\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[a4paper, total={180mm, 272mm}]{geometry} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont[Path=fonts/, Extension=.ttf]{ipaexm} \setlength\parindent{3.5em} \setlength\parskip{0em} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.247} \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} \Large \noindent \\ Channel Selector Ino\medskip \par \normalsize Selects each RGBA channel from multiple inputs (Source1,2,3,4).\\ \\ -{-}- \ Inputs \ -{-}-\\ Source1\\ Source2\\ Source3\\ Source4\par Any one or more images to connect and process.\par You can connect up to a maximum of four images.\\ \\ -{-}- \ Settings \ -{-}-\\ Red\par \noindent \ \, Image\par Specifies the input image to be used as the Red channel.\par choose from among Source1/Source2/Source3/Source4.\par You can type a value from 1 to 4 on the keyboard input.\par The default value is 0.\\ \par \noindent \ \, Channel\par The channel to be used as the Red channel,\par choose from Red/Green/Blue/Alpha.\par The default value is Red.\\ \\ Green\par \noindent \ \, Image\par Specifies the input image to be used as the Green channel.\par Options are the same as the \textquotedbl Red Image\textquotedbl .\\ \par \noindent \ \, Channel\par The channel to be used as the Green channel,\par choose from Red/Green/Blue/Alpha.\par The default value is Green.\\ \\ Blue\par \noindent \ \, Image\par Specifies the input image to be used as the Blue channel.\par Options are the same as the \textquotedbl Red Image\textquotedbl .\\ \par \noindent \ \, Channel\par The channel to be used as the Blue channel, \newpage \thispagestyle{empty} \ \vspace{-0.2em} \par choose from Red/Green/Blue/Alpha.\par The default value is Blue.\\ \\ Alpha\par \noindent \ \, Image\par Specifies the input image to be used as the Alpha channel.\par Options are the same as the \textquotedbl Red Image\textquotedbl .\\ \par \noindent \ \, Channel\par The channel to be used as the Alpha channel,\par choose from Red/Green/Blue/Alpha.\par The default value is Alpha. \end{document}