\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[a4paper, total={180mm, 272mm}]{geometry} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont[Path=fonts/, Extension=.ttf]{ipaexm} \setlength\parindent{3.5em} \setlength\parskip{0em} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.247} \usepackage{eepic} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{graphicx} \graphicspath{{images/}} \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} \Large \noindent \\ HLS Noise Ino\medskip \par \normalsize Add pixel noise to the Hue, Lightness, Saturation, and Alpha.\par The addition of noise adjustment to the cell picture, has been developed\par for the purpose of adapting the picture of the background.\\ \par The Alpha channel will determine the strength of the noise. Therefore,\par smooth edges will remain smooth.\par The strength of the Alpha channel itself will also affect noise, check the value.\\ \par When you check the results, please do not use the sub-camera.\par This is because in the sub-camera the range of the input image is different,\par the noise pattern will change.\\ \\ -{-}- \ Inputs \ -{-}-\\ Source\par Connect the image to process.\\ Reference\par Connect the reference image to put the strength of the effect into each Pixel.\\ \\ -{-}- \ Settings \ -{-}-\\ Hue\par Specify the strength of the noise for the color (Hue).\par Pixel value (8 or 16bits) specified as a value from 1 to 0.\par Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 1.\par It does not apply the noise to the color (Hue) when the value is 0.\par The default value is 0.025.\\ \\ Lightness\par Specify the strength of the noise for the brightness (Lightness).\par Pixel value (8 or 16bits) specified as a value from 1 to 0.\par Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 1.\par It does not apply the noise to the brightness (Lightness) when the value is 0.\par The default value is 0.035.\\ \\ Saturation\par Specify the strength of the noise for the chroma (Saturation).\par Pixel value (8 or 16bits) specified as a value from 1 to 0.\par Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 1.\par It does not apply the noise for the chroma (Saturation) when the value is 0.\par The default value is 0.0. \newpage \thispagestyle{empty} \ \vspace{-0.2em} \par \noindent Alpha\par Specify the strength of the noise for the Alpha channel.\par Pixel value (8 or 16bits) specified as a value from 1 to 0.\par Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 1.\par It does not apply the noise to the Alpha channel when the value is 0.\par The default value is 0.0.\\ \\ Seed\par The value of the order to determine the random noise pattern of the image.\par Specify an integer value greater than or equal to 0.\par If this value is the same, it will reproduce the same pattern.\par It will be a different pattern If you add the noise with a different value.\par The default value is 1.\\ \\ NBlur\par It blurs the noise component, reduces the dot impression.\par Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 1.\par Because it is calculated only in pixels adjacent to the dot,\par it will feel like a very light blur.\par When the blur value is not 0, it will take the average of the pixels adjacent\par to each other up to a value of 1.0.\par The default value is 1.\\ \\ Limits\par The brightness (Lightness), chroma (Saturation), opacity (Alpha),\par adjustment to effect the end value (in the vicinity of 0 to 1).\par Applying the noise at 0 or near 1, will appear below 1 or more than the value of 0,\par so it can not be expressed, because the values are each truncated to 0 or 1.\par It is effective to compensate for the truncation.\par -{-}> \textquotedbl End value of Noise effect adjustment \ \ Figure 1 \ \ comparison\textquotedbl \ reference\par -{-}> \textquotedbl End value of Noise effect adjustment \ \ Figure 2 \ \ description\textquotedbl \ reference\\ \par \noindent \ \ \, Effective\par Determines the strength of this effect (Limits).\par It has no effect if the value is 0. Effect a table using a value greater than 0\par A value of 1 will have the strongest effect.\par The default value is 0.\\ \par \noindent \ \ \, Center\par Determines the center of the effect.\par Noise range deviation, the effect of the reduction of the noise width, most strongly\par at the portion of 0 to 1 of the end value, will have no effect in the center. \newpage \thispagestyle{empty} \ \vspace{-0.2em} \par Position the center value without this effect.\par The value must be between 0 and 1.\par If the value is 0, it will have no effect on a Pixel with a value of 0.\par If the value is 1, it will have no effect on a Pixel with a value of 1.\par The default Center value is 0.5.\\ \par \noindent \ \ \, Type\par Select from the options of the Type of the effect.\par If you select \textquotedbl Keep Noise\textquotedbl , it maintains the (overall) noise width shifting of the\par noise range, the contrast of the entire image will shrink.\par If you select \textquotedbl Keep Contrast\textquotedbl , it maintains the contrast to reduce the noise width\par only at the end.\par The default setting is \textquotedbl Keep Noise\textquotedbl .\\ \\ Premultiplied\par When ON, RGB is already set to Premultiply\par (The value of Alpha channel is multiplied in advance RGB channels)\par and processes as an image.\par At that time, and added to the Alpha processing, you may not get the correct image.\par The default setting is ON.\\ \\ Reference\par Choose how Reference image values put the strength of the effect into each Pixel.\par An image is connected to the \textquotedbl Reference\textquotedbl \ of the input,\par Choose from Red/Green/Blue/Alpha/Luminance/Nothing.\par Choose Nothing when you do not want this effect, it will turn off the connection.\par The default setting is Red. \newpage \thispagestyle{empty} \ \vspace{1.5em} \par \noindent \hskip 2.2em Figure 1 Noise effect comparison of the values\\[0.4em] \par \scriptsize \noindent \hskip 3.4em Original\par \noindent \hskip 3.4em Effective Zero\par \noindent \hskip 3.4em Keep Noise\par \noindent \hskip 3.4em Keep Contrast \large \noindent \begin{picture}(0,0) \put(55.5,-6.5){\includegraphics[width=29.6em, height=1em]{HLSNoiseInoNoiseEffectOriginal}} \put(55.5,-22.5){\includegraphics[width=29.6em, height=1em]{HLSNoiseInoNoiseEffectEffectiveZero}} \put(55.5,-38.5){\includegraphics[width=29.6em, height=1em]{HLSNoiseInoNoiseEffectKeepNoise}} \put(55.5,-54.5){\includegraphics[width=29.6em, height=1em]{HLSNoiseInoNoiseEffectKeepContrast}} \linethickness{0.01em} \put(126,64){\line(-1,0){56}} \put(126,53){\line(-1,0){14}} \put(126,41){\line(-1,0){42}} \put(126,29.5){\line(-1,0){28}} \put(126,15){\line(-1,0){93}} \put(126,64){\line(0,-1){49}} \put(33,15){\line(0,-1){58}} \put(33,0){\line(1,0){14}} \put(47,0){\line(-3,2){6}} \put(47,0){\line(-3,-2){6}} \put(33,-14){\line(1,0){14}} \put(47,-14){\line(-3,2){6}} \put(47,-14){\line(-3,-2){6}} \put(33,-28){\line(1,0){14}} \put(47,-28){\line(-3,2){6}} \put(47,-28){\line(-3,-2){6}} \put(33,-43){\line(1,0){14}} \put(47,-43){\line(-3,2){6}} \put(47,-43){\line(-3,-2){6}} \end{picture}\\[3.6em] \normalsize \noindent \hskip 2.2em Figure 2 Noise range change illustration of the values\\[0.5em] \par \footnotesize \noindent \hskip 2.65em Effective Zero \ \ The value of the noise is cut (default) \large \noindent \begin{picture}(0,0) \linethickness{0.01em} \put(54.5,-37){\line(0,1){8}} \put(54.5,-37){\line(-2,3){3}} \put(54.5,-37){\line(2,3){3}} \put(482,-37){\line(0,1){8}} \put(482,-37){\line(-2,3){3}} \put(482,-37){\line(2,3){3}} \put(54.5,-58){\line(0,1){6}} \put(482,-58){\line(0,1){6}} \put(27,-45.5){\line(1,0){56}} \put(27,-45.5){\line(3,2){6}} \put(27,-45.5){\line(3,-2){6}} \put(83,-45.5){\line(-3,2){6}} \put(83,-45.5){\line(-3,-2){6}} \put(255,-45.5){\line(1,0){56}} \put(255,-45.5){\line(3,2){6}} \put(255,-45.5){\line(3,-2){6}} \put(311,-45.5){\line(-3,2){6}} \put(311,-45.5){\line(-3,-2){6}} \put(455,-45.5){\line(1,0){56}} \put(455,-45.5){\line(3,2){6}} \put(455,-45.5){\line(3,-2){6}} \put(511,-45.5){\line(-3,2){6}} \put(511,-45.5){\line(-3,-2){6}} \put(61,-67){\line(1,0){15}} \put(61,-67){\line(3,2){6}} \put(61,-67){\line(3,-2){6}} \put(52,-70){\scriptsize{0}} \put(78,-74){\footnotesize{0 or less of the noise value is limited to 0}} \put(471,-67){\line(-1,0){15}} \put(471,-67){\line(-3,2){6}} \put(471,-67){\line(-3,-2){6}} \put(476,-70){\scriptsize{1.0}} \put(312,-74){\footnotesize{1 or more noise is limited to 1}} \linethickness{0.2em} \put(54.5,-38){\line(1,0){428}} \linethickness{2.8em} \put(49,-1.5){\line(1,0){439}} \linethickness{2.75em} \color{lightgray} \put(45.5,-1.5){\line(1,0){438}} \put(51,-0.5){\includegraphics[width=29.55em, height=1em]{HLSNoiseInoNoiseEffectOriginal}} \put(51,-16.5){\includegraphics[width=29.55em, height=1em]{HLSNoiseInoNoiseEffectEffectiveZero}} \end{picture}\\[5.7em] \footnotesize \noindent \hskip 2.65em Keep Noise \ \ Shift to maintain the noise. Contrast is reduced. It shifts the overall noise position \large \noindent \begin{picture}(0,0) \linethickness{0.01em} \put(255,-45.5){\line(1,0){56}} \put(255,-45.5){\line(3,2){6}} \put(255,-45.5){\line(3,-2){6}} \put(311,-45.5){\line(-3,2){6}} \put(311,-45.5){\line(-3,-2){6}} \put(158,-60){\line(0,1){8}} \put(158,-60){\line(-2,3){3}} \put(158,-60){\line(2,3){3}} \put(400,-60){\line(0,1){8}} \put(400,-60){\line(-2,3){3}} \put(400,-60){\line(2,3){3}} \put(144,-68.5){\line(1,0){56}} \put(144,-68.5){\line(3,2){6}} \put(144,-68.5){\line(3,-2){6}} \put(200,-68.5){\line(-3,2){6}} \put(200,-68.5){\line(-3,-2){6}} \put(357,-68.5){\line(1,0){56}} \put(357,-68.5){\line(3,2){6}} \put(357,-68.5){\line(3,-2){6}} \put(413,-68.5){\line(-3,2){6}} \put(413,-68.5){\line(-3,-2){6}} \put(107,-83){\line(0,1){8}} \put(107,-83){\line(-2,3){3}} \put(107,-83){\line(2,3){3}} \put(442,-83){\line(0,1){8}} \put(442,-83){\line(-2,3){3}} \put(442,-83){\line(2,3){3}} \put(102,-91.5){\line(1,0){56}} \put(102,-91.5){\line(3,2){6}} \put(102,-91.5){\line(3,-2){6}} \put(158,-91.5){\line(-3,2){6}} \put(158,-91.5){\line(-3,-2){6}} \put(392,-91.5){\line(1,0){56}} \put(392,-91.5){\line(3,2){6}} \put(392,-91.5){\line(3,-2){6}} \put(448,-91.5){\line(-3,2){6}} \put(448,-91.5){\line(-3,-2){6}} \put(58,-106){\line(0,1){8}} \put(58,-106){\line(-2,3){3}} \put(58,-106){\line(2,3){3}} \put(478.5,-106){\line(0,1){8}} \put(478.5,-106){\line(-2,3){3}} \put(478.5,-106){\line(2,3){3}} \put(55,-114.5){\line(1,0){56}} \put(55,-114.5){\line(3,2){6}} \put(55,-114.5){\line(3,-2){6}} \put(111,-114.5){\line(-3,2){6}} \put(111,-114.5){\line(-3,-2){6}} \put(427,-114.5){\line(1,0){56}} \put(427,-114.5){\line(3,2){6}} \put(427,-114.5){\line(3,-2){6}} \put(483,-114.5){\line(-3,2){6}} \put(483,-114.5){\line(-3,-2){6}} \put(283,-106){\line(0,1){54}} \put(267,-123){\scriptsize{separate}} \linethickness{0.2em} \put(54.5,-38){\line(1,0){428}} \put(54.5,-61){\line(1,0){428}} \put(54.5,-84){\line(1,0){428}} \put(54.5,-107){\line(1,0){428}} \linethickness{2.8em} \put(49,-1.5){\line(1,0){439}} \linethickness{2.75em} \color{lightgray} \put(45.5,-1.5){\line(1,0){438}} \put(51,-0.5){\includegraphics[width=29.55em, height=1em]{HLSNoiseInoNoiseEffectOriginal}} \put(51,-16.5){\includegraphics[width=29.55em, height=1em]{HLSNoiseInoNoiseEffectKeepNoise}} \end{picture}\\[9.3em] \footnotesize \noindent \hskip 2.65em Keep Contrast \ \ Reduce the noise width. Maintain the contrast. Noise width is reduced only at the end \large \noindent \begin{picture}(0,0) \linethickness{0.01em} \put(255,-45.5){\line(1,0){56}} \put(255,-45.5){\line(3,2){6}} \put(255,-45.5){\line(3,-2){6}} \put(311,-45.5){\line(-3,2){6}} \put(311,-45.5){\line(-3,-2){6}} \put(86,-60){\line(0,1){8}} \put(86,-60){\line(-2,3){3}} \put(86,-60){\line(2,3){3}} \put(450,-60){\line(0,1){8}} \put(450,-60){\line(-2,3){3}} \put(450,-60){\line(2,3){3}} \put(58,-68.5){\line(1,0){56}} \put(58,-68.5){\line(3,2){6}} \put(58,-68.5){\line(3,-2){6}} \put(114,-68.5){\line(-3,2){6}} \put(114,-68.5){\line(-3,-2){6}} \put(423,-68.5){\line(1,0){56}} \put(423,-68.5){\line(3,2){6}} \put(423,-68.5){\line(3,-2){6}} \put(479,-68.5){\line(-3,2){6}} \put(479,-68.5){\line(-3,-2){6}} \put(70,-83){\line(0,1){8}} \put(70,-83){\line(-2,3){3}} \put(70,-83){\line(2,3){3}} \put(468,-83){\line(0,1){8}} \put(468,-83){\line(-2,3){3}} \put(468,-83){\line(2,3){3}} \put(55,-91.5){\line(1,0){28}} \put(55,-91.5){\line(3,2){6}} \put(55,-91.5){\line(3,-2){6}} \put(83,-91.5){\line(-3,2){6}} \put(83,-91.5){\line(-3,-2){6}} \put(454,-91.5){\line(1,0){28}} \put(454,-91.5){\line(3,2){6}} \put(454,-91.5){\line(3,-2){6}} \put(482,-91.5){\line(-3,2){6}} \put(482,-91.5){\line(-3,-2){6}} \put(61,-106){\line(0,1){8}} \put(61,-106){\line(-2,3){3}} \put(61,-106){\line(2,3){3}} \put(476.5,-106){\line(0,1){8}} \put(476.5,-106){\line(-2,3){3}} \put(476.5,-106){\line(2,3){3}} \put(55,-114.5){\line(1,0){12}} \put(55,-114.5){\line(3,2){6}} \put(55,-114.5){\line(3,-2){6}} \put(67,-114.5){\line(-3,2){6}} \put(67,-114.5){\line(-3,-2){6}} \put(471,-114.5){\line(1,0){12}} \put(471,-114.5){\line(3,2){6}} \put(471,-114.5){\line(3,-2){6}} \put(483,-114.5){\line(-3,2){6}} \put(483,-114.5){\line(-3,-2){6}} \put(283,-106){\line(0,1){54}} \put(267,-123){\scriptsize{separate}} \linethickness{0.2em} \put(54.5,-38){\line(1,0){428}} \put(54.5,-61){\line(1,0){428}} \put(54.5,-84){\line(1,0){428}} \put(54.5,-107){\line(1,0){428}} \linethickness{2.8em} \put(49,-1.5){\line(1,0){439}} \linethickness{2.75em} \color{lightgray} \put(45.5,-1.5){\line(1,0){438}} \put(51,-0.5){\includegraphics[width=29.55em, height=1em]{HLSNoiseInoNoiseEffectOriginal}} \put(51,-16.5){\includegraphics[width=29.55em, height=1em]{HLSNoiseInoNoiseEffectKeepContrast}} \end{picture} \end{document}