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// This Fx is based on & modified from the source code by Zhanping Liu, licensed
// with the terms as follows:
//----------------[Start of the License Notice]-----------------
/// Line Integral Convolution for Flow Visualization ///
/// Initial Version ///
/// May 15, 1999 ///
/// by Zhanping Liu ///
/// (zhanping@erc.msstate.edu) ///
/// while with Graphics Laboratory, ///
/// Peking University, P. R. China ///
/// Later Condensed ///
/// May 4, 2002 ///
/// ///
/// VAIL (Visualization Analysis & Imaging Laboratory) ///
/// ERC (Engineering Research Center) ///
/// Mississippi State University ///
/// This code was developed based on the original algorithm proposed by///
/// Brian Cabral and Leith (Casey) Leedom in the paper "Imaging Vector///
/// Fields Using Line Integral Convolution", published in Proceedings of///
/// ACM SigGraph 93, Aug 2-6, Anaheim, California, pp. 263-270, 1993.///
/// Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this code for any///
/// purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above notice///
/// appears in all copies and that both that notice and this permission///
/// appear in supporting documentation. The developer of this code makes///
/// no representations about the suitability of this code for any///
/// purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.///
//-----------------[End of the License Notice]------------------
#include "iwa_flowblurfx.h"
#include <QThreadPool>
namespace {
const double LINE_SQUARE_CLIP_MAX = 100000.0;
const double VECTOR_COMPONENT_MIN = 0.05;
inline double clamp01(double val) {
return (val > 1.0) ? 1.0 : (val < 0.0) ? 0.0 : val;
// convert sRGB color space to power space
template <typename T = double>
inline T to_linear_color_space(T nonlinear_color, T exposure, T gamma) {
if (nonlinear_color <= T(0)) return T(0);
return std::pow(nonlinear_color, gamma) / exposure;
// convert power space to sRGB color space
template <typename T = double>
inline T to_nonlinear_color_space(T linear_color, T exposure, T gamma) {
if (linear_color <= T(0)) return T(0);
return std::pow(linear_color * exposure, T(1) / gamma);
} // namespace
template <typename RASTER, typename PIXEL>
void Iwa_FlowBlurFx::setSourceTileToBuffer(const RASTER srcRas, double4 *buf,
bool isLinear, double gamma) {
double4 *buf_p = buf;
for (int j = 0; j < srcRas->getLy(); j++) {
PIXEL *pix = srcRas->pixels(j);
for (int i = 0; i < srcRas->getLx(); i++, pix++, buf_p++) {
(*buf_p).x = double(pix->r) / double(PIXEL::maxChannelValue);
(*buf_p).y = double(pix->g) / double(PIXEL::maxChannelValue);
(*buf_p).z = double(pix->b) / double(PIXEL::maxChannelValue);
(*buf_p).w = double(pix->m) / double(PIXEL::maxChannelValue);
if (isLinear && (*buf_p).w > 0.0) {
(*buf_p).x =
to_linear_color_space((*buf_p).x / (*buf_p).w, 1.0, gamma) *
(*buf_p).y =
to_linear_color_space((*buf_p).y / (*buf_p).w, 1.0, gamma) *
(*buf_p).z =
to_linear_color_space((*buf_p).z / (*buf_p).w, 1.0, gamma) *
template <typename RASTER, typename PIXEL>
void Iwa_FlowBlurFx::setFlowTileToBuffer(const RASTER flowRas, double2 *buf,
double *refBuf) {
double2 *buf_p = buf;
double *refBuf_p = refBuf;
for (int j = 0; j < flowRas->getLy(); j++) {
PIXEL *pix = flowRas->pixels(j);
for (int i = 0; i < flowRas->getLx(); i++, pix++, buf_p++) {
double val = double(pix->r) / double(PIXEL::maxChannelValue);
(*buf_p).x = val * 2.0 - 1.0;
val = double(pix->g) / double(PIXEL::maxChannelValue);
(*buf_p).y = val * 2.0 - 1.0;
if (refBuf != nullptr) {
*refBuf_p = double(pix->b) / double(PIXEL::maxChannelValue);
template <typename RASTER, typename PIXEL>
void Iwa_FlowBlurFx::setReferenceTileToBuffer(const RASTER refRas,
double *buf) {
double *buf_p = buf;
for (int j = 0; j < refRas->getLy(); j++) {
PIXEL *pix = refRas->pixels(j);
for (int i = 0; i < refRas->getLx(); i++, pix++, buf_p++) {
// Value = 0.3R 0.59G 0.11B
(*buf_p) = (double(pix->r) * 0.3 + double(pix->g) * 0.59 +
double(pix->b) * 0.11) /
template <typename RASTER, typename PIXEL>
void Iwa_FlowBlurFx::setOutputRaster(double4 *out_buf, const RASTER dstRas,
bool isLinear, double gamma) {
double4 *buf_p = out_buf;
for (int j = 0; j < dstRas->getLy(); j++) {
PIXEL *pix = dstRas->pixels(j);
for (int i = 0; i < dstRas->getLx(); i++, pix++, buf_p++) {
if (!isLinear || (*buf_p).w == 0.0) {
pix->r = (typename PIXEL::Channel)(clamp01((*buf_p).x) *
pix->g = (typename PIXEL::Channel)(clamp01((*buf_p).y) *
pix->b = (typename PIXEL::Channel)(clamp01((*buf_p).z) *
} else {
double val;
val = to_nonlinear_color_space((*buf_p).x / (*buf_p).w, 1.0, gamma) *
pix->r = (typename PIXEL::Channel)(clamp01(val) *
val = to_nonlinear_color_space((*buf_p).y / (*buf_p).w, 1.0, gamma) *
pix->g = (typename PIXEL::Channel)(clamp01(val) *
val = to_nonlinear_color_space((*buf_p).z / (*buf_p).w, 1.0, gamma) *
pix->b = (typename PIXEL::Channel)(clamp01(val) *
pix->m = (typename PIXEL::Channel)(clamp01((*buf_p).w) *
void FlowBlurWorker::run() {
auto sourceAt = [&](int x, int y) {
if (x < 0 || x >= m_dim.lx || y < 0 || y >= m_dim.ly) return double4();
return m_source_buf[y * m_dim.lx + x];
auto flowAt = [&](int x, int y) {
if (x < 0 || x >= m_dim.lx || y < 0 || y >= m_dim.ly) return double2();
return m_flow_buf[y * m_dim.lx + x];
double logDist[101];
if (m_filterType == Gaussian) {
double scale = 1.0 / 3.0;
for (int i = 0; i <= 101; i++) {
double x = (double)i / 100.0;
logDist[i] = std::tanh(x / (2.0 * scale));
auto getCumulative = [&](double pos) {
if (pos > 1.0) return 1.0;
if (m_filterType == Linear)
return 2.0 * pos - pos * pos;
else if (m_filterType == Gaussian)
return logDist[(int)(std::ceil(pos * 100.0))];
else // Flat
return pos;
int max_ADVCTS = int(m_krnlen * 3); // MAXIMUM number of advection steps per
// direction to break dead loops
double4 *out_p = &m_out_buf[m_yFrom * m_dim.lx];
double *ref_p =
(m_reference_buf) ? &m_reference_buf[m_yFrom * m_dim.lx] : nullptr;
// for each pixel in the 2D output LIC image
for (int j = m_yFrom; j < m_yTo; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m_dim.lx; i++, out_p++) {
double4 t_acum[2]; // texture accumulators zero-initialized
double w_acum[2] = {0., 0.}; // weight accumulators zero-initialized
double blurLength = (ref_p) ? (*ref_p) * m_krnlen : m_krnlen;
if (blurLength == 0.0) {
(*out_p) = sourceAt(i, j);
if (ref_p) ref_p++;
// for either advection direction
for (int advDir = 0; advDir < 2; advDir++) {
// init the step counter, curve-length measurer, and streamline seed///
int advcts =
0; // number of ADVeCTion stepS per direction (a step counter)
double curLen = 0.0; // CURrent LENgth of the streamline
double clp0_x =
(double)i + 0.5; // x-coordinate of CLiP point 0 (current)
double clp0_y =
(double)j + 0.5; // y-coordinate of CLiP point 0 (current)
// until the streamline is advected long enough or a tightly spiralling
// center / focus is encountered///
double2 pre_vctr = flowAt(int(clp0_x), int(clp0_y));
if (advDir == 1) {
pre_vctr.x = -pre_vctr.x;
pre_vctr.y = -pre_vctr.y;
while (curLen < blurLength && advcts < max_ADVCTS) {
// access the vector at the sample
double2 vctr = flowAt(int(clp0_x), int(clp0_y));
// in case of a critical point
if (vctr.x == 0.0 && vctr.y == 0.0) {
w_acum[advDir] = (advcts == 0) ? 1.0 : w_acum[advDir];
// negate the vector for the backward-advection case
if (advDir == 1) {
vctr.x = -vctr.x;
vctr.y = -vctr.y;
// assuming that the flow field vector is bi-directional
// if the vector is at an acute angle to the previous vector, negate
// it.
if (vctr.x * pre_vctr.x + vctr.y * pre_vctr.y < 0) {
vctr.x = -vctr.x;
vctr.y = -vctr.y;
// clip the segment against the pixel boundaries --- find the shorter
// from the two clipped segments replace all if-statements whenever
// possible as they might affect the computational speed
double tmpLen;
double segLen = LINE_SQUARE_CLIP_MAX; // SEGment LENgth
segLen = (vctr.x < -VECTOR_COMPONENT_MIN)
? (std::floor(clp0_x) - clp0_x) / vctr.x
: segLen;
segLen =
? (std::floor(std::floor(clp0_x) + 1.5) - clp0_x) / vctr.x
: segLen;
segLen = (vctr.y < -VECTOR_COMPONENT_MIN)
? (((tmpLen = (std::floor(clp0_y) - clp0_y) / vctr.y) <
? tmpLen
: segLen)
: segLen;
segLen = (vctr.y > VECTOR_COMPONENT_MIN)
? (((tmpLen = (std::floor(std::floor(clp0_y) + 1.5) -
clp0_y) /
vctr.y) < segLen)
? tmpLen
: segLen)
: segLen;
// update the curve-length measurers
double prvLen = curLen;
curLen += segLen;
segLen += 0.0004;
// check if the filter has reached either end
segLen =
(curLen > m_krnlen) ? ((curLen = m_krnlen) - prvLen) : segLen;
// obtain the next clip point
double clp1_x = clp0_x + vctr.x * segLen;
double clp1_y = clp0_y + vctr.y * segLen;
// obtain the middle point of the segment as the texture-contributing
// sample
double2 samp;
samp.x = (clp0_x + clp1_x) * 0.5;
samp.y = (clp0_y + clp1_y) * 0.5;
// obtain the texture value of the sample
double4 texVal = sourceAt(int(samp.x), int(samp.y));
// update the accumulated weight and the accumulated composite texture
// (texture x weight)
double W_ACUM = getCumulative(curLen / blurLength);
// double W_ACUM = curLen;
// W_ACUM = wgtLUT[int(curLen * len2ID)];
double smpWgt = W_ACUM - w_acum[advDir];
w_acum[advDir] = W_ACUM;
t_acum[advDir].x += texVal.x * smpWgt;
t_acum[advDir].y += texVal.y * smpWgt;
t_acum[advDir].z += texVal.z * smpWgt;
t_acum[advDir].w += texVal.w * smpWgt;
// update the step counter and the "current" clip point
clp0_x = clp1_x;
clp0_y = clp1_y;
pre_vctr = vctr;
// check if the streamline has gone beyond the flow field///
if (clp0_x < 0.0 || clp0_x >= double(m_dim.lx) || clp0_y < 0.0 ||
clp0_y >= double(m_dim.ly))
// normalize the accumulated composite texture
(*out_p).x = (t_acum[0].x + t_acum[1].x) / (w_acum[0] + w_acum[1]);
(*out_p).y = (t_acum[0].y + t_acum[1].y) / (w_acum[0] + w_acum[1]);
(*out_p).z = (t_acum[0].z + t_acum[1].z) / (w_acum[0] + w_acum[1]);
(*out_p).w = (t_acum[0].w + t_acum[1].w) / (w_acum[0] + w_acum[1]);
if (ref_p) ref_p++;
: m_length(5.0)
, m_linear(false)
, m_gamma(2.2)
, m_filterType(new TIntEnumParam(Linear, "Linear"))
, m_referenceMode(new TIntEnumParam(REFERENCE, "Reference Image")) {
addInputPort("Source", m_source);
addInputPort("Flow", m_flow);
addInputPort("Reference", m_reference);
bindParam(this, "length", m_length);
bindParam(this, "linear", m_linear);
bindParam(this, "gamma", m_gamma);
bindParam(this, "filterType", m_filterType);
bindParam(this, "referenceMode", m_referenceMode);
m_length->setValueRange(0., 100.0);
m_gamma->setValueRange(0.2, 5.0);
m_filterType->addItem(Gaussian, "Gaussian");
m_filterType->addItem(Flat, "Flat");
m_referenceMode->addItem(FLOW_BLUE_CHANNEL, "Blue Channel of Flow Image");
void Iwa_FlowBlurFx::doCompute(TTile &tile, double frame,
const TRenderSettings &settings) {
// do nothing if Source or Flow port is not connected
if (!m_source.isConnected() || !m_flow.isConnected()) {
// output size
TDimension dim = tile.getRaster()->getSize();
double fac = sqrt(fabs(settings.m_affine.det()));
double krnlen = fac * m_length->getValue(frame);
int max_ADVCTS = int(krnlen * 3); // MAXIMUM number of advection steps per
// direction to break dead loops
if (max_ADVCTS == 0) {
// No blur will be done. The underlying fx may pass by.
m_source->compute(tile, frame, settings);
bool isLinear = m_linear->getValue();
double gamma = m_gamma->getValue(frame);
// obtain Source memory buffer (RGBA)
TTile sourceTile;
m_source->allocateAndCompute(sourceTile, tile.m_pos, dim, tile.getRaster(),
frame, settings);
// allocate buffer
double4 *source_buf;
TRasterGR8P source_buf_ras(dim.lx * dim.ly * sizeof(double4), 1);
source_buf = (double4 *)source_buf_ras->getRawData();
TRaster32P ras32 = tile.getRaster();
TRaster64P ras64 = tile.getRaster();
if (ras32)
setSourceTileToBuffer<TRaster32P, TPixel32>(sourceTile.getRaster(),
source_buf, isLinear, gamma);
else if (ras64)
setSourceTileToBuffer<TRaster64P, TPixel64>(sourceTile.getRaster(),
source_buf, isLinear, gamma);
// obtain Flow memory buffer (XY)
TTile flowTile;
m_flow->allocateAndCompute(flowTile, tile.m_pos, dim, tile.getRaster(), frame,
// allocate buffer
double2 *flow_buf;
TRasterGR8P flow_buf_ras(dim.lx * dim.ly * sizeof(double2), 1);
flow_buf = (double2 *)flow_buf_ras->getRawData();
double *reference_buf = nullptr;
TRasterGR8P reference_buf_ras;
if (m_referenceMode->getValue() == FLOW_BLUE_CHANNEL ||
m_reference.isConnected()) {
reference_buf_ras = TRasterGR8P(dim.lx * dim.ly * sizeof(double), 1);
reference_buf = (double *)reference_buf_ras->getRawData();
if (ras32)
setFlowTileToBuffer<TRaster32P, TPixel32>(flowTile.getRaster(), flow_buf,
else if (ras64)
setFlowTileToBuffer<TRaster64P, TPixel64>(flowTile.getRaster(), flow_buf,
if (m_referenceMode->getValue() == REFERENCE && m_reference.isConnected()) {
TTile referenceTile;
m_reference->allocateAndCompute(referenceTile, tile.m_pos, dim,
tile.getRaster(), frame, settings);
if (ras32)
setReferenceTileToBuffer<TRaster32P, TPixel32>(referenceTile.getRaster(),
else if (ras64)
setReferenceTileToBuffer<TRaster64P, TPixel64>(referenceTile.getRaster(),
// buffer for output raster
double4 *out_buf;
TRasterGR8P out_buf_ras(dim.lx * dim.ly * sizeof(double4), 1);
out_buf = (double4 *)out_buf_ras->getRawData();
int activeThreadCount = QThreadPool::globalInstance()->activeThreadCount();
// use half of the available threads
int threadAmount = std::max(1, activeThreadCount / 2);
FILTER_TYPE filterType = (FILTER_TYPE)m_filterType->getValue();
QList<QThread *> threadList;
int tmpStart = 0;
for (int t = 0; t < threadAmount; t++) {
int tmpEnd =
(int)std::round((float)(dim.ly * (t + 1)) / (float)threadAmount);
FlowBlurWorker *worker =
new FlowBlurWorker(source_buf, flow_buf, out_buf, reference_buf, dim,
krnlen, tmpStart, tmpEnd, filterType);
tmpStart = tmpEnd;
for (auto worker : threadList) {
delete worker;
if (reference_buf) reference_buf_ras->unlock();
// render vector field with red & green channels
if (ras32)
setOutputRaster<TRaster32P, TPixel32>(out_buf, ras32, isLinear, gamma);
else if (ras64)
setOutputRaster<TRaster64P, TPixel64>(out_buf, ras64, isLinear, gamma);
bool Iwa_FlowBlurFx::doGetBBox(double frame, TRectD &bBox,
const TRenderSettings &info) {
bBox = TConsts::infiniteRectD;
return true;
bool Iwa_FlowBlurFx::canHandle(const TRenderSettings &info, double frame) {
return true;
FX_PLUGIN_IDENTIFIER(Iwa_FlowBlurFx, "iwa_FlowBlurFx")