#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS (1) // Warning treated as errors #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE (1) // use of fopen deprecated // Tnz includes (-.-') #include "../toonz/tapp.h" // TFarmController includes #include "tfarmcontroller.h" // TnzStdfx includes #include "stdfx/shaderfx.h" // TnzLib includes #include "toonz/toonzfolders.h" #include "toonz/tlog.h" #include "toonz/tstageobjecttree.h" #include "toonz/stage.h" #include "toonz/preferences.h" #include "toonz/tproject.h" #include "toonz/toonzscene.h" #include "toonz/sceneproperties.h" #include "toonz/txshsoundlevel.h" #include "toonz/txshsoundcolumn.h" #include "toonz/tcamera.h" #include "toonz/scenefx.h" #include "toonz/movierenderer.h" #include "toonz/multimediarenderer.h" #include "toutputproperties.h" #include "toonz/imagestyles.h" // TnzSound includes #include "tnzsound.h" // TnzImage includes #include "timage_io.h" #include "tnzimage.h" #include "tflash.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "avicodecrestrictions.h" #endif // TnzBase includes #include "tcli.h" #include "tunit.h" #include "tenv.h" #include "tpassivecachemanager.h" //#include "tcacheresourcepool.h" // TnzCore includes #include "tsystem.h" #include "tsmartpointer.h" #include "tthread.h" #include "tthreadmessage.h" #include "tmsgcore.h" #include "tstopwatch.h" #include "timagecache.h" #include "tstream.h" #include "tfilepath_io.h" #include "tpluginmanager.h" #include "tiio_std.h" #include "tsimplecolorstyles.h" #include "tvectorbrushstyle.h" #include "tpalette.h" // TnzQt includes #include "toonzqt/pluginloader.h" // Qt includes #include #include #include //================================================================================== using namespace std; using namespace TCli; typedef ArgumentT FilePathArgument; typedef QualifierT FilePathQualifier; namespace { double currentCameraSize = 12; double getCurrentCameraSize() { return currentCameraSize; } } //======================================================================== // // Application names and versions // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace { // // applicationName & Version compongono la registry root // applicationFullName e' la title bar (e compare dentro i .tnz) // rootVarName e' quello che dice di essere // systemVarPrefix viene prefissa a tutte le variabili nei registry // (es PROJECTS etc.) // const char *applicationName = "OpenToonz"; const char *applicationVersion = "1.1"; const char *applicationFullName = "OpenToonz 1.1"; const char *rootVarName = "TOONZROOT"; const char *systemVarPrefix = "TOONZ"; // TODO: forse anche questo andrebbe in tnzbase // ci possono essere altri programmi offline oltre al tcomposer //======================================================================== // // fatalError // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void fatalError(string msg) { #ifdef _WIN32 std::cout << msg << std::endl; // MessageBox(0,msg.c_str(),"Fatal error",MB_ICONERROR); exit(1); #else // TODO: Come si fa ad aggiungere un messaggio di errore qui? std::cout << msg << std::endl; abort(); #endif } // #ifdef MACOSX inline bool isBlank(char c) { return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n'; } // // TODO: se questo sistema e' il modo Mac di emulare i registry di windows // allora **DEVE** essere messo in libreria. Parliamone. // //======================================================================== // setToonzFolder //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Ritorna il path della variabile passata come secondo argomento // entrambe vengono lette da un file di testo (filename). TFilePath setToonzFolder(const TFilePath &filename, std::string toonzVar) { Tifstream is(filename); if (!is) return TFilePath(); char buffer[1024]; while (is.getline(buffer, sizeof(buffer))) { // le righe dentro toonzenv.txt sono del tipo // export set TOONZPROJECT="....." // devo trovare la linea che contiene toonzVar char *s = buffer; while (isBlank(*s)) s++; // Se la riga  vuota, o inizia per # o ! salto alla prossima if (*s == '\0' || *s == '#' || *s == '!') continue; if (*s == '=') continue; // errore: nome variabile non c' char *t = s; // Mi prendo la sottoStringa fino all'= while (*t && *t != '=') t++; if (*t != '=') continue; // errore: manca '=' char *q = t; // Torno indietro fino al primo blank while (q > s && !isBlank(*(q - 1))) q--; if (q == s) continue; // non dovrebbe mai succedere: prima di '=' tutti blanks string toonzVarString(q, t); // Confronto la stringa trovata con toonzVar, se  lei vado avanti. if (toonzVar != toonzVarString) continue; // errore: stringhe diverse s = t + 1; // Salto gli spazi while (isBlank(*s)) s++; if (*s == '\0') continue; // errore: dst vuoto t = s; while (*t) t++; while (t > s && isBlank(*(t - 1))) t--; if (t == s) continue; // ATTENZIONE : tolgo le virgolette !! string pathName(s + 1, t - s - 2); return TFilePath(pathName); } return TFilePath(); } #endif } // namespace //============================================================================================== namespace { TStopWatch Sw1; TStopWatch Sw2; bool UseRenderFarm = false; QString FarmControllerName; int FarmControllerPort; TFarmController *FarmController = 0; TUserLogAppend *m_userLog; QString TaskId; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void tcomposerRunOutOfContMemHandler(unsigned long size) { string msg("Run out of contiguous memory: tried to allocate " + std::to_string(size >> 10) + " KB"); cout << msg << endl; m_userLog->error(msg); // The task will necessarily do something wrong. So we quit with an error // code. TImageCache::instance()->clear(true); exit(2); } } //============================================================================================== class MyMovieRenderListener final : public MovieRenderer::Listener { public: MyMovieRenderListener(const TFilePath &fp, int frameCount, QWaitCondition &renderCompleted, bool stereo) : m_fp(fp) , m_frameCount(frameCount) , m_frameCompletedCount(0) , m_frameFailedCount(0) , m_renderCompleted(renderCompleted) , m_stereo(stereo) {} bool onFrameCompleted(int frame) override; bool onFrameFailed(int frame, TException &e) override; void onSequenceCompleted(const TFilePath &fp) override; TFilePath m_fp; int m_frameCount; int m_frameCompletedCount; int m_frameFailedCount; QWaitCondition &m_renderCompleted; bool m_stereo; }; //================================================================================== bool MyMovieRenderListener::onFrameCompleted(int frame) { TFilePath fp = m_fp.withFrame(frame + 1); string msg; if (m_stereo) msg = ::to_string(fp.withName(fp.getName() + "_l")) + " and " + ::to_string(fp.withName(fp.getName() + "_r")) + " computed"; else msg = ::to_string(fp) + " computed"; cout << msg << endl; m_userLog->info(msg); DVGui::info(QString::fromStdString(msg)); if (FarmController) { try { FarmController->taskProgress(TaskId, m_frameCompletedCount + m_frameFailedCount, m_frameCount, frame + 1, FrameDone); } catch (...) { msg = "Unable to connect to " + std::to_string(FarmControllerPort) + "@" + FarmControllerName.toStdString(); cout << msg; m_userLog->error(msg); } } m_frameCompletedCount++; return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool MyMovieRenderListener::onFrameFailed(int frame, TException &e) { TFilePath fp = m_fp.withFrame(frame + 1); string msg; msg = ::to_string(fp) + " failed"; if (!e.getMessage().empty()) msg += ": " + ::to_string(e.getMessage()); cout << msg << endl; m_userLog->error(msg); if (FarmController) { try { FarmController->taskProgress(TaskId, m_frameCompletedCount + m_frameFailedCount, m_frameCount, frame + 1, FrameFailed); } catch (...) { msg = "Unable to connect to " + std::to_string(FarmControllerPort) + "@" + FarmControllerName.toStdString(); cout << msg; m_userLog->error(msg); } } m_frameFailedCount++; return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MyMovieRenderListener::onSequenceCompleted(const TFilePath &fp) { cout << endl; QCoreApplication::instance()->quit(); } //============================================================================================== class MyMultimediaRenderListener final : public MultimediaRenderer::Listener { public: TFilePath m_fp; int m_frameCount; int m_frameCompletedCount; int m_frameFailedCount; MyMultimediaRenderListener(const TFilePath &fp, int frameCount) : m_fp(fp) , m_frameCount(frameCount) , m_frameCompletedCount(0) , m_frameFailedCount(0) {} bool onFrameCompleted(int frame, int column) override; bool onFrameFailed(int frame, int column, TException &e) override; void onSequenceCompleted(int column) override {} void onRenderCompleted() override {} }; //================================================================================== bool MyMultimediaRenderListener::onFrameCompleted(int frame, int column) { int actualFrame = frame + 1; string msg = ::to_string(m_fp) + ", column " + std::to_string(column) + ", frame " + std::to_string(actualFrame) + " computed"; cout << msg << endl; m_userLog->info(msg); if (FarmController) { try { FarmController->taskProgress(TaskId, m_frameCompletedCount + m_frameFailedCount, m_frameCount, actualFrame, FrameDone); } catch (...) { msg = "Unable to connect to " + std::to_string(FarmControllerPort) + "@" + FarmControllerName.toStdString(); cout << msg; m_userLog->error(msg); } } m_frameCompletedCount++; return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool MyMultimediaRenderListener::onFrameFailed(int frame, int column, TException &e) { int actualFrame = frame + 1; string msg = ::to_string(m_fp) + ", column " + std::to_string(column) + ", frame " + std::to_string(actualFrame) + " failed"; if (!e.getMessage().empty()) msg += ": " + ::to_string(e.getMessage()); cout << msg << endl; m_userLog->error(msg); if (FarmController) { try { FarmController->taskProgress(TaskId, m_frameCompletedCount + m_frameFailedCount, m_frameCount, actualFrame, FrameFailed); } catch (...) { msg = "Unable to connect to " + std::to_string(FarmControllerPort) + "@" + FarmControllerName.toStdString(); cout << msg; m_userLog->error(msg); } } m_frameFailedCount++; return true; } //================================================================================== static std::pair generateMovie(ToonzScene *scene, const TFilePath &fp, int r0, int r1, int step, int shrink, int threadCount, int maxTileSize) { QWaitCondition renderCompleted; // riporto gli indici a base zero r0 = r0 - 1; r1 = r1 - 1; if (r0 < 0) r0 = 0; if (r1 < 0 || r1 >= scene->getFrameCount()) r1 = scene->getFrameCount() - 1; string msg; assert(r1 >= r0); TSceneProperties *sprop = scene->getProperties(); TOutputProperties outputSettings = *sprop->getOutputProperties(); currentCameraSize = scene->getCurrentCamera()->getSize().lx; TDimension cameraSize = scene->getCurrentCamera()->getRes(); TSystem::touchParentDir(fp); string ext = fp.getType(); #ifdef _WIN32 if (ext == "avi") { TPropertyGroup *props = scene->getProperties()->getOutputProperties()->getFileFormatProperties( ext); string codecName = props->getProperty(0)->getValueAsString(); TDimension res = scene->getCurrentCamera()->getRes(); if (!AviCodecRestrictions::canWriteMovie(::to_wstring(codecName), res)) { string msg( "The resolution of the output camera does not fit with the options " "chosen for the output file format."); m_userLog->error(msg); exit(1); } } #endif double cameraXDpi, cameraYDpi; TPointD camDpi = scene->getCurrentCamera()->getDpi(); cameraXDpi = camDpi.x; cameraYDpi = camDpi.y; int which = outputSettings.getWhichLevels(); double stretchTo = (double)outputSettings.getRenderSettings().m_timeStretchTo; double stretchFrom = (double)outputSettings.getRenderSettings().m_timeStretchFrom; double timeStretchFactor = stretchFrom / stretchTo; int numFrames = (int)((r1 - r0 + 1) / timeStretchFactor); double r = (r0)*timeStretchFactor; double stepd = step * timeStretchFactor; int multimediaRender = outputSettings.getMultimediaRendering(); //--------------------------------------------------------- // Multimedia render //--------------------------------------------------------- if (multimediaRender) { MultimediaRenderer multimediaRenderer(scene, fp, multimediaRender, threadCount); TRenderSettings rs = outputSettings.getRenderSettings(); rs.m_maxTileSize = maxTileSize; rs.m_shrinkX = rs.m_shrinkY = shrink; multimediaRenderer.setRenderSettings(rs); multimediaRenderer.setDpi(cameraXDpi, cameraYDpi); multimediaRenderer.enablePrecomputing(true); for (int i = 0; i < numFrames; i += step, r += stepd) multimediaRenderer.addFrame(r); MyMultimediaRenderListener *listener = new MyMultimediaRenderListener( fp, multimediaRenderer.getFrameCount() * multimediaRenderer.getColumnsCount()); multimediaRenderer.addListener(listener); multimediaRenderer.start(); //----------------- main thread remains above until render is done //---------------- // NOTE: the passed total frame count "columns * frames" is an overestimate // in this case: // columns which do not appear on certain frames are not rendered. So, just // realize the // number of failed frames if any. std::pair framePair = std::make_pair(listener->m_frameCount, listener->m_frameCount); delete listener; return framePair; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Movie render //--------------------------------------------------------- else { MovieRenderer movieRenderer(scene, fp, threadCount, false); TRenderSettings rs = outputSettings.getRenderSettings(); rs.m_maxTileSize = maxTileSize; rs.m_shrinkX = rs.m_shrinkY = shrink; movieRenderer.setRenderSettings(rs); movieRenderer.setDpi(cameraXDpi, cameraYDpi); movieRenderer.enablePrecomputing(true); MyMovieRenderListener *listener = new MyMovieRenderListener(fp, tceil((numFrames) / (float)step), renderCompleted, rs.m_stereoscopic); movieRenderer.addListener(listener); for (int i = 0; i < numFrames; i += step, r += stepd) { TFxPair fx; if (rs.m_stereoscopic) scene->shiftCameraX(-rs.m_stereoscopicShift / 2); fx.m_frameA = (TRasterFxP)buildSceneFx(scene, scene->getXsheet(), r, which, shrink, false); if (rs.m_fieldPrevalence != TRenderSettings::NoField) fx.m_frameB = (TRasterFxP)buildSceneFx(scene, scene->getXsheet(), r + 0.5 * timeStretchFactor, which, shrink, false); else if (rs.m_stereoscopic) { scene->shiftCameraX(rs.m_stereoscopicShift); fx.m_frameB = (TRasterFxP)buildSceneFx(scene, scene->getXsheet(), r, which, shrink, false); scene->shiftCameraX(-rs.m_stereoscopicShift / 2); } else fx.m_frameB = TRasterFxP(); movieRenderer.addFrame(r, fx); } movieRenderer.start(); // Start main loop QCoreApplication::instance()->exec(); //----------------- tcomposer's main thread loops here ---------------- // int frameCompleted = listener->m_frameCompletedCount; std::pair framePair = std::make_pair(listener->m_frameCompletedCount, listener->m_frameCount); delete listener; return framePair; } } //================================================================================== // // main() // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO: il main comincia a diventare troppo lungo. Forse val la pena // separarlo in varie funzioni // (tipo initToonzEnvironment(), parseCommandLine(), ecc) DV_IMPORT_API void initStdFx(); DV_IMPORT_API void initColorFx(); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); // Create a QObject destroyed just before app - see Tnz6's main.cpp for // rationale std::unique_ptr mainScope(new QObject(&app)); mainScope->setObjectName("mainScope"); #ifdef _WIN32 #ifndef x64 // Store the floating point control word. It will be re-set before Toonz // initialization // has ended. unsigned int fpWord = 0; _controlfp_s(&fpWord, 0, 0); #endif #endif // Set the app's locale for numeric stuff to standard C. This is important for // atof() and similar // calls that are locale-dependant. setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); // Install run out of contiguous memory callback TBigMemoryManager::instance()->setRunOutOfContiguousMemoryHandler( &tcomposerRunOutOfContMemHandler); #ifdef _WIN32 // Define 64-bit precision for floating-point arithmetic. Please observe that // the // initImageIo() call below would already impose this precision. This just wants // to be // explicit. //_controlfp_s(0, 0, 0x10000); #endif // Initialize thread components TThread::init(); // questo definisce la registry root e inizializza TEnv TEnv::setApplication(applicationName, applicationVersion); TEnv::setApplicationFullName(applicationFullName); TEnv::setRootVarName(rootVarName); TEnv::setSystemVarPrefix(systemVarPrefix); TSystem::hasMainLoop(true); // QMessageBox::information(0, QString("eccolo"), QString("composer!")); int i; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) // tmsg must be set as soon as it's possible { QString str = argv[i]; if (str == "-tmsg") { TMsgCore::instance()->connectTo(argv[i + 1]); break; } } if (i == argc) TMsgCore::instance()->connectTo(""); // TODO: non va qui. Bisognerebbe semmai modificare l'implementazione // delle TEnv:: precedenti. Discutiamone #ifdef MACOSX // StuffDir QFileInfo infoStuff(QString("Toonz 7.1 stuff")); TFilePath stuffDirPath(infoStuff.absoluteFilePath().toStdString()); TEnv::setStuffDir(stuffDirPath); #endif // controllo se la xxxroot e' definita e corrisponde ad un file esistente TFilePath fp = TEnv::getStuffDir(); if (fp == TFilePath()) fatalError(string("Undefined: \"") + ::to_string(TEnv::getRootVarPath()) + "\""); if (!TFileStatus(fp).isDirectory()) fatalError(string("Directory \"") + ::to_string(fp) + "\" not found or not readable"); TFilePath lRootDir = fp + "toonzfarm"; TFilePath logFilePath = lRootDir + "tcomposer.log"; m_userLog = new TUserLogAppend(logFilePath); string msg; // Initialize measure units Preferences::instance(); // Loads standard (linear) units TMeasureManager::instance()-> // Loads camera-related units addCameraMeasures(getCurrentCameraSize); // TFilePathSet fps = ToonzFolder::getProjectsFolders(); TFilePathSet::iterator fpIt; for (fpIt = fps.begin(); fpIt != fps.end(); ++fpIt) TProjectManager::instance()->addProjectsRoot(*fpIt); TFilePath libraryFolder = ToonzFolder::getLibraryFolder(); TRasterImagePatternStrokeStyle::setRootDir(libraryFolder); TVectorImagePatternStrokeStyle::setRootDir(libraryFolder); TVectorBrushStyle::setRootDir(libraryFolder); TPalette::setRootDir(libraryFolder); TImageStyle::setLibraryDir(libraryFolder); TFilePath cacheRoot = ToonzFolder::getCacheRootFolder(); if (cacheRoot.isEmpty()) cacheRoot = TEnv::getStuffDir() + "cache"; TImageCache::instance()->setRootDir(cacheRoot); // #endif // setCurrentModule("tcomposer"); TCli::FilePathArgument srcName("srcName", "Source file"); FilePathQualifier dstName("-o dstName", "Target file"); RangeQualifier range; IntQualifier stepOpt("-step n", "Step"); IntQualifier shrinkOpt("-shrink n", "Shrink"); IntQualifier multimedia("-multimedia n", "Multimedia rendering mode"); StringQualifier farmData("-farm data", "TFarm Controller"); StringQualifier idq("-id n", "id"); StringQualifier nthreads("-nthreads n", "Number of rendering threads"); StringQualifier tileSize("-maxtilesize n", "Enable tile rendering of max n MB per tile"); StringQualifier tmsg("-tmsg val", "only internal use"); Usage usage(argv[0]); usage.add(srcName + dstName + range + stepOpt + shrinkOpt + multimedia + farmData + idq + nthreads + tileSize + tmsg); if (!usage.parse(argc, argv)) exit(1); TaskId = QString::fromStdString(idq.getValue()); string fdata = farmData.getValue(); if (fdata.empty()) UseRenderFarm = false; else { UseRenderFarm = true; string::size_type pos = fdata.find('@'); if (pos == string::npos) UseRenderFarm = false; else { FarmControllerPort = std::stoi(fdata.substr(0, pos)); FarmControllerName = QString::fromStdString(fdata.substr(pos + 1)); } } if (UseRenderFarm) { TFarmControllerFactory factory; factory.create(FarmControllerName, FarmControllerPort, &FarmController); } while (!PluginLoader::load_entries("")) app.processEvents(); std::pair framePair(1, 0); try { Tiio::defineStd(); initImageIo(); Tiio::defineStd(); initSoundIo(); initStdFx(); initColorFx(); loadShaderInterfaces(ToonzFolder::getLibraryFolder() + TFilePath("shaders")); //#endif //--------------------------------------------------------- TFilePath srcFilePath = srcName.getValue(); try { srcFilePath = TSystem::toLocalPath(srcFilePath); } catch (...) { } //--------------------------------------------------------- msg = "Loading " + srcFilePath.getName(); cout << endl << msg << endl; m_userLog->info(msg); TProjectManager *pm = TProjectManager::instance(); // pm->enableTabMode(true); TProjectP project = pm->loadSceneProject(srcFilePath); if (!project) { msg = "Couldn't find the project"; //+ project->getName().getName(); cerr << msg << endl; m_userLog->error(msg); return -2; } msg = "project: " + project->getName().getName(); cout << msg << endl; m_userLog->info(msg); // pm->setCurrentProject(project, false); // false => temporaneamente Sw1.start(); if (!TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(srcFilePath)) return false; ToonzScene *scene = new ToonzScene(); TImageStyle::setCurrentScene(scene); try { Sw2.start(); scene->load(srcFilePath); Sw2.stop(); } catch (TException &e) { cout << ::to_string(e.getMessage()) << endl; m_userLog->error(::to_string(e.getMessage())); return -2; } catch (...) { string msg; msg = "There were problems loading the scene " + ::to_string(srcFilePath) + ".\n Some files may be missing."; cout << msg << endl; m_userLog->error(msg); // return false; } msg = "scene loaded"; cout << "scene loaded" << endl; m_userLog->info(msg); //--------------------------------------------------------- TFilePath dstFilePath; if (dstName.isSelected()) dstFilePath = dstName.getValue(); else { dstFilePath = scene->getProperties()->getOutputProperties()->getPath(); if (dstFilePath == TFilePath()) dstFilePath = TFilePath("+outputs") + "$scenename.tif"; else if (dstFilePath.getName() == "") dstFilePath = (dstFilePath.getParentDir() + scene->getSceneName()) .withType(dstFilePath.getType()); } dstFilePath = scene->decodeFilePath(dstFilePath); //--------------------------------------------------------- msg = "Generating " + dstFilePath.getName(); cout << endl << "Generating " << dstFilePath << endl << endl; m_userLog->info(msg); TFilePath theDstFilePath = dstFilePath; try { theDstFilePath = TSystem::toLocalPath(dstFilePath); } catch (...) { } int r0 = -1, r1 = -1, step = 1, shrink = 1; TOutputProperties *outProp = scene->getProperties()->getOutputProperties(); int scene_from, scene_to, scene_step; outProp->getRange(scene_from, scene_to, scene_step); int scene_shrink = outProp->getRenderSettings().m_shrinkX; if (scene_from == 0 && scene_to == -1) { scene_from = 1; scene_to = scene->getFrameCount(); } else { scene_from++; scene_to++; } if (range.isSelected()) { r0 = range.getFrom(); r1 = range.getTo(); } else { r0 = scene_from; r1 = scene_to; } if (stepOpt.isSelected()) step = stepOpt.getValue(); else step = scene_step; if (shrinkOpt.isSelected()) shrink = shrinkOpt.getValue(); else shrink = scene_shrink; if (multimedia.isSelected()) scene->getProperties()->getOutputProperties()->setMultimediaRendering( multimedia.getValue()); // Retrieve Thread count const int procCount = TSystem::getProcessorCount(); int threadCount; const int threadCounts[3] = {1, procCount / 2, procCount}; if (nthreads.isSelected()) { QString threadCountStr = QString::fromStdString(nthreads.getValue()); threadCount = (threadCountStr == "single") ? threadCounts[0] : (threadCountStr == "half") ? threadCounts[1] : (threadCountStr == "all") ? threadCounts[2] : threadCountStr.toInt(); if (threadCount <= 0) { cout << "Qualifier 'nthreads': bad input" << endl; exit(1); } } else { int threadIndex = outProp->getThreadIndex(); threadCount = threadCounts[threadIndex]; } threadCount = tcrop(1, procCount, threadCount); // Retrieve max tile size (raster granularity) int maxTileSize; const int maxTileSizes[4] = { (std::numeric_limits::max)(), TOutputProperties::LargeVal, TOutputProperties::MediumVal, TOutputProperties::SmallVal}; if (tileSize.isSelected()) { QString tileSizeStr = QString::fromStdString(tileSize.getValue()); maxTileSize = (tileSizeStr == "none") ? maxTileSizes[0] : (tileSizeStr == "large") ? maxTileSizes[1] : (tileSizeStr == "medium") ? maxTileSizes[2] : (tileSizeStr == "small") ? maxTileSizes[3] : tileSizeStr.toInt(); if (maxTileSize <= 0) { cout << "Qualifier 'maxtilesize': bad input" << endl; exit(1); } } else { int maxTileSizeIndex = outProp->getMaxTileSizeIndex(); maxTileSize = maxTileSizes[maxTileSizeIndex]; } m_userLog->info("Threads count: " + std::to_string(threadCount)); if (maxTileSize != (std::numeric_limits::max)()) m_userLog->info("Render tile: " + std::to_string(maxTileSize)); // Disable the Passive cache manager. It has no sense if it cannot write on // disk... // TCacheResourcePool::instance(); //Needs to be instanced before // TPassiveCacheManager... TPassiveCacheManager::instance()->setEnabled(false); #ifdef _WIN32 #ifndef x64 // On 32-bit architecture, there could be cases in which initialization // could alter the // FPU floating point control word. I've seen this happen when loading some // AVI coded (VFAPI), // where 80-bit internal precision was used instead of the standard 64-bit // (much faster and // sufficient - especially considering that x86 truncates to 64-bit // representation anyway). // IN ANY CASE, revert to the original control word. // In the x64 case these precision changes simply should not take place up // to _controlfp_s // documentation. _controlfp_s(0, fpWord, -1); #endif #endif framePair = generateMovie(scene, theDstFilePath, r0, r1, step, shrink, threadCount, maxTileSize); Sw1.stop(); m_userLog->info( "Raster Allocation Peak: " + std::to_string(TBigMemoryManager::instance()->getAllocationPeak()) + " KB"); m_userLog->info( "Raster Allocation Mean: " + std::to_string(TBigMemoryManager::instance()->getAllocationMean()) + " KB"); msg = "Compositing completed in " + ::to_string(Sw1.getTotalTime() / 1000.0, 2) + " seconds"; string msg2 = "\n" + ::to_string(Sw2.getTotalTime() / 1000.0, 2) + " seconds spent on loading" + "\n" + ::to_string(TStopWatch::global(0).getTotalTime() / 1000.0, 2) + " seconds spent on saving" + "\n" + ::to_string(TStopWatch::global(8).getTotalTime() / 1000.0, 2) + " seconds spent on rendering" + "\n"; cout << msg + msg2; m_userLog->info(msg + msg2); DVGui::info(QString::fromStdString(msg)); TImageCache::instance()->clear(true); } catch (TException &e) { msg = "Untrapped exception: " + ::to_string(e.getMessage()), cout << msg << endl; m_userLog->error(msg); TImageCache::instance()->clear(true); } catch (...) { cout << "Untrapped exception" << endl; m_userLog->error("Untrapped exception"); TImageCache::instance()->clear(true); } if (framePair.first != framePair.second) return -1; return 0; }