Campbell Barton b3bd842e04 Make functions static, ensure declarations match headers (#610)
This patch used -Wmissing-declarations warning
to show functions and symbols that had no declarations, and either:

- Make static
- Add to header

This helps avoid possability that declarations and functions get out of sync.
And ensures all source files reference headers correctly.

It also makes sure functions defined with extern "C",
have this defined in the header. An error found in calligraph.h while writing this patch.

This has been applied to toonzlib, to avoid making very large global changes.
If accepted, -Wmissing-declarations warning could be added to CMake.
2016-07-13 21:05:06 +09:00

705 lines
26 KiB

#include "tcenterlinevectP.h"
// tcg includes
#include "tcg/tcg_numeric_ops.h"
// Boost includes
#include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/minmax_element.hpp>
namespace boost_c = boost::container;
//* Colors handling *
// Riassunto: Nel caso di normali raster, i tratti di penna sono colorati con
// l'elemento della palette data maggiormente tendente al nero.
// Per le Toonz colormap abilitiamo una gestione piu' complessa, che tiene
// conto del colore dell'inchiostro specificato direttamente nell'immagine.
// Nello specifico:
// a) I tratti di penna vengono rilevati in base al valore del campo *tone*
// di un TPixleCM32, non in base alla luminosita' del colore.
// (vv. Poligonizzazione)
// b) Sulle centerline grezze viene costruito un insieme di 'punti di assaggio'
// dell'immagine; gli id di inchiostro rilevati vengono assegnati
// direttamente alla stroke: se si verifica un cambio nell'id del colore,
// il punto di cambio del colore viene identificato e la centerline viene
// spezzata li'.
// c) Una volta identificati i colori delle stroke, le si ordina *prima*
// di inserirle nella vector image di output, in base al colore
// dell'immagine
// ai loro estremi (attualmente ordinamento solo parziale).
static TPixelCM32 pixel(const TRasterCM32 &ras, int x, int y) {
// Seems that raster access was not very much double-checked at the time
// I wrote this. Too bad. Enforcing it now.
return ras.pixels(tcrop(y, 0, ras.getLy() - 1))[tcrop(x, 0, ras.getLx() - 1)];
static T3DPointD firstInkChangePosition(const TRasterCM32P &ras,
const T3DPointD &start, const T3DPointD &end,
int threshold) {
double dist = norm(end - start);
int sampleMax = tceil(dist), sampleCount = sampleMax + 1;
double sampleMaxD = double(sampleMax);
// Get first ink color
int s, color = -1;
for (s = 0; s != sampleCount; ++s) {
T3DPointD p = tcg::numeric_ops::lerp(start, end, s / sampleMaxD);
const TPixelCM32 &pix = pixel(*ras, p.x, p.y);
if (pix.getTone() < threshold) {
color = pix.getInk();
// Get second color
for (; s != sampleCount; ++s) {
T3DPointD p = tcg::numeric_ops::lerp(start, end, s / sampleMaxD);
const TPixelCM32 &pix = pixel(*ras, p.x, p.y);
if (pix.getTone() < threshold && pix.getInk() != color) break;
// Return middle position between s-1 and s
if (s < sampleCount)
return tcg::numeric_ops::lerp(start, end, (s - 0.5) / sampleMaxD);
return TConsts::nap3d;
// Find color of input sequence. Will be copied to its equivalent stroke.
// Currently in use only on colormaps
// Riassunto: Per saggiare il colore da assegnare alle strokes e' meglio
// controllare
// le sequenze *prima* di convertirle in TStroke (visto che si perde parte
// dell'aderenza originale
// al tratto). Si specifica un numero di 'punti di assaggio' della spezzata
// equidistanti tra loro,
// su cui viene prelevato il valore dell'ink del pixel corrispondente. Se si
// identifica un cambio
// di colore, viene lanciata la procedura di spezzamento della sequenza: si
// identifica il punto
// di spezzamento, e la sequenza s viene bloccata li'; si costruisce una nuova
// sequenza newSeq e
// viene rilanciata sampleColor(ras,newSeq,sOpposite). Le sequenze tra due punti
// di spezzamento
// vengono inserite nel vector 'globals->singleSequences'.
// Nel caso di sequenze circolari c'e' una piccola modifica: il primo punto di
// spezzamento
//*ridefinisce solo* il nodo-raccordo di s, senza introdurre nuove sequenze.
// La sequenza sOpposite, 'inversa' di s, rimane e diventa 'forward-oriented'
// previo aggiornamento
// della coda.
// Osservare che i nodi di spezzamento vengono inseriti con la signature
// NOTA: La struttura a grafo J-S 'superiore' non viene alterata qui dentro.
// Eventualm. da fare fuori.
static void sampleColor(const TRasterCM32P &ras, int threshold, Sequence &seq,
Sequence &seqOpposite, SequenceList &singleSequences) {
SkeletonGraph *currGraph = seq.m_graphHolder;
// Calculate sequence parametrization
std::vector<unsigned int> nodes;
std::vector<double> params;
// Meanwhile, ensure each point belong to ras. Otherwise, typically an error
// occured
// in the thinning process and it's better avoid sampling procedure. Only
// exception, when
// a point has x==ras->getLx() || y==ras->getLy(); that is accepted.
const T3DPointD &headPos = *currGraph->getNode(seq.m_head);
if (!ras->getBounds().contains(TPoint(headPos.x, headPos.y))) {
if (headPos.x < 0 || ras->getLx() < headPos.x || headPos.y < 0 ||
ras->getLy() < headPos.y)
unsigned int curr, currLink, next;
double meanThickness = currGraph->getNode(seq.m_head)->z;
for (curr = seq.m_head, currLink = seq.m_headLink;
curr != seq.m_tail || params.size() == 1; seq.next(curr, currLink)) {
next = currGraph->getNode(curr).getLink(currLink).getNext();
const T3DPointD &nextPos = *currGraph->getNode(next);
if (!ras->getBounds().contains(TPoint(nextPos.x, nextPos.y))) {
if (nextPos.x < 0 || ras->getLx() < nextPos.x || nextPos.y < 0 ||
ras->getLy() < nextPos.y)
params.push_back(params.back() + tdistance(*currGraph->getNode(next),
meanThickness += currGraph->getNode(next)->z;
meanThickness /= params.size();
// Exclude 0-length sequences
if (params.back() < 0.01) {
seq.m_color = pixel(*ras, currGraph->getNode(seq.m_head)->x,
// Prepare sampling procedure
int paramCount = params.size(), paramMax = paramCount - 1;
int sampleMax = std::max(params.back() / std::max(meanThickness, 1.0),
3.0), // Number of color samples depends on
sampleCount = sampleMax + 1; // the ratio params.back() / meanThickness
std::vector<double> sampleParams(sampleCount); // Sampling lengths
std::vector<TPoint> samplePoints(
sampleCount); // Image points for color sampling
std::vector<int> sampleSegments(
sampleCount); // Sequence segment index for the above
// Sample colors
for (int s = 0, j = 0; s != sampleCount; ++s) {
double samplePar = params.back() * (s / double(sampleMax));
while (j != paramMax &&
params[j + 1] < samplePar) // params[j] < samplePar <= params[j+1]
double t = (samplePar - params[j]) / (params[j + 1] - params[j]);
T3DPointD samplePoint(*currGraph->getNode(nodes[j]) * (1 - t) +
*currGraph->getNode(nodes[j + 1]) * t);
sampleParams[s] = samplePar;
samplePoints[s] = TPoint(
double(ras->getLx() - 1)), // This deals with sample points at
double(ras->getLy() - 1))); // the top/right raster border
sampleSegments[s] = j;
// NOTE: Extremities of a sequence are considered unreliable: they typically
// happen
// to be junction points shared between possibly different-colored
// strokes.
// Find first and last extremity-free sampled points
T3DPointD first(*currGraph->getNode(seq.m_head));
T3DPointD last(*currGraph->getNode(seq.m_tail));
int i, k;
for (i = 1;
params.back() * i / double(sampleMax) <= first.z && i < sampleCount; ++i)
for (k = sampleMax - 1;
params.back() * (sampleMax - k) / double(sampleMax) <= last.z && k >= 0;
// Give s the first sampled ink color found
// Initialize with a last-resort reasonable color - not just 0
seq.m_color = seqOpposite.m_color =
int l;
for (l = i - 1; l >= 0; --l) {
if (ras->pixels(samplePoints[l].y)[samplePoints[l].x].getTone() <
threshold) {
seq.m_color = seqOpposite.m_color =
// Then, look for the first reliable ink
for (l = i; l <= k; ++l) {
if (ras->pixels(samplePoints[l].y)[samplePoints[l].x].getTone() <
threshold) {
seq.m_color = seqOpposite.m_color =
if (i >= k) goto _getOut; // No admissible segment found for splitting
// check.
// Find color changes between sampled colors
for (l = i; l < k; ++l) {
const TPixelCM32
&nextSample = ras->pixels(samplePoints[l + 1].y)[samplePoints[l + 1].x],
&nextSample2 = ras->pixels(
samplePoints[l + 2]
.y)[samplePoints[l + 2].x]; // l < k < sampleMax - so +2 is ok
if (nextSample.getTone() < threshold &&
nextSample.getInk() != seq.m_color &&
nextSample2.getTone() < threshold &&
nextSample2.getInk() ==
nextSample.getInk()) // Ignore single-sample color changes
// Found a color change - apply splitting procedure
int nextColor = nextSample.getInk();
// Identify split segment
int u;
for (u = sampleSegments[l]; u < sampleSegments[l + 1]; ++u) {
const TPixelCM32 &pix = pixel(*ras, currGraph->getNode(nodes[u + 1])->x,
currGraph->getNode(nodes[u + 1])->y);
if (pix.getTone() < threshold && pix.getInk() != seq.m_color) break;
// Now u indicates the splitting segment. Search for splitting point by
// binary subdivision.
const T3DPointD &nodeStartPos = *currGraph->getNode(nodes[u]),
&nodeEndPos = *currGraph->getNode(nodes[u + 1]);
T3DPointD splitPoint =
firstInkChangePosition(ras, nodeStartPos, nodeEndPos, threshold);
if (splitPoint == TConsts::nap3d)
splitPoint = 0.5 * (nodeStartPos +
nodeEndPos); // A color change was found, but could
// not be precisely located. Just take
// a reasonable representant.
// Insert a corresponding new node in basic graph structure.
unsigned int splitNode = currGraph->newNode(splitPoint);
unsigned int nodesLink =
currGraph->getNode(nodes[u]).linkOfNode(nodes[u + 1]);
currGraph->insert(splitNode, nodes[u], nodesLink);
*currGraph->node(splitNode).link(0) =
nodesLink = currGraph->getNode(nodes[u + 1]).linkOfNode(nodes[u]);
currGraph->insert(splitNode, nodes[u + 1], nodesLink);
*currGraph->node(splitNode).link(1) =
*currGraph->getNode(nodes[u + 1]).getLink(nodesLink);
SAMPLECOLOR_SIGN); // Sign all split-inserted nodes
if (seq.m_head == seq.m_tail &&
currGraph->getNode(seq.m_head).getLinksCount() == 2 &&
!currGraph->getNode(seq.m_head).hasAttribute(SAMPLECOLOR_SIGN)) {
// Circular case: we update s to splitNode and relaunch this very
// procedure on it.
seq.m_head = seq.m_tail = splitNode;
sampleColor(ras, threshold, seq, seqOpposite, singleSequences);
} else {
// Update upper (Joint-Sequence) graph data
Sequence newSeq;
newSeq.m_graphHolder = currGraph;
newSeq.m_head = splitNode;
newSeq.m_headLink = 0;
newSeq.m_tail = seq.m_tail;
newSeq.m_tailLink = seq.m_tailLink;
seq.m_tail = splitNode;
seq.m_tailLink = 1; // (link from splitNode to nodes[u] inserted for
// second by 'insert')
seqOpposite.m_graphHolder =
seq.m_graphHolder; // Inform that a split was found
// NOTE: access on s terminates at newSeq's push_back, due to possible
// reallocation of globals->singleSequences
if ((!(seq.m_head == newSeq.m_tail &&
currGraph->getNode(seq.m_head).getLinksCount() == 2)) &&
sampleColor(ras, threshold, newSeq, seqOpposite, singleSequences);
// Color changes not found (and therefore no newSeq got pushed back); if a
// split happened, update sOpposite.
if (currGraph->getNode(seq.m_head).hasAttribute(SAMPLECOLOR_SIGN)) {
seqOpposite.m_color = seq.m_color;
seqOpposite.m_head = seq.m_tail;
seqOpposite.m_headLink = seq.m_tailLink;
seqOpposite.m_tail = seq.m_head;
seqOpposite.m_tailLink = seq.m_headLink;
// Take samples of image colors to associate each sequence to its corresponding
// palette color. Currently working on colormaps.
// void calculateSequenceColors(const TRasterP &ras)
void calculateSequenceColors(const TRasterP &ras, VectorizerCoreGlobals &g) {
int threshold = g.currConfig->m_threshold;
SequenceList &singleSequences = g.singleSequences;
JointSequenceGraphList &organizedGraphs = g.organizedGraphs;
TRasterCM32P cm = ras;
unsigned int i, j, k;
int l;
if (cm && g.currConfig->m_maxThickness > 0.0) {
// singleSequence is traversed back-to-front because new, possibly splitted
// sequences
// are inserted at back - and don't have to be re-sampled.
for (l = singleSequences.size() - 1; l >= 0; --l) {
Sequence rear;
sampleColor(ras, threshold, singleSequences[l], rear, singleSequences);
// If rear is built, a split occurred and the rear of this
// single sequence has to be pushed back.
if (rear.m_graphHolder) singleSequences.push_back(rear);
for (i = 0; i < organizedGraphs.size(); ++i)
for (j = 0; j < organizedGraphs[i].getNodesCount(); ++j)
if (!organizedGraphs[i].getNode(j).hasAttribute(
JointSequenceGraph::ELIMINATED)) // due to junction recovery
for (k = 0; k < organizedGraphs[i].getNode(j).getLinksCount(); ++k) {
Sequence &s = *organizedGraphs[i].node(j).link(k);
if (s.isForward() &&
unsigned int next = organizedGraphs[i].node(j).link(k).getNext();
unsigned int nextLink = organizedGraphs[i].tailLinkOf(j, k);
Sequence &sOpposite =
sampleColor(cm, threshold, s, sOpposite, singleSequences);
inline void applyStrokeIndices(VectorizerCoreGlobals *globals) {
unsigned int i, j, k, n;
unsigned int next, nextLink;
for (i = 0; i < globals->singleSequences.size(); ++i)
globals->singleSequences[i].m_strokeIndex = i;
n = i;
for (i = 0; i < globals->organizedGraphs.size(); ++i) {
JointSequenceGraph *currJSGraph = &globals->organizedGraphs[i];
for (j = 0; j < currJSGraph->getNodesCount(); ++j)
if (!currJSGraph->getNode(j).hasAttribute(JointSequenceGraph::ELIMINATED))
for (k = 0; k < currJSGraph->getNode(j).getLinksCount(); ++k) {
Sequence &s = *currJSGraph->node(j).link(k);
if (s.isForward()) {
s.m_strokeIndex = n;
if (!s.m_graphHolder->getNode(s.m_tail).hasAttribute(
next = currJSGraph->getNode(j).getLink(k).getNext();
nextLink = currJSGraph->tailLinkOf(j, k);
currJSGraph->node(next).link(nextLink)->m_strokeIndex = n;
// Riassunto: Dato un grafo superiore, possiamo associare ad ogni nodo il colore
// del pixel associato a quel punto; se una sequenza e' nascosta, ha entrambi
// i nodi agli estremi di colore diverso, viceversa per sequenze esposte.
// Data una sequenza, a partire dai nodi superiori adiacenti possiamo stabilire
// un
// insieme di sequenze che gli stanno sotto, ed uno di seq. che gli stanno
// sopra.
// NOTA: Questo problema e' un caso particolare di 'graph labeling', di cui non
// ho ancora trovato soluzione. In rete qualcosa si trova...
// La seguente funzione fa qualcosa di piu' debole: ad ogni joint ed ogni
// Sequence
// viene assegnata una altezza (intero). Dato un Joint, le sequenze che lo hanno
// per estremo e che hanno lo stesso colore dell'immagine in quella posizione
// hanno
// un'altezza +1 rispetto al giunto, e viceversa altezza -1. Partendo da
// un giunto iniziale, quest'informazione viene propagata sul grafo; il problema
// sta ritornando ai giunti gia' percorsi...
// Find predominant ink color in a circle of given radius and center
static int getInkPredominance(const TRasterCM32P &ras, TPalette *palette, int x, int y,
int radius, int threshold) {
int i, j;
int mx, my, Mx, My;
std::vector<int> inksFound(palette->getStyleCount());
radius = std::min(
radius, 7); // Restrict radius for a minimum significative neighbour
mx = std::max(x - radius, 0);
my = std::max(y - radius, 0);
Mx = std::min(x + radius, ras->getLx() - 1);
My = std::min(y + radius, ras->getLy() - 1);
// Check square grid around (x,y)
for (i = mx; i <= Mx; ++i)
for (j = my; j <= My; ++j)
if (sq(i) + sq(j) <= sq(radius) &&
ras->pixels(j)[i].getTone() < threshold) {
// Update color table
inksFound[ras->pixels(j)[i].getInk()] +=
255 - ras->pixels(j)[i].getTone();
// return the most found ink
int maxCount = 0, mostFound = 0;
for (i = 0; i < (int)inksFound.size(); ++i)
if (inksFound[i] > maxCount) {
maxCount = inksFound[i];
mostFound = i;
return mostFound;
\brief Find the predominant color in sequences adjacent to the
input graph node.
\return The predominant branch color if found, \p -1 otherwise.
static int getBranchPredominance(const TRasterCM32P &ras, TPalette *palette,
JointSequenceGraph::Node &node) {
struct locals {
static inline bool valueLess(const std::pair<int, int> &a,
const std::pair<int, int> &b) {
return (a.second < b.second);
boost_c::flat_map<int, int> branchInksHistogram;
UINT l, lCount = node.getLinksCount();
for (l = 0; l != lCount; ++l) {
int color = node.getLink(l)->m_color;
if (color >= 0 && color <= palette->getStyleCount())
// Return the most found ink, or -1 if a predominance color could not be found
if (branchInksHistogram.empty()) return -1;
typedef boost_c::flat_map<int, int>::iterator histo_it;
const std::pair<histo_it, histo_it> &histoRange =
branchInksHistogram.end(), locals::valueLess);
return (histoRange.first->second == histoRange.second->second)
? -1
: histoRange.second->first;
// NOTA: Da implementare una versione in grado di ordinare *pienamente* la
// vector image.
static void sortJS(JointSequenceGraph *js,
std::vector<std::pair<int, TStroke *>> &toOrder,
const TRasterCM32P &ras, TPalette *palette) {
enum { SORTED = 0x10 };
std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, int>> nodesToDo;
unsigned int currNodeIdx, nextNodeIdx;
int currColor, currHeight, nextColor, nextHeight;
T3DPointD pD;
TPoint p;
SkeletonGraph *currGraph = js->getNode(0).getLink(0)->m_graphHolder;
unsigned int n, nCount = js->getNodesCount();
for (n = 0; n != nCount; ++n) {
// Get the first non-ELIMINATED and non-already treated JS node
if (!js->getNode(n).hasAttribute(JointSequenceGraph::ELIMINATED | SORTED)) {
nodesToDo.push_back(std::make_pair(n, 0));
while (!nodesToDo.empty()) {
currNodeIdx = nodesToDo.back().first;
currHeight = nodesToDo.back().second;
JointSequenceGraph::Node &currNode = js->node(currNodeIdx);
// Sign current node
// Initialize this node infos
pD = *currGraph->getNode(currNode.getLink(0)->m_head);
p = TPoint(pD.x, pD.y);
if (!ras->getBounds().contains(p)) continue;
// currColor = getInkPredominance(ras, palette, p.x, p.y, (int) pD.z);
// //ras->pixels(p.y)[p.x].getInk();
currColor = getBranchPredominance(ras, palette, currNode);
if (currColor < 0) currColor = ras->pixels(p.y)[p.x].getInk();
int l, lCount = currNode.getLinksCount();
for (l = 0; l != lCount; ++l) {
nextNodeIdx = currNode.getLink(l).getNext();
Sequence &s = *currNode.link(l);
// Check if outgoing sequence has current color (front) or not (back)
toOrder[s.m_strokeIndex].first =
(s.m_color == currColor) ? currHeight : currHeight - 1;
if (!(currNode.getLink(l).getAccess() == SORTED)) {
// Deal with this unchecked branch
// If sequence was not split (due to color change)
if (!currGraph->getNode(s.m_tail).hasAttribute(SAMPLECOLOR_SIGN)) {
JointSequenceGraph::Node &nextNode = js->node(nextNodeIdx);
// Then check nextNode
pD = *currGraph->getNode(nextNode.getLink(0)->m_head);
p = TPoint(pD.x, pD.y);
if (!ras->getBounds().contains(p)) continue;
// If nextNode was not already inserted in ToDo vector, do it now.
if (!nextNode.hasAttribute(SORTED)) {
// nextColor = getInkPredominance(ras, palette, p.x, p.y, (int)
// pD.z);
nextColor = getBranchPredominance(ras, palette, nextNode);
if (nextColor < 0) nextColor = ras->pixels(p.y)[p.x].getInk();
nextHeight = (s.m_color == nextColor)
? toOrder[s.m_strokeIndex].first
: toOrder[s.m_strokeIndex].first + 1;
nodesToDo.push_back(std::make_pair(nextNodeIdx, nextHeight));
// Deny access to its inverse (already processed now)
nextNode.link(js->tailLinkOf(currNodeIdx, l)).setAccess(SORTED);
inline void orderColoredStrokes(JointSequenceGraphList &organizedGraphs,
std::vector<TStroke *> &strokes,
const TRasterCM32P &ras, TPalette *palette) {
// Initialize ordering
std::vector<std::pair<int, TStroke *>> strokesByHeight(
std::make_pair(-(std::numeric_limits<int>::max)(), (TStroke *)0));
size_t s, sCount = strokes.size();
for (s = 0; s != sCount; ++s) strokesByHeight[s].second = strokes[s];
size_t og, ogCount = organizedGraphs.size();
for (og = 0; og != ogCount; ++og)
sortJS(&organizedGraphs[og], strokesByHeight, ras, palette);
// Now, we have the order vector filled, apply sorting algorithm.
std::sort(strokesByHeight.begin(), strokesByHeight.end());
for (s = 0; s != sCount; ++s) strokes[s] = strokesByHeight[s].second;
// Take samples of image colors to associate each stroke to its corresponding
// palette color. Currently working on colormaps, closest-to-black strokes
// otherwise.
void applyStrokeColors(std::vector<TStroke *> &strokes, const TRasterP &ras,
TPalette *palette, VectorizerCoreGlobals &g) {
JointSequenceGraphList &organizedGraphs = g.organizedGraphs;
SequenceList &singleSequences = g.singleSequences;
TRasterCM32P cm = ras;
unsigned int i, j, k, n;
if (cm && g.currConfig->m_maxThickness > 0.0) {
// Treat single sequences before, like conversionToStrokes(..)
for (i = 0; i < singleSequences.size(); ++i)
// Then, treat remaining graph-strokes
n = i;
for (i = 0; i < organizedGraphs.size(); ++i)
for (j = 0; j < organizedGraphs[i].getNodesCount(); ++j)
if (!organizedGraphs[i].getNode(j).hasAttribute(
JointSequenceGraph::ELIMINATED)) // due to junction recovery
for (k = 0; k < organizedGraphs[i].getNode(j).getLinksCount(); ++k) {
Sequence &s = *organizedGraphs[i].node(j).link(k);
if (s.isForward()) {
// vi->getStroke(n)->setStyle(s.m_color);
// Order vector image according to actual color-coverings at junctions.
orderColoredStrokes(organizedGraphs, strokes, cm, palette);
} else {
// Choose closest-to-black palette color
int blackStyleId = palette->getClosestStyle(TPixel32::Black);
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < strokes.size(); ++i) strokes[i]->setStyle(blackStyleId);