2023-02-25 18:39:26 -05:00

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Raw Blame History

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//#include "stdfx.h"
#include "tfxparam.h"
//#include "tpixelutils.h"
#include "trop.h"
#include "particles.h"
#include "particlesengine.h"
#include "hsvutil.h"
#include "timage_io.h"
#include "tofflinegl.h"
void Particle::create_Animation(const particles_values &values, int first,
int last) {
switch (values.animation_val) {
case ParticlesFx::ANIM_CYCLE:
case ParticlesFx::ANIM_S_CYCLE:
frame = first;
animswing = 0; /*frame <0 perche' c'e' il preroll dialmeno un frame*/
case ParticlesFx::ANIM_SR_CYCLE:
frame = (int)(first + (random.getFloat()) * (last - first));
animswing = random.getFloat() > 0.5 ? 1 : 0;
frame = (int)(first + (random.getFloat()) * (last - first));
Particle::Particle(int g_lifetime, int seed, std::map<int, TTile *> porttiles,
const particles_values &values,
const particles_ranges &ranges,
std::vector<std::vector<TPointD>> &myregions, int howmany,
int first, int level, int last,
std::vector<std::vector<int>> &myHistogram,
std::vector<float> &myWeight) {
double random_s_a_range, random_speed;
std::map<int, double> imagereferences;
random = TRandom(seed);
double randomxreference = 0.0;
double randomyreference = 0.0;
create_Animation(values, 0, last);
// lifetime=values.lifetime_val.first+ranges.lifetime_range*random->getFloat();
this->level = level;
/*- 初期座標値をつくる -*/
/*-- Perspective DistributionがONかつ、SizeのControlImageが刺さっている場合
* --*/
if (myregions.size() &&
porttiles.find(values.scale_ctrl_val) != porttiles.end() &&
values.perspective_distribution_val) {
float size = myWeight[255];
/*- 候補の中のIndex -*/
float partindex = size * random.getFloat();
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
if (myWeight[i] > partindex) {
int m = 255 - i;
/*- 明度からサイズ サイズから重みを計算 -*/
float scale =
values.scale_val.first + ranges.scale_range * (float)m / 255.0f;
float weight = 1.0f / (scale * scale);
if (i > 0) partindex -= myWeight[i - 1];
int index = myHistogram[m][(int)(partindex / weight)];
x = myregions[0][index].x + (double)random.getFloat() - 0.5;
y = myregions[0][index].y + (double)random.getFloat() - 0.5;
/*- 領域がある かつ 発生領域のControlImageが刺さっている場合 -*/
else if (myregions.size() &&
porttiles.find(values.source_ctrl_val) != porttiles.end()) {
/*- howmany発生Particlesのうち、何番目に発生させたものか。
myregionが複数有る場合は、均等に割り振ることになる。 -*/
int regionindex = howmany % myregions.size();
/*- ウェイトを足しこむ -*/
float size;
if (values.source_gradation_val && !values.multi_source_val &&
myregions.size() == 1)
size = myWeight[254];
else /*- ウェイトがすべて1の場合 -*/
size = (float)myregions[regionindex].size();
/*- 候補の中のIndex -*/
int partindex = (int)(size * random.getFloat());
/*- ウェイトを引いていき、負になったインデックスを選択 -*/
if (values.source_gradation_val && !values.multi_source_val &&
myregions.size() == 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
if (myWeight[i] > partindex) {
int m = 255 - i;
if (i > 0) partindex -= myWeight[i - 1];
int index = myHistogram[m][(int)(partindex / m)];
x = myregions[regionindex][index].x + (double)random.getFloat() - 0.5;
y = myregions[regionindex][index].y + (double)random.getFloat() - 0.5;
} else /*- ウェイトがすべて1の場合 -*/
x = myregions[regionindex][(int)partindex].x + (double)random.getFloat() -
y = myregions[regionindex][(int)partindex].y + (double)random.getFloat() -
} else {
x = values.x_pos_val + values.length_val * (random.getFloat() - 0.5);
y = values.y_pos_val + values.height_val * (random.getFloat() - 0.5);
for (std::map<int, TTile *>::iterator it = porttiles.begin();
it != porttiles.end(); ++it) {
if ((values.lifetime_ctrl_val == it->first ||
values.speed_ctrl_val == it->first ||
values.scale_ctrl_val == it->first ||
values.rot_ctrl_val == it->first
/*- Speed Angleを明るさでコントロールする場合 -*/
|| (values.speeda_ctrl_val == it->first &&
!values.speeda_use_gradient_val)) &&
it->second->getRaster()) {
double tmpvalue;
get_image_reference(it->second, values, tmpvalue, ParticlesFx::GRAY_REF);
imagereferences[it->first] = tmpvalue;
if (values.lifetime_ctrl_val) {
double lifetimereference = 0.0;
lifetimereference = imagereferences[values.lifetime_ctrl_val];
lifetime = g_lifetime * lifetimereference;
} else
lifetime = g_lifetime;
// lifetime=g_lifetime;
genlifetime = lifetime;
if (values.speed_ctrl_val &&
(porttiles.find(values.speed_ctrl_val) != porttiles.end())) {
double speedreference = 0.0;
speedreference = imagereferences[values.speed_ctrl_val];
random_speed =
values.speed_val.first + (ranges.speed_range) * speedreference;
} else
random_speed =
values.speed_val.first + (ranges.speed_range) * random.getFloat();
/*- Speed Angleの制御。RangeモードとGradientモードがある -*/
if (values.speeda_ctrl_val &&
(porttiles.find(values.speeda_ctrl_val) != porttiles.end() ||
porttiles.find(values.speeda_ctrl_val + Ctrl_64_Offset) !=
porttiles.end())) {
if (values.speeda_use_gradient_val) {
/*- 参照画像のGradientを得る関数を利用して角度を得る -*/
float dir_x, dir_y;
get_image_gravity(porttiles[values.speeda_ctrl_val + Ctrl_64_Offset],
values, dir_x, dir_y);
if (dir_x == 0.0f && dir_y == 0.0f)
random_s_a_range = values.speed_val.first;
random_s_a_range = atan2f(dir_x, -dir_y);
} else {
double speedareference = 0.0;
speedareference = imagereferences[values.speeda_ctrl_val];
random_s_a_range =
values.speeda_val.first + (ranges.speeda_range) * speedareference;
} else /*- Control Imageが無ければランダム -*/
random_s_a_range =
values.speeda_val.first + (ranges.speeda_range) * random.getFloat();
trail =
(int)(values.trail_val.first + (ranges.trail_range) * random.getFloat());
vx = random_speed * sin(random_s_a_range);
vy = -random_speed * cos(random_s_a_range);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
oldx[i] = 0.;
oldy[i] = 0.;
mass = values.mass_val.first + (ranges.mass_range) * random.getFloat();
if (values.scale_ctrl_val &&
(porttiles.find(values.scale_ctrl_val) != porttiles.end())) {
double scalereference = 0.0;
scalereference = imagereferences[values.scale_ctrl_val];
scale = values.scale_val.first + (ranges.scale_range) * scalereference;
} else {
* ONのとき、かつ、ScaleにControlが無い場合、粒子サイズが小さいほど(遠くにあるので)多く分布するようになる。-*/
if (values.perspective_distribution_val) {
scale =
(values.scale_val.first * values.scale_val.second) /
(values.scale_val.second - (ranges.scale_range) * random.getFloat());
} else
scale = values.scale_val.first + (ranges.scale_range) * random.getFloat();
if (values.rot_ctrl_val &&
(porttiles.find(values.rot_ctrl_val) != porttiles.end())) {
double anglereference = 0.0;
anglereference = imagereferences[values.rot_ctrl_val];
angle = -(values.rot_val.first) - (ranges.rot_range) * anglereference;
} else
angle = -(values.rot_val.first) - (ranges.rot_range) * random.getFloat();
if (values.randomx_ctrl_val)
randomxreference = imagereferences[values.randomx_ctrl_val];
if (values.randomy_ctrl_val)
randomyreference = imagereferences[values.randomy_ctrl_val];
// if(check_Swing(values))
create_Swing(values, ranges, randomxreference, randomyreference);
create_Colors(values, ranges, porttiles);
if (scale < 0.001) scale = 0;
int Particle::check_Swing(const particles_values &values) {
return (values.randomx_val.first || values.randomx_val.second ||
values.randomy_val.first || values.randomy_val.second ||
values.rotsca_val.first || values.rotsca_val.second);
void Particle::create_Swing(const particles_values &values,
const particles_ranges &ranges,
double randomxreference, double randomyreference) {
changesignx =
(int)(values.swing_val.first + random.getFloat() * (ranges.swing_range));
changesigny =
(int)(values.swing_val.first + random.getFloat() * (ranges.swing_range));
changesigna = (int)(values.rotswing_val.first +
random.getFloat() * (ranges.rotswing_range));
if (values.swingmode_val == ParticlesFx::SWING_SMOOTH) {
if (values.randomx_ctrl_val)
smswingx = abs((int)values.randomx_val.first) +
randomxreference * (ranges.randomx_range);
smswingx = abs((int)values.randomx_val.first) +
random.getFloat() * (ranges.randomx_range);
if (values.randomy_ctrl_val)
smswingy = abs((int)values.randomy_val.first) +
randomyreference * (ranges.randomy_range);
smswingy = abs((int)values.randomy_val.first) +
random.getFloat() * (ranges.randomy_range);
smperiodx = changesignx;
smperiody = changesigny;
if (values.rotswingmode_val == ParticlesFx::SWING_SMOOTH) {
smswinga = abs((int)(values.rotsca_val.first +
random.getFloat() * (ranges.rotsca_range)));
smperioda = changesigna;
signx = random.getBool() ? 1 : -1;
signy = random.getBool() ? 1 : -1;
signa = random.getBool() ? 1 : -1;
void Particle::create_Colors(const particles_values &values,
const particles_ranges &ranges,
std::map<int, TTile *> porttiles) {
// TPixel32 color;
if (values.genfadecol_val) {
TPixel32 color;
if (values.gencol_ctrl_val &&
(porttiles.find(values.gencol_ctrl_val) != porttiles.end()))
get_image_reference(porttiles[values.gencol_ctrl_val], values, color);
color = values.gencol_val.getPremultipliedValue(random.getFloat());
gencol.fadecol = values.genfadecol_val;
if (values.gencol_spread_val) spread_color(color, values.gencol_spread_val);
gencol.col = color;
} else {
gencol.col = TPixel32::Transparent;
gencol.fadecol = 0;
if (values.finfadecol_val) {
TPixel32 color;
if (values.fincol_ctrl_val &&
(porttiles.find(values.fincol_ctrl_val) != porttiles.end()))
get_image_reference(porttiles[values.fincol_ctrl_val], values, color);
color = values.fincol_val.getPremultipliedValue(random.getFloat());
fincol.rangecol = (int)values.finrangecol_val;
fincol.fadecol = values.finfadecol_val;
if (values.fincol_spread_val) spread_color(color, values.fincol_spread_val);
fincol.col = color;
} else {
fincol.col = TPixel32::Transparent;
fincol.rangecol = 0;
fincol.fadecol = 0;
if (values.foutfadecol_val) {
TPixel32 color;
if (values.foutcol_ctrl_val &&
(porttiles.find(values.foutcol_ctrl_val) != porttiles.end()))
get_image_reference(porttiles[values.foutcol_ctrl_val], values, color);
color = values.foutcol_val.getPremultipliedValue(random.getFloat());
foutcol.rangecol = (int)values.foutrangecol_val;
foutcol.fadecol = values.foutfadecol_val;
if (values.foutcol_spread_val)
spread_color(color, values.foutcol_spread_val);
foutcol.col = color;
} else {
foutcol.col = TPixel32::Transparent;
foutcol.rangecol = 0;
foutcol.fadecol = 0;
/*-- modify_colors_and_opacityから呼ばれる。
lifetime: 粒子の現在の年齢
gencol/fincol/foutcolから色を決める --*/
void Particle::modify_colors(TPixel32 &color, double &intensity) {
float percent = 0;
if ((gencol.fadecol || fincol.fadecol) &&
(genlifetime - lifetime) <= fincol.rangecol) {
if (fincol.rangecol)
percent = (genlifetime - lifetime) / (float)(fincol.rangecol);
// color=gencol.col+percent*(fincol.col-gencol.col);
color = blend(gencol.col, fincol.col, percent);
intensity = gencol.fadecol + percent * (fincol.fadecol - gencol.fadecol);
} else if (foutcol.fadecol && lifetime <= foutcol.rangecol) {
if (foutcol.rangecol)
percent = 1 - (lifetime - 1) / (float)(foutcol.rangecol);
if (fincol.rangecol && fincol.fadecol) {
color = blend(fincol.col, foutcol.col, percent);
intensity = fincol.fadecol + percent * (foutcol.fadecol - fincol.fadecol);
} else {
color = blend(gencol.col, foutcol.col, percent);
intensity = gencol.fadecol + percent * (foutcol.fadecol - gencol.fadecol);
} else {
if (fincol.fadecol && fincol.rangecol) {
color = fincol.col;
intensity = fincol.fadecol;
} else {
color = gencol.col;
intensity = gencol.fadecol;
/*- do_render から呼ばれる。各粒子の描画の直前に色を決める -*/
void Particle::modify_colors_and_opacity(const particles_values &values,
float curr_opacity, int dist_frame,
TRaster32P raster32) {
double intensity = 0;
TPixel32 col;
if (gencol.fadecol || fincol.fadecol || foutcol.fadecol) {
modify_colors(col, intensity);
int j;
for (j = 0; j < raster32->getLy(); j++) {
TPixel32 *pix = raster32->pixels(j);
TPixel32 *endPix = pix + raster32->getLx();
while (pix < endPix) {
double factor = pix->m / 255.0;
pix->r = (UCHAR)(pix->r + intensity * (factor * col.r - pix->r));
pix->g = (UCHAR)(pix->g + intensity * (factor * col.g - pix->g));
pix->b = (UCHAR)(pix->b + intensity * (factor * col.b - pix->b));
pix->m = (UCHAR)(pix->m + intensity * (factor * col.m - pix->m));
// pop_rgbfade(pars, 0, 0, raster, raster, 1);
if (curr_opacity != 1.0)
TRop::rgbmScale(raster32, raster32, 1, 1, 1, curr_opacity);
void Particle::update_Animation(const particles_values &values, int first,
int last, int keep) {
switch (values.animation_val) {
case ParticlesFx::ANIM_RANDOM:
frame = (int)(first + random.getFloat() * (last - first));
case ParticlesFx::ANIM_R_CYCLE:
case ParticlesFx::ANIM_CYCLE:
if (!keep || frame != keep - 1)
frame = first + (frame + 1) % (last - first);
case ParticlesFx::ANIM_S_CYCLE:
case ParticlesFx::ANIM_SR_CYCLE:
if (!keep || frame != keep - 1) {
if (!animswing && frame < last - 1) {
frame = (frame + 1);
if (frame == last - 1) animswing = 1;
} else
frame = (frame - 1);
if (frame <= first) {
animswing = 0;
frame = first;
void Particle::update_Swing(const particles_values &values,
const particles_ranges &ranges,
struct pos_dummy &dummy, double randomxreference,
double randomyreference) {
if (values.swingmode_val == ParticlesFx::SWING_SMOOTH) {
if (smperiodx)
dummy.x =
smswingx * randomxreference * sin((M_PI * changesignx) / smperiodx);
dummy.x = 0;
if (smperiody)
dummy.y =
smswingy * randomyreference * sin((M_PI * changesigny) / smperiody);
dummy.y = 0;
} else {
if (values.randomx_ctrl_val)
dummy.x = (values.randomx_val.first +
(ranges.randomx_range) * randomxreference);
dummy.x = (values.randomx_val.first +
(ranges.randomx_range) * random.getFloat());
if (values.randomy_ctrl_val)
dummy.y = (values.randomy_val.first +
(ranges.randomy_range) * randomyreference);
dummy.y = (values.randomy_val.first +
(ranges.randomy_range) * random.getFloat());
if (values.rotswingmode_val == ParticlesFx::SWING_SMOOTH) {
if (smperioda)
dummy.a = smswinga * sin((M_PI * changesigna) / smperioda);
dummy.a = 0;
} else
dummy.a =
(values.rotsca_val.first + (ranges.rotsca_range) * random.getFloat());
if (!(genlifetime - lifetime)) {
signx = dummy.x > 0 ? 1 : -1;
signy = dummy.y > 0 ? 1 : -1;
signa = dummy.a > 0 ? 1 : -1;
} else {
dummy.x = (fabs(dummy.x)) * signx;
dummy.y = (fabs(dummy.y)) * signy;
dummy.a = (fabs(dummy.a)) * signa;
if (changesignx <= 0) {
// if(random->getFloat()<0.5);
signx *= -1;
changesignx = abs((int)(values.swing_val.first) +
(int)(random.getFloat() * (ranges.swing_range)));
if (values.swingmode_val == ParticlesFx::SWING_SMOOTH) {
smperiodx = changesignx;
if (values.randomx_ctrl_val)
smswingx = values.randomx_val.first +
randomxreference * (ranges.randomx_range);
smswingx = values.randomx_val.first +
random.getFloat() * (ranges.randomx_range);
if (changesigny <= 0) {
// if(random->getFloat()<0.5);
signy *= -1;
changesigny = abs((int)(values.swing_val.first) +
(int)(random.getFloat() * (ranges.swing_range)));
if (values.swingmode_val == ParticlesFx::SWING_SMOOTH) {
smperiody = changesigny;
if (values.randomy_ctrl_val)
smswingy = values.randomy_val.first +
randomyreference * (ranges.randomy_range);
smswingy = values.randomy_val.first +
random.getFloat() * (ranges.randomy_range);
if (changesigna <= 0) {
signa *= -1;
changesigna = abs((int)(values.rotswing_val.first) +
(int)(random.getFloat() * (ranges.rotswing_range)));
if (values.rotswingmode_val == ParticlesFx::SWING_SMOOTH) {
smperioda = changesigna;
smswinga =
values.rotsca_val.first + random.getFloat() * (ranges.rotsca_range);
void Particle::update_Scale(const particles_values &values,
const particles_ranges &ranges,
double scalereference, double scalestepreference) {
double scalestep;
if (values.scale_ctrl_val && values.scale_ctrl_all_val)
scale = values.scale_val.first + (ranges.scale_range) * scalereference;
else {
if (values.scalestep_ctrl_val)
scalestep = values.scalestep_val.first +
(ranges.scalestep_range) * scalestepreference;
scalestep = values.scalestep_val.first +
(ranges.scalestep_range) * random.getFloat();
if (scalestep) scale += scalestep;
if (scale < 0.001) scale = 0;
void Particle::get_image_reference(TTile *ctrl, const particles_values &values,
double &imagereference, int type) {
TRaster32P raster32 = ctrl->getRaster();
TPointD tmp(x, y);
tmp -= ctrl->m_pos;
imagereference = 0.0;
switch (type) {
case ParticlesFx::GRAY_REF:
if (raster32 && tmp.x >= 0 && tmp.x < raster32->getLx() && tmp.y >= 0 &&
troundp(tmp.y) < raster32->getLy()) {
TPixel32 pix = raster32->pixels(troundp(tmp.y))[(int)tmp.x];
imagereference =
TPixelGR8::from(pix).value / (double)TPixelGR8::maxChannelValue;
case ParticlesFx::H_REF:
if (raster32 && tmp.x >= 0 && tmp.x < raster32->getLx() && tmp.y >= 0 &&
tround(tmp.y) < raster32->getLy()) {
double aux = (double)TPixel32::maxChannelValue;
double h, s, v;
TPixel32 pix = raster32->pixels(troundp(tmp.y))[(int)tmp.x];
OLDRGB2HSV(pix.r / aux, pix.g / aux, pix.b / aux, &h, &s, &v);
imagereference = h / 360.0;
void Particle::get_image_gravity(TTile *ctrl1, const particles_values &values,
float &gx, float &gy) {
TRaster64P raster64 = ctrl1->getRaster();
TPointD tmp(x, y);
tmp -= ctrl1->m_pos;
int radius = 2;
gx = 0;
gy = 0;
if (raster64 && tmp.x >= radius && tmp.x < raster64->getLx() - radius &&
tmp.y >= radius && tmp.y < raster64->getLy() - radius) {
TPixel64 *pix = &(raster64->pixels(troundp(tmp.y))[(int)tmp.x]);
gx += 2 * TPixelGR16::from(*(pix + 1)).value;
gx += TPixelGR16::from(*(pix + 1 + raster64->getWrap() * 1)).value;
gx += TPixelGR16::from(*(pix + 1 - raster64->getWrap() * 1)).value;
gx -= 2 * TPixelGR16::from(*(pix - 1)).value;
gx -= TPixelGR16::from(*(pix - 1 + raster64->getWrap() * 1)).value;
gx -= TPixelGR16::from(*(pix - 1 - raster64->getWrap() * 1)).value;
gy += 2 * TPixelGR16::from(*(pix + raster64->getWrap() * 1)).value;
gy += TPixelGR16::from(*(pix + raster64->getWrap() * 1 + 1)).value;
gy += TPixelGR16::from(*(pix + raster64->getWrap() * 1 - 1)).value;
gy -= 2 * TPixelGR16::from(*(pix - raster64->getWrap() * 1)).value;
gy -= TPixelGR16::from(*(pix - raster64->getWrap() * 1 + 1)).value;
gy -= TPixelGR16::from(*(pix - raster64->getWrap() * 1 - 1)).value;
double norm = std::sqrt(gx * gx + gy * gy);
if (norm) {
double inorm = 0.1 / norm;
gx = gx * inorm;
gy = gy * inorm;
void Particle::get_image_reference(TTile *ctrl1, const particles_values &values,
TPixel32 &color) {
TRaster32P raster32 = ctrl1->getRaster();
TPointD tmp(x, y);
tmp -= ctrl1->m_pos;
if (raster32 && tmp.x >= 0 && tmp.x < raster32->getLx() && tmp.y >= 0 &&
troundp(tmp.y) < raster32->getLy()) {
color = raster32->pixels(troundp(tmp.y))[(int)tmp.x];
/*-- 参照画像のBBoxの外側では、粒子を透明にする --*/
color = TPixel32::Transparent;
void Particle::spread_color(TPixel32 &color, double range) {
int randcol = (int)((random.getFloat() - 0.5) * range);
int r = color.r + randcol;
int g = color.g + randcol;
int b = color.b + randcol;
color.r = (UCHAR)tcrop<TINT32>(r, (TINT32)0, (TINT32)255);
color.g = (UCHAR)tcrop<TINT32>(g, (TINT32)0, (TINT32)255);
color.b = (UCHAR)tcrop<TINT32>(b, (TINT32)0, (TINT32)255);
void Particle::move(std::map<int, TTile *> porttiles,
const particles_values &values,
const particles_ranges &ranges, float windx, float windy,
float xgravity, float ygravity, float dpicorr,
int lastframe) {
struct pos_dummy dummy;
// int time;
std::map<int, double> imagereferences;
dummy.x = dummy.y = dummy.a = 0.0;
double frictreference = 1;
double scalereference = 0;
double scalestepreference = 0;
double randomxreference = 1;
double randomyreference = 1;
for (std::map<int, TTile *>::iterator it = porttiles.begin();
it != porttiles.end(); ++it) {
if ((values.friction_ctrl_val == it->first ||
values.scale_ctrl_val == it->first ||
values.scalestep_ctrl_val == it->first ||
values.randomx_ctrl_val == it->first ||
values.randomy_ctrl_val == it->first) &&
it->second->getRaster()) {
double tmpvalue;
get_image_reference(it->second, values, tmpvalue, ParticlesFx::GRAY_REF);
imagereferences[it->first] = tmpvalue;
if (values.randomx_ctrl_val)
randomxreference = imagereferences[values.randomx_ctrl_val];
if (values.randomy_ctrl_val)
randomyreference = imagereferences[values.randomy_ctrl_val];
if (check_Swing(values))
update_Swing(values, ranges, dummy, randomxreference, randomyreference);
if (values.friction_ctrl_val)
frictreference = imagereferences[values.friction_ctrl_val];
if (values.scale_ctrl_val)
scalereference = imagereferences[values.scale_ctrl_val];
if (values.scalestep_ctrl_val)
scalestepreference = imagereferences[values.scalestep_ctrl_val];
// slide the old positions
for (int i = 2; i >= 1; i--) {
oldx[i] = oldx[i - 1];
oldy[i] = oldy[i - 1];
oldx[0] = x;
oldy[0] = y;
// time=genlifetime-lifetime-1;
// if(time<0) time=0;
if (values.gravity_ctrl_val &&
(porttiles.find(values.gravity_ctrl_val + Ctrl_64_Offset) !=
porttiles.end())) {
get_image_gravity(porttiles[values.gravity_ctrl_val + Ctrl_64_Offset],
values, xgravity, ygravity);
xgravity *= values.gravity_val;
ygravity *= values.gravity_val;
if (double friction = values.friction_val * frictreference) {
if (vx || vy) {
double v = std::sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);
double frictined_v = v * (1 + friction) + (10 / v) * friction;
if (frictined_v < 0) frictined_v = 0;
double f_ratio = frictined_v / v;
if (vx) vx *= f_ratio;
if (vy) vy *= f_ratio;
if (!vx && fabs(friction * 10) > fabs(xgravity)) {
xgravity = 0;
dummy.x = 0;
dummy.a = 0;
windx = 0;
if (!vy && fabs(friction * 10) > fabs(xgravity)) {
xgravity = 0;
dummy.x = 0;
dummy.a = 0;
windx = 0;
vx += xgravity * mass;
vy += ygravity * mass;
if (values.speedscale_val) {
float scalecorr = scale / dpicorr;
x += (vx + windx + dummy.x) * scalecorr;
y += (vy + windy + dummy.y) * scalecorr;
} else {
x += vx + windx + dummy.x;
y += vy + windy + dummy.y;
angle -= values.rotspeed_val + dummy.a;
if (!(lifetime % values.step_val) || (frame < 0)) {
update_Animation(values, 0, lastframe, 0);
update_Scale(values, ranges, scalereference, scalestepreference);
double Particle::set_Opacity(std::map<int, TTile *> porttiles,
const particles_values &values,
float opacity_range, double dist_frame) {
double opacity = 1.0, trailcorr;
if (values.fadein_val && (genlifetime - lifetime) < values.fadein_val)
opacity *= (genlifetime - lifetime - 1) / (values.fadein_val);
if (values.fadeout_val && lifetime < values.fadeout_val)
opacity *= (lifetime) / values.fadeout_val;
if (trail) {
trailcorr =
values.trailopacity_val.first +
(values.trailopacity_val.second - values.trailopacity_val.first) *
(1 - (dist_frame) / trail);
opacity *= trailcorr;
if (values.opacity_ctrl_val &&
(porttiles.find(values.opacity_ctrl_val) != porttiles.end())) {
double opacityreference = 0.0;
get_image_reference(porttiles[values.opacity_ctrl_val], values,
opacityreference, ParticlesFx::GRAY_REF);
opacity =
values.opacity_val.first + (opacity_range)*opacityreference * opacity;
} else
opacity = values.opacity_val.first + opacity_range * opacity;
return opacity;