Tom 81934292d8 Fix for gap close lines
A fix to stop coloring gap close lines beyond the fill area.
2023-10-28 21:01:57 -04:00

1484 lines
50 KiB

#include "trastercm.h"
#include "toonz/fill.h"
#include "tregion.h"
#include "tstroke.h"
#include "tvectorimage.h"
#include "toonz/ttileset.h"
#include "toonz/ttilesaver.h"
#include "toonz/toonzimageutils.h"
#include "skeletonlut.h"
#include "tpixelutils.h"
#include <stack>
#include <tsystem.h>
#define GAP_CLOSE_TEMP 4094
#define GAP_CLOSE_USED 4095
using namespace SkeletonLut;
namespace { // Utility Function
void computeSeeds(const TRasterCM32P &r, TStroke *stroke,
std::vector<std::pair<TPoint, int>> &seeds) {
int length = (int)stroke->getLength();
TRect bbox = r->getBounds();
TPoint oldP;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
TPoint p = convert(stroke->getPointAtLength(i));
if (p == oldP || !bbox.contains(p)) continue;
std::pair<TPoint, int>(p, (r->pixels(p.y) + p.x)->getPaint()));
oldP = p;
void clampStrokeToRec(TStroke *stroke, const TRect &bbox) {
for (int i = 0; i < stroke->getControlPointCount(); i++) {
TThickPoint tp = stroke->getControlPoint(i);
TPoint p(tp.x, tp.y);
if (!bbox.contains(p)) {
if (p.x < bbox.x0)
tp.x = bbox.x0;
else if (p.x > bbox.x1)
tp.x = bbox.x1;
if (p.y < bbox.y0)
tp.y = bbox.y0;
else if (p.y > bbox.y1)
tp.y = bbox.y1;
stroke->setControlPoint(i, tp);
void fillArea(const TRasterCM32P &ras, TRegion *r, int colorId,
bool onlyUnfilled, bool fillPaints, bool fillInks) {
TRect bbox = convert(r->getBBox());
bbox *= ras->getBounds();
for (int i = bbox.y0; i <= bbox.y1; i++) {
TPixelCM32 *line = ras->pixels(i);
std::vector<double> intersections;
r->computeScanlineIntersections(i, intersections);
assert(!(intersections.size() & 0x1));
for (UINT j = 0; j < intersections.size(); j += 2) {
if (intersections[j] == intersections[j + 1]) continue;
int from = std::max(tfloor(intersections[j]), bbox.x0);
int to = std::min(tceil(intersections[j + 1]), bbox.x1);
TPixelCM32 *pix = line + from;
for (int k = from; k < to; k++, pix++) {
if (fillPaints && (!onlyUnfilled || pix->getPaint() == 0))
if (fillInks && pix->getInk() != GAP_CLOSE_TEMP) pix->setInk(colorId);
void restoreColors(const TRasterCM32P &r,
const std::vector<std::pair<TPoint, int>> &seeds) {
FillParameters params;
// in order to make the paint to protrude behind the line
params.m_prevailing = false;
for (UINT i = 0; i < seeds.size(); i++) {
params.m_p = seeds[i].first;
// params.m_styleId = seeds[i].second;
params.m_styleId = IGNORECOLORSTYLE;
fill(r, params);
Return true if all \b pixels in \b rect are pure paint; otherwise return
bool areRectPixelsPurePaint(TPixelCM32 *pixels, TRect rect, int wrap) {
int dx = rect.x1 - rect.x0;
TPixelCM32 *pix = pixels + rect.y0 * wrap + rect.x0;
int x, y;
for (y = rect.y0; y <= rect.y1; y++, pix += wrap - dx - 1)
for (x = rect.x0; x <= rect.x1; x++, pix++)
if (!pix->isPurePaint()) return false;
return true;
Return true if all \b pixels in \b rect are transparent; otherwise return
bool areRectPixelsTransparent(TPixel32 *pixels, TRect rect, int wrap) {
int dx = rect.x1 - rect.x0;
TPixel32 *pix = pixels + rect.y0 * wrap + rect.x0;
int x, y;
for (y = rect.y0; y <= rect.y1; y++, pix += wrap - dx - 1)
for (x = rect.x0; x <= rect.x1; x++, pix++)
if (pix->m <= 0) return false;
return true;
} // namespace
// This function finishes candidate gap lines that were created
// during a fill process.
// combined is the levels combined as is done for the "use visible" tool option
void finishGapLines(TRasterCM32P &rin, TRect &rect, const TRasterCM32P &rbefore,
const TRasterCM32P &combined, TPalette *plt,
int clickedColorStyle, int fillIndex, int closeColorStyle,
bool closeGaps) {
TRasterCM32P r = rin->extract(rect);
assert(r->getSize() == rbefore->getSize());
assert(r->getSize() == combined->getSize());
TRasterCM32P myCombined;
if (!combined.getPointer() || combined->isEmpty()) {
myCombined = r;
} else {
myCombined = combined;
int i, j;
int filledNeighbor = 0;
int unfilledNeighbor = 0;
std::stack<TPoint> gapLinePixels;
TPoint p;
// process all the pixels looking for gap close pixels
for (i = 0; i < r->getLy(); i++) {
TPixelCM32 *pix = r->pixels(i);
TPixelCM32 *pixb = rbefore->pixels(i);
TPixelCM32 *pixc = myCombined->pixels(i);
for (j = 0; j < r->getLx(); j++, pix++, pixb++) {
int paint = pix->getPaint();
int tone = pix->getTone();
int ink = pix->getInk();
if (ink != GAP_CLOSE_TEMP) continue;
// current pixel is a gap close pixel, does it qualify to be kept?
filledNeighbor = 0;
unfilledNeighbor = 0;
// check for new filled neighbor
// north
if (i < rin->getLy() - 1 && (pix + rin->getWrap())->getTone() == 255 &&
(pix + rin->getWrap())->getInk() < IGNORECOLORSTYLE &&
(pix + rin->getWrap())->getPaint() == fillIndex &&
(pix + rin->getWrap())->getPaint() !=
(pixb + rbefore->getWrap())->getPaint()) {
// south
if (i > 0 && (pix - rin->getWrap())->getTone() == 255 &&
(pix - rin->getWrap())->getInk() < IGNORECOLORSTYLE &&
(pix - rin->getWrap())->getPaint() == fillIndex &&
(pix - rin->getWrap())->getPaint() !=
(pixb - rbefore->getWrap())->getPaint()) {
// east
if (j < rin->getLx() - 1 && (pix + 1)->getTone() == 255 &&
(pix + 1)->getInk() < IGNORECOLORSTYLE &&
(pix + 1)->getPaint() == fillIndex &&
(pix + 1)->getPaint() != (pixb + 1)->getPaint()) {
// west
if (j > 0 && (pix - 1)->getTone() == 255 &&
(pix - 1)->getInk() < IGNORECOLORSTYLE &&
(pix - 1)->getPaint() == fillIndex &&
(pix - 1)->getPaint() != (pixb - 1)->getPaint()) {
// Check for fillable but unfilled pixel neighbor
// north
if ((i < rin->getLy() - 1 && (pix + rin->getWrap())->getTone() == 255 &&
(((pix + rin->getWrap())->getPaint() == clickedColorStyle) ||
((pix + rin->getWrap())->getPaint() == 0) ||
((pix + rin->getWrap())->getPaint() == IGNORECOLORSTYLE))) &&
((pixc + myCombined->getWrap())->getTone() == 255 &&
(((pixc + myCombined->getWrap())->getPaint() == clickedColorStyle) ||
((pixc + myCombined->getWrap())->getPaint() == 0)))) {
// south
if ((i > 0 && (pix - rin->getWrap())->getTone() == 255 &&
(((pix - rin->getWrap())->getPaint() == clickedColorStyle) ||
((pix - rin->getWrap())->getPaint() == 0) ||
((pix - rin->getWrap())->getPaint() == IGNORECOLORSTYLE))) &&
((pixc - myCombined->getWrap())->getTone() == 255 &&
(((pixc - myCombined->getWrap())->getPaint() == clickedColorStyle) ||
((pixc - myCombined->getWrap())->getPaint() == 0)))) {
// east
if ((j < rin->getLx() - 1 && (pix + 1)->getTone() == 255 &&
(((pix + 1)->getPaint() == clickedColorStyle) ||
((pix + 1)->getPaint() == 0) ||
((pix + 1)->getPaint() == IGNORECOLORSTYLE))) &&
((pixc + 1)->getTone() == 255 &&
(((pixc + 1)->getPaint() == clickedColorStyle) ||
((pixc + 1)->getPaint() == 0)))) {
// west
if ((j > 0 && (pix - 1)->getTone() == 255 &&
(((pix - 1)->getPaint() == clickedColorStyle) ||
((pix - 1)->getPaint() == 0) ||
((pix - 1)->getPaint() == IGNORECOLORSTYLE))) &&
((pixc - 1)->getTone() == 255 &&
(((pixc - 1)->getPaint() == clickedColorStyle) ||
((pixc - 1)->getPaint() == 0)))) {
// determine the final disposition of the gap line pixel
if (filledNeighbor > 0) {
if (unfilledNeighbor > 0) {
// keep
if (closeGaps) {
// ink
} else {
// paint
gapLinePixels.push(TPoint(j, i));
// Print out the neighbors of kept gap close pixels, for testing
// purposes
// TSystem::outputDebug("i:"+ std::to_string(i)+", j:"+
// std::to_string(j)+", filledNeighbor:" +
// std::to_string(filledNeighbor) + ", unfilledNeighbor:" +
// std::to_string(unfilledNeighbor));
//// north
// if (i < rin->getLy() - 1){
// TSystem::outputDebug("North, r:" + std::to_string((pix +
// rin->getWrap())->getInk()) + "." + std::to_string((pix +
// rin->getWrap())->getPaint()) + "." + std::to_string((pix +
// rin->getWrap())->getTone())
// + ", combined:" + std::to_string((pixc +
// myCombined->getWrap())->getInk()) + "." + std::to_string((pixc +
// myCombined->getWrap())->getPaint()) + "." + std::to_string((pixc +
// myCombined->getWrap())->getTone())
// );
//// south
// if (i > 0) {
// TSystem::outputDebug("South, r:" + std::to_string((pix -
// rin->getWrap())->getInk()) + "." + std::to_string((pix -
// rin->getWrap())->getPaint()) + "." + std::to_string((pix -
// rin->getWrap())->getTone())
// + ", combined:" + std::to_string((pixc -
// myCombined->getWrap())->getInk()) + "." + std::to_string((pixc -
// myCombined->getWrap())->getPaint()) + "." + std::to_string((pixc
// - myCombined->getWrap())->getTone())
// );
//// east
// if (j < rin->getLx() - 1){
// TSystem::outputDebug("East, r:" + std::to_string((pix +
// 1)->getInk()) + "." + std::to_string((pix + 1)->getPaint()) + "."
// + std::to_string((pix + 1)->getTone())
// + ", combined:" + std::to_string((pixc + 1)->getInk()) + "." +
// std::to_string((pixc + 1)->getPaint()) + "." +
// std::to_string((pixc + 1)->getTone())
// );
//// west
// if (j > 0) {
// TSystem::outputDebug("West, r:" + std::to_string((pix -
// 1)->getInk()) + "." + std::to_string((pix - 1)->getPaint()) + "."
// + std::to_string((pix - 1)->getTone())
// + ", combined:" + std::to_string((pixc - 1)->getInk()) + "." +
// std::to_string((pixc - 1)->getPaint()) + "." +
// std::to_string((pixc - 1)->getTone())
// );
} else {
// paint
gapLinePixels.push(TPoint(j, i));
} else {
// ignore
// process all the GAP_CLOSE_USED ink values.
TPixelCM32 *pixels = (TPixelCM32 *)r->getRawData();
while (!gapLinePixels.empty()) {
p = gapLinePixels.top();
TPixelCM32 *pix = pixels + (p.y * r->getWrap() + p.x);
// TSystem::outputDebug("gapLinePixels, p.y:" + std::to_string(p.y) + ",
// p.x:" + std::to_string(p.x) + ", getInk():" +
// std::to_string(pix->getInk()));
// AreaFiller
AreaFiller::AreaFiller(const TRasterCM32P &ras)
: m_ras(ras)
, m_bounds(ras->getBounds())
, m_pixels(ras->pixels())
, m_wrap(ras->getWrap())
, m_color(0) {
AreaFiller::~AreaFiller() { m_ras->unlock(); }
// This function is called after rect fill of the areas, and colors the
// "autoink" type inks bordering the areas just filled with the rect.
// rbefore is the rect of the raster before rectfill.
void fillautoInks(TRasterCM32P &rin, TRect &rect, const TRasterCM32P &rbefore,
TPalette *plt, int fillIndex) {
TRasterCM32P r = rin->extract(rect);
assert(r->getSize() == rbefore->getSize());
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < r->getLy(); i++) {
TPixelCM32 *pix = r->pixels(i);
TPixelCM32 *pixb = rbefore->pixels(i);
for (j = 0; j < r->getLx(); j++, pix++, pixb++) {
int paint = pix->getPaint();
int tone = pix->getTone();
int ink = pix->getInk();
/* new
* Pseudocode:
* Start the inkFill procedure at the current pixel if:
* The ink colorstyle has autopaint enabled
* The ink colorstyle is not already the same as the fill colorstyle
* The paint colorstyle of a neighboring pixel:
* is the same as the fill colorstyle
* has changed from its prior version
if (plt->getStyle(ink)->getFlags() != 0 && ink != fillIndex &&
// north
(i < r->getLy() - 1 &&
(pix + r->getWrap())->getPaint() == fillIndex &&
(pix + r->getWrap())->getPaint() !=
(pixb + rbefore->getWrap())->getPaint())
// south
|| (i > 0 && (pix - r->getWrap())->getPaint() == fillIndex &&
(pix - r->getWrap())->getPaint() !=
(pixb - rbefore->getWrap())->getPaint())
// east
|| (j < r->getLx() - 1 && (pix + 1)->getPaint() == fillIndex &&
(pix + 1)->getPaint() != (pixb + 1)->getPaint())
// west
|| (j > 0 && (pix - 1)->getPaint() == fillIndex &&
(pix - 1)->getPaint() != (pixb - 1)->getPaint()))) {
inkFill(rin, TPoint(j, i) + rect.getP00(), fillIndex, 0, NULL, &rect);
bool AreaFiller::rectFill(const TRect &rect, int color, bool onlyUnfilled,
bool fillPaints, bool fillInks) {
// Synopsis:
// This gets the color of the pixels at the edge of the rect
// Then fills in EVERYTHING with 'color'
// Then uses the fill command to fill in the edges with their original color
// This makes sure only the enclosed areas not on the edge get filled.
/*- In case of FillInk only -*/
if (!fillPaints) {
for (int y = rect.y0; y <= rect.y1; y++) {
TPixelCM32 *pix = m_ras->pixels(y) + rect.x0;
for (int x = rect.x0; x <= rect.x1; x++, pix++) {
if (pix->getInk() == GAP_CLOSE_TEMP)
return true;
TRect r = m_bounds * rect;
int dx = r.x1 - r.x0;
int dy = (r.y1 - r.y0) * m_wrap;
if (dx < 2 || dy < 2) // rect degenerate (null contained area), skip.
return false;
std::vector<int> frameSeed(2 * (r.getLx() + r.getLy() - 2));
int x, y, count1, count2;
/*- Move ptr to the start of the Rectangular range -*/
Pixel *ptr = m_pixels + r.y0 * m_wrap + r.x0;
count1 = 0;
count2 = r.y1 - r.y0 + 1;
// If the rectangle does not contain the edge of the raster and if
// all the pixels contained in the rectangle are pure paint, it must do
// nothing!
if (!rect.contains(m_bounds) && areRectPixelsPurePaint(m_pixels, r, m_wrap))
return false;
// FrameSeed is filled with all the paints of the various areas of the
// boundary rectangle.
// It is checked if the pixels of the rectangle are all pure paint.
/*- Store the Paint ID of the contour in the frameseed -*/
for (y = r.y0; y <= r.y1; y++, ptr += m_wrap, count1++, count2++) {
if (r.x0 > 0) frameSeed[count1] = ptr->getPaint();
if (r.x1 < m_ras->getLx() - 1) frameSeed[count2] = (ptr + dx)->getPaint();
ptr = m_pixels + r.y0 * m_wrap + r.x0 + 1;
count1 = count2;
count2 = count1 + r.x1 - r.x0 - 1;
for (x = r.x0 + 1; x < r.x1; x++, ptr++, count1++, count2++) {
if (r.y0 > 0) frameSeed[count1] = ptr->getPaint();
if (r.y1 < m_ras->getLy() - 1) frameSeed[count2] = (ptr + dy)->getPaint();
assert(count2 == 2 * (r.getLx() + r.getLy() - 2));
// The inside and the edge of the rect rectangle are filled with color
Pixel *pix = m_pixels + r.y0 * m_wrap + r.x0;
if (onlyUnfilled)
for (y = r.y0; y <= r.y1; y++, pix += m_wrap - dx - 1) {
for (x = r.x0; x <= r.x1; x++, pix++) {
if (pix->getPaint() == 0) // BackgroundStyle
if (fillInks && (pix->getInk() != GAP_CLOSE_TEMP && pix->getInk() != GAP_CLOSE_USED))
for (y = r.y0; y <= r.y1; y++, pix += m_wrap - dx - 1) {
for (x = r.x0; x <= r.x1; x++, pix++) {
if (fillInks && (pix->getInk() != GAP_CLOSE_TEMP && pix->getInk() != GAP_CLOSE_USED))
// The pixels at the edge of the rectangle are filled with the paints
// (kept in frameSeed) that were there before filling the
// entire rectangle, in this way the areas that are not
// closed and should not have been filled are restored to
// the original color.
count1 = 0;
FillParameters params;
// in order to make the paint to protrude behind the line
params.m_prevailing = false;
if (r.x0 > 0)
for (y = r.y0; y <= r.y1; y++) {
params.m_p = TPoint(r.x0, y);
params.m_styleId = frameSeed[count1++];
fill(m_ras, params);
count1 += r.y1 - r.y0 + 1;
if (r.x1 < m_ras->getLx() - 1)
for (y = r.y0; y <= r.y1; y++) {
params.m_p = TPoint(r.x1, y);
params.m_styleId = frameSeed[count1++];
fill(m_ras, params);
count1 += r.y1 - r.y0 + 1;
if (r.y0 > 0)
for (x = r.x0 + 1; x < r.x1; x++) {
params.m_p = TPoint(x, r.y0);
params.m_styleId = frameSeed[count1++];
fill(m_ras, params);
count1 += r.x1 - r.x0 - 1;
if (r.y1 < m_ras->getLy() - 1)
for (x = r.x0 + 1; x < r.x1; x++) {
params.m_p = TPoint(x, r.y1);
params.m_styleId = frameSeed[count1++];
fill(m_ras, params);
return true;
void AreaFiller::strokeFill(TStroke *stroke, int colorId, bool onlyUnfilled,
bool fillPaints, bool fillInks,
const TRect &saveRect) {
std::vector<std::pair<TPoint, int>> seeds;
clampStrokeToRec(stroke, saveRect);
computeSeeds(m_ras, stroke, seeds);
TVectorImage app;
//std::cout << "\nAreaFiller::strokeFill().fillArea()";
for (UINT i = 0; i < app.getRegionCount(); i++)
fillArea(m_ras, app.getRegion(i), colorId, onlyUnfilled, fillPaints,
//std::cout << "\nAreaFiller::strokeFill(), after fillArea()";
//outputPixels("tempRaster", m_ras); // issue 1151
restoreColors(m_ras, seeds);
//std::cout << "\nAreaFiller::strokeFill(), after restoreColors()";
//outputPixels("tempRaster", m_ras); // issue 1151
// FullColorAreaFiller
FullColorAreaFiller::FullColorAreaFiller(const TRaster32P &ras)
: m_ras(ras)
, m_bounds(ras->getBounds())
, m_pixels(ras->pixels())
, m_wrap(ras->getWrap())
, m_color(0) {
FullColorAreaFiller::~FullColorAreaFiller() { m_ras->unlock(); }
void FullColorAreaFiller::rectFill(const TRect &rect,
const FillParameters &params,
bool onlyUnfilled) {
TRect bbox = m_ras->getBounds();
TRect r = rect * bbox;
if (r.isEmpty()) return;
TRaster32P workRas = m_ras->extract(r);
TRaster32P copy = workRas->clone();
TPixel32 color = params.m_palette->getStyle(params.m_styleId)->getMainColor();
// Fillo tutto il quadaratino con color
int x, y;
for (y = 0; y < workRas->getLy(); y++) {
TPixel32 *line = workRas->pixels(y);
for (x = 0; x < workRas->getLx(); x++)
*(line + x) = overPix(color, workRas->pixels(y)[x]);
FillParameters paramsApp = params;
TPixel32 refColor;
for (y = 0; y < workRas->getLy(); y++) {
paramsApp.m_p = TPoint(0, y);
if (y == 0 ||
refColor != workRas->pixels(paramsApp.m_p.y)[paramsApp.m_p.x]) {
fill(workRas, copy, paramsApp);
refColor = workRas->pixels(paramsApp.m_p.y)[paramsApp.m_p.x];
for (y = 0; y < workRas->getLy(); y++) {
paramsApp.m_p = TPoint(workRas->getLx() - 1, y);
if (y == 0 ||
refColor != workRas->pixels(paramsApp.m_p.y)[paramsApp.m_p.x]) {
fill(workRas, copy, paramsApp);
refColor = workRas->pixels(paramsApp.m_p.y)[paramsApp.m_p.x];
for (x = 0; x < workRas->getLx(); x++) {
paramsApp.m_p = TPoint(x, 0);
if (x == 0 ||
refColor != workRas->pixels(paramsApp.m_p.y)[paramsApp.m_p.x]) {
fill(workRas, copy, paramsApp);
refColor = workRas->pixels(paramsApp.m_p.y)[paramsApp.m_p.x];
for (x = 0; x < workRas->getLx(); x++) {
paramsApp.m_p = TPoint(x, workRas->getLy() - 1);
if (x == 0 ||
refColor != workRas->pixels(paramsApp.m_p.y)[paramsApp.m_p.x]) {
fill(workRas, copy, paramsApp);
refColor = workRas->pixels(paramsApp.m_p.y)[paramsApp.m_p.x];
// InkSegmenter
const int damInk = 4094; //same value as the tempoary gap close lines?
#define GROW_FACTOR 2.51
class InkSegmenter {
int m_lx, m_ly, m_wrap;
int m_displaceVector[8];
TPixelCM32 *m_buf;
TRect m_bBox;
TRasterCM32P m_r;
TTileSaverCM32 *m_saver;
float m_growFactor;
int m_oldInk;
bool m_clearInk;
InkSegmenter(const TRasterCM32P &r, float growFactor, TTileSaverCM32 *saver,
bool clearInk = false)
: m_r(r)
, m_lx(r->getLx())
, m_ly(r->getLy())
, m_wrap(r->getWrap())
, m_buf((TPixelCM32 *)r->getRawData())
, m_bBox(r->getBounds())
, m_saver(saver)
, m_clearInk(clearInk)
, m_oldInk(-1)
, m_growFactor(growFactor) {
m_displaceVector[0] = -m_wrap - 1;
m_displaceVector[1] = -m_wrap;
m_displaceVector[2] = -m_wrap + 1;
m_displaceVector[3] = -1;
m_displaceVector[4] = +1;
m_displaceVector[5] = m_wrap - 1;
m_displaceVector[6] = m_wrap;
m_displaceVector[7] = m_wrap + 1;
bool compute(const TPoint &pin, int ink, bool isSelective) {
TPixelCM32 *pix;
int distance;
TPixelCM32 *master;
TPoint mp, sp;
TPixelCM32 *slave;
TPixelCM32 *d11, *d12, *d21, *d22;
TPoint d1p1, d1p2, d2p1, d2p2;
TPoint p = pin;
if (!m_bBox.contains(p)) return false;
if ((m_buf + p.y * m_wrap + p.x)->isPurePaint() &&
((p = nearestInk(p, 2)) == TPoint(-1, -1)))
return false;
pix = m_buf + p.y * m_wrap + p.x;
/*-- If the same ink is used, RETURN --*/
if (pix->getInk() == ink && !m_clearInk) return false;
if (!ConnectionTable[neighboursCode(pix, p)]) {
master = slave = pix;
mp = sp = p;
distance = 0;
} else
distance = findTwinPoints(pix, p, master, mp, slave, sp);
if (distance == -1) return false;
if (!findDam(master, mp, slave, sp, distance, d11, d1p1, d12, d1p2))
d11 = d12 = d21 = d22 = 0;
findDamRev(master, mp, slave, sp, distance, d21, d2p1, d22, d2p2);
// vector<pair<TPixelCM32*, int> > oldInks;
drawSegment(d1p1, d1p2, damInk, m_saver);
drawSegment(d2p1, d2p2, damInk, m_saver);
inkSegmentFill(p, ink, isSelective, m_saver);
// UINT i;
if (m_clearInk) {
drawSegment(d1p1, d1p2, m_oldInk, m_saver, true);
drawSegment(d2p1, d2p2, m_oldInk, m_saver, true);
} else {
drawSegment(d1p1, d1p2, ink, m_saver);
drawSegment(d2p1, d2p2, ink, m_saver);
/* for (i=0; i<oldInks.size(); i++)
return true;
void drawSegment(
const TPoint &p0, const TPoint &p1, int ink,
/*vector<pair<TPixelCM32*, int> >& oldInks,*/ TTileSaverCM32 *saver,
bool clearInk = false);
int findTwinPoints(TPixelCM32 *pix, const TPoint &p, TPixelCM32 *&master,
TPoint &mp, TPixelCM32 *&slave, TPoint &sp);
int searchForNearestSlave(TPixelCM32 *pix1, TPixelCM32 *pix2,
const TPoint &p1, TPoint &p2, TPixelCM32 *&slave,
TPoint &sp);
int rearrangePoints(TPixelCM32 *&master, TPoint &mp, TPixelCM32 *&slave,
int s_prewalker, TPoint &sp, int walk);
int rearrangePointsRev(TPixelCM32 *&master, TPoint &mp, TPixelCM32 *&slave,
int s_prewalker, TPoint &sp, int walk);
int dragSlave(TPoint mp, TPixelCM32 *&slave, int &s_prewalker, TPoint &sp);
int dragSlaveRev(TPoint mp, TPixelCM32 *&slave, int &s_prewalker, TPoint &sp,
TPixelCM32 *first_slave);
bool findDam(TPixelCM32 *master, TPoint mp, TPixelCM32 *slave, TPoint sp,
int distance, TPixelCM32 *&d11, TPoint &d1p1, TPixelCM32 *&d12,
TPoint &d1p2);
void findDamRev(TPixelCM32 *master, TPoint mp, TPixelCM32 *slave, TPoint sp,
int distance, TPixelCM32 *&d11, TPoint &d1p1,
TPixelCM32 *&d12, TPoint &d1p2);
int nextPointIsGoodRev(TPoint mp, TPoint sp, TPixelCM32 *slave,
int s_prewalker, int distance);
int nextPointIsGood(TPoint mp, TPoint sp, TPixelCM32 *slave, int s_prewalker,
int distance);
void inkSegmentFill(const TPoint &p, int ink, bool isSelective,
TTileSaverCM32 *saver);
TPoint nearestInk(const TPoint &p, int ray);
inline int stepReversed(TPixelCM32 *walker, int prewalker, int &distance,
const TPoint &p1, TPoint &p2);
inline int stepForward(TPixelCM32 *walker, int prewalker, int &distance,
const TPoint &p1, TPoint &p2);
TPixelCM32 *ePix(TPixelCM32 *br) { return (br + 1); }
TPixelCM32 *wPix(TPixelCM32 *br) { return (br - 1); }
TPixelCM32 *nPix(TPixelCM32 *br) { return (br + m_wrap); }
TPixelCM32 *sPix(TPixelCM32 *br) { return (br - m_wrap); }
TPixelCM32 *swPix(TPixelCM32 *br) { return (br - m_wrap - 1); }
TPixelCM32 *nwPix(TPixelCM32 *br) { return (br + m_wrap - 1); }
TPixelCM32 *nePix(TPixelCM32 *br) { return (br + m_wrap + 1); }
TPixelCM32 *sePix(TPixelCM32 *br) { return (br - m_wrap + 1); }
UCHAR neighboursCode(TPixelCM32 *seed, const TPoint &p) {
// assert(p == TPoint((seed-m_buf)%m_wrap, (seed-m_buf)/m_wrap));
bool w = (p.x > 0), e = (p.x < m_lx - 1), s = (p.y > 0),
n = (p.y < m_ly - 1);
return (((s && w) ? ((!swPix(seed)->isPurePaint())) : 0) |
((s) ? ((!sPix(seed)->isPurePaint()) << 1) : 0) |
((s && e) ? ((!sePix(seed)->isPurePaint()) << 2) : 0) |
((w) ? ((!wPix(seed)->isPurePaint()) << 3) : 0) |
((e) ? ((!ePix(seed)->isPurePaint()) << 4) : 0) |
((n && w) ? ((!nwPix(seed)->isPurePaint()) << 5) : 0) |
((n) ? ((!nPix(seed)->isPurePaint()) << 6) : 0) |
((n && e) ? ((!nePix(seed)->isPurePaint()) << 7) : 0));
#define DRAW_SEGMENT(a, b, da, db, istr1, istr2, block) \
{ \
d = 2 * db - da; \
incr_1 = 2 * db; \
incr_2 = 2 * (db - da); \
while (a < da) { \
if (d <= 0) { \
d += incr_1; \
a++; \
istr1; \
} else { \
d += incr_2; \
a++; \
b++; \
istr2; \
} \
block; \
} \
#define SET_INK \
{ \
if (saver) saver->save(TPoint(x1 + x, y1 + y)); \
/*if (buf->getInk()!=damInk)*/ \
/* oldInks.push_back(pair<TPixelCM32*, int>(buf, buf->getInk()));*/ \
if (!clearInk) buf->setInk(ink); \
pixels.push_back(buf); \
points.push_back(TPoint(x1 + x, y1 + y)); \
#define CLEAR_INK \
{ \
if (saver) saver->save(TPoint(x1 + x, y1 + y)); \
buf->setInk(ink); \
buf->setTone(255); \
void InkSegmenter::drawSegment(
const TPoint &p0, const TPoint &p1, int ink,
/*vector<pair<TPixelCM32*, int> >& oldInks,*/ TTileSaverCM32 *saver,
bool clearInk) {
int x, y, dx, dy, d, incr_1, incr_2;
int x1 = p0.x;
int y1 = p0.y;
int x2 = p1.x;
int y2 = p1.y;
if (x1 > x2) {
std::swap(x1, x2);
std::swap(y1, y2);
TPixelCM32 *buf = m_r->pixels() + y1 * m_wrap + x1;
if (buf->getInk() != damInk) m_oldInk = buf->getInk();
/* oldInks.push_back(pair<TPixelCM32*, int>(buf, buf->getInk()));
if ((m_r->pixels() + y2*m_wrap + x2)->getInk()!=damInk)
oldInks.push_back(pair<TPixelCM32*, int>(m_r->pixels() + y2*m_wrap +
x2, (m_r->pixels() + y2*m_wrap + x2)->getInk()));*/
if (saver) {
(m_r->pixels() + y2 * m_wrap + x2)->setInk(ink);
std::vector<TPixelCM32*> pixels;
std::vector<TPoint> points;
if (clearInk) {
(m_r->pixels() + y2 * m_wrap + x2)->setTone(255);
pixels.push_back(m_r->pixels() + y2 * m_wrap + x2);
points.push_back(TPoint(x1, y1));
points.push_back(TPoint(x2, y2));
dx = x2 - x1;
dy = y2 - y1;
x = y = 0;
if (dy >= 0) {
if (dy <= dx)
DRAW_SEGMENT(x, y, dx, dy, (buf++), (buf += m_wrap + 1), SET_INK)
DRAW_SEGMENT(y, x, dy, dx, (buf += m_wrap), (buf += m_wrap + 1), SET_INK)
} else {
dy = -dy;
if (dy <= dx)
DRAW_SEGMENT(x, y, dx, dy, (buf++), (buf -= (m_wrap - 1)), SET_INK)
DRAW_SEGMENT(y, x, dy, dx, (buf -= m_wrap), (buf -= (m_wrap - 1)),
if (clearInk) {
bool lonelyPixels = true;
// make sure we don't put back the original color of isolated pixels.
int i = 0;
for (auto pix : pixels) {
bool e = ((points[i].x + 1) < m_lx), w = ((points[i].x - 1) >= 0),
n = ((points[i].y + 1) < m_ly), s = ((points[i].y - 1) >= 0);
if ((e && ePix(pix)->getInk() != damInk && !ePix(pix)->isPurePaint()) ||
(w && wPix(pix)->getInk() != damInk && !wPix(pix)->isPurePaint()) ||
(s && sPix(pix)->getInk() != damInk && !sPix(pix)->isPurePaint()) ||
(n && nPix(pix)->getInk() != damInk && !nPix(pix)->isPurePaint()) ||
(n && e && nePix(pix)->getInk() != damInk &&
!nePix(pix)->isPurePaint()) ||
(s && e && sePix(pix)->getInk() != damInk &&
!sePix(pix)->isPurePaint()) ||
(s && w && swPix(pix)->getInk() != damInk &&
!swPix(pix)->isPurePaint()) ||
(n && w && nwPix(pix)->getInk() != damInk &&
!nwPix(pix)->isPurePaint())) {
lonelyPixels = false;
if (lonelyPixels) {
for (auto pix : pixels) {
else {
for (auto pix : pixels) {
void InkSegmenter::inkSegmentFill(const TPoint &p, int ink, bool isSelective,
TTileSaverCM32 *saver) {
int x = p.x, y = p.y;
int lx = m_r->getLx();
int ly = m_r->getLy();
TPixelCM32 *pixels = (TPixelCM32 *)m_r->getRawData();
TPixelCM32 *pix = pixels + p.y * m_wrap + x;
int oldInk;
if (pix->isPurePaint() || (pix->getInk() == ink && !m_clearInk)) return;
if (isSelective) oldInk = pix->getInk();
std::stack<TPoint> seeds;
while (!seeds.empty()) {
TPoint seed = seeds.top();
// if(!m_r->getBounds().contains(seed)) continue;
x = seed.x;
y = seed.y;
TPixelCM32 *pix = pixels + (y * m_wrap + x);
if (pix->isPurePaint() || (pix->getInk() == ink && !m_clearInk) ||
pix->getInk() == damInk || (isSelective && pix->getInk() != oldInk))
if (saver) saver->save(seed);
if (m_clearInk) pix->setTone(255);
if (x > 0) seeds.push(TPoint(x - 1, y));
if (y > 0) seeds.push(TPoint(x, y - 1));
if (y < ly - 1) seeds.push(TPoint(x, y + 1));
if (x < lx - 1) seeds.push(TPoint(x + 1, y));
if (x == lx - 1 || x == 0 || y == ly - 1 || y == 0) continue;
if (ePix(pix)->getInk() == damInk || wPix(pix)->getInk() == damInk ||
sPix(pix)->getInk() == damInk || nPix(pix)->getInk() == damInk ||
nePix(pix)->getInk() == damInk || sePix(pix)->getInk() == damInk ||
swPix(pix)->getInk() == damInk || nwPix(pix)->getInk() == damInk)
seeds.push(TPoint(x - 1, y - 1));
seeds.push(TPoint(x - 1, y + 1));
seeds.push(TPoint(x + 1, y - 1));
seeds.push(TPoint(x + 1, y + 1));
TPoint InkSegmenter::nearestInk(const TPoint &p, int ray) {
int i, j;
for (j = std::max(p.y - ray, 0); j <= std::min(p.y + ray, m_ly - 1); j++)
for (i = std::max(p.x - ray, 0); i <= std::min(p.x + ray, m_lx - 1); i++)
if (!(m_buf + j * m_wrap + i)->isPurePaint()) return TPoint(i, j);
return TPoint(-1, -1);
int InkSegmenter::findTwinPoints(TPixelCM32 *pix, const TPoint &p,
TPixelCM32 *&master, TPoint &mp,
TPixelCM32 *&slave, TPoint &sp) {
TPixelCM32 *row_p1, *col_p1, *row_p2, *col_p2;
int distance;
int row_x1, row_x2, col_y1, col_y2;
row_p1 = pix - 1;
row_x1 = p.x - 1;
while (row_x1 + 1 < m_lx && !(row_p1 + 1)->isPurePaint()) {
row_p2 = pix + 1;
row_x2 = p.x + 1;
while (row_x2 - 1 > 0 && !(row_p2 - 1)->isPurePaint()) {
master = row_p1;
mp.x = row_x1;
mp.y = p.y;
col_p1 = pix - m_wrap;
col_y1 = p.y - 1;
while (col_y1 + 1 < m_ly && !(col_p1 + m_wrap)->isPurePaint()) {
col_p1 += m_wrap;
col_p2 = pix + m_wrap;
col_y2 = p.y + 1;
while (col_y2 - 1 > 0 && !(col_p2 - 1)->isPurePaint()) {
col_p2 -= m_wrap;
if (row_x1 - row_x2 <= col_y1 - col_y2) {
master = row_p1;
mp = TPoint(row_x1, p.y);
TPoint auxp(row_x2, p.y);
if ((distance =
searchForNearestSlave(row_p1, row_p2, mp, auxp, slave, sp)) != 0)
return distance;
master = col_p1;
mp = TPoint(p.x, col_y1);
auxp = TPoint(p.x, col_y2);
if ((distance = searchForNearestSlave(col_p1, col_p2, mp, auxp, slave,
sp)) == 0 /*&& !is_connecting(p1)*/)
return -1;
} else {
master = col_p1;
mp = TPoint(p.x, col_y1);
TPoint auxp(p.x, col_y2);
if ((distance =
searchForNearestSlave(col_p1, col_p2, mp, auxp, slave, sp)) != 0)
return distance;
master = row_p1;
mp = TPoint(row_x1, p.y);
auxp = TPoint(row_x2, p.y);
if ((distance = searchForNearestSlave(row_p1, row_p2, mp, auxp, slave,
sp)) == 0 /*&& !is_connecting(p1)*/)
return -1;
return distance;
inline void newP(int next, TPoint &p) {
switch (next) {
case 0:
case 3:
case 5:
p.x -= 1;
case 2:
case 4:
case 7:
p.x += 1;
switch (next) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
p.y -= 1;
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
p.y += 1;
inline int InkSegmenter::stepReversed(TPixelCM32 *walker, int prewalker,
int &distance, const TPoint &p1,
TPoint &p2) {
int next = NextPointTableRev[(neighboursCode(walker, p2) << 3) | prewalker];
newP(next, p2);
distance = norm2(p1 - p2);
return next;
inline int InkSegmenter::stepForward(TPixelCM32 *walker, int prewalker,
int &distance, const TPoint &p1,
TPoint &p2) {
int next = NextPointTable[(neighboursCode(walker, p2) << 3) | prewalker];
newP(next, p2);
distance = norm2(p1 - p2);
return next;
int InkSegmenter::searchForNearestSlave(TPixelCM32 *pix1, TPixelCM32 *pix2,
const TPoint &p1, TPoint &p2,
TPixelCM32 *&slave, TPoint &sp) {
int curr_distance, new_distance;
UCHAR prewalker, next;
TPixelCM32 *walker;
TPoint currp2;
currp2 = p2;
curr_distance = norm2(p1 - p2);
walker = pix2;
slave = pix2;
sp = p2;
prewalker = FirstPreseedTable[neighboursCode(walker, p2)];
next = stepForward(walker, prewalker, new_distance, p1, p2);
if (curr_distance != 0 && new_distance < curr_distance) {
while (p2.x > 0 && p2.x < m_lx - 1 && p2.y > 0 && p2.y < m_ly - 1 &&
new_distance < curr_distance && new_distance != 0) {
curr_distance = new_distance;
sp.x = p2.x;
sp.y = p2.y;
walker = walker + m_displaceVector[next];
slave = walker;
prewalker = (~next) & 0x7;
next = stepForward(walker, prewalker, new_distance, p1, p2);
if (new_distance != 0) return curr_distance;
curr_distance = norm2(p1 - p2);
walker = pix2;
p2 = currp2;
UCHAR code = neighboursCode(walker, p2);
next = FirstPreseedTable[code];
next = NextPointTable[(code << 3) | next];
prewalker = next;
next = stepReversed(walker, prewalker, new_distance, p1, p2);
if (p2.x > 0 && p2.x < m_lx - 1 && p2.y > 0 && p2.y < m_ly - 1 &&
curr_distance != 0 && new_distance < curr_distance) {
while (new_distance < curr_distance && new_distance > 0) {
curr_distance = new_distance;
sp = p2;
walker = walker + m_displaceVector[next];
slave = walker;
prewalker = (~next) & 0x7;
next = stepReversed(walker, prewalker, new_distance, p1, p2);
if (new_distance != 0) return curr_distance;
} else if (new_distance != 0)
return curr_distance;
return 0;
int InkSegmenter::rearrangePoints(TPixelCM32 *&master, TPoint &mp,
TPixelCM32 *&slave, int s_prewalker,
TPoint &sp, int walk) {
int s_next;
while (walk-- && sp.x > 0 && sp.x < m_lx - 1 && sp.y > 0 && sp.y < m_ly - 1) {
s_next =
NextPointTableRev[((neighboursCode(slave, sp)) << 3) | s_prewalker];
newP(s_next, sp);
slave = slave + m_displaceVector[s_next];
s_prewalker = (~s_next) & 0x7;
return 1;
int InkSegmenter::rearrangePointsRev(TPixelCM32 *&master, TPoint &mp,
TPixelCM32 *&slave, int s_prewalker,
TPoint &sp, int walk) {
int s_next;
while (walk-- && sp.x > 0 && sp.x < m_lx - 1 && sp.y > 0 && sp.y < m_ly - 1) {
s_next = NextPointTable[((neighboursCode(slave, sp)) << 3) | s_prewalker];
// s_next = NEXT_POINT_24(*slave, s_prewalker);
newP(s_next, sp);
slave = slave + m_displaceVector[s_next];
s_prewalker = (~s_next) & 0x7;
return 1;
int InkSegmenter::dragSlave(TPoint mp, TPixelCM32 *&slave, int &s_prewalker,
TPoint &sp) {
int distance, s_next, new_distance;
int ret = 0;
distance = norm2(mp - sp);
s_next = stepForward(slave, s_prewalker, new_distance, mp, sp);
while (sp.x > 0 && sp.x < m_lx - 1 && sp.y > 0 && sp.y < m_ly - 1 &&
(new_distance < distance ||
nextPointIsGood(mp, sp, slave + m_displaceVector[s_next],
(~s_next) & 0x7, distance))) {
if (!ret) ret = 1;
distance = new_distance;
slave = slave + m_displaceVector[s_next];
s_prewalker = (~s_next) & 0x7;
s_next = stepForward(slave, s_prewalker, new_distance, mp, sp);
newP(((~s_next) & 0x7), sp);
return ret;
int InkSegmenter::dragSlaveRev(TPoint mp, TPixelCM32 *&slave, int &s_prewalker,
TPoint &sp, TPixelCM32 *first_slave) {
int distance, new_distance, s_next;
int ret = 0;
distance = norm2(mp - sp);
s_next = stepReversed(slave, s_prewalker, new_distance, mp, sp);
while (sp.x > 0 && sp.x < m_lx - 1 && sp.y > 0 && sp.y < m_ly - 1 &&
(new_distance < distance ||
nextPointIsGoodRev(mp, sp, slave + m_displaceVector[s_next],
(~s_next) & 0x7, distance))) {
if (!ret) ret = 1;
distance = new_distance;
slave = slave + m_displaceVector[s_next];
if (slave == first_slave) return -1;
s_prewalker = (~s_next) & 0x7;
s_next = stepReversed(slave, s_prewalker, new_distance, mp, sp);
newP(((~s_next) & 0x7), sp);
return ret;
bool InkSegmenter::findDam(TPixelCM32 *master, TPoint mp, TPixelCM32 *slave,
TPoint sp, int distance, TPixelCM32 *&d11,
TPoint &d1p1, TPixelCM32 *&d12, TPoint &d1p2)
int ref_distance, m_prewalker, s_prewalker, m_next, next, ret;
unsigned int walkalone = 0;
TPixelCM32 *first_slave, *first_master;
first_slave = slave;
first_master = master;
ref_distance = tround(m_growFactor * ((float)distance + 1));
m_prewalker = FirstPreseedTable[neighboursCode(master, mp)];
if (!ConnectionTable[neighboursCode(master, mp)])
s_prewalker = FirstPreseedTableRev[neighboursCode(slave, sp)];
else {
UCHAR code = neighboursCode(slave, sp);
next = FirstPreseedTable[code];
next = NextPointTable[(code << 3) | next];
s_prewalker = next;
while (mp.x > 0 && mp.x < m_lx - 1 && mp.y > 0 && mp.y < m_ly - 1 &&
distance < ref_distance &&
!(((m_next = NextPointTable[((neighboursCode(master, mp)) << 3) |
m_prewalker]) == s_prewalker) &&
master == slave)) {
newP(m_next, mp);
master = master + m_displaceVector[m_next];
m_prewalker = (~m_next) & 0x7;
ret = dragSlaveRev(mp, slave, s_prewalker, sp, first_slave);
if (ret == -1) return false;
if (ret == 0)
walkalone = 0;
if (master == first_master) break;
distance = norm2(mp - sp);
if (walkalone > 0)
rearrangePoints(master, mp, slave, s_prewalker, sp, walkalone);
d11 = master;
d1p1 = mp;
d12 = slave;
d1p2 = sp;
return 1;
void InkSegmenter::findDamRev(TPixelCM32 *master, TPoint mp, TPixelCM32 *slave,
TPoint sp, int distance, TPixelCM32 *&d11,
TPoint &d1p1, TPixelCM32 *&d12, TPoint &d1p2)
int ref_distance, m_prewalker, s_prewalker, m_next, next;
unsigned int walkalone = 0;
TPixelCM32 *first_master;
first_master = master;
ref_distance = tround(GROW_FACTOR * ((float)distance + 1));
m_prewalker = FirstPreseedTableRev[neighboursCode(master, mp)];
if (!ConnectionTable[neighboursCode(master, mp)]) {
UCHAR code = neighboursCode(slave, sp);
next = FirstPreseedTableRev[code];
next = NextPointTableRev[(code << 3) | next];
s_prewalker = next;
} else
s_prewalker = FirstPreseedTable[neighboursCode(slave, sp)];
while (mp.x > 0 && mp.x < m_lx - 1 && mp.y > 0 && mp.y < m_ly - 1 &&
distance < ref_distance &&
!(((m_next = NextPointTableRev[((neighboursCode(master, mp)) << 3) |
m_prewalker]) == s_prewalker) &&
master == slave)) {
newP(m_next, mp);
master = master + m_displaceVector[m_next];
m_prewalker = (~m_next) & 0x7;
if (!dragSlave(mp, slave, s_prewalker, sp))
walkalone = 0;
if (master == first_master) break;
distance = norm2(mp - sp);
if (walkalone > 0)
rearrangePointsRev(master, mp, slave, s_prewalker, sp, walkalone);
d11 = master;
d1p1 = mp;
d12 = slave;
d1p2 = sp;
int InkSegmenter::nextPointIsGood(TPoint mp, TPoint sp, TPixelCM32 *slave,
int s_prewalker, int distance) {
int s_next;
s_next = NextPointTable[((neighboursCode(slave, sp)) << 3) | s_prewalker];
newP(s_next, sp);
return (norm2(mp - sp) <= distance);
int InkSegmenter::nextPointIsGoodRev(TPoint mp, TPoint sp, TPixelCM32 *slave,
int s_prewalker, int distance) {
int s_next;
s_next = NextPointTableRev[((neighboursCode(slave, sp)) << 3) | s_prewalker];
newP(s_next, sp);
return (norm2(mp - sp) <= distance);
bool inkSegment(const TRasterCM32P &r, const TPoint &p, int ink,
float growFactor, bool isSelective, TTileSaverCM32 *saver,
bool clearInk) {
InkSegmenter is(r, growFactor, saver, clearInk);
bool ret = is.compute(p, ink, isSelective);
return ret;