#include "toonzqt/functionpanel.h" // TnzQt includes #include "toonzqt/functionselection.h" #include "toonzqt/functionsegmentviewer.h" #include "toonzqt/imageutils.h" #include "functionpaneltools.h" #include "toonzqt/gutil.h" // TnzLib includes #include "toonz/tframehandle.h" #include "toonz/doubleparamcmd.h" #include "toonz/toonzfolders.h" // TnzBase includes #include "tdoubleparam.h" #include "tdoublekeyframe.h" #include "tunit.h" // TnzCore includes #include "tcommon.h" // Qt includes #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { void drawCircle(QPainter &painter, double x, double y, double r) { painter.drawEllipse(x - r, y - r, 2 * r, 2 * r); } void drawCircle(QPainter &painter, const QPointF &p, double r) { painter.drawEllipse(p.x() - r, p.y() - r, 2 * r, 2 * r); } void drawSquare(QPainter &painter, double x, double y, double r) { painter.drawRect(x - r, y - r, 2 * r, 2 * r); } void drawSquare(QPainter &painter, const QPointF &p, double r) { drawSquare(painter, p.x(), p.y(), r); } void drawRoundedSquare(QPainter &painter, const QPointF &p, double r) { painter.drawRoundRect(p.x() - r, p.y() - r, 2 * r, 2 * r, 99, 99); } double norm2(const QPointF &p) { return p.x() * p.x() + p.y() * p.y(); } class FunctionPanelZoomer final : public ImageUtils::ShortcutZoomer { FunctionPanel *m_panel; public: FunctionPanelZoomer(FunctionPanel *panel) : ShortcutZoomer(panel), m_panel(panel) {} bool zoom(bool zoomin, bool resetZoom) override { if (resetZoom) m_panel->fitGraphToWindow(); else { double f = 1.25; double sc = zoomin ? f : 1.0 / f; QPoint center(m_panel->width() / 2, m_panel->height() / 2); m_panel->zoom(sc, sc, center); } return true; } }; } // namespace //============================================================================= // // Ruler // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Ruler { double m_minValue, m_step; int m_labelPeriod, m_labelOffset, m_tickCount; double m_unit, m_pan, m_vOrigin; int m_x0, m_x1; int m_minLabelDistance, m_minDistance; double m_minStep; public: Ruler(); // unit,pan define the world to viewport transformation: pixel = value * unit // + pan // note: unit can be <0 (e.g. in the vertical rulers) // use vOrigin!=0 when there is a offset between values and labels // (e.g. frame=0 is visualized as 1) void setTransform(double unit, double pan, double vOrigin = 0) { m_unit = unit; m_pan = pan; m_vOrigin = vOrigin; } void setRange(int x0, int x1) { m_x0 = x0; m_x1 = x1; } // [x0,x1] is the pixel range // set minimum distance (pixel) between two consecutive labels void setMinLabelDistance(int distance) { m_minLabelDistance = distance; } // set minimum distance (pixel) between two consecutive ticks void setMinDistance(int distance) { m_minDistance = distance; } // use setMinStep to define a minimum tick (e.g. for integer rulers as 'frame' // call setMinStep(1);) void setMinStep(double step) { m_minStep = step; } void compute(); // call compute() once, before calling the following methods int getTickCount() const { return m_tickCount; } double getTick(int index) const { return m_minValue + index * m_step; } bool isLabel(int index) const { return ((m_labelOffset + index) % m_labelPeriod) == 0; } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ruler::Ruler() : m_minValue(0) , m_step(1) , m_labelPeriod(2) , m_labelOffset(0) , m_tickCount(0) , m_unit(1) , m_pan(0) , m_x0(0) , m_x1(100) , m_minLabelDistance(20) , m_minDistance(5) , m_minStep(0) {} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Ruler::compute() { assert(m_x0 < m_x1); assert(m_unit != 0.0); assert(m_minLabelDistance > 0); assert(m_minDistance >= 0); // compute m_step (world distance between two adjacent ticks) // and m_labelPeriod (number of ticks between two adjacent labels) // the distance (world units) between two labels must be >= // minLabelWorldDistance const double absUnit = std::abs(m_unit); const double minLabelWorldDistance = m_minLabelDistance / absUnit; const double minWorldDistance = m_minDistance / absUnit; // we want the minimum step with: // step*labelPeriod (i.e. label distance) >= minLabelWorldDistance // step (i.e. tick distance) >= minWorldDistance // Note: labelPeriod alternates between 5 and 2 => labelPeriod' = // 7-labelPeriod m_step = 1; m_labelPeriod = 5; if (m_step * m_labelPeriod >= minLabelWorldDistance && m_step >= minWorldDistance) { while (m_step >= minLabelWorldDistance && m_step / (7 - m_labelPeriod) >= minWorldDistance) { m_labelPeriod = 7 - m_labelPeriod; m_step /= m_labelPeriod; } } else { do { m_step *= m_labelPeriod; m_labelPeriod = 7 - m_labelPeriod; // m_labelPeriod alternates between 5 and 2 } while (m_step * m_labelPeriod < minLabelWorldDistance || m_step < minWorldDistance); } if (m_step >= minLabelWorldDistance) { m_labelPeriod = 1; } if (m_step * m_labelPeriod < m_minStep) { m_step = m_minStep; m_labelPeriod = 1; } else if (m_step < m_minStep) { m_step *= m_labelPeriod; m_labelPeriod = 1; } // compute range double v0 = (m_x0 - m_pan) / m_unit; // left margin (world units) double v1 = (m_x1 - m_pan) / m_unit; // right margin (world units) if (m_unit < 0) tswap(v0, v1); int i0 = tfloor((v0 - m_vOrigin) / m_step); // largest tick <=v0 is i0 * m_step int i1 = tceil((v1 - m_vOrigin) / m_step); // smallest tick >=v1 is i1 * m_step m_minValue = i0 * m_step + m_vOrigin; m_tickCount = i1 - i0 + 1; m_labelOffset = i0 >= 0 ? (i0 % m_labelPeriod) : (m_labelPeriod - ((-i0) % m_labelPeriod)); } //============================================================================= //============================================================================= // // FunctionPanel::Gadget // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FunctionPanel::Gadget::Gadget(FunctionPanel::Handle handle, int kIndex, const QPointF &p, int rx, int ry, const QPointF &pointPos) : m_handle(handle) , m_kIndex(kIndex) , m_hitRegion(QRect((int)p.x() - rx, (int)p.y() - ry, 2 * rx, 2 * ry)) , m_pos(p) , m_pointPos(pointPos) , m_channel(0) , m_keyframePosition(0) {} //============================================================================= // // FunctionPanel // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FunctionPanel::FunctionPanel(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) , m_functionTreeModel(0) , m_viewTransform() , m_valueAxisX(50) , m_frameAxisY(50) , m_graphViewportY(50) , m_frameHandle(0) , m_dragTool(0) , m_currentFrameStatus(0) , m_selection(0) , m_curveShape(SMOOTH) { setWindowTitle(tr("Function Curves")); m_viewTransform.translate(50, 200); m_viewTransform.scale(5, -1); setFocusPolicy(Qt::ClickFocus); setMouseTracking(true); m_highlighted.handle = None; m_highlighted.gIndex = -1; m_cursor.visible = false; m_cursor.frame = m_cursor.value = 0; m_curveLabel.text = ""; m_curveLabel.curve = 0; // load the dialog size TFilePath fp(ToonzFolder::getMyModuleDir() + TFilePath(mySettingsFileName)); QSettings mySettings(toQString(fp), QSettings::IniFormat); mySettings.beginGroup("Dialogs"); setGeometry( mySettings.value("FunctionCurves", QRect(500, 500, 400, 300)).toRect()); mySettings.endGroup(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FunctionPanel::~FunctionPanel() { // save the dialog size TFilePath fp(ToonzFolder::getMyModuleDir() + TFilePath(mySettingsFileName)); QSettings mySettings(toQString(fp), QSettings::IniFormat); mySettings.beginGroup("Dialogs"); mySettings.setValue("FunctionCurves", geometry()); mySettings.endGroup(); delete m_dragTool; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- double FunctionPanel::getPixelRatio(TDoubleParam *curve) const { double framePixelSize = xToFrame(1) - xToFrame(0); assert(framePixelSize > 0); double valuePixelSize = fabs(yToValue(curve, 1) - yToValue(curve, 0)); assert(valuePixelSize > 0); return framePixelSize / valuePixelSize; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- double FunctionPanel::frameToX(double f) const { return m_viewTransform.m11() * f + m_viewTransform.dx(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- double FunctionPanel::xToFrame(double x) const { return (x - m_viewTransform.dx()) / m_viewTransform.m11(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- double FunctionPanel::valueToY(TDoubleParam *curve, double v) const { const double bigNumber = 1.0e9; TMeasure *m = curve->getMeasure(); if (m) { const TUnit *unit = m->getCurrentUnit(); v = unit->convertTo(v); } return tcrop(m_viewTransform.m22() * v + m_viewTransform.dy(), -bigNumber, bigNumber); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- double FunctionPanel::yToValue(TDoubleParam *curve, double y) const { double v = (y - m_viewTransform.dy()) / m_viewTransform.m22(); TMeasure *m = curve->getMeasure(); if (m) { const TUnit *unit = m->getCurrentUnit(); v = unit->convertFrom(v); } return v; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::pan(int dx, int dy) { QTransform m; m.translate(dx, dy); m_viewTransform *= m; update(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::zoom(double sx, double sy, const QPoint ¢er) { QTransform m; m.translate(center.x(), center.y()); m.scale(sx, sy); m.translate(-center.x(), -center.y()); m_viewTransform *= m; update(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QPointF FunctionPanel::getWinPos(TDoubleParam *curve, double frame, double value) const { return QPointF(frameToX(frame), valueToY(curve, value)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QPointF FunctionPanel::getWinPos(TDoubleParam *curve, double frame) const { return getWinPos(curve, frame, curve->getValue(frame)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QPointF FunctionPanel::getWinPos(TDoubleParam *curve, const TDoubleKeyframe &kf) const { return getWinPos(curve, kf.m_frame, kf.m_value); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int FunctionPanel::getCurveDistance(TDoubleParam *curve, const QPoint &winPos) { double frame = xToFrame(winPos.x()); double value = curve->getValue(frame); double curveY = valueToY(curve, value); return std::abs(curveY - winPos.y()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FunctionTreeModel::Channel *FunctionPanel::findClosestChannel( const QPoint &winPos, int maxWinDistance) { FunctionTreeModel::Channel *closestChannel = 0; int minDistance = maxWinDistance; int i; for (i = 0; i < m_functionTreeModel->getActiveChannelCount(); i++) { FunctionTreeModel::Channel *channel = m_functionTreeModel->getActiveChannel(i); TDoubleParam *curve = channel->getParam(); int distance = getCurveDistance(curve, winPos); if (distance < minDistance) { closestChannel = channel; minDistance = distance; } } return closestChannel; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TDoubleParam *FunctionPanel::findClosestCurve(const QPoint &winPos, int maxWinDistance) { FunctionTreeModel::Channel *closestChannel = findClosestChannel(winPos, maxWinDistance); return closestChannel ? closestChannel->getParam() : 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // return the gadget index (-1 if no gadget is close enough) int FunctionPanel::findClosestGadget(const QPoint &winPos, Handle &handle, int maxDistance) { // search only handles close enough (i.e. distance= 0) { handle = m_gadgets[k].m_handle; return k; // m_gadgets[k].m_kIndex; } else { handle = None; return -1; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TDoubleParam *FunctionPanel::getCurrentCurve() const { FunctionTreeModel::Channel *currentChannel = m_functionTreeModel ? m_functionTreeModel->getCurrentChannel() : 0; if (!currentChannel) return 0; else return currentChannel->getParam(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QPainterPath FunctionPanel::getSegmentPainterPath(TDoubleParam *curve, int segmentIndex, int x0, int x1) { double frame0 = xToFrame(x0), frame1 = xToFrame(x1); int kCount = curve->getKeyframeCount(); int step = 1; if (kCount > 0) { if (segmentIndex < 0) frame1 = std::min( frame1, curve->keyframeIndexToFrame(0)); // before first keyframe else if (segmentIndex >= kCount - 1) frame0 = std::max(frame0, curve->keyframeIndexToFrame( kCount - 1)); // after last keyframe else { // between keyframes TDoubleKeyframe kf = curve->getKeyframe(segmentIndex); frame0 = std::max(frame0, kf.m_frame); double f = curve->keyframeIndexToFrame(segmentIndex + 1); frame1 = std::min(frame1, f); step = kf.m_step; } } if (frame0 >= frame1) return QPainterPath(); double frame; double df = xToFrame(3) - xToFrame(0); if (m_curveShape == SMOOTH) { frame = frame0; } else // FRAME_BASED { frame = (double)tfloor(frame0); df = std::max(df, 1.0); } QPainterPath path; if (0 <= segmentIndex && segmentIndex < kCount && step > 1) { // step>1 path.moveTo(getWinPos(curve, frame)); int f0 = curve->keyframeIndexToFrame(segmentIndex); int vFrame = f0 + tfloor(tfloor(frame - f0), step); double vValue = curve->getValue(vFrame); assert(vFrame <= frame); assert(vFrame + step > frame); while (vFrame + step < frame1) { vValue = curve->getValue(vFrame); path.lineTo(getWinPos(curve, vFrame, vValue)); vFrame += step; path.lineTo(getWinPos(curve, vFrame, vValue)); vValue = curve->getValue(vFrame); path.lineTo(getWinPos(curve, vFrame, vValue)); } path.lineTo(getWinPos(curve, frame1, vValue)); path.lineTo(getWinPos(curve, frame1, curve->getValue(frame1, true))); } else { // step = 1 path.moveTo(getWinPos(curve, frame)); while (frame + df < frame1) { frame += df; path.lineTo(getWinPos(curve, frame)); } path.lineTo(getWinPos(curve, frame1, curve->getValue(frame1, true))); } return path; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::drawCurrentFrame(QPainter &painter) { int currentframe = 0; if (m_frameHandle) currentframe = m_frameHandle->getFrame(); int x = frameToX(currentframe); if (m_currentFrameStatus == 0) painter.setPen(Qt::magenta); else if (m_currentFrameStatus == 1) painter.setPen(Qt::white); else painter.setPen(m_selectedColor); int y = m_graphViewportY + 1; painter.drawLine(x - 1, y, x - 1, height()); painter.drawLine(x + 1, y, x + 1, height()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::drawFrameGrid(QPainter &painter) { QFontMetrics fm(painter.font()); // ruler background painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter.setBrush(getRulerBackground()); painter.drawRect(0, 0, width(), m_frameAxisY); // draw ticks and labels Ruler ruler; ruler.setTransform(m_viewTransform.m11(), m_viewTransform.dx(), -1); ruler.setRange(m_valueAxisX, width()); ruler.setMinLabelDistance(fm.width("-8888") + 2); ruler.setMinDistance(5); ruler.setMinStep(1); ruler.compute(); for (int i = 0; i < ruler.getTickCount(); i++) { double f = ruler.getTick(i); bool isLabel = ruler.isLabel(i); int x = frameToX(f); painter.setPen(m_textColor); int y = m_frameAxisY; painter.drawLine(x, y - (isLabel ? 4 : 2), x, y); painter.setPen(getFrameLineColor()); painter.drawLine(x, m_graphViewportY, x, height()); if (isLabel) { painter.setPen(m_textColor); QString labelText = QString::number(f + 1); painter.drawText(x - fm.width(labelText) / 2, y - 6, labelText); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::drawValueGrid(QPainter &painter) { TDoubleParam *curve = getCurrentCurve(); if (!curve) return; QFontMetrics fm(painter.font()); // ruler background painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter.setBrush(getRulerBackground()); painter.drawRect(0, 0, m_valueAxisX, height()); Ruler ruler; ruler.setTransform(m_viewTransform.m22(), m_viewTransform.dy()); ruler.setRange(m_graphViewportY, height()); ruler.setMinLabelDistance(fm.height() + 2); ruler.setMinDistance(5); ruler.compute(); painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); for (int i = 0; i < ruler.getTickCount(); i++) { double v = ruler.getTick(i); bool isLabel = ruler.isLabel(i); int y = tround(m_viewTransform.m22() * v + m_viewTransform.dy()); // valueToY(curve, v); painter.setPen(m_textColor); int x = m_valueAxisX; painter.drawLine(x - (isLabel ? 5 : 2), y, x, y); painter.setPen(getValueLineColor()); painter.drawLine(x, y, width(), y); if (isLabel) { painter.setPen(m_textColor); QString labelText = QString::number(v); painter.drawText(std::max(0, x - 5 - fm.width(labelText)), y + fm.height() / 2, labelText); } } if (false && ruler.getTickCount() > 10) { double value = ruler.getTick(9); double dv = fabs(ruler.getTick(10)); double frame = 10; double df = dv * getPixelRatio(curve); QPointF p0 = getWinPos(curve, frame, value); QPointF p1 = getWinPos(curve, frame + df, value + dv); painter.setPen(Qt::magenta); painter.drawRect(p0.x(), p0.y(), (p1 - p0).x(), (p1 - p0).y()); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::drawOtherCurves(QPainter &painter) { painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false); painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); int x0 = m_valueAxisX; int x1 = width(); QPen solidPen; QPen dashedPen; QVector dashes; dashes << 4 << 4; dashedPen.setDashPattern(dashes); for (int i = 0; i < m_functionTreeModel->getActiveChannelCount(); i++) { FunctionTreeModel::Channel *channel = m_functionTreeModel->getActiveChannel(i); if (channel->isCurrent()) continue; TDoubleParam *curve = channel->getParam(); QColor color = curve == m_curveLabel.curve ? m_selectedColor : getOtherCurvesColor(); solidPen.setColor(color); dashedPen.setColor(color); painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); int kCount = curve->getKeyframeCount(); if (kCount == 0) { // no control points painter.setPen(dashedPen); painter.drawPath(getSegmentPainterPath(curve, 0, x0, x1)); } // draw control points and handles else { for (int k = -1; k < kCount; k++) { painter.setPen((k < 0 || k >= kCount - 1) ? dashedPen : solidPen); painter.drawPath(getSegmentPainterPath(curve, k, x0, x1)); } painter.setPen(m_textColor); painter.setBrush(m_subColor); for (int k = 0; k < kCount; k++) { double frame = curve->keyframeIndexToFrame(k); QPointF p = getWinPos(curve, frame, curve->getValue(frame)); painter.drawRect(p.x() - 1, p.y() - 1, 3, 3); QPointF p2 = getWinPos(curve, frame, curve->getValue(frame, true)); if (p2.y() != p.y()) { painter.drawRect(p2.x() - 1, p2.y() - 1, 3, 3); painter.setPen(solidPen); painter.drawLine(p, p2); painter.setPen(m_textColor); } } } } painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); painter.setPen(m_textColor); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::updateGadgets(TDoubleParam *curve) { m_gadgets.clear(); TDoubleKeyframe oldKf; oldKf.m_type = TDoubleKeyframe::None; int keyframeCount = curve->getKeyframeCount(); for (int i = 0; i != keyframeCount; ++i) { const int pointHitRadius = 10, handleHitRadius = 6; TDoubleKeyframe kf = curve->getKeyframe(i); kf.m_value = curve->getValue( kf.m_frame); // Some keyframe values do NOT correspond to the // actual displayed curve value (eg with expressions) // Build keyframe positions QPointF p = getWinPos(curve, kf.m_frame); QPointF pLeft = p; if (i == keyframeCount - 1 && curve ->isCycleEnabled()) // This is probably OBSOLETE. I don't think the p = getWinPos(curve, kf.m_frame, curve->getValue( kf.m_frame, true)); // GUI allows cycling single curves nowadays... // However, is the assignment correct? // Add keyframe gadget(s) m_gadgets.push_back(Gadget(Point, i, p, pointHitRadius, pointHitRadius)); TPointD currentPointRight(kf.m_frame, kf.m_value); TPointD currentPointLeft(currentPointRight); // If the previous segment or the current segment are not keyframe based, // the curve can have two different values in kf.m_frame if (i > 0 && (!TDoubleKeyframe::isKeyframeBased( kf.m_type) || // Keyframe-based are the above mentioned curves !TDoubleKeyframe::isKeyframeBased( curve->getKeyframe(i - 1) .m_type))) // where values stored in keyframes are not used { // to calculate the actual curve values. currentPointLeft.y = curve->getValue(kf.m_frame, true); pLeft = getWinPos(curve, currentPointLeft); m_gadgets.push_back( Gadget(Point, i, pLeft, pointHitRadius, pointHitRadius)); } // Add handle gadgets (eg the speed or ease handles) if (getSelection()->isSelected(curve, i)) { // Left handle switch (oldKf.m_type) { case TDoubleKeyframe::SpeedInOut: { TPointD speedIn = curve->getSpeedIn(i); if (norm2(speedIn) > 0) { QPointF q = getWinPos(curve, currentPointLeft + speedIn); m_gadgets.push_back( Gadget(SpeedIn, i, q, handleHitRadius, handleHitRadius, pLeft)); } break; } case TDoubleKeyframe::EaseInOut: { QPointF q = getWinPos(curve, kf.m_frame + kf.m_speedIn.x); m_gadgets.push_back(Gadget(EaseIn, i, q, 6, 15)); break; } case TDoubleKeyframe::EaseInOutPercentage: { double easeIn = kf.m_speedIn.x * (kf.m_frame - oldKf.m_frame) * 0.01; QPointF q = getWinPos(curve, kf.m_frame + easeIn); m_gadgets.push_back(Gadget(EaseInPercentage, i, q, 6, 15)); break; } } // Right handle if (i != keyframeCount - 1) { switch (kf.m_type) { case TDoubleKeyframe::SpeedInOut: { TPointD speedOut = curve->getSpeedOut(i); if (norm2(speedOut) > 0) { QPointF q = getWinPos(curve, currentPointRight + speedOut); m_gadgets.push_back( Gadget(SpeedOut, i, q, handleHitRadius, handleHitRadius, p)); } break; } case TDoubleKeyframe::EaseInOut: { QPointF q = getWinPos(curve, kf.m_frame + kf.m_speedOut.x); m_gadgets.push_back(Gadget(EaseOut, i, q, 6, 15)); break; } case TDoubleKeyframe::EaseInOutPercentage: { double segmentWidth = curve->keyframeIndexToFrame(i + 1) - kf.m_frame; double easeOut = segmentWidth * kf.m_speedOut.x * 0.01; QPointF q = getWinPos(curve, kf.m_frame + easeOut); m_gadgets.push_back(Gadget(EaseOutPercentage, i, q, 6, 15)); break; } } } } oldKf = kf; } // Add group gadgets (ie those that can be added when multiple channels share // the same keyframe data) int channelCount = m_functionTreeModel->getActiveChannelCount(); // Using a map of vectors. Yes, really. The *ideal* way would be that of // copying the first keyframes // vector, and then comparing it with the others from each channel - keeping // the common data only... typedef std::map> KeyframeTable; // frame -> { keyframes } KeyframeTable keyframes; for (int i = 0; i != channelCount; ++i) { FunctionTreeModel::Channel *channel = m_functionTreeModel->getActiveChannel(i); if (!channel) continue; TDoubleParam *curve = channel->getParam(); for (int j = 0; j != curve->getKeyframeCount(); ++j) { TDoubleKeyframe kf = curve->getKeyframe( j); // Well... this stuff gets called upon *painting* o_o' keyframes[kf.m_frame].push_back( kf); // It's bound to be slow. Do we really need it? } } int groupHandleY = m_graphViewportY - 6; KeyframeTable::iterator it, iEnd(keyframes.end()), iLast(keyframes.empty() ? iEnd : --iEnd); for (KeyframeTable::iterator it = keyframes.begin(); it != keyframes.end(); ++it) { assert(!it->second.empty()); double frame = it->first; // redundant, already in the key... oh well QPointF p(frameToX(frame), groupHandleY); Gadget gadget((FunctionPanel::Handle)100, -1, p, 6, 6); // No idea what the '100' type value mean... gadget.m_keyframePosition = frame; m_gadgets.push_back(gadget); TDoubleKeyframe kf = it->second[0]; if ((int)it->second.size() < channelCount) continue; // All channels had this keyframe - so, add further gadgets about stuff... for (int i = 1; i < channelCount; ++i) { // Find out if keyframes data differs const TDoubleKeyframe &kf2 = it->second[i]; if (kf.m_type != kf2.m_type || kf.m_speedOut.x != kf2.m_speedOut.x) kf.m_type = TDoubleKeyframe::None; if (kf.m_prevType != kf2.m_prevType || kf.m_speedIn.x != kf2.m_speedIn.x) kf.m_prevType = TDoubleKeyframe::None; } // NOTE: EaseInOutPercentage are currently NOT SUPPORTED - they would be // harder to code and // controversial, since the handle position depends on the *segment // size* too. // So, keyframe data could be shared, but adjacent segment lengths // could not... if (it != iLast && (kf.m_type == TDoubleKeyframe::SpeedInOut || kf.m_type == TDoubleKeyframe::EaseInOut) && kf.m_speedOut.x != 0) { QPointF p(frameToX(frame + kf.m_speedOut.x), groupHandleY); Gadget gadget((FunctionPanel::Handle)101, -1, p, 6, 15); // type value... gadget.m_keyframePosition = frame; m_gadgets.push_back(gadget); } if ((kf.m_prevType == TDoubleKeyframe::SpeedInOut || kf.m_prevType == TDoubleKeyframe::EaseInOut) && kf.m_speedIn.x != 0) { QPointF p(frameToX(frame + kf.m_speedIn.x), groupHandleY); Gadget gadget((FunctionPanel::Handle)102, -1, p, 6, 15); // type value... gadget.m_keyframePosition = frame; m_gadgets.push_back(gadget); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::drawCurrentCurve(QPainter &painter) { FunctionTreeModel::Channel *channel = m_functionTreeModel ? m_functionTreeModel->getCurrentChannel() : 0; if (!channel) return; TDoubleParam *curve = channel->getParam(); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); QColor color = Qt::red; QPen solidPen(color); QPen dashedPen(color); QVector dashes; dashes << 4 << 4; dashedPen.setDashPattern(dashes); painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); int x0 = m_valueAxisX; int x1 = width(); // draw curve int kCount = curve->getKeyframeCount(); if (kCount == 0) { // no control points painter.setPen(dashedPen); painter.drawPath(getSegmentPainterPath(curve, 0, x0, x1)); } else { for (int k = -1; k < kCount; k++) { if (k < 0 || k >= kCount - 1) { painter.setPen(dashedPen); painter.drawPath(getSegmentPainterPath(curve, k, x0, x1)); } else { TDoubleKeyframe::Type segmentType = curve->getKeyframe(k).m_type; QColor color = Qt::red; if (segmentType == TDoubleKeyframe::Expression || segmentType == TDoubleKeyframe::SimilarShape || segmentType == TDoubleKeyframe::File) color = QColor(185, 0, 0); if (getSelection()->isSegmentSelected(curve, k)) solidPen.setWidth(2); else solidPen.setWidth(0); solidPen.setColor(color); painter.setPen(solidPen); painter.drawPath(getSegmentPainterPath(curve, k, x0, x1)); } } } painter.setPen(QPen(m_textColor, 0)); // draw control points updateGadgets(curve); painter.setPen(m_textColor); for (int j = 0; j < (int)m_gadgets.size(); j++) { const Gadget &g = m_gadgets[j]; if (g.m_handle == SpeedIn || g.m_handle == SpeedOut) painter.drawLine(g.m_pointPos, g.m_pos); } solidPen.setWidth(0); solidPen.setColor(Qt::red); painter.setPen(solidPen); for (int j = 0; j < (int)m_gadgets.size() - 1; j++) if (m_gadgets[j].m_handle == Point && m_gadgets[j + 1].m_handle && m_gadgets[j + 1].m_handle != 100 && m_gadgets[j].m_pos.x() == m_gadgets[j + 1].m_pos.x()) painter.drawLine(m_gadgets[j].m_pos, m_gadgets[j + 1].m_pos); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false); for (int j = 0; j < (int)m_gadgets.size(); j++) { const Gadget &g = m_gadgets[j]; int i = g.m_kIndex; int r = 1; QPointF p = g.m_pos; double easeDx = 0, easeHeight = 15, easeTick = 2; bool isSelected = getSelection()->isSelected(curve, i); bool isHighlighted = m_highlighted.handle == g.m_handle && m_highlighted.gIndex == j; switch (g.m_handle) { case Point: painter.setBrush(isSelected ? QColor(255, 126, 0) : m_subColor); painter.setPen(m_textColor); r = isHighlighted ? 3 : 2; drawSquare(painter, p, r); break; case SpeedIn: case SpeedOut: painter.setBrush(m_subColor); painter.setPen(m_textColor); r = isHighlighted ? 3 : 2; drawRoundedSquare(painter, p, r); break; case EaseIn: case EaseOut: case EaseInPercentage: case EaseOutPercentage: painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); painter.setPen(isHighlighted ? QColor(255, 126, 0) : m_textColor); painter.drawLine(p.x(), p.y() - easeHeight, p.x(), p.y() + easeHeight); if (g.m_handle == EaseIn || g.m_handle == EaseInPercentage) easeDx = easeTick; else easeDx = -easeTick; painter.drawLine(p.x(), p.y() - easeHeight, p.x() + easeDx, p.y() - easeHeight - easeTick); painter.drawLine(p.x(), p.y() + easeHeight, p.x() + easeDx, p.y() + easeHeight + easeTick); break; painter.setBrush( Qt::NoBrush); // isSelected ? QColor(255,126,0) : Qt::white); painter.setPen(isHighlighted ? QColor(255, 126, 0) : m_selectedColor); painter.drawLine(p.x(), p.y() - 15, p.x(), p.y() + 15); break; } } painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::drawGroupKeyframes(QPainter &painter) { FunctionTreeModel::Channel *channel = m_functionTreeModel ? m_functionTreeModel->getCurrentChannel() : 0; if (!channel) return; QColor color = Qt::red; QPen solidPen(color); QPen dashedPen(color); QVector dashes; dashes << 4 << 4; dashedPen.setDashPattern(dashes); painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); int x0 = m_valueAxisX; int x1 = width(); solidPen.setWidth(0); solidPen.setColor(Qt::red); painter.setPen(solidPen); std::vector keyframes; int y = 0; for (int j = 0; j < (int)m_gadgets.size(); j++) { const Gadget &g = m_gadgets[j]; int i = g.m_kIndex; int r = 1; QPointF p = g.m_pos; double easeDx = 0, easeHeight = 15, easeTick = 2; bool isSelected = false; // getSelection()->isSelected(curve, i); bool isHighlighted = m_highlighted.handle == g.m_handle && m_highlighted.gIndex == j; painter.setBrush(isSelected ? QColor(255, 126, 0) : m_subColor); painter.setPen(m_textColor); r = isHighlighted ? 3 : 2; QPainterPath pp; int d = 2; int h = 4; switch (g.m_handle) { case 100: drawSquare(painter, p, r); y = p.y(); keyframes.push_back(p.x()); break; case 101: d = -d; // Note: NO break! case 102: painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); painter.setPen(isHighlighted ? QColor(255, 126, 0) : m_textColor); pp.moveTo(p + QPointF(d, -h)); pp.lineTo(p + QPointF(0, -h)); pp.lineTo(p + QPointF(0, h)); pp.lineTo(p + QPointF(d, h)); painter.drawPath(pp); break; } } painter.setPen(m_textColor); for (int i = 0; i + 1 < (int)keyframes.size(); i++) { painter.drawLine(keyframes[i] + 3, y, keyframes[i + 1] - 3, y); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { m_gadgets.clear(); QPainter painter(this); QFont font("Arial", 8); painter.setFont(font); QFontMetrics fm(font); // define ruler sizes m_valueAxisX = fm.width("-888.88") + 2; m_frameAxisY = fm.height() + 2; m_graphViewportY = m_frameAxisY + 12; int ox = m_valueAxisX; int oy0 = m_graphViewportY; int oy1 = m_frameAxisY; // QRect bounds(0,0,width(),height()); // draw functions background painter.setBrush(getBGColor()); painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter.drawRect(ox, oy0, width() - ox, height() - oy0); painter.setClipRect(ox, 0, width() - ox, height()); drawCurrentFrame(painter); drawFrameGrid(painter); painter.setClipRect(0, oy0, width(), height() - oy0); drawValueGrid(painter); // draw axes painter.setClipping(false); painter.setPen(m_textColor); painter.drawLine(0, oy0, width(), oy0); painter.drawLine(ox, oy1, width(), oy1); painter.drawLine(ox, 0, ox, height()); // draw curves painter.setClipRect(ox + 1, oy0 + 1, width() - ox - 1, height() - oy0 - 1); drawOtherCurves(painter); drawCurrentCurve(painter); painter.setClipping(false); painter.setClipRect(ox + 1, oy1 + 1, width() - ox - 1, oy0 - oy1 - 1); drawGroupKeyframes(painter); painter.setClipRect(ox + 1, oy0 + 1, width() - ox - 1, height() - oy0 - 1); // tool if (m_dragTool) m_dragTool->draw(painter); // cursor if (m_cursor.visible) { painter.setClipRect(ox + 1, oy0 + 1, width() - ox - 1, height() - oy0 - 1); painter.setPen(getOtherCurvesColor()); int x = frameToX(m_cursor.frame); painter.drawLine(x, oy0 + 1, x, oy0 + 10); QString text = QString::number(tround(m_cursor.frame) + 1); painter.drawText(x - fm.width(text) / 2, oy0 + 10 + fm.height(), text); TDoubleParam *currentCurve = getCurrentCurve(); if (currentCurve) { const TUnit *unit = 0; if (currentCurve->getMeasure()) unit = currentCurve->getMeasure()->getCurrentUnit(); double displayValue = m_cursor.value; if (unit) displayValue = unit->convertTo(displayValue); // painter.setClipRect(0,oy0,height(),height()-oy0); int y = valueToY(currentCurve, m_cursor.value); painter.drawLine(ox, y, ox + 10, y); painter.drawText(m_origin.x() + 10, y + 4, QString::number(displayValue)); } } // curve name if (m_curveLabel.text != "") { painter.setClipRect(ox, oy0, width() - ox, height() - oy0); painter.setPen(m_selectedColor); painter.drawLine(m_curveLabel.curvePos, m_curveLabel.labelPos); painter.drawText(m_curveLabel.labelPos, QString::fromStdString(m_curveLabel.text)); } // painter.setPen(Qt::black); // painter.drawText(QPointF(70,70), // "f0=" + QString::number(xToFrame(ox)) + // " f1=" + QString::number(xToFrame(width()))); // painter.setPen(Qt::black); // painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); // painter.drawRect(ox+10,oy+10,width()-ox-20,height()-oy-20); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { m_cursor.visible = false; // m_dragTool should be 0. just in case... assert(m_dragTool == 0); m_dragTool = 0; if (e->button() == Qt::MidButton) { // mid mouse click => panning bool xLocked = e->pos().x() <= m_valueAxisX; bool yLocked = e->pos().y() <= m_valueAxisX; m_dragTool = new PanDragTool(this, xLocked, yLocked); m_dragTool->click(e); return; } else if (e->button() == Qt::RightButton) { // right mouse click => open context menu openContextMenu(e); return; } QPoint winPos = e->pos(); Handle handle = None; const int maxDistance = 20; int closestGadgetId = findClosestGadget(e->pos(), handle, maxDistance); if (e->pos().x() > m_valueAxisX && e->pos().y() < m_frameAxisY && closestGadgetId < 0 && (e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) == 0) { // click on topbar => frame zoom m_dragTool = new ZoomDragTool(this, ZoomDragTool::FrameZoom); } else if (e->pos().x() < m_valueAxisX && e->pos().y() > m_graphViewportY) { // click on topbar => value zoom m_dragTool = new ZoomDragTool(this, ZoomDragTool::ValueZoom); } else if (m_currentFrameStatus == 1 && m_frameHandle != 0 && closestGadgetId < 0) { // click on current frame => move frame m_currentFrameStatus = 2; m_dragTool = new MoveFrameDragTool(this, m_frameHandle); } if (0 <= closestGadgetId && closestGadgetId < (int)m_gadgets.size()) { if (handle == 100) // group move gadget { MovePointDragTool *dragTool = new MovePointDragTool(this, 0); dragTool->selectKeyframes(m_gadgets[closestGadgetId].m_keyframePosition); m_dragTool = dragTool; } else if (handle == 101 || handle == 102) { m_dragTool = new MoveGroupHandleDragTool( this, m_gadgets[closestGadgetId].m_keyframePosition, handle); } } if (m_dragTool) { m_dragTool->click(e); return; } FunctionTreeModel::Channel *currentChannel = m_functionTreeModel ? m_functionTreeModel->getCurrentChannel() : 0; if (!currentChannel || getCurveDistance(currentChannel->getParam(), winPos) > maxDistance && closestGadgetId < 0) { // if current channel is undefined or its curve is too far from the clicked // point // the user is possibly trying to select a different curve FunctionTreeModel::Channel *channel = findClosestChannel(winPos, maxDistance); if (channel) { channel->setIsCurrent(true); // Open folder FunctionTreeModel::ChannelGroup *channelGroup = channel->getChannelGroup(); if (!channelGroup->isOpen()) channelGroup->getModel()->setExpandedItem(channelGroup->createIndex(), true); currentChannel = channel; getSelection()->selectNone(); } } if (currentChannel) { TDoubleParam *currentCurve = currentChannel->getParam(); if (currentCurve) { int kIndex = closestGadgetId >= 0 ? m_gadgets[closestGadgetId].m_kIndex : -1; if (kIndex >= 0) { // keyframe clicked if (handle == FunctionPanel::Point) { // select point (if needed) if (!getSelection()->isSelected(currentCurve, kIndex)) { // shift-click => add to selection if (0 == (e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)) getSelection()->deselectAllKeyframes(); getSelection()->select(currentCurve, kIndex); } // move selected point(s) MovePointDragTool *dragTool = new MovePointDragTool(this, currentCurve); if (getSelection()->getSelectedSegment().first != 0) { // if a segment is selected then move only the clicked point dragTool->addKeyframe2(kIndex); } else { dragTool->setSelection(getSelection()); } m_dragTool = dragTool; } else { m_dragTool = new MoveHandleDragTool(this, currentCurve, kIndex, handle); } } else { // no keyframe clicked int curveDistance = getCurveDistance(currentChannel->getParam(), winPos); bool isKeyframeable = true; bool isGroup = abs(winPos.y() - (m_graphViewportY - 5)) < 5; if (0 != (e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) && (curveDistance < maxDistance || isGroup) && isKeyframeable) { // ctrl-clicked near curve => create a new keyframe double frame = tround(xToFrame(winPos.x())); MovePointDragTool *dragTool = new MovePointDragTool(this, isGroup ? 0 : currentCurve); // if(curveDistance>=maxDistance) // dragTool->m_channelGroup = // currentChannel->getChannelGroup(); dragTool->createKeyframe(frame); dragTool->selectKeyframes(frame); m_dragTool = dragTool; /* int kIndex = dragTool->createKeyframe(frame); if(kIndex!=-1) { getSelection()->deselectAllKeyframes(); getSelection()->select(currentCurve, kIndex); m_dragTool = dragTool; } */ // assert(0); } else if (curveDistance < maxDistance) { // clicked near curve (but far from keyframes) getSelection()->deselectAllKeyframes(); double frame = xToFrame(winPos.x()); int k0 = currentCurve->getPrevKeyframe(frame); int k1 = currentCurve->getNextKeyframe(frame); if (k0 >= 0 && k1 == k0 + 1) { // select and move the segment getSelection()->selectSegment(currentCurve, k0); MovePointDragTool *dragTool = new MovePointDragTool(this, currentCurve); dragTool->addKeyframe2(k0); dragTool->addKeyframe2(k1); m_dragTool = dragTool; } else { // start a rectangular selection m_dragTool = new RectSelectTool(this, currentCurve); } } else { // nothing clicked: start a rectangular selection getSelection()->deselectAllKeyframes(); m_dragTool = new RectSelectTool(this, currentCurve); } } } } if (m_dragTool) m_dragTool->click(e); update(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (m_dragTool) m_dragTool->release(e); delete m_dragTool; m_dragTool = 0; m_cursor.visible = true; m_currentFrameStatus = 0; update(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (e->buttons()) { if (m_dragTool) m_dragTool->drag(e); } else { m_cursor.frame = xToFrame(e->pos().x()); m_cursor.value = 0; m_cursor.visible = true; TDoubleParam *currentCurve = getCurrentCurve(); if (currentCurve) { Handle handle = None; int gIndex = findClosestGadget(e->pos(), handle, 20); if (m_highlighted.handle != handle || m_highlighted.gIndex != gIndex) { m_highlighted.handle = handle; m_highlighted.gIndex = gIndex; } m_cursor.value = yToValue(currentCurve, e->pos().y()); } double currentFrame = m_frameHandle ? m_frameHandle->getFrame() : 0; if (m_highlighted.handle == None && std::abs(e->pos().x() - frameToX(currentFrame)) < 5) m_currentFrameStatus = 1; else m_currentFrameStatus = 0; FunctionTreeModel::Channel *closestChannel = findClosestChannel(e->pos(), 20); if (closestChannel && m_highlighted.handle == None) { TDoubleParam *curve = closestChannel->getParam(); if (m_functionTreeModel->getActiveChannelCount() <= 1) //|| closestChannel == m_functionTreeModel->getCurrentChannel()) curve = 0; if (curve && m_curveLabel.curve != curve) { m_curveLabel.curve = curve; QString channelName = closestChannel->data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); QString parentChannelName = closestChannel->getChannelGroup()->data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); QString name = parentChannelName + QString(", ") + channelName; m_curveLabel.text = name.toStdString(); // in order to avoid run off the right-end of visible area int textWidth = fontMetrics().width(name) + 30; double frame = xToFrame(width() - textWidth); m_curveLabel.curvePos = getWinPos(curve, frame).toPoint(); m_curveLabel.labelPos = m_curveLabel.curvePos + QPoint(20, -10); } } else { m_curveLabel.text = ""; m_curveLabel.curve = 0; } update(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { FunctionPanelZoomer(this).exec(e); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::enterEvent(QEvent *) { m_cursor.visible = true; update(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::leaveEvent(QEvent *) { m_cursor.visible = false; update(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e) { double factor = exp(0.002 * (double)e->delta()); zoom(factor, factor, e->pos()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::fitGraphToWindow(bool currentCurveOnly) { double f0 = 0, f1 = -1; double v0 = 0, v1 = -1; for (int i = 0; i < m_functionTreeModel->getActiveChannelCount(); i++) { FunctionTreeModel::Channel *channel = m_functionTreeModel->getActiveChannel(i); TDoubleParam *curve = channel->getParam(); if (currentCurveOnly && curve != getCurrentCurve()) continue; const TUnit *unit = 0; if (curve->getMeasure()) unit = curve->getMeasure()->getCurrentUnit(); int n = curve->getKeyframeCount(); if (n == 0) { double v = curve->getDefaultValue(); if (unit) v = unit->convertTo(v); if (v0 > v1) v0 = v1 = v; else if (v > v1) v1 = v; else if (v < v0) v0 = v; } else { TDoubleKeyframe k = curve->getKeyframe(0); double fa = k.m_frame; k = curve->getKeyframe(n - 1); double fb = k.m_frame; if (f0 > f1) { f0 = fa; f1 = fb; } else { f0 = qMin(f0, fa); f1 = qMax(f1, fb); } double v = curve->getValue(fa); if (unit) v = unit->convertTo(v); if (v0 > v1) v0 = v1 = v; int m = 50; for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { double t = (double)j / (double)(m - 1); double v = curve->getValue((1 - t) * fa + t * fb); if (unit) v = unit->convertTo(v); v0 = qMin(v0, v); v1 = qMax(v1, v); } } } if (f0 >= f1 || v0 >= v1) { m_viewTransform = QTransform(); m_viewTransform.translate(m_valueAxisX, 200); m_viewTransform.scale(5, -1); } else { double mx = (width() - m_valueAxisX - 20) / (f1 - f0); double my = -(height() - m_graphViewportY - 20) / (v1 - v0); double dx = m_valueAxisX + 10 - f0 * mx; double dy = m_graphViewportY + 10 - v1 * my; m_viewTransform = QTransform(mx, 0, 0, my, dx, dy); } update(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::fitSelectedPoints() { fitGraphToWindow(true); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::fitCurve() { fitGraphToWindow(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::fitRegion(double f0, double v0, double f1, double v1) {} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void setSegmentType(FunctionSelection *selection, TDoubleParam *curve, int segmentIndex, TDoubleKeyframe::Type type) { selection->selectSegment(curve, segmentIndex); KeyframeSetter setter(curve, segmentIndex); setter.setType(type); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::openContextMenu(QMouseEvent *e) { QAction linkHandlesAction(tr("Link Handles"), 0); QAction unlinkHandlesAction(tr("Unlink Handles"), 0); QAction resetHandlesAction(tr("Reset Handles"), 0); QAction deleteKeyframeAction(tr("Delete"), 0); QAction insertKeyframeAction(tr("Set Key"), 0); QAction activateCycleAction(tr("Activate Cycle"), 0); QAction deactivateCycleAction(tr("Deactivate Cycle"), 0); QAction setLinearAction(tr("Linear Interpolation"), 0); QAction setSpeedInOutAction(tr("Speed In / Speed Out Interpolation"), 0); QAction setEaseInOutAction(tr("Ease In / Ease Out Interpolation"), 0); QAction setEaseInOut2Action(tr("Ease In / Ease Out (%) Interpolation"), 0); QAction setExponentialAction(tr("Exponential Interpolation"), 0); QAction setExpressionAction(tr("Expression Interpolation"), 0); QAction setFileAction(tr("File Interpolation"), 0); QAction setConstantAction(tr("Constant Interpolation"), 0); QAction setSimilarShapeAction(tr("Similar Shape Interpolation"), 0); QAction fitSelectedAction(tr("Fit Selection"), 0); QAction fitAllAction(tr("Fit"), 0); QAction setStep1Action(tr("Step 1"), 0); QAction setStep2Action(tr("Step 2"), 0); QAction setStep3Action(tr("Step 3"), 0); QAction setStep4Action(tr("Step 4"), 0); TDoubleParam *curve = getCurrentCurve(); int segmentIndex = -1; if (!curve) return; TDoubleKeyframe kf; double frame = xToFrame(e->pos().x()); // build menu QMenu menu(0); if (m_highlighted.handle == Point && m_highlighted.gIndex >= 0 && m_gadgets[m_highlighted.gIndex].m_handle != 100) { kf = curve->getKeyframe(m_gadgets[m_highlighted.gIndex].m_kIndex); if (kf.m_linkedHandles) menu.addAction(&unlinkHandlesAction); else menu.addAction(&linkHandlesAction); menu.addAction(&resetHandlesAction); menu.addAction(&deleteKeyframeAction); } else { int k0 = curve->getPrevKeyframe(frame); int k1 = curve->getNextKeyframe(frame); if (k0 == curve->getKeyframeCount() - 1) // after last keyframe { if (curve->isCycleEnabled()) menu.addAction(&deactivateCycleAction); else menu.addAction(&activateCycleAction); } menu.addAction(&insertKeyframeAction); if (k0 >= 0 && k1 >= 0) { menu.addSeparator(); segmentIndex = k0; kf = curve->getKeyframe(k0); menu.addAction(&setLinearAction); if (kf.m_type == TDoubleKeyframe::Linear) setLinearAction.setEnabled(false); menu.addAction(&setSpeedInOutAction); if (kf.m_type == TDoubleKeyframe::SpeedInOut) setSpeedInOutAction.setEnabled(false); menu.addAction(&setEaseInOutAction); if (kf.m_type == TDoubleKeyframe::EaseInOut) setEaseInOutAction.setEnabled(false); menu.addAction(&setEaseInOut2Action); if (kf.m_type == TDoubleKeyframe::EaseInOutPercentage) setEaseInOut2Action.setEnabled(false); menu.addAction(&setExponentialAction); if (kf.m_type == TDoubleKeyframe::Exponential) setExponentialAction.setEnabled(false); menu.addAction(&setExpressionAction); if (kf.m_type == TDoubleKeyframe::Expression) setExpressionAction.setEnabled(false); menu.addAction(&setSimilarShapeAction); if (kf.m_type == TDoubleKeyframe::SimilarShape) setSimilarShapeAction.setEnabled(false); menu.addAction(&setFileAction); if (kf.m_type == TDoubleKeyframe::File) setFileAction.setEnabled(false); menu.addAction(&setConstantAction); if (kf.m_type == TDoubleKeyframe::Constant) setConstantAction.setEnabled(false); menu.addSeparator(); if (kf.m_step != 1) menu.addAction(&setStep1Action); if (kf.m_step != 2) menu.addAction(&setStep2Action); if (kf.m_step != 3) menu.addAction(&setStep3Action); if (kf.m_step != 4) menu.addAction(&setStep4Action); menu.addSeparator(); } } if (!getSelection()->isEmpty()) menu.addAction(&fitSelectedAction); menu.addAction(&fitAllAction); // curve shape type QAction curveShapeSmoothAction(tr("Smooth"), 0); QAction curveShapeFrameBasedAction(tr("Frame Based"), 0); QMenu curveShapeSubmenu(tr("Curve Shape"), 0); menu.addSeparator(); curveShapeSubmenu.addAction(&curveShapeSmoothAction); curveShapeSubmenu.addAction(&curveShapeFrameBasedAction); menu.addMenu(&curveShapeSubmenu); curveShapeSmoothAction.setCheckable(true); curveShapeSmoothAction.setChecked(m_curveShape == SMOOTH); curveShapeFrameBasedAction.setCheckable(true); curveShapeFrameBasedAction.setChecked(m_curveShape == FRAME_BASED); // Store m_highlighted due to the following exec() Highlighted highlighted(m_highlighted); // execute menu QAction *action = menu.exec(e->globalPos()); // Will process events, possibly // altering m_highlighted // (MAC-verified) if (action == &linkHandlesAction) // Let's just *hope* that doesn't happen to // m_gadgets though... :/ { if (m_gadgets[highlighted.gIndex].m_handle != 100) KeyframeSetter(curve, m_gadgets[highlighted.gIndex].m_kIndex) .linkHandles(); } else if (action == &unlinkHandlesAction) { if (m_gadgets[highlighted.gIndex].m_handle != 100) KeyframeSetter(curve, m_gadgets[highlighted.gIndex].m_kIndex) .unlinkHandles(); } else if (action == &resetHandlesAction) { kf.m_speedIn = TPointD(-5, 0); kf.m_speedOut = -kf.m_speedIn; curve->setKeyframe(kf); } else if (action == &deleteKeyframeAction) { KeyframeSetter::removeKeyframeAt(curve, kf.m_frame); } else if (action == &insertKeyframeAction) { KeyframeSetter(curve).createKeyframe(tround(frame)); } else if (action == &activateCycleAction) { KeyframeSetter::enableCycle(curve, true); } else if (action == &deactivateCycleAction) { KeyframeSetter::enableCycle(curve, false); } else if (action == &setLinearAction) setSegmentType(getSelection(), curve, segmentIndex, TDoubleKeyframe::Linear); else if (action == &setSpeedInOutAction) setSegmentType(getSelection(), curve, segmentIndex, TDoubleKeyframe::SpeedInOut); else if (action == &setEaseInOutAction) setSegmentType(getSelection(), curve, segmentIndex, TDoubleKeyframe::EaseInOut); else if (action == &setEaseInOut2Action) setSegmentType(getSelection(), curve, segmentIndex, TDoubleKeyframe::EaseInOutPercentage); else if (action == &setExponentialAction) setSegmentType(getSelection(), curve, segmentIndex, TDoubleKeyframe::Exponential); else if (action == &setExpressionAction) setSegmentType(getSelection(), curve, segmentIndex, TDoubleKeyframe::Expression); else if (action == &setSimilarShapeAction) setSegmentType(getSelection(), curve, segmentIndex, TDoubleKeyframe::SimilarShape); else if (action == &setFileAction) setSegmentType(getSelection(), curve, segmentIndex, TDoubleKeyframe::File); else if (action == &setConstantAction) setSegmentType(getSelection(), curve, segmentIndex, TDoubleKeyframe::Constant); else if (action == &fitSelectedAction) fitSelectedPoints(); else if (action == &fitAllAction) fitCurve(); else if (action == &setStep1Action) KeyframeSetter(curve, segmentIndex).setStep(1); else if (action == &setStep2Action) KeyframeSetter(curve, segmentIndex).setStep(2); else if (action == &setStep3Action) KeyframeSetter(curve, segmentIndex).setStep(3); else if (action == &setStep4Action) KeyframeSetter(curve, segmentIndex).setStep(4); else if (action == &curveShapeSmoothAction) m_curveShape = SMOOTH; else if (action == &curveShapeFrameBasedAction) m_curveShape = FRAME_BASED; update(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::setFrameHandle(TFrameHandle *frameHandle) { if (m_frameHandle == frameHandle) return; if (m_frameHandle) m_frameHandle->disconnect(this); m_frameHandle = frameHandle; if (isVisible() && m_frameHandle) { connect(m_frameHandle, SIGNAL(frameSwitched()), this, SLOT(onFrameSwitched())); update(); } assert(m_selection); m_selection->setFrameHandle(frameHandle); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::showEvent(QShowEvent *) { if (m_frameHandle) connect(m_frameHandle, SIGNAL(frameSwitched()), this, SLOT(onFrameSwitched())); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::hideEvent(QHideEvent *) { if (m_frameHandle) m_frameHandle->disconnect(this); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FunctionPanel::onFrameSwitched() { update(); }