Campbell Barton b3bd842e04 Make functions static, ensure declarations match headers (#610)
This patch used -Wmissing-declarations warning
to show functions and symbols that had no declarations, and either:

- Make static
- Add to header

This helps avoid possability that declarations and functions get out of sync.
And ensures all source files reference headers correctly.

It also makes sure functions defined with extern "C",
have this defined in the header. An error found in calligraph.h while writing this patch.

This has been applied to toonzlib, to avoid making very large global changes.
If accepted, -Wmissing-declarations warning could be added to CMake.
2016-07-13 21:05:06 +09:00

464 lines
13 KiB

#pragma once
#include "tutil.h"
#include "tgeometry.h"
#include "tpixel.h"
#include "tpixelgr.h"
#include "tsmartpointer.h"
#include "tbigmemorymanager.h"
#undef DVAPI
#undef DVVAR
class DVAPI TRasterType {
int m_id;
enum Type {
RGBM32, // LPIXEL, matte channel considered
RGBM64, // SPIXEL, matte channel considered
CM8, // color-mapped, 8 bits
GR8, // grey tones, 8 bits
CM16, // color-mapped, 16 bits
GR16, // grey tones, 16 bits
CM24, // cmapped, 8+8+8 bits (ink, paint, ramp), +8 bits spare
CM16S8 // cmapped, 16 bits, standard SGI 256-color colormap
// ....
TRasterType(int id) : m_id(id){};
int getId() const { return m_id; };
bool operator==(TRasterType a) { return m_id == a.m_id; };
bool operator!=(TRasterType a) { return m_id != a.m_id; };
// forward declaration
template <class T>
class TRasterPT;
class TRaster;
typedef TSmartPointerT<TRaster> TRasterP;
/*!This class stores bitmap images. */
class DVAPI TRaster : public TSmartObject {
int m_pixelSize;
int m_lx, m_ly;
int m_wrap;
int m_lockCount;
TRaster *m_parent; // nel caso di sotto-raster
UCHAR *m_buffer;
bool m_bufferOwner;
// i costruttori sono qui per centralizzare la gestione della memoria
// e' comunque impossibile fare new TRaster perche' e' una classe astratta
// (clone, extract)
// crea il buffer associato (NON fa addRef())
TRaster(int lx, int ly, int pixelSize);
// si attacca ad un buffer pre-esistente (NON fa addRef() - neanche a parent)
TRaster(int lx, int ly, int pixelSize, int wrap, UCHAR *buffer,
TRaster *parent, bool bufferOwner = false);
static TAtomicVar m_totalMemory;
TThread::Mutex m_mutex;
// not implemented
TRaster(const TRaster &);
TRaster &operator=(const TRaster &);
#ifdef _DEBUG
bool m_cashed;
static unsigned long getTotalMemoryInKB();
virtual ~TRaster();
// accessors
// TRasterType getType() const {return m_type;};
int getLx() const { return m_lx; };
int getLy() const { return m_ly; };
TDimension getSize() const { return TDimension(m_lx, m_ly); };
//! Returns the length of a row in pixel.
int getWrap() const { return m_wrap; }; // lunghezza di una riga in pixel
TPointD getCenterD() const { return TPointD(0.5 * m_lx, 0.5 * m_ly); };
TPoint getCenter() const { return TPoint(m_lx / 2, m_ly / 2); };
TRect getBounds() const { return TRect(0, 0, m_lx - 1, m_ly - 1); };
int getPixelSize() const { return m_pixelSize; };
int getRowSize() const { return m_pixelSize * m_lx; };
// in bytes
// when the bigMemoryManager is active, remapping can change buffers...need to
// to lock/unlock them o use them.
void lock() {
if (!TBigMemoryManager::instance()->isActive()) return;
TThread::MutexLocker sl(&m_mutex);
if (m_parent)
void unlock() {
if (!TBigMemoryManager::instance()->isActive()) return;
TThread::MutexLocker sl(&m_mutex);
if (m_parent)
else {
assert(m_lockCount > 0);
void beginRemapping();
void endRemapping();
//! Returns a pointer to the image buffer.
// WARNING!!!!! before getting the buffer with getRawData(),
// you have to lock the raster with'lock method, and unlock
// it when you've done with the buffer
const UCHAR *getRawData() const { return m_buffer; };
UCHAR *getRawData() { return m_buffer; };
//! Returns a pointer to the image buffer positioned in the (x,y) coords.
const UCHAR *getRawData(int x, int y) const {
assert(0 <= x && x < m_lx && 0 <= y && y < m_ly);
return m_buffer + (y * m_wrap + x) * m_pixelSize;
UCHAR *getRawData(int x, int y) {
assert(0 <= x && x < m_lx && 0 <= y && y < m_ly);
return m_buffer + (y * m_wrap + x) * m_pixelSize;
bool isEmpty() const { return getSize() == TDimension(); };
TRasterP getParent() { return m_parent; }
// creazione di TRaster derivati
// devono essere virtuali puri perche' il nuovo raster creato deve essere del
// tipo giusto
virtual TRasterP clone() const = 0;
virtual TRasterP extract(TRect &rect) = 0;
virtual TRasterP create() const = 0;
virtual TRasterP create(int lx, int ly) const = 0;
// definita in termini di extract(rect); non lo posso fare subito perche'
// manca il
// costruttore di copia di TRasterP
inline virtual TRasterP extract(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1);
// operazioni sui pixel
// Copia il contenuto di src (spostato di offset) nel raster corrente.
// Il tipo deve essere lo stesso
// In caso di dimensione diversa l'area copiata e' l'intersezione dei due
// getBounds()
// e i due raster sono allineati in basso a sinistra (src[0,0] -> dst[offset])
/*!Copies the content of the source raster in the current raster.
void copy(const TRasterP &src, const TPoint &offset = TPoint());
void xMirror();
void yMirror();
void rotate180();
void rotate90();
void clear();
void clearOutside(const TRect &rect);
friend class TBigMemoryManager;
void fillRawData(const UCHAR *pixel);
void fillRawDataOutside(const TRect &rect, const UCHAR *pixel);
void remap(UCHAR *newLocation);
// Smart Pointer a TRaster
#ifdef _WIN32
template class DVAPI TSmartPointerT<TRaster>;
inline void detach(TRasterP &r) {
if (!r || r->getRefCount() == 1) return;
TRasterP tmp(r->clone());
r = tmp;
// forward declaration
template <class T>
class TRasterT;
// TRasterPT<Pixel>:
// Smart Pointer to TRasterT<Pixel>
//!\include raster_ex1.cpp
//! \include rasterpt_ex1.cpp
// class TRasterPT<T>
template <class T>
class TRasterPT final : public TSmartPointerT<TRasterT<T>> {
typedef T Pixel;
typedef TRasterT<T> Raster;
TRasterPT(int lx, int ly) { create(lx, ly); };
TRasterPT(const TDimension &d) { create(d.lx, d.ly); };
inline TRasterPT(const TRasterP &src);
inline TRasterPT(int lx, int ly, int wrap, T *buffer,
bool bufferOwner = false);
void create(int lx, int ly);
void create(const TDimension &d) { create(d.lx, d.ly); };
inline void detach();
operator TRasterP() const;
// TRasterT<Pixel>
// e' la classe concreta che discende da TRaster
template <class T>
class TRasterT : public TRaster {
// Constructors are protected to prevent direct allocation of TRasterT
// instances.
// Users must adopt the TRasterPT smart pointer syntax instead.
// Buffer Allocation
TRasterT(int lx, int ly) : TRaster(lx, ly, sizeof(T)) {}
// Buffer Attachment
TRasterT(int lx, int ly, int wrap, T *buffer, TRasterT<T> *parent,
bool bufferOwner = false)
: TRaster(lx, ly, sizeof(T), wrap, reinterpret_cast<UCHAR *>(buffer),
parent, bufferOwner) {}
typedef T Pixel;
// accessors
// WARNING!!!!! before getting the buffer with pixels(int y),
// you have to lock the raster with'lock method, and unlock
// it when you've done with the buffer
const T *pixels(int y = 0) const {
assert(0 <= y && y < getLy());
return reinterpret_cast<T *>(m_buffer) + getWrap() * y;
T *pixels(int y = 0) {
assert(0 <= y && y < getLy());
return reinterpret_cast<T *>(m_buffer) + getWrap() * y;
// Derived rasters creation
TRasterP clone() const override {
TRasterP dst = TRasterPT<T>(m_lx, m_ly);
TRasterP src(const_cast<TRaster *>((const TRaster *)this));
return dst;
TRasterP create() const override { return TRasterPT<T>(m_lx, m_ly); }
TRasterP create(int lx, int ly) const override {
return TRasterPT<T>(lx, ly);
//!\include raster_ex2.cpp
TRasterP extract(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) override {
TRect rect(x0, y0, x1, y1);
return extract(rect);
TRasterP extract(TRect &rect) override {
if (isEmpty() || getBounds().overlaps(rect) == false) return TRasterP();
rect = getBounds() * rect;
// addRef();
return TRasterP(new TRasterT<T>(rect.getLx(), rect.getLy(), m_wrap,
pixels(rect.y0) + rect.x0, this));
TRasterPT<T> extractT(TRect &rect);
TRasterPT<T> extractT(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) {
TRect rect(x0, y0, x1, y1);
return extractT(rect);
friend class TRasterPT<T>;
// Pixel Operations
void fill(const T &a) { fillRawData(reinterpret_cast<const UCHAR *>(&a)); }
void fillOutside(const TRect &rect, const T &a) {
fillRawDataOutside(rect, reinterpret_cast<const UCHAR *>(&a));
inline TRasterP TRaster::extract(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) {
TRect rect(x0, y0, x1, y1);
return extract(rect);
template <class T>
TRasterPT<T> TRasterT<T>::extractT(TRect &rect) {
if (isEmpty() || getBounds().overlaps(rect) == false) {
return TRasterPT<T>();
rect = getBounds() * rect;
// addRef();
return TRasterPT<T>(new TRasterT<T>(rect.getLx(), rect.getLy(), m_wrap,
pixels(rect.y0) + rect.x0, this));
// metodi inline di TRasterPT
// (n.b. se non si fanno esplicitament "inline" NT si confonde con dll
// exort/import)
template <class T>
inline TRasterPT<T>::TRasterPT(const TRasterP &src) {
TSmartPointerT<TRasterT<T>>::m_pointer =
dynamic_cast<TRasterT<T> *>(src.getPointer());
if (TSmartPointerT<TRasterT<T>>::m_pointer)
template <class T>
inline void TRasterPT<T>::create(int lx, int ly) {
TRasterT<T> *raster = new TRasterT<T>(lx, ly);
*this = TRasterPT<T>(raster);
template <class T>
inline void TRasterPT<T>::detach() {
if (!TSmartPointerT<TRasterT<T>>::m_pointer ||
TSmartPointerT<TRasterT<T>>::m_pointer->getRefCount() == 1)
*this = TRasterPT(TSmartPointerT<TRasterT<T>>::m_pointer->clone());
// uso l'operator di assign per aggiornare correttamente
// i reference counts del vecchio e del nuovo raster
template <class T>
inline TRasterPT<T>::operator TRasterP() const {
return TRasterP(TSmartPointerT<TRasterT<T>>::m_pointer);
template <class T>
inline TRasterPT<T>::TRasterPT(int lx, int ly, int wrap, T *buffer,
bool bufferOwner) {
TSmartPointerT<TRasterT<T>>::m_pointer =
new TRasterT<T>(lx, ly, wrap, buffer, 0, bufferOwner);
#ifdef _WIN32
// su NT e' necessario per evitare un warning nelle classi
// esportate che si riferiscono a TRaster32P/TRaster64P
// su IRIX non compila perche' non riesce ad instanziare le
// funzioni online (!!!)
template class DVAPI TSmartPointerT<TRasterT<TPixel32>>;
template class DVAPI TRasterPT<TPixel32>;
template class DVAPI TSmartPointerT<TRasterT<TPixel64>>;
template class DVAPI TRasterPT<TPixel64>;
template class DVAPI TSmartPointerT<TRasterT<TPixelGR8>>;
template class DVAPI TRasterPT<TPixelGR8>;
template class DVAPI TSmartPointerT<TRasterT<TPixelGR16>>;
template class DVAPI TRasterPT<TPixelGR16>;
template class DVAPI TSmartPointerT<TRasterT<TPixelGRD>>;
template class DVAPI TRasterPT<TPixelGRD>;
template class DVAPI TSmartPointerT<TRasterT<TPixelCY>>;
template class DVAPI TRasterPT<TPixelCY>;
typedef TRasterPT<TPixel32> TRaster32P;
typedef TRasterPT<TPixel64> TRaster64P;
typedef TRasterPT<TPixelGR8> TRasterGR8P;
typedef TRasterPT<TPixelGR16> TRasterGR16P;
typedef TRasterPT<TPixelGRD> TRasterGRDP;
typedef TRasterPT<TPixelCY> TRasterYUV422P;
// functions
// trastercentroid.cpp
TPoint computeCentroid(const TRaster32P &r);