Shinya Kitaoka fd19c4eedf Support Visual Studio 2015 (#544)
* Small changes, for some reason VS 2015 can't link cprintf and they added a second function std::map::count and bind couldn't resolve the function. Substituted with a lambda-expression.

* Created all 64bit version of the 3rd party libs.

* Cleanup popup opens CleanupSettings instead of CleanupSettingsPane. Not finished, panel is wrong now (also uses CleanupSettings).

* Tried to get Twain working, failed.

* When there are more then 3 peg holes create additional holes.

* When a hole touches the boundary it should still be considered a hole.

* Do not compare dot size against fixed size. Will not work in some scan resolutions. Used the same value (PERCENT * max dot size) as later in the code in compare_dots.

* When there are more than three peg holes the code looked for the best fit and used that. The problem was, that the middle hole was used as center for auto center. For three peg holes that is correct, but does not work for more than three. Now the best fit is calculated and from there the offset of the middle of the three best fit holes is calculated and applied.

* One of the last changes broke VS2015 compatibility, it chocked on a missing include.

* fix for msvs2013

* revert autopos.cpp

* apply clang-format

* use GIT-LFS
2016-07-04 17:50:30 +09:00

563 lines
15 KiB

#include "tsound_t.h"
#include "texception.h"
#include "tthread.h"
#include "tthreadmessage.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
using namespace std;
namespace {
TThread::Mutex MutexOut;
namespace {
struct MyData {
char *entireFileBuffer;
int totalPacketCount;
int fileByteCount;
// UInt32 maxPacketSize;
// UInt64 packetOffset;
int byteOffset;
bool m_doNotify;
void *sourceBuffer;
// AudioConverterRef converter;
TSoundOutputDeviceImp *imp;
bool isLooping;
: entireFileBuffer(0)
, totalPacketCount(0)
, fileByteCount(0)
, /*maxPacketSize(0), packetOffset(0),*/ byteOffset(0)
, sourceBuffer(0)
, isLooping(false)
, imp(0)
, m_doNotify(true) {}
class TSoundOutputDeviceImp {
bool m_isPlaying;
bool m_looped;
TSoundTrackFormat m_currentFormat;
std::set<int> m_supportedRate;
bool m_opened;
struct MyData *m_data;
int m_volume;
: m_isPlaying(false)
, m_looped(false)
, m_supportedRate()
, m_opened(false)
, m_data(NULL)
, m_volume(SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME){};
std::set<TSoundOutputDeviceListener *> m_listeners;
bool doOpenDevice(const TSoundTrackFormat &format);
bool doStopDevice();
void play(const TSoundTrackP &st, TINT32 s0, TINT32 s1, bool loop,
bool scrubbing);
namespace {
class PlayCompletedMsg : public TThread::Message {
std::set<TSoundOutputDeviceListener *> m_listeners;
MyData *m_data;
PlayCompletedMsg(MyData *data) : m_data(data) {}
TThread::Message *clone() const { return new PlayCompletedMsg(*this); }
void onDeliver() {
if (m_data->imp) {
if (m_data->m_doNotify == false) return;
m_data->m_doNotify = false;
if (m_data->imp->m_isPlaying) m_data->imp->doStopDevice();
std::set<TSoundOutputDeviceListener *>::iterator it =
for (; it != m_data->imp->m_listeners.end(); ++it)
#define checkStatus(err) \
if (err) { \
printf("Error: 0x%x -> %s: %d\n", (int)err, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
fflush(stdout); \
extern "C" {
void sdl_fill_audio(void *udata, Uint8 *stream, int len) {
TSoundOutputDeviceImp *_this = (TSoundOutputDeviceImp *)udata;
MyData *myData = _this->m_data;
/* Only play if we have data left */
if (myData == NULL) return;
// TThread::ScopedLock sl(MutexOut);
if (myData->imp->m_isPlaying == false) return;
int audio_len = myData->fileByteCount - myData->byteOffset;
if (audio_len <= 0) {
delete[] myData->entireFileBuffer;
myData->entireFileBuffer = 0;
#if 0
TThread::ScopedLock sl(MutexOut);
*(myData->isPlaying) = false; //questo lo faccio nel main thread
/* Mix as much data as possible */
len = (len > audio_len ? audio_len : len);
SDL_MixAudio(stream, (Uint8 *)myData->entireFileBuffer + myData->byteOffset,
len, _this->m_volume);
myData->byteOffset += len;
} // extern "C"
bool TSoundOutputDeviceImp::doOpenDevice(const TSoundTrackFormat &format) {
SDL_AudioSpec wanted;
static bool first = true; // TODO: should be shared with InputDevice
if (first) {
first = false;
if (m_opened) {
// we'll just reopen right away
wanted.freq = format.m_sampleRate;
switch (format.m_bitPerSample) {
case 8:
wanted.format = AUDIO_S8;
case 16:
wanted.format = AUDIO_S16;
throw TSoundDeviceException(TSoundDeviceException::UnableOpenDevice,
"invalid bits per sample");
return false;
wanted.channels = format.m_channelCount; /* 1 = mono, 2 = stereo */
wanted.samples = 1024; /* Good low-latency value for callback */
wanted.callback = sdl_fill_audio;
wanted.userdata = this;
/* Open the audio device, forcing the desired format */
if (SDL_OpenAudio(&wanted, NULL) < 0) {
std::string msg("Couldn't open audio: ");
msg += SDL_GetError();
throw TSoundDeviceException(TSoundDeviceException::UnableOpenDevice, msg);
return false;
m_opened = true;
return m_opened;
TSoundOutputDevice::TSoundOutputDevice() : m_imp(new TSoundOutputDeviceImp) {
#if 0
try {
} catch (TSoundDeviceException &e) {
throw TSoundDeviceException(e.getType(), e.getMessage());
TSoundOutputDevice::~TSoundOutputDevice() {
bool TSoundOutputDevice::installed() { return true; }
bool TSoundOutputDevice::open(const TSoundTrackP &st) {
if (!m_imp->doOpenDevice(st->getFormat()))
throw TSoundDeviceException(
"Problem to open the output device setting some params");
return true;
bool TSoundOutputDevice::close() {
m_imp->m_opened = false;
return true;
void TSoundOutputDevice::play(const TSoundTrackP &st, TINT32 s0, TINT32 s1,
bool loop, bool scrubbing) {
// TThread::ScopedLock sl(MutexOut);
int lastSample = st->getSampleCount() - 1;
notLessThan(0, s0);
notLessThan(0, s1);
notMoreThan(lastSample, s0);
notMoreThan(lastSample, s1);
if (s0 > s1) {
#ifdef DEBUG
cout << "s0 > s1; reorder" << endl;
swap(s0, s1);
if (isPlaying()) {
#ifdef DEBUG
cout << "is playing, stop it!" << endl;
m_imp->play(st, s0, s1, loop, scrubbing);
void TSoundOutputDeviceImp::play(const TSoundTrackP &st, TINT32 s0, TINT32 s1,
bool loop, bool scrubbing) {
if (!doOpenDevice(st->getFormat())) return;
MyData *myData = new MyData();
myData->imp = this;
myData->totalPacketCount = s1 - s0;
myData->fileByteCount = (s1 - s0) * st->getSampleSize();
myData->entireFileBuffer = new char[myData->fileByteCount];
#if defined(i386)
// XXX: let's see if that's needed for SDL
if (st->getBitPerSample() == 16) {
int i;
USHORT *dst = (USHORT *)(myData->entireFileBuffer);
USHORT *src = (USHORT *)(st->getRawData() + s0 * st->getSampleSize());
for (i = 0; i < myData->fileByteCount / 2; i++) *dst++ = swapUshort(*src++);
} else
st->getRawData() + s0 * st->getSampleSize(), myData->fileByteCount);
memcpy(myData->entireFileBuffer, st->getRawData() + s0 * st->getSampleSize(),
// myData->maxPacketSize = fileASBD.mFramesPerPacket *
// fileASBD.mBytesPerFrame;
// TThread::ScopedLock sl(MutexOut);
m_isPlaying = true;
myData->isLooping = loop;
// cout << "total packet count = " << myData->totalPacketCount <<endl;
// cout << "filebytecount " << myData->fileByteCount << endl;
m_data = myData;
bool TSoundOutputDeviceImp::doStopDevice() {
m_isPlaying = false;
delete m_data;
m_data = NULL;
m_opened = false;
return true;
void TSoundOutputDevice::stop() {
// TThread::ScopedLock sl(MutexOut);
if (m_imp->m_opened == false) return;
// TThread::ScopedLock sl(MutexOut);
void TSoundOutputDevice::attach(TSoundOutputDeviceListener *listener) {
void TSoundOutputDevice::detach(TSoundOutputDeviceListener *listener) {
#if 0
double TSoundOutputDevice::getVolume()
if (!m_imp->m_opened)
double vol = m_volume / SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME;
return (vol < 0. ? 0. : vol);
bool TSoundOutputDevice::setVolume(double volume)
Float32 vol = volume;
m_imp->m_volume = (int)(volume * SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME);
return true;
bool TSoundOutputDevice::supportsVolume()
return true;
bool TSoundOutputDevice::isPlaying() const {
// TThread::ScopedLock sl(MutexOut);
// TODO: handle actually queuing items?
return m_imp->m_isPlaying;
bool TSoundOutputDevice::isAllQueuedItemsPlayed() {
// TThread::ScopedLock sl(MutexOut);
return m_imp->m_data == NULL;
bool TSoundOutputDevice::isLooping() {
// TThread::ScopedLock sl(MutexOut);
return m_imp->m_looped;
void TSoundOutputDevice::setLooping(bool loop) {
// TThread::ScopedLock sl(MutexOut);
m_imp->m_looped = loop;
TSoundTrackFormat TSoundOutputDevice::getPreferredFormat(TUINT32 sampleRate,
int channelCount,
int bitPerSample) {
if (bitPerSample > 16) bitPerSample = 16;
// not sure SDL supports more than 2 channels
if (channelCount > 2) channelCount = 2;
TSoundTrackFormat fmt(sampleRate, bitPerSample, channelCount, true);
return fmt;
TSoundTrackFormat TSoundOutputDevice::getPreferredFormat(
const TSoundTrackFormat &format) {
#if 0
try {
return getPreferredFormat(format.m_sampleRate, format.m_channelCount,
#if 0
catch (TSoundDeviceException &e) {
throw TSoundDeviceException( e.getType(), e.getMessage());
class TSoundInputDeviceImp {
// ALport m_port;
bool m_stopped;
bool m_isRecording;
bool m_oneShotRecording;
long m_recordedSampleCount;
TSoundTrackFormat m_currentFormat;
TSoundTrackP m_st;
std::set<int> m_supportedRate;
TThread::Executor m_executor;
: m_stopped(false)
, m_isRecording(false)
// , m_port(NULL)
, m_oneShotRecording(false)
, m_recordedSampleCount(0)
, m_st(0)
, m_supportedRate(){};
bool doOpenDevice(const TSoundTrackFormat &format,
TSoundInputDevice::Source devType);
bool TSoundInputDeviceImp::doOpenDevice(const TSoundTrackFormat &format,
TSoundInputDevice::Source devType) {
return true;
class RecordTask : public TThread::Runnable {
TSoundInputDeviceImp *m_devImp;
int m_ByteToSample;
RecordTask(TSoundInputDeviceImp *devImp, int numByte)
: TThread::Runnable(), m_devImp(devImp), m_ByteToSample(numByte){};
void run();
void RecordTask::run() {}
TSoundInputDevice::TSoundInputDevice() : m_imp(new TSoundInputDeviceImp) {}
TSoundInputDevice::~TSoundInputDevice() {
#if 0
delete m_imp;
bool TSoundInputDevice::installed() {
#if 0
if (alQueryValues(AL_SYSTEM, AL_DEFAULT_INPUT, 0, 0, 0, 0) <= 0)
return false;
return true;
void TSoundInputDevice::record(const TSoundTrackFormat &format,
TSoundInputDevice::Source type) {}
void TSoundInputDevice::record(const TSoundTrackP &st,
TSoundInputDevice::Source type) {}
TSoundTrackP TSoundInputDevice::stop() {
TSoundTrackP st;
return st;
double TSoundInputDevice::getVolume() { return 0.0; }
bool TSoundInputDevice::setVolume(double volume) { return true; }
bool TSoundInputDevice::supportsVolume() { return true; }
TSoundTrackFormat TSoundInputDevice::getPreferredFormat(TUINT32 sampleRate,
int channelCount,
int bitPerSample) {
TSoundTrackFormat fmt;
return fmt;
TSoundTrackFormat TSoundInputDevice::getPreferredFormat(
const TSoundTrackFormat &format) {
#if 0
try {
return getPreferredFormat(format.m_sampleRate, format.m_channelCount,
#if 0
catch (TSoundDeviceException &e) {
throw TSoundDeviceException( e.getType(), e.getMessage());
bool TSoundInputDevice::isRecording() { return m_imp->m_isRecording; }