPixelCM32 *borderPix[4];
pix = r->pixels(0);
borderPix[0] = pix;
borderIndex[0] = *pix;
pix += r->getLx() - 1;
borderPix[1] = pix;
borderIndex[1] = *pix;
pix = r->pixels(r->getLy() - 1);
borderPix[2] = pix;
borderIndex[2] = *pix;
pix += r->getLx() - 1;
borderPix[3] = pix;
borderIndex[3] = *pix;
std::stack<FillSeed> seeds;
fillRow(r, p, xa, xb, paint, params.m_palette, saver);
seeds.push(FillSeed(xa, xb, y, 1));
seeds.push(FillSeed(xa, xb, y, -1));
while (!seeds.empty()) {
FillSeed fs = seeds.top();
xa = fs.m_xa;
xb = fs.m_xb;
oldy = fs.m_y;
dy = fs.m_dy;
y = oldy + dy;
if (y > bbbox.y1 || y < bbbox.y0) continue;
pix = pix0 = r->pixels(y) + xa;
limit = r->pixels(y) + xb;
oldpix = r->pixels(oldy) + xa;
x = xa;
oldxd = (std::numeric_limits<int>::min)();
oldxc = (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)();
while (pix <= limit) {
oldtone = threshTone(*oldpix, fillDepth);
tone = threshTone(*pix, fillDepth);
if (pix->getPaint() != paint && tone <= oldtone && tone != 0) {
fillRow(r, TPoint(x, y), xc, xd, paint, params.m_palette, saver);
if (xc < xa) seeds.push(FillSeed(xc, xa - 1, y, -dy));
if (xd > xb) seeds.push(FillSeed(xb + 1, xd, y, -dy));
if (oldxd >= xc - 1)
oldxd = xd;
else {
if (oldxd >= 0) seeds.push(FillSeed(oldxc, oldxd, y, dy));
oldxc = xc;
oldxd = xd;
pix += xd - x + 1;
oldpix += xd - x + 1;
x += xd - x + 1;
} else {
oldpix++, x++;
if (oldxd > 0) seeds.push(FillSeed(oldxc, oldxd, y, dy));
bool saveBoxChanged = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (!((*borderPix[i]) == borderIndex[i])) {
saveBoxChanged = true;
return saveBoxChanged;
void fill(const TRaster32P &ras, const TRaster32P &ref,
const FillParameters &params, TTileSaverFullColor *saver) {
TPixel32 *pix, *limit, *pix0, *oldpix;
int oldy, xa, xb, xc, xd, dy;
int oldxc, oldxd;
int matte, oldMatte;
int x = params.m_p.x, y = params.m_p.y;
TRaster32P workRas = ref ? ref : ras;
TRect bbbox = workRas->getBounds();
if (!bbbox.contains(params.m_p)) return;
TPaletteP plt = params.m_palette;
TPixel32 color = plt->getStyle(params.m_styleId)->getMainColor();
int fillDepth =
params.m_shiftFill ? params.m_maxFillDepth : params.m_minFillDepth;
assert(fillDepth >= 0 && fillDepth < 16);
fillDepth = ((15 - fillDepth) << 4) | (15 - fillDepth);
// looking for any pure transparent pixel along the border; if after filling
// that pixel will be changed,
// it means that I filled the bg and the savebox needs to be recomputed!
TPixel32 borderIndex;
TPixel32 *borderPix = 0;
pix = workRas->pixels(0);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < workRas->getLx(); i++, pix++) // border down
if (pix->m == 0) {
borderIndex = *pix;
borderPix = pix;
if (borderPix == 0) // not found in border down...try border up (avoid left
// and right borders...so unlikely)
pix = workRas->pixels(workRas->getLy() - 1);
for (i = 0; i < workRas->getLx(); i++, pix++) // border up
if (pix->m == 0) {
borderIndex = *pix;
borderPix = pix;
std::stack<FillSeed> seeds;
std::map<int, std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>> segments;
// fillRow(r, params.m_p, xa, xb, color ,saver);
findSegment(workRas, params.m_p, xa, xb, color);
segments[y].push_back(std::pair<int, int>(xa, xb));
seeds.push(FillSeed(xa, xb, y, 1));
seeds.push(FillSeed(xa, xb, y, -1));
while (!seeds.empty()) {
FillSeed fs = seeds.top();
xa = fs.m_xa;
xb = fs.m_xb;
oldy = fs.m_y;
dy = fs.m_dy;
y = oldy + dy;
if (y > bbbox.y1 || y < bbbox.y0) continue;
pix = pix0 = workRas->pixels(y) + xa;
limit = workRas->pixels(y) + xb;
oldpix = workRas->pixels(oldy) + xa;
x = xa;
oldxd = (std::numeric_limits<int>::min)();
oldxc = (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)();
while (pix <= limit) {
oldMatte = threshMatte(oldpix->m, fillDepth);
matte = threshMatte(pix->m, fillDepth);
bool test = false;
if (segments.find(y) != segments.end())
test = isPixelInSegment(segments[y], x);
if (*pix != color && !test && matte >= oldMatte && matte != 255) {
findSegment(workRas, TPoint(x, y), xc, xd, color);
// segments[y].push_back(std::pair<int,int>(xc, xd));
insertSegment(segments[y], std::pair<int, int>(xc, xd));
if (xc < xa) seeds.push(FillSeed(xc, xa - 1, y, -dy));
if (xd > xb) seeds.push(FillSeed(xb + 1, xd, y, -dy));
if (oldxd >= xc - 1)
oldxd = xd;
else {
if (oldxd >= 0) seeds.push(FillSeed(oldxc, oldxd, y, dy));
oldxc = xc;
oldxd = xd;
pix += xd - x + 1;
oldpix += xd - x + 1;
x += xd - x + 1;
} else {
oldpix++, x++;
if (oldxd > 0) seeds.push(FillSeed(oldxc, oldxd, y, dy));
std::map<int, std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>>::iterator it;
for (it = segments.begin(); it != segments.end(); it++) {
TPixel32 *line = ras->pixels(it->first);
TPixel32 *refLine = 0;
TPixel32 *refPix;
if (ref) refLine = ref->pixels(it->first);
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> segmentVector = it->second;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)segmentVector.size(); i++) {
std::pair<int, int> segment = segmentVector[i];
if (segment.second >= segment.first) {
pix = line + segment.first;
if (ref) refPix = refLine + segment.first;
int n;
for (n = 0; n < segment.second - segment.first + 1; n++, pix++) {
if (ref) {
*pix = *refPix;
} else
*pix = pix->m == 0 ? color : overPix(color, *pix);
static void rectFill(const TRaster32P &ras, const TRect &r, const TPixel32 &color) {}
static TPoint nearestInk(const TRasterCM32P &r, const TPoint &p, int ray) {
int i, j;
TPixelCM32 *buf = (TPixelCM32 *)r->getRawData();
for (j = std::max(p.y - ray, 0); j <= std::min(p.y + ray, r->getLy() - 1);
for (i = std::max(p.x - ray, 0); i <= std::min(p.x + ray, r->getLx() - 1);
if (!(buf + j * r->getWrap() + i)->isPurePaint()) return TPoint(i, j);
return TPoint(-1, -1);
void inkFill(const TRasterCM32P &r, const TPoint &pin, int ink, int searchRay,
TTileSaverCM32 *saver, TRect *insideRect) {
TPixelCM32 *pixels = (TPixelCM32 *)r->getRawData();
int oldInk;
TPoint p = pin;
if ((pixels + p.y * r->getWrap() + p.x)->isPurePaint() &&
(searchRay == 0 || (p = nearestInk(r, p, searchRay)) == TPoint(-1, -1))) {
TPixelCM32 *pix = pixels + (p.y * r->getWrap() + p.x);
if (pix->getInk() == ink) {
oldInk = pix->getInk();
std::stack<TPoint> seeds;
while (!seeds.empty()) {
p = seeds.top();
if (!r->getBounds().contains(p)) continue;
if (insideRect && !insideRect->contains(p)) continue;
TPixelCM32 *pix = pixels + (p.y * r->getWrap() + p.x);
if (pix->isPurePaint() || pix->getInk() != oldInk) continue;
if (saver) saver->save(p);
seeds.push(TPoint(p.x - 1, p.y - 1));
seeds.push(TPoint(p.x - 1, p.y));
seeds.push(TPoint(p.x - 1, p.y + 1));
seeds.push(TPoint(p.x, p.y - 1));
seeds.push(TPoint(p.x, p.y + 1));
seeds.push(TPoint(p.x + 1, p.y - 1));
seeds.push(TPoint(p.x + 1, p.y));
seeds.push(TPoint(p.x + 1, p.y + 1));