#pragma once #ifndef _TOONZPROC_H_ #define _TOONZPROC_H_ #include "tmacro.h" #include "stdarg.h" #undef TNZAPI #ifdef TNZ_IS_COMMONLIB #define TNZAPI TNZ_EXPORT_API #else #define TNZAPI TNZ_IMPORT_API #endif #define T_PID int typedef struct T_CHAN_REC *T_CHAN; #define TPROC_OPEN_READ 0x1 #define TPROC_OPEN_WRITE 0x2 #define TPROC_OPEN_READ_BINARY 0x4 #ifdef WIN32 #include "windows.h" #define TPROC_LIB HMODULE #define TPROC_FUNC FARPROC #else #define TPROC_LIB void * typedef void (*TPROC_FUNC)(void); /*#define TPROC_FUNC void**/ #endif /********************************************************************** Runs without sospending executable filename. A set of arguments to be passed can be setted in the NULL-terminated array argv. First argument MUST NOT be executable name. **********************************************************************/ TNZAPI T_PID tproc_run_process(char *filename, char *argv[]); /********************************************************************** Runs sospending executable filename. A set of arguments to be passed can be setted in the NULL-terminated array argv. First argument MUST NOT be executable name. Returns TRUE if specified process was successfully executed, FALSE otherwise. **********************************************************************/ TNZAPI int tproc_run_process_fg(char *filename, char *argv[]); /********************************************************************** (IRIX ONLY, on NT is a void function). Suspend execution of process until child process identified with pid exits. **********************************************************************/ TNZAPI void tproc_waitpid(T_PID pid); /********************************************************************** Creates a new process, sharing the virtual address space of parent. The new process is started with a call to func, passing arg to it. **********************************************************************/ TNZAPI T_PID tproc_sproc(void (*func)(void *), void *arg); /********************************************************************** gets pid of current process **********************************************************************/ TNZAPI T_PID tproc_getpid(void); /********************************************************************** Check if process pid is alive or not **********************************************************************/ TNZAPI int tproc_is_process_alive(T_PID pid); /********************************************************************** kills process pid (return FALSE if the process is not alive) **********************************************************************/ TNZAPI int tproc_kill_process(T_PID pid); #define TPROC_SIGNONE 0x0 #define TPROC_SIGABORT 0x2 #define TPROC_SIGUSER1 0x4 #define TPROC_SIGUSER2 0x8 /********************************************************************** sets the specified callback to be executed when one of the signal into the signal mask (made by ORing the TPROC_SIG) is sent to current process. Warning: only one callback can be assigned to a signal type; for each new assignation the old one is erased. **********************************************************************/ TNZAPI int tproc_set_signals_callback(int signal_mask, void (*signal_cb)(void)); /* Note: next function is defined in twin, for it can be used only by graphic modules; it is equal to tproc_set_signals_callback(TPROC_SIGCHLD, signal_cb); TNZAPI int tproc_set_sigchld_signals_callback(void (*signal_cb)(void)); */ /********************************************************************** erase actions to be executed for specified signals: valid only with TPROC_SIGCHILD, TPROC_SIGUSER1, TPROC_SIGUSER2. **********************************************************************/ TNZAPI void tproc_unset_signals_callback(int signal_mask); /********************************************************************** send to process pid one of the user signals. **********************************************************************/ TNZAPI void tproc_send_siguser(T_PID pid, int signal); /********************************************************************** suspend execution of current process until it receives a user signal. If no user signal was set, it return without waiting. **********************************************************************/ TNZAPI void tproc_wait_for_siguser(void); /********************************************************************** This function create a pipe between two process: a parent that writes messages to a son. For NT only, bytes_dim specifies the buffer size for the pipe (if 0, a default value is set). It must be executed BEFORE the son process is run with the tproc_run_process. To write to the pipe, use tproc_chan_printf. To read from the pipe, use tproc_chan_gets The int argument of this function must be passed from parent to son using a program argument (that is, argv). This int argument is retrieved by parent with tproc_get_readpipe_id. The son process can have a chan from the int argument with tproc_get_chan_from_pipe_id. *********************************************************************/ TNZAPI T_CHAN tproc_create_pipe(int bytes_dim); /********************************************************************** This function set the dimension of the buffer in the pipe; It's needed for NT pipes when reading and writing happens within the same process. On IRIX this function has no effect. *********************************************************************/ TNZAPI void tproc_set_pipe_dimension(int bytes_dim); /********************************************************************** This function opens a file for read and/or writing. To write into the file, use tproc_chan_printf; to read, tproc_chan_gets. **********************************************************************/ TNZAPI T_CHAN tproc_open_file(char *filename, int mode_mask); TNZAPI int tproc_get_readpipe_id(T_CHAN t_pipe); TNZAPI T_CHAN tproc_get_chan_from_pipe_id(int pipeid); TNZAPI int tproc_chan_printf(T_CHAN chan, char *format, ...); TNZAPI void tproc_chan_flush(T_CHAN chan); /********************************************************************** This function gets a buffer from a stream. The reading stops when a '\n' or a '\0' is encountered. NOTICE: the buffer is allocated and owned by the function, which returns pointer to it or NIL if end-of-stream is encountered. The stream can be a pipe too. ***********************************************************************/ TNZAPI char *tproc_chan_gets(T_CHAN chan); TNZAPI int tproc_close_chan(T_CHAN chan); /********************************************************************** This function open a .ddl (for NT) or a .so (for IRIX) returning an identifier to it ***********************************************************************/ TNZAPI TPROC_LIB tproc_open_dll(char *libname); /********************************************************************** This function return a pointer to the function funcname defined into the previously opened .dll (or .so) lib. ***********************************************************************/ TNZAPI TPROC_FUNC tproc_get_func(TPROC_LIB lib, char *funcname); /********************************************************************** This function returns a unique filename using the string name_seed. It replaces the first '#' character (or append at bottom if absent) with an unique substring. If name_seed has not a path, the path is set to TOONZ_TMP. The returned string is owned by function, so must be strsaved. ***********************************************************************/ TNZAPI char *tproc_get_unique_filename(char *name_seed); #endif