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Changes in TIFF v4.0.10
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<HR SIZE=4 WIDTH=65% ALIGN=left>
<B>Current Version</B>: v4.0.10<BR>
<B>Previous Version</B>: <A HREF=v4.0.9.html>v4.0.9</a><BR>
<B>Master Download Site</B>: <A HREF="https://download.osgeo.org/libtiff">
download.osgeo.org</a>, directory pub/libtiff</A><BR>
<B>Master HTTP Site #1</B>: <A HREF="http://www.simplesystems.org/libtiff/">
<B>Master HTTP Site #2</B>: <A HREF="http://libtiff.maptools.org/">
<HR SIZE=4 WIDTH=65% ALIGN=left>
This document describes the changes made to the software between the
<I>previous</I> and <I>current</I> versions (see above). If you don't
find something listed here, then it was not done in this timeframe, or
it was not considered important enough to be mentioned. The following
information is located here:
<LI><A HREF="#highlights">Major Changes</A>
<LI><A HREF="#configure">Changes in the software configuration</A>
<LI><A HREF="#libtiff">Changes in libtiff</A>
<LI><A HREF="#tools">Changes in the tools</A>
<LI><A HREF="#contrib">Changes in the contrib area</A>
<P><HR WIDTH=65% ALIGN=left>
<A NAME="highlights"><B><FONT SIZE=+3>M</FONT>AJOR CHANGES:</B></A>
<LI> The libtiff source repository is changed from CVS to Git and the master libtiff source repository is now at <A HREF="https://gitlab.com/libtiff/libtiff">Gitlab</A>. This is the first release to be made from the new Git repository.</LI>
<P><HR WIDTH=65% ALIGN=left>
<LI>Minimum CMake version is now v2.8.11 for the CMake-based build.</LI>
<LI>Libwebp will be automatically detected and used by configure/cmake if present.
<LI>Libzstd will be automatically detected and used by configure/cmake if present.
<P><HR WIDTH=65% ALIGN=left>
<P>Added ZSTD compression codec.
<A HREF="https://github.com/facebook/zstd">Zstandard<A> or zstd as
short version, is a fast lossless compression algorithm, targeting
real-time compression scenarios at zlib-level and better
compression ratios. It's backed by a very fast entropy stage,
provided by Huff0 and FSE library.</P>
<P>We require libzstd >= 1.0.0 so as to be able to use streaming
compression and decompression methods.</P>
<P>The default compression level we have selected is 9 (range goes
from 1 to 22), which experimentally offers equivalent or better
compression ratio than the default deflate/ZIP level of 6, and
much faster compression.</P>
<P>For example on a 6600x4400 16bit image, tiffcp -c zip runs in
10.7 seconds, while tiffcp -c zstd runs in 5.3
seconds. Decompression time for zip is 840 ms, and for zstd 650
ms. File size is 42735936 for zip, and 42586822 for zstd. Similar
findings on other images.</P>
<P>On a 25894x16701 16bit image,</P>
<TR><TH>Compressor</TH> <TH>Compression time</TH> <TH>Decompression time</TH> <TH>File size</TH></TR>
<TR><TD>ZSTD</TD> <TD>35 s</TD> <TD>3.2 s</TD> <TD>399 700 498</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>ZIP/Deflate</TD> <TD>1m 20 s</TD> <TD>4.9 s </TD> <TD>419 622 336</TD></TR>
<P>Please note that COMPRESSION_ZSTD is self-assigned the id 50000
by the libtiff project and is not officially registered with Adobe
since Adobe's registration function is defunct.</P>
<LI><P>Added WebP compression codec.
<A HREF="https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/">WebP</A> is
a high performance compressor intended for photos as commonly used
on the Web. The WebP encoder is not designed for huge images, but
serves very well for compressing strips and tiles in TIFF as long
as the strips or tiles do not exceed the capability of the
<P>As a test of compression performance metrics, GraphicsMagick
was used on an extremely high quality 8-bit TIFF image from a
Hasselblad H4D-200MS camera with pixel dimensions of
16352x12264. The image was re-encoded with 1024x1024 tiles and
various compression algorithms, using default settings for each
algorithm. Based on this test, the compression and decompression
performance (in iterations per second), the resulting file size,
and the calculated total PSNR are provided here. It can be seen
that WebP provided excellent encode and decode performance, and
the compressed file size was very small:</P>
<caption>Compressor Relative Performance</caption>
<TR><TH>Compressor</TH> <TH>Compression</TH> <TH>Decompression</TH> <TH>File size</TH> <TH>PSNR</TH></TR>
<TR><TD>None</TD> <TD>0.536 iter/s</TD> <TD>1.506 iter/s</TD> <TD>576.03MiB</TD> <TD>Inf</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>LZW</TD> <TD>0.105 iter/s</TD> <TD>0.266 iter/s</TD> <TD>270.68MiB</TD> <TD>Inf</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>ZStd</TD> <TD>0.020 iter/s</TD> <TD>0.518 iter/s</TD> <TD>238.42MiB</TD> <TD>Inf</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>LZMA</TD> <TD>0.009 iter/s</TD> <TD>0.056 iter/s</TD> <TD>247.61MiB</TD> <TD>Inf</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>ZIP</TD> <TD>0.009 iter/s</TD> <TD>0.301 iter/s</TD> <TD>247.88MiB</TD> <TD>Inf</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>JPEG</TD> <TD>0.446 iter/s</TD> <TD>0.760 iter/s</TD> <TD>18.59MiB</TD> <TD>39.00</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>WebP</TD> <TD>0.019 iter/s</TD> <TD>0.330 iter/s</TD> <TD>9.38MiB</TD> <TD>37.78</TD></TR>
<P>Please note that COMPRESSION_WEBP is self-assigned the id 50001
by the libtiff project and is not officially registered with Adobe
since Adobe's registration function is defunct.</P>
<LI>TIFFPrintDirectory(): fix null pointer dereference on corrupted
file. Fixes <A HREF="http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2770">Bug
2770 - NULL Pointer Dereference in tiffinfo.c with crafted TIFF
<LI>_TIFFVGetField(): fix heap out-of-bounds access when requesting
directory. Fixes <A HREF="http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2765">Bug
2765 - Heap Out-Of-Bounds Memory Access - 68122422</A>. Reported by
Google Autofuzz project</LI>
<LI>Fix a memory leak in TIFFStreamOpen. TIFFStreamOpen allocates a
new tiff{o,i}s_data, but if TIFFClientOpen fails then that struct is
<LI><P>Fix for bug 2772. It is possible to craft a TIFF document where
the IFD list is circular, leading to an infinite loop while
traversing the chain. The libtiff directory reader has a failsafe
that will break out of this loop after reading 65535 directory
entries, but it will continue processing, consuming time and
resources to process what is essentially a bogus TIFFdocument.</P>
<P>This change fixes the above behavior by breaking out of processing
when a TIFF document has >= 65535 directories and terminating with an
<LI>ChopUpSingleUncompressedStrip: avoid memory exhaustion
(CVE-2017-11613). In ChopUpSingleUncompressedStrip(), if the
computed number of strips is big enough and we are in read only
mode, validate that the file size is consistent with that number of
strips to avoid useless attempts at allocating a lot of memory for
the td_stripbytecount and td_stripoffset
arrays. Fixes <A HREF="http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2724">Bug
2724 - memory exhaustion in ChopUpSingleUncompressedStrip</A></LI>
<LI>Port code: Add strtol, strtoll and strtoull. Also update
strtoul. All use the same implementation from NetBSD libc.</LI>
<LI>Fix for CVE-2018-7456 "NULL pointer dereference in
<LI>TIFFWriteDirectorySec: avoid
assertion. Fixes <A HREF="http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2795">Bug
2795 - There is a reachable assertion abort in function
TIFFWriteDirectorySec() of libtiff 4.0.9. A crafted input will lead
to remote denial of attack. (CVE-2018-10963)</A>.</LI>
<LI>LZWDecodeCompat(): fix potential index-out-of-bounds
write. Fixes <A HREF="http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2780">Bug
2780 - A heap-buffer-overflow in function LZWDecodeCompat in
libtiff4.0.9 (CVE-2018-8905)</A>. The fix consists in using the
similar code as LZWDecode() to validate we don't write outside of
the output buffer.</LI>
<LI><P>Remove builtin support for GUI warning and error message
boxes. Now warnings always go to the console by default unless
applications define their own warning and error handlers.</P>
<P>GUI applications (and Windows CE) are required to define such handlers.</P></LI>
<LI>Add tag and pseudo-tag definitions for ESRI LERC codec (out of
tree codec whose source is
at <A HREF="https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/master/gdal/frmts/gtiff/tif_lerc.c">
<LI>Fix libtiff 4.0.8 regression when reading LZW-compressed strips with scanline API
Fixes <A HREF="http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2800">
Bug 2800 - Regression: Opening a tiff file with v4.0.9 gives an error with LZWDecode</A>.</LI>
<LI>TIFFSetupStrips(): avoid potential uint32 overflow on 32-bit
systems with large number of strips. Probably relates
to <A HREF="http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2788">Bug
2788 - Heap Buffer Overflow in TIFFWriteScanline of tif_write.c
<LI>Fix out-of-bound read on some tiled images.</LI>
<LI>Avoid potential int32 overflows in multiply_ms().</LI>
if compression is COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX3 or
<LI>JBIG: fix potential out-of-bounds write in JBIGDecode(). Also
fix a (harmless) potential use of uninitialized memory when
tif->tif_rawsize > tif->tif_rawcc. In case libtiff is compiled with
CHUNKY_STRIP_READ_SUPPORT, make sure that whole strip data is
provided to JBIGDecode().</LI>
<LI>LZMAPreEncode: emit verbose error if lzma_stream_encoder() fails
(typically because not enough memory available)</LI>
<P><HR WIDTH=65% ALIGN=left>
<LI>tiff2pdf: Fix
CVE-2017-9935, <A HREF="http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2704">Bug
2704 - There is a heap based buffer overflow in the tiff2pdf tool of
the libtiff library. A crafted TIFF document can lead to a heap
based buffer overflow resulting in multiple damages.</A>.</LI>
<LI>pal2rgb: Add workaround to pal2rgb buffer overflow.</LI>
<LI>tiffset: Add support for LONG8, SLONG8 and IFD8 field types</LI>
<LI>tiff2bw: avoid null pointer dereference in case of out of memory
situation. Fixes <A HREF="http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2819">Bug
2819 - There is a NULL pointer dereference at function LZWDecode in
libtiff 4.0.9 (CVE-2018-18661)</A></LI>
<P><HR WIDTH=65% ALIGN=left>
<LI> None</LI>