#pragma once // Pattern.h: interface for the CPattern class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !defined(AFX_PATTERN_H__8E417023_35C0_11D6_B9EA_0040F674BE6A__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_PATTERN_H__8E417023_35C0_11D6_B9EA_0040F674BE6A__INCLUDED_ #include #include "STColSelPic.h" #include "SDef.h" #include "toonz4.6/pixel.h" class CPattern { int m_lX, m_lY; std::unique_ptr m_pat; char m_fn[1024]; void null(); bool readPattern(RASTER *imgContour); bool isOK() { if (m_lX > 0 && m_lY > 0 && m_pat) return true; return false; } void getMapPixel(const int xx, const int yy, const double invScale, const double si, const double co, UC_PIXEL *&pucp); void getMapPixel(const int xx, const int yy, const double invScale, UC_PIXEL *&pucp); bool readTTT(const char *fn); void getBBox(SRECT &bb); void eraseBuffer(const int lX, const int lY, UC_PIXEL *buffer); public: CPattern() : m_lX(0), m_lY(0) { m_fn[0] = '\0'; }; CPattern(RASTER *imgContour); virtual ~CPattern(); void rotate(const double angle); void optimalizeSize(); template void test(CSTColSelPic

&pic, I_PIXEL &eCol, int ox, int oy) { for (int y = 0; y < m_lY; y++) for (int x = 0; x < m_lX; x++) if ((x + ox) < pic.m_lX && (y + oy) < pic.m_lY) { P *p = pic.m_pic + (y + oy) * pic.m_lX + x + ox; UC_PIXEL *pP = m_pat.get() + y * m_lX + x; if (pP->m > (UCHAR)0) { double q = ((double)(pP->m) / 255.0) * ((double)eCol.m / 255.0); double r = (1.0 - q) * (double)p->r + q * (double)eCol.r; double g = (1.0 - q) * (double)p->g + q * (double)eCol.g; double b = (1.0 - q) * (double)p->b + q * (double)eCol.b; r = D_CUT_0_255(r); g = D_CUT_0_255(g); b = D_CUT_0_255(b); p->r = UC_ROUND(r); p->g = UC_ROUND(g); p->b = UC_ROUND(b); p->m = pP->m; } } } // Maps the pattern. Long and optimalized version. template void mapIt(CSTColSelPic

&pic, const CSTColSelPic

&oriPic, const int xx, const int yy, const double scale, const double rot, const bool isUseOriColor, const bool isIncludeAlpha) { if (scale < 0.01) return; if (xx < 0 || yy < 0 || xx >= pic.m_lX || yy >= pic.m_lY) return; double sDiag = scale * sqrt(double(m_lX * m_lX + m_lY * m_lY)); int iSDiag = (int)sDiag + 1; int iSDiag2 = iSDiag / 2 + 1; if (iSDiag <= 0) return; double invScale = 1.0 / scale; double co = cos(-DEG2RAD(rot)); double si = sin(-DEG2RAD(rot)); bool isUC = pic.getType() == ST_RGBM ? true : false; double maxPixVal = isUC ? 255.0 : 65535.0; double ddiv = 1.0 / (maxPixVal * 255.0); int yBeg = std::max(yy - iSDiag2, 0); int yEnd = std::min(yy + iSDiag2, pic.m_lY - 1); int xBeg = std::max(xx - iSDiag2, 0); int xEnd = std::min(xx + iSDiag2, pic.m_lX - 1); double lxm105 = (double)(m_lX - 1) * 0.5; double lym105 = (double)(m_lY - 1) * 0.5; I_PIXEL eCol; memset(&eCol, 0, sizeof(I_PIXEL)); if (isUseOriColor) { P *pOriPic = oriPic.m_pic + yy * oriPic.m_lX + xx; eCol.r = (int)pOriPic->r; eCol.g = (int)pOriPic->g; eCol.b = (int)pOriPic->b; if (isIncludeAlpha) eCol.m = (int)pOriPic->m; else { if ((int)pOriPic->m != 255) eCol.m = 0; else eCol.m = 255; } } int oriMatte = (int)((oriPic.m_pic + yy * oriPic.m_lX + xx)->m); for (int y = yBeg; y <= yEnd; y++) for (int x = xBeg; x <= xEnd; x++) if (x >= 0 && x < pic.m_lX && y >= 0 && y < pic.m_lY) { // ----- Calculates the pattern pixel coordinates ----- UC_PIXEL *pucp = 0; // getMapPixel(x-xx,y-yy,invScale,si,co,pucp); double dxx = (double)(x - xx) * invScale; double dyy = (double)(y - yy) * invScale; double d2xx = (dxx * co - dyy * si) + lxm105; double d2yy = (dxx * si + dyy * co) + lym105; int x1 = I_ROUND(d2xx); int y1 = I_ROUND(d2yy); if (x1 >= 0 && x1 < m_lX && y1 >= 0 && y1 < m_lY) { pucp = m_pat.get() + y1 * m_lX + x1; pucp = (pucp->m) == (UCHAR)0 ? 0 : pucp; } // ---------------------------------------------------- if (pucp) { int xy = y * pic.m_lX + x; P *pPic = pic.m_pic + xy; if (!isUseOriColor) { eCol.r = (int)pucp->r; eCol.g = (int)pucp->g; eCol.b = (int)pucp->b; if (isIncludeAlpha) eCol.m = oriMatte; else { if (oriMatte != 255) eCol.m = 0; else eCol.m = 255; } if (!isUC) { eCol.r = PIX_USHORT_FROM_BYTE((UCHAR)eCol.r); eCol.g = PIX_USHORT_FROM_BYTE((UCHAR)eCol.g); eCol.b = PIX_USHORT_FROM_BYTE((UCHAR)eCol.b); } } double q = ((double)pucp->m) * ((double)eCol.m) * ddiv; double qq = 1.0 - q; double r = qq * (double)pPic->r + q * (double)eCol.r; double g = qq * (double)pPic->g + q * (double)eCol.g; double b = qq * (double)pPic->b + q * (double)eCol.b; double m = qq * (double)pPic->m + q * (double)eCol.m; r = D_CUT(r, 0.0, maxPixVal); g = D_CUT(g, 0.0, maxPixVal); b = D_CUT(b, 0.0, maxPixVal); m = D_CUT(m, 0.0, maxPixVal); if (isUC) { pPic->r = UC_ROUND(r); pPic->g = UC_ROUND(g); pPic->b = UC_ROUND(b); pPic->m = UC_ROUND(m); } else { pPic->r = (UCHAR)US_ROUND(r); pPic->g = (UCHAR)US_ROUND(g); pPic->b = (UCHAR)US_ROUND(b); pPic->m = (UCHAR)US_ROUND(m); } } } } }; #endif // !defined(AFX_PATTERN_H__8E417023_35C0_11D6_B9EA_0040F674BE6A__INCLUDED_)