#pragma once #ifndef CURSORS_INCLUDED #define CURSORS_INCLUDED namespace ToolCursor { enum { CURSOR_NONE, // no cursor... CURSOR_DEFAULT = CURSOR_NONE, // window class cursor... CURSOR_ARROW, CURSOR_HAND, CURSOR_HOURGLASS, CURSOR_NO, CURSOR_DUMMY, #ifndef _WIN32 CURSOR_DND, CURSOR_QUESTION, #endif PenCursor, PenLargeCursor, PenCrosshairCursor, BenderCursor, CutterCursor, DistortCursor, EraserCursor, FillCursor, MoveCursor, FlipHCursor, FlipVCursor, IronCursor, LevelSelectCursor, MagnetCursor, PanCursor, PickerCursor, PumpCursor, RotCursor, RotTopLeft, RotBottomRight, RotBottomLeft, RotateCursor, ScaleCursor, ScaleInvCursor, ScaleHCursor, ScaleVCursor, StrokeSelectCursor, TapeCursor, TypeInCursor, TypeOutCursor, ZoomCursor, PinchCursor, PinchAngleCursor, PinchWaveCursor, SplineEditorCursor, SplineEditorCursorSelect, SplineEditorCursorAdd, TrackerCursor, ForbiddenCursor, NormalEraserCursor, RectEraserCursor, PickerCursorOrganize, PickerRGBWhite, FillCursorL, MoveEWCursor, MoveNSCursor, DisableCursor, ScaleGlobalCursor, RulerModifyCursor, RulerNewCursor, // Base cursors with fixed set of decorations. See below FxGadgetCursorBase, EditFxCursorBase, MoveZCursorBase, PickerCursorLineBase, PickerCursorAreaBase, PickerRGBBase, ScaleHVCursorBase, // extra options for decorating the cursor Ex_Negate = 0x100, // used for black bg Ex_FreeHand = 0x200, Ex_PolyLine = 0x400, Ex_Rectangle = 0x800, Ex_Line = 0x1000, Ex_Area = 0x2000, Ex_Fill_NoAutopaint = 0x4000, Ex_FX = 0x8000, Ex_Z = 0x10000, Ex_StyleLine = 0x20000, Ex_StyleArea = 0x40000, Ex_RGB = 0x80000, Ex_HV = 0x100000, // This section is for cursors that have fixed text that needs to // be handled separately when flipping for left-handed cursors. // The base gets flipped, but a left-handed version of text will be // used instead of flipped. FxGadgetCursor = FxGadgetCursorBase | Ex_FX, EditFxCursor = EditFxCursorBase | Ex_FX, MoveZCursor = MoveZCursorBase | Ex_Z, PickerCursorLine = PickerCursorLineBase | Ex_StyleLine, PickerCursorArea = PickerCursorAreaBase | Ex_StyleArea, PickerRGB = PickerRGBBase | Ex_RGB, ScaleHVCursor = ScaleHVCursorBase | Ex_HV }; } // namespace #endif