// Copyright © 1999 Middlesoft, Inc. All rights reserved. // First Created By Lee Thomason. // First Created On 09/08/1999. // Last Modified On 11/09/1999. /**************************************************************************************** File Summary: FDT.h This header-file contains the declaration of low-level class FDT. It is derived from low-level class FObj, and also an abstract class from which all other low-level FDTxxxx classes are derived. ****************************************************************************************/ #ifndef F_D_T_H_ #define F_D_T_H_ #include "FObj.h" // A "define type" flash object // Flash objects are separated into define and control types // distinction neccecary because in a flash frame, all define objects must come before control objects #ifdef WIN32 // added from DV #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4786) #pragma warning(disable : 4251) #endif #include "tcommon.h" #undef DVAPI #undef DVVAR #ifdef TFLASH_EXPORTS #define DVAPI DV_EXPORT_API #define DVVAR DV_EXPORT_VAR #else #define DVAPI DV_IMPORT_API #define DVVAR DV_IMPORT_VAR #endif class DVAPI FDT : public FObj { public: virtual ~FDT() {} virtual void WriteToSWFStream(FSWFStream * /*_SWFStream*/) {} // Defines, used by the font system. Perhaps not the best place for them, but better than // the global situation. lee@middlesoft enum { ShiftJIS = 1, Unicode = 2, ANSI = 3 }; virtual U16 ID(void) { FLASHASSERT(0); return 0; } virtual void SetId(U16 id) { FLASHASSERT(0); } }; #ifdef WIN32 // added from DV #pragma warning(pop) #endif #endif