#include "tstencilcontrol.h" #include "tgl.h" #include "tthreadmessage.h" #include #include //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace { // singleton class StencilControlManager { QThreadStorage m_storage; StencilControlManager() {} public: static StencilControlManager *instance() { static StencilControlManager theInstance; return &theInstance; } TStencilControl *getCurrentStencilControl() { if (!m_storage.hasLocalData()) { m_storage.setLocalData(new TStencilControl); } return m_storage.localData(); } ~StencilControlManager() {} }; } // Local namepace //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TStencilControl::Imp { public: int m_stencilBitCount; int m_pushCount; int m_currentWriting; // current stencil bit plane. // 0 is the first bit plane ; -1 menas no stencil mask is writing int m_virtualState; // the state of the (eventually virtual) top mask. // A mask is virtual if overflows stencil buffer // 0 is closed and disabled, 1 closed and enabled and 2 is opened #ifdef _DEBUG std::stack fullState; // state of each mask in the stack (except top mask). // 'true' means opend; 'false' means close and enabled // Used only for assert #endif unsigned char m_writingMask; // bit mask. The i-th bit=1 iff the i-th mask is // opened to write unsigned char m_drawOnScreenMask; // bitmsk.The ith bit=1 iff the ith mask // WRITE also ON SCREEN WHEN WRITE ON // STENCIL BIT PLANE unsigned char m_enabledMask; // bit mask. The i-th bit=1 iff the i-th mask is enabled unsigned char m_inOrOutMask; // bit mask. The i-th bit=1 iff the i-th mask is inside unsigned char m_drawOnlyOnceMask; Imp(); void updateOpenGlState(); void pushMask(); // make a new stencil plane the current one. // if there is no plane available, increase a counter and does not push // (virtual masks) // So the same number of pop has no effect void popMask(); // assert if the stencil stack contains only 0 void beginMask(DrawMode drawMode); // clear the current stencil plane; start writing to it // if drawOnScreen is not 0, it writes also to the color buffer (or stencil // plane if another // mask is open). If drawOnScreen is 2, it drows only once (by stencil buffer) void endMask(); // end writing to the stencil plane. void enableMask(MaskType maskType); void disableMask(); // between enableMask()/disableMask() drawing is filtered by the values of the // current // stencil plane // n.b. enableMask()/disableMask() can be nidified. Between the inner pair // writing is enabled // according to the AND of all of them }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TStencilControl::Imp::Imp() : m_stencilBitCount(0) , m_pushCount(1) , m_currentWriting(-1) , m_enabledMask(0) , m_writingMask(0) , m_inOrOutMask(0) , m_drawOnScreenMask(0) , m_drawOnlyOnceMask(0) , m_virtualState(0) { glGetIntegerv(GL_STENCIL_BITS, (GLint *)&m_stencilBitCount); glStencilMask(0xFFFFFFFF); // glClearStencil(0); glClear(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); } //--------------------------------------------------------- TStencilControl *TStencilControl::instance() { StencilControlManager *instance = StencilControlManager::instance(); return instance->getCurrentStencilControl(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- TStencilControl::TStencilControl() : m_imp(new Imp) {} //--------------------------------------------------------- TStencilControl::~TStencilControl() {} //--------------------------------------------------------- void TStencilControl::Imp::updateOpenGlState() { if (m_currentWriting >= 0) { // writing on stencil buffer unsigned char currentWritingMask = 1 << m_currentWriting; bool drawOnlyOnce = (currentWritingMask & m_drawOnlyOnceMask) != 0; if (currentWritingMask & m_drawOnScreenMask) { unsigned char lastWritingMask; int lastWriting = m_currentWriting - 1; for (; lastWriting >= 0; lastWriting--) { lastWritingMask = 1 << lastWriting; if ((lastWritingMask & m_writingMask) == lastWritingMask) break; } if (lastWriting < 0) { // glColorMask(1,1,1,1); if (drawOnlyOnce) m_enabledMask |= currentWritingMask; else m_enabledMask &= ~currentWritingMask; } else { tglMultColorMask(0, 0, 0, 0); // glDrawBuffer(GL_NONE); drawOnlyOnce = false; // essendo solo un'effetto visivo, se sto // scrivendo su una maschera e non a schermo, e' // inutile currentWritingMask |= lastWritingMask; } } else tglMultColorMask(0, 0, 0, 0); // glDrawBuffer(GL_NONE); glStencilMask(currentWritingMask); if (drawOnlyOnce) { glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, m_inOrOutMask, m_enabledMask); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_INVERT, GL_INVERT); } else { glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, currentWritingMask | m_inOrOutMask, m_enabledMask); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_REPLACE, GL_REPLACE); } } else { // writing on screen buffer glStencilMask(0xFFFFFFFF); glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, m_inOrOutMask, m_enabledMask); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP); // glColorMask(1,1,1,1); } if (!m_enabledMask && m_currentWriting < 0) glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); else glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); } //--------------------------------------------------------- void TStencilControl::Imp::pushMask() { m_pushCount++; } //--------------------------------------------------------- void TStencilControl::Imp::beginMask(DrawMode drawMode) { m_currentWriting = m_pushCount - 1; unsigned char currentMask = 1 << m_currentWriting; m_writingMask |= currentMask; if (drawMode == DRAW_ALSO_ON_SCREEN) { m_drawOnScreenMask |= currentMask; } else if (drawMode == DRAW_ON_SCREEN_ONLY_ONCE) { m_drawOnScreenMask |= currentMask; m_drawOnlyOnceMask |= currentMask; } else { m_drawOnScreenMask &= ~currentMask; m_drawOnlyOnceMask &= ~currentMask; } glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); glStencilMask(currentMask); // enabled to modify only current bitPlane glClear(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); // and clear it updateOpenGlState(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- void TStencilControl::Imp::endMask() { assert(m_pushCount - 1 == m_currentWriting); unsigned char currentMask = 1 << (m_pushCount - 1); m_writingMask &= ~currentMask; // stop writing m_enabledMask &= ~currentMask; m_drawOnScreenMask &= ~currentMask; m_drawOnlyOnceMask &= ~currentMask; //---------------------------------------------------------- m_currentWriting--; for (; m_currentWriting >= 0; m_currentWriting--) { unsigned char currentWritingMask = 1 << m_currentWriting; if ((currentWritingMask & m_writingMask) == currentWritingMask) break; } updateOpenGlState(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- void TStencilControl::Imp::enableMask(MaskType maskType) { unsigned char currentMask = 1 << (m_pushCount - 1); if ((m_enabledMask & currentMask) == 0) glPushAttrib(GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS); m_enabledMask |= currentMask; assert(maskType == SHOW_INSIDE || maskType == SHOW_OUTSIDE); if (maskType == SHOW_INSIDE) m_inOrOutMask |= currentMask; else m_inOrOutMask &= ~currentMask; updateOpenGlState(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- void TStencilControl::Imp::disableMask() { unsigned char currentMask = 1 << (m_pushCount - 1); m_enabledMask &= ~currentMask; m_inOrOutMask &= ~currentMask; updateOpenGlState(); glPopAttrib(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- void TStencilControl::Imp::popMask() { --m_pushCount; assert(m_pushCount > 0); // there is at least one mask in the stack } //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- // questo forse e' un po' brutto: // La maschera e' chiusa. // Se e' abilitata, open = push+open // Se e' disabilitata, open = open void TStencilControl::beginMask(DrawMode drawMode) { glPushAttrib(GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS); if (m_imp->m_virtualState) // opened or enabled { #ifdef _DEBUG m_imp->fullState.push(m_imp->m_virtualState == 2); #endif m_imp->pushMask(); } m_imp->m_virtualState = 2; // opened if (m_imp->m_pushCount <= m_imp->m_stencilBitCount) m_imp->beginMask(drawMode); } //--------------------------------------------------------- void TStencilControl::endMask() { if (!m_imp->m_virtualState) // closed and disabled { m_imp->popMask(); #ifdef _DEBUG assert(m_imp->fullState.top()); // the state before last push must be // opened m_imp->fullState.pop(); #endif } assert(m_imp->m_virtualState != 1); // yet closed m_imp->m_virtualState = 0; if (m_imp->m_pushCount <= m_imp->m_stencilBitCount) m_imp->endMask(); glPopAttrib(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- void TStencilControl::enableMask(MaskType maskType) { assert(m_imp->m_virtualState != 2); // cannot enable an opened mask m_imp->m_virtualState = 1; // enabled if (m_imp->m_pushCount <= m_imp->m_stencilBitCount) m_imp->enableMask(maskType); } //--------------------------------------------------------- void TStencilControl::disableMask() { assert(m_imp->m_virtualState != 2); // cannot disable an opened mask if (!m_imp->m_virtualState) // closed and disabled { m_imp->popMask(); #ifdef _DEBUG assert( !m_imp->fullState.top()); // the state before last push must be enabled m_imp->fullState.pop(); #endif } m_imp->m_virtualState = 0; // close and disabled if (m_imp->m_pushCount <= m_imp->m_stencilBitCount) m_imp->disableMask(); } //---------------------------------------------------------