ParticlesFx List of Parameters
Page Category Param Name Description Control Image
Source Source (Generator Image) Opacity of the input image is more than the area Threshold, equally to generate the particles. There is no cell of the input image in the appropriate frame, or entire opacity if there is less than Threshold in the same result, as there is no input image.
    Threshold Threshold to be used in the above product (0-255)  
    Multiple Generators in Control Image Surrounded by a transparent part & opaque part (hereinafter referred to as the "source") it will affect the case when there is more than one.
When ON: Amount of generated particles is equalized for each source. The generation density of the particles becomes darker with narrower sources.
When OFF: Density of generated particles is uniform for all of the opaque portion. There is a reduced amount of particles with smaller sources.
    Use Control Image Gradation The proportion of the opacity of the input image changes the generation density of the particles. This option of the can not be used at the same time as the above Multiple Generators in Control Image.
    Center X In the absence of an input image, X coordinate of the center position of the particle generation area.
    Center Y In the absence of an input image, Y coordinate of the center position of the particle generation area.
    Width In the absence of the input image, the width of the particle generation area (Square).
    Height In the absence of an input image, the height of the particle generation area (Square).
  Particle Generation Starting Frame Frame time the particles begin to occur. Frame reference of the scene. Negative values are also taken.
    Birth Rate The number of particles that will occur in the frame
    Animation Step Particle animation Step value. * When this Step value is two or more, Step of the change in the picture that you specified in the Particle → Animation is the square of the set value.
    Random Seed Seed value of the random parameters used in this Fx
  Particle Animation Hold Frame: Fixed remains from each cell in the Source column (not the Level) start frame to be determined randomly.
Random Frame: Frame changes at random. Uses the period of the square from the above-mentioned AnimationStep value.
Column: Changes the order of the cells that are contained in the Source column. Start from the beginning of the frame.
Column - Random Start: Changes the order of the cells that are contained in the Source column. Start from a random frame.
Column Swing - Random Start: Changes the order of the cells that are contained in the Source column, reverses playback when saying to the end. Start from a random frame.
Page Category Param Name Description Control Image
Birth Params Speed Speed Initial velocity of the particle
    Linked to Scale The size of the particles speed to be linked to the scale. It will looks like there is depth, the faster the greater. It seems to be a not too strictly proportional relationship.
    Speed Angle The orientation of the particles initial velocity. 0 downward direction, 90 the right direction
    Use Gradient Angle When ON, adjusts the initial velocity to the gradient vector of the ControlImage Speed Angle.  
  Size,Mass& Orientation Size To specify the maximum/minimum range of size. If there is a ControlImage, makes larger the place where the brightness is high. Only when ControlImage is not random.
    Perspective Distribution When turned ON, & if the Size ControlImage is present, it is arranged to be inversely proportional to the density of the particles in size. As a sea waves level, it is used for the placement of depth particles. When this option is ON, Use Control Image Gradation option is ignored.  
    Use Control Image for the Whole Lifetime When ON, changes the size to fit the brightness of ControlImage position of the particles for each frame.
When OFF, the ControlImage view is only at the time of the generation of particles. Same size until it later disappears.
    Mass To specify the maximum/minimum range of the mass for each particle. Mass is the coefficient related to the speed given by the Gravity below.
    Orientation To specify the maximum/minimum range of the initial orientation angle of the particles. No rotation at 0, right is a 90-degree rotation at 90. 
  Trail Trail To display the trajectory. Multiplied by the number of frames specified by the Trail to fade out.
    Step To view the trajectory of the Step value every frame. That is, the image of the trajectory will be displayed Like (Trail)/(Frame).
  Lifetime Lifetime To specify the maximum/minimum range of the particles life (the number of frames). Frame length up to the life will make particles disappear completely from the time that they began to appear.
    Use Column Duration for Lifetime When ON, the lifetime of the particles is the length of the SourceColumn.
  Top Layer Top Layer To specify the stacking order of the priority of the particles.
Page Category Param Name Description Control Image
Environment Gravity Gravity To specify the Gravity value (= Acceleration) to be applied to the particles. Made into the opposite direction using a negative value. if you enter a ControlImage the value of GravityAngle below will not be used, the slope of the input image brightness (Gradient) becomes the force of gravity. They are attracted to the bright pixels.
    Gravity Angle To specify the direction of Gravity. Downwards at 0. It goes down to the left at 90.
  Friction Friction To specify the value of the friction of the force, such as to stop the movement of the particles. The brightness of the input image is the maximum frictional force at the portion of the maximum value. The input image is ignored if not used.
  Wind Wind Intensity Move the particles uniformly to specify the speed of the wind. Rather than the acceleration, it is added together to speed. The point seems to be the same meaning as the initial rate (Birth Param→Speed)
    Wind Angle To specify the direction of the wind. Upwards direction at 0, the right direction at 90.
  Scattering Horizontal To specify the parameters of the random motion of particles. To specify the range of the horizontal direction of the speed value that gives movement to random particle.
    Vertical To specify a range for the vertical direction of the speed values that gives movement to random particles.
    Swing Mode Random: Changes the Horizontal/Vertical values for each frame. However, while the number of frames that have been specified in the Swing value below, the sign of Horizontal/Vertical value does not change.
Smooth: Smooth between the number of frames that have been specified in the underneath Swing value, Horizontal/Vertical value is unchanged.
    Swing When SwingMode is Smooth, specifies the minimum/maximum value of the frame interval to re-set the Horizontal/Vertical value.
Page Category Param Name Description Control Image
Animation Rotation Rotation Speed To specify the rotation speed of each particle. Rotation angle per frame (in degrees)
    Extra Speed Specify the angular range to be added at random for the respective particles.
    Swing Mode Random: Re-calculate the ExtraSpeed for each frame.
Smooth: Smooth during the number of frames specified by the RotationSwing below, rotate at the same ExtraSpeed value.
    Rotation Swing When SwingMode is Smooth, specifies the minimum/maximum value of the frame interval to re-set the ExtraSpeed value.
    Follow Particles Movement When turned ON, it goes along the rotation angle of the particles in the traveling direction. When going to the right horizontal direction, the rotation angle is 0. This rotation can use the above Rotation & be overlaid.
  Opacity Opacity Min/Max value of the opacity of the particles. Fades in from a minimum value to a maximum value, & fades out to the minimum value.
When you enter the ControlImage, opacity of particles in the frame time is determined in accordance with the luminance value of the input image. Black becomes the opacity of the minimum value at this time. The opacity is updated every frame.
Opacity by ControlImage may fade in/out & be superimposed to the image below it.
    Fade-in Frames Number of frames according to the Fade-in
    fade-out Frames Number of frames according to the Fade-out
    Trail Opacity When you specify a Trail in BirthParam→Trail, determines the minimum/maximum value of the opacity of the particles of the trajectory.
  Size Increase Size Intensity To specify the minimum/maximum value of the increase or decrease of the size (%) that changes at random for each frame.
Page Category Param Name Description Control Image
Colors Birth Color Birth Color To determine the color at the time of particle generation.
When each particle is produced, it is selected at random from the range of the specified color in the spectrum.
If you specify a ControlImage, the input image (which is Premultiply) RGB values are used for the color of the particles
    Birth Spread Birth Spread of the particles.
    Birth Intensity Birth Color Intensity (%)
    Pick Control Image's Color for Every Frame Every frame, referring to the ControlImage pixels in the current position of the particles, changes the color of the particles
  Fade-in Color Fade-in Color Determines the Particles color to continue to Fade-in.
Selected randomly from the range of the specified color in the spectrum.
If you specify a ControlImage, the input image (which is Premultiply) RGB values are used for the color of the particles
    Fade-in Spread Fade-in Spread of the particles.
    Frame Range The number of frames up to Fade-in Color, counting from the particle generation
    Fade-in Intensity Fade-in Color degree of influence (%)
  Fade-out Color Fade-out Color Determines the Particles color to continue to Fade-out.
Selected randomly from the range of the specified color in the spectrum.
If you specify a ControlImage, the input image (which is Premultiply) RGB values are used for the color of the particles
    Fade-out Spread Fade-out Spread of the particles.
    Frame Range From the disappearance of particle counting in reverse the number of frames that begins to change the Fade-out Color
    Fade-out Intensity Fade-out Color degree of influence (%)