#pragma once #ifndef T_PIXELUTILS_INCLUDED #define T_PIXELUTILS_INCLUDED #include "tpixel.h" #include "tpixelgr.h" #undef DVAPI #undef DVVAR #ifdef TCOLOR_EXPORTS #define DVAPI DV_EXPORT_API #define DVVAR DV_EXPORT_VAR #else #define DVAPI DV_IMPORT_API #define DVVAR DV_IMPORT_VAR #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*! this template function computes a linear interpolation between the color \b a and \b b according to the parameter \b t. If \b t = 0, it returns \b a; if \b t = 1, it returns \b b; No check is performed. */ template inline T blend(const T &a, const T &b, double t) { return T(troundp((1 - t) * a.r + t * b.r), troundp((1 - t) * a.g + t * b.g), troundp((1 - t) * a.b + t * b.b), troundp((1 - t) * a.m + t * b.m)); } template <> inline TPixelF blend(const TPixelF &a, const TPixelF &b, double t) { return TPixelF((float)(1. - t) * a.r + (float)t * b.r, (float)(1. - t) * a.g + (float)t * b.g, (float)(1. - t) * a.b + (float)t * b.b, (float)(1. - t) * a.m + (float)t * b.m); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*! this template function computes a linear interpolation between the color \b a and \b b according to the ratio between \b num and \b den. If \b num / \b den = 0, it returns \b a; if \b num / \b den = 1, it returns \b b; No check is performed. \warning \b b MUST be not zero. */ template inline T blend(const T &a, const T &b, int num, int den) { return T((int)(((den - num) * a.r + num * b.r) / den), (int)(((den - num) * a.g + num * b.g) / den), (int)(((den - num) * a.b + num * b.b) / den), (int)(((den - num) * a.m + num * b.m) / den)); } template inline T antialias(const T &a, int num) { return T((int)((num * a.r) / 255), (int)((num * a.g) / 255), (int)((num * a.b) / 255), (int)((num * a.m) / 255)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*! this function combines two pixels according to their alpha channel. If the \b top pixel is completely opaque the function returns it. If the \b top pixel is completely transparent the function returns \b bot. In the other cases a blend is performed. */ template inline T overPixT(const T &bot, const T &top) { UINT max = T::maxChannelValue; if (top.m == max) return top; if (top.m == 0) return bot; TUINT32 r = top.r + bot.r * (max - top.m) / max; TUINT32 g = top.g + bot.g * (max - top.m) / max; TUINT32 b = top.b + bot.b * (max - top.m) / max; return T((r < max) ? (Q)r : (Q)max, (g < max) ? (Q)g : (Q)max, (b < max) ? (Q)b : (Q)max, (bot.m == max) ? max : max - (max - bot.m) * (max - top.m) / max); } template <> inline TPixelF overPixT(const TPixelF &bot, const TPixelF &top) { if (top.m >= 1.f) return top; if (top.m <= 0.f) return bot; float r = top.r + bot.r * (1.f - top.m); float g = top.g + bot.g * (1.f - top.m); float b = top.b + bot.b * (1.f - top.m); return TPixelF(r, g, b, (bot.m >= 1.f) ? bot.m : 1.f - (1.f - bot.m) * (1.f - top.m)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline T overPixGRT(const T &bot, const S &top) { UINT max = T::maxChannelValue; if (top.value == max) return T(top.value, top.value, top.value, top.value); if (top.value == 0) return bot; double aux = (max - top.value) / max; TUINT32 r = (TUINT32)(top.value + bot.r * aux); TUINT32 g = (TUINT32)(top.value + bot.g * aux); TUINT32 b = (TUINT32)(top.value + bot.b * aux); return T((r < max) ? (Q)r : (Q)max, (g < max) ? (Q)g : (Q)max, (b < max) ? (Q)b : (Q)max, (bot.m == max) ? max : (TUINT32)(max - (max - bot.m) * aux)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // as the other, but without if's. it's quicker if you know for sure that top.m // is not 0 or 255. template inline T quickOverPixT(const T &bot, const T &top) { UINT max = T::maxChannelValue; TUINT32 r = top.r + bot.r * (max - top.m) / max; TUINT32 g = top.g + bot.g * (max - top.m) / max; TUINT32 b = top.b + bot.b * (max - top.m) / max; return T((r < max) ? (Q)r : (Q)max, (g < max) ? (Q)g : (Q)max, (b < max) ? (Q)b : (Q)max, (bot.m == max) ? max : max - (max - bot.m) * (max - top.m) / max); } template <> inline TPixelF quickOverPixT(const TPixelF &bot, const TPixelF &top) { float r = top.r + bot.r * (1.f - top.m); float g = top.g + bot.g * (1.f - top.m); float b = top.b + bot.b * (1.f - top.m); return TPixelF(r, g, b, (bot.m == 1.f) ? 1.f : 1.f - (1.f - bot.m) * (1.f - top.m)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline T quickOverPixPremultT(const T &bot, const T &top) { UINT max = T::maxChannelValue; TUINT32 r = (top.r * top.m + bot.r * (max - top.m)) / max; TUINT32 g = (top.g * top.m + bot.g * (max - top.m)) / max; TUINT32 b = (top.b * top.m + bot.b * (max - top.m)) / max; return T((r < max) ? (Q)r : (Q)max, (g < max) ? (Q)g : (Q)max, (b < max) ? (Q)b : (Q)max, (bot.m == max) ? max : max - (max - bot.m) * (max - top.m) / max); } template <> inline TPixelF quickOverPixPremultT(const TPixelF &bot, const TPixelF &top) { float r = top.r * top.m + bot.r * (1.f - top.m); float g = top.g * top.m + bot.g * (1.f - top.m); float b = top.b * top.m + bot.b * (1.f - top.m); return TPixelF(r, g, b, (bot.m == 1.f) ? 1.f : 1.f - (1.f - bot.m) * (1.f - top.m)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /*-- Show raster images darken-blended on the viewer --*/ /* references from ino_blend_darken.cpp */ template inline T quickOverPixDarkenBlendedT(const T &bot, const T &top) { struct locals { static inline double comp(const double ch_a, const double ch_b, const double alpha) { return clamp(ch_b + ch_a * (1.0 - alpha)); } static inline double darken_ch(const double dn, const double dn_a, const double up, const double up_a) { return (up / up_a < dn / dn_a) ? comp(dn, up, up_a) : comp(up, dn, dn_a); } static inline double clamp(double val) { return (val < 0.0) ? 0.0 : (val > 1.0) ? 1.0 : val; } }; // locals if (bot.m == 0) return top; if (top.m == T::maxChannelValue && bot.m == T::maxChannelValue) { TUINT32 r = (top.r < bot.r) ? top.r : bot.r; TUINT32 g = (top.g < bot.g) ? top.g : bot.g; TUINT32 b = (top.b < bot.b) ? top.b : bot.b; return T((Q)r, (Q)g, (Q)b, T::maxChannelValue); } double maxi = static_cast(T::maxChannelValue); // 255or65535 double upr = static_cast(top.r) / maxi; double upg = static_cast(top.g) / maxi; double upb = static_cast(top.b) / maxi; double upa = static_cast(top.m) / maxi; double dnr = static_cast(bot.r) / maxi; double dng = static_cast(bot.g) / maxi; double dnb = static_cast(bot.b) / maxi; double dna = static_cast(bot.m) / maxi; dnr = locals::darken_ch(dnr, dna, upr, upa); dng = locals::darken_ch(dng, dna, upg, upa); dnb = locals::darken_ch(dnb, dna, upb, upa); dna = locals::comp(dna, upa, upa); T out; out.r = static_cast(dnr * (maxi + 0.999999)); out.g = static_cast(dng * (maxi + 0.999999)); out.b = static_cast(dnb * (maxi + 0.999999)); out.m = static_cast(dna * (maxi + 0.999999)); return out; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline T quickOverPixGRT(const T &bot, const S &top) { UINT max = T::maxChannelValue; double aux = (max - top.value) / max; TUINT32 r = (TUINT32)(top.value + bot.r * aux); TUINT32 g = (TUINT32)(top.value + bot.g * aux); TUINT32 b = (TUINT32)(top.value + bot.b * aux); return T((r < max) ? (Q)r : (Q)max, (g < max) ? (Q)g : (Q)max, (b < max) ? (Q)b : (Q)max, (bot.m == max) ? max : (TUINT32)(max - (max - bot.m) * aux)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline TPixel32 overPix(const TPixel32 &bot, const TPixelGR8 &top) { return overPixGRT(bot, top); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline TPixel64 overPix(const TPixel64 &bot, const TPixelGR16 &top) { return overPixGRT(bot, top); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline TPixel32 overPix(const TPixel32 &bot, const TPixel32 &top) { return overPixT(bot, top); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline TPixel64 overPix(const TPixel64 &bot, const TPixel64 &top) { return overPixT(bot, top); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline TPixelF overPix(const TPixelF &bot, const TPixelF &top) { return overPixT(bot, top); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline TPixel32 quickOverPix(const TPixel32 &bot, const TPixelGR8 &top) { return quickOverPixGRT(bot, top); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline TPixel64 quickOverPix(const TPixel64 &bot, const TPixelGR16 &top) { return quickOverPixGRT(bot, top); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline TPixel32 quickOverPix(const TPixel32 &bot, const TPixel32 &top) { return quickOverPixT(bot, top); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline TPixel32 quickOverPixPremult(const TPixel32 &bot, const TPixel32 &top) { return quickOverPixPremultT(bot, top); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline TPixel64 quickOverPixPremult(const TPixel64 &bot, const TPixel64 &top) { return quickOverPixPremultT(bot, top); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline TPixel64 quickOverPix(const TPixel64 &bot, const TPixel64 &top) { return quickOverPixT(bot, top); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline TPixelF quickOverPixPremult(const TPixelF &bot, const TPixelF &top) { return quickOverPixPremultT(bot, top); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline TPixelF quickOverPix(const TPixelF &bot, const TPixelF &top) { return quickOverPixT(bot, top); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline TPixel32 quickOverPixDarkenBlended(const TPixel32 &bot, const TPixel32 &top) { return quickOverPixDarkenBlendedT(bot, top); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline void overPix(T &outPix, const T &bot, const T &top) { UINT max = T::maxChannelValue; if (top.m == max) outPix = top; else if (top.m == 0) outPix = bot; else { TUINT32 r = top.r + bot.r * (max - top.m) / max; TUINT32 g = top.g + bot.g * (max - top.m) / max; TUINT32 b = top.b + bot.b * (max - top.m) / max; outPix.r = (r < max) ? (Q)r : (Q)max, outPix.g = (g < max) ? (Q)g : (Q)max, outPix.b = (b < max) ? (Q)b : (Q)max, outPix.m = (bot.m == max) ? max : max - (max - bot.m) * (max - top.m) / max; } } template <> inline void overPix(TPixelF &outPix, const TPixelF &bot, const TPixelF &top) { if (top.m >= 1.f) outPix = top; else if (top.m <= 0.f) outPix = bot; else { outPix.r = top.r + bot.r * (1.f - top.m); outPix.g = top.g + bot.g * (1.f - top.m); outPix.b = top.b + bot.b * (1.f - top.m); outPix.m = (bot.m >= 1.f) ? bot.m : 1.f - (1.f - bot.m) * (1.f - top.m); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline TPixel32 overPixOnWhite(const TPixel32 &top) { UINT max = TPixel32::maxChannelValue; if (top.m == max) return top; else if (top.m == 0) return TPixel32::White; else return TPixel32(top.r + max - top.m, top.g + max - top.m, top.b + max - top.m, max); } inline TPixel32 overPixOnBlack(const TPixel32 &top) { UINT max = TPixel32::maxChannelValue; if (top.m == max) return top; if (top.m == 0) return TPixel32::Black; return TPixel32(top.r, top.g, top.b, max); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*! this function combines two GR8 pixels returning the darker. */ inline TPixelGR8 over(const TPixelGR8 &bot, const TPixelGR8 &top) { return TPixelGR8(std::min(bot.value, top.value)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*! this function premultiply a not-premultiplied pixel. \note Premultiplied alpha is a term used to describe a source color, the components of which have already been multiplied by an alpha value. Premultiplied alpha is just a different way of representing alphified pixels. If the separate alpha pixel is (r, g, b, a), then the premultiplied alpha pixel is (ar, ag, ab, a). Premultiplying speeds up the rendering of the image by eliminating an extra multiplication operation per color component. For example, in an RGB color space, rendering the image with premultiplied alpha eliminates three multiplication operations (red times alpha, green times alpha, and blue times alpha) for each pixel in the image. (Without premultiplication, the calculation to composite an image w/alpha into a comp is: dest = pix1 * alpha1 + (1 - alpha1) * pix2 * alpha2 If both images' alphas are premultiplied, this gets reduced to: dest = pix1 + (1 - alpha1) * pix2 */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void premult(TPixel32 &pix) { const int MAGICFAC = (257U * 256U + 1U); UINT fac = MAGICFAC * pix.m; pix.r = (UINT)(pix.r * fac + (1U << 23)) >> 24; pix.g = (UINT)(pix.g * fac + (1U << 23)) >> 24; pix.b = (UINT)(pix.b * fac + (1U << 23)) >> 24; } inline void premult(TPixel64 &pix) { pix.r = (typename TPixel64::Channel)((double)pix.r * (double)pix.m / 65535.0); pix.g = (typename TPixel64::Channel)((double)pix.g * (double)pix.m / 65535.0); pix.b = (typename TPixel64::Channel)((double)pix.b * (double)pix.m / 65535.0); } inline void premult(TPixelF &pix) { pix.r = pix.r * pix.m; pix.g = pix.g * pix.m; pix.b = pix.b * pix.m; } inline void depremult(TPixel32 &pix) { float fac = 255.f / (float)pix.m; pix.r = (typename TPixel32::Channel)(std::min((float)pix.r * fac, 255.f)); pix.g = (typename TPixel32::Channel)(std::min((float)pix.g * fac, 255.f)); pix.b = (typename TPixel32::Channel)(std::min((float)pix.b * fac, 255.f)); } inline void depremult(TPixel64 &pix) { double fac = 65535. / (double)pix.m; pix.r = (typename TPixel64::Channel)(std::min((double)pix.r * fac, 65535.)); pix.g = (typename TPixel64::Channel)(std::min((double)pix.g * fac, 65535.)); pix.b = (typename TPixel64::Channel)(std::min((double)pix.b * fac, 65535.)); } inline void depremult(TPixelF &pix) { pix.r = pix.r / pix.m; pix.g = pix.g / pix.m; pix.b = pix.b / pix.m; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template const double *premultiplyTable(); template const double *depremultiplyTable(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline TPixel32 premultiply(const TPixel32 &pix) { const int MAGICFAC = (257U * 256U + 1U); UINT fac = MAGICFAC * pix.m; return TPixel32(((UINT)(pix.r * fac + (1U << 23)) >> 24), ((UINT)(pix.g * fac + (1U << 23)) >> 24), ((UINT)(pix.b * fac + (1U << 23)) >> 24), pix.m); } inline TPixel64 premultiply(const TPixel64 &pix) { return TPixel64((int)((double)pix.r * (double)pix.m / 65535.), (int)((double)pix.g * (double)pix.m / 65535.), (int)((double)pix.b * (double)pix.m / 65535.), pix.m); } inline TPixelF premultiply(const TPixelF &pix) { if (pix.m <= 0.f) return TPixelF(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f); return TPixelF(pix.r * pix.m, pix.g * pix.m, pix.b * pix.m, pix.m); } inline TPixel32 depremultiply(const TPixel32 &pix) { return TPixel32((int)((double)pix.r * 255. / (double)pix.m), (int)((double)pix.g * 255. / (double)pix.m), (int)((double)pix.b * 255. / (double)pix.m), pix.m); } inline TPixel64 depremultiply(const TPixel64 &pix) { return TPixel64((int)((double)pix.r * 65535. / (double)pix.m), (int)((double)pix.g * 65535. / (double)pix.m), (int)((double)pix.b * 65535. / (double)pix.m), pix.m); } inline TPixelF depremultiply(const TPixelF &pix) { if (pix.m <= 0.f) return TPixelF(); return TPixelF(pix.r / pix.m, pix.g / pix.m, pix.b / pix.m, pix.m); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! onversion between RGB and HSV colorspace DVAPI void hsv2rgb(TPixel32 &dstRgb, int srcHsv[3], int maxHsv = 255); //------------------------------------------------------------------- /*! IN : h in [0..360], s and v in [0..1] OUT: r,g,b in [0..1] */ DVAPI void HSV2RGB(double hue, double sat, double value, double *red, double *green, double *blue); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DVAPI void rgb2hsv(int dstHsv[3], const TPixel32 &srcRgb, int maxHsv = 255); DVAPI void RGB2HSV(double r, double g, double b, double *h, double *s, double *v); //-------------------------------- /*! IN : h in [0..360], l and s in [0..1] OUT: r,g,b in [0..1] */ DVAPI void HLS2RGB(double h, double l, double s, double *r, double *g, double *b); //-------------------------------- /*! IN : r,g,b in [0..1] OUT: h in [0..360], l and s in [0..1] */ DVAPI void rgb2hls(double r, double g, double b, double *h, double *l, double *s); DVAPI TPixel32 toPixel32(const TPixel64 &); DVAPI TPixel32 toPixel32(const TPixelD &); DVAPI TPixel32 toPixel32(const TPixelGR8 &); DVAPI TPixel32 toPixel32(const TPixelF &); DVAPI TPixel64 toPixel64(const TPixel32 &); DVAPI TPixel64 toPixel64(const TPixelD &); DVAPI TPixel64 toPixel64(const TPixelGR8 &); DVAPI TPixel64 toPixel64(const TPixelF &); DVAPI TPixelD toPixelD(const TPixel32 &); DVAPI TPixelD toPixelD(const TPixel64 &); DVAPI TPixelD toPixelD(const TPixelGR8 &); DVAPI TPixelD toPixelD(const TPixelF &); DVAPI TPixelF toPixelF(const TPixel32 &); DVAPI TPixelF toPixelF(const TPixelD &); DVAPI TPixelF toPixelF(const TPixel64 &); DVAPI TPixelF toPixelF(const TPixelGR8 &); DVAPI TPixel32 toLinear(const TPixel32 &, const double); DVAPI TPixel64 toLinear(const TPixel64 &, const double); DVAPI TPixelD toLinear(const TPixelD &, const double); DVAPI TPixelF toLinear(const TPixelF &, const double); DVAPI TPixelGR8 toLinear(const TPixelGR8 &, const double); // // nel caso in cui il tipo di destinazione sia il parametro di un template // es. template .... // si fa cosi': // // PIXEL c = PixelConverter::from(c1) // template class PixelConverter { public: inline static T from(const TPixel32 &pix); inline static T from(const TPixel64 &pix); inline static T from(const TPixelD &pix); inline static T from(const TPixelGR8 &pix); inline static T from(const TPixelF &pix); }; template <> class PixelConverter { public: inline static TPixel32 from(const TPixel32 &pix) { return pix; } inline static TPixel32 from(const TPixel64 &pix) { return toPixel32(pix); } inline static TPixel32 from(const TPixelD &pix) { return toPixel32(pix); } inline static TPixel32 from(const TPixelGR8 &pix) { return toPixel32(pix); } inline static TPixel32 from(const TPixelF &pix) { return toPixel32(pix); } }; template <> class PixelConverter { public: inline static TPixel64 from(const TPixel32 &pix) { return toPixel64(pix); } inline static TPixel64 from(const TPixel64 &pix) { return pix; } inline static TPixel64 from(const TPixelD &pix) { return toPixel64(pix); } inline static TPixel64 from(const TPixelGR8 &pix) { return toPixel64(pix); } inline static TPixel64 from(const TPixelF &pix) { return toPixel64(pix); } }; template <> class PixelConverter { public: inline static TPixelD from(const TPixel32 &pix) { return toPixelD(pix); } inline static TPixelD from(const TPixel64 &pix) { return toPixelD(pix); } inline static TPixelD from(const TPixelD &pix) { return pix; } inline static TPixelD from(const TPixelGR8 &pix) { return toPixelD(pix); } inline static TPixelD from(const TPixelF &pix) { return toPixelD(pix); } }; template <> class PixelConverter { public: inline static TPixelF from(const TPixel32 &pix) { return toPixelF(pix); } inline static TPixelF from(const TPixel64 &pix) { return toPixelF(pix); } inline static TPixelF from(const TPixelD &pix) { return toPixelF(pix); } inline static TPixelF from(const TPixelGR8 &pix) { return toPixelF(pix); } inline static TPixelF from(const TPixelF &pix) { return pix; } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template void add(T &pixout, const T &pixin, double v) { TINT32 r, g, b, m; r = pixout.r + tround(pixin.r * v); g = pixout.g + tround(pixin.g * v); b = pixout.b + tround(pixin.b * v); m = pixout.m + tround(pixin.m * v); pixout.r = tcrop(r, 0, T::maxChannelValue); pixout.g = tcrop(g, 0, T::maxChannelValue); pixout.b = tcrop(b, 0, T::maxChannelValue); pixout.m = tcrop(m, 0, T::maxChannelValue); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template void sub(T &pixout, const T &pixin, double v) { TINT32 r, g, b, m; r = pixout.r - (pixin.r * v); g = pixout.g - (pixin.g * v); b = pixout.b - (pixin.b * v); m = pixout.m - (pixin.m * v); pixout.r = tcrop(r, 0, T::maxChannelValue); pixout.g = tcrop(g, 0, T::maxChannelValue); pixout.b = tcrop(b, 0, T::maxChannelValue); pixout.m = tcrop(m, 0, T::maxChannelValue); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Multiplies \b pixout by \b pixin. Passed parameter \b v stands for a further //! additive //! component on pixin. template void mult(T &pixout, const T &pixin, double v) { double r, g, b, m; r = pixin.r + v; g = pixin.g + v; b = pixin.b + v; m = pixin.m + v; pixout.r = (r < 0) ? 0 : ((r < T::maxChannelValue) ? troundp(r * (pixout.r / (double)T::maxChannelValue)) : pixout.r); pixout.g = (g < 0) ? 0 : ((g < T::maxChannelValue) ? troundp(g * (pixout.g / (double)T::maxChannelValue)) : pixout.g); pixout.b = (b < 0) ? 0 : ((b < T::maxChannelValue) ? troundp(b * (pixout.b / (double)T::maxChannelValue)) : pixout.b); pixout.m = (m < 0) ? 0 : ((m < T::maxChannelValue) ? troundp(m * (pixout.m / (double)T::maxChannelValue)) : pixout.m); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Substitutes \b pixout components with those of \b pixin, when the latters //! are greater. template void lighten(T &pixout, const T &pixin, double v) { pixout.r = pixin.r > pixout.r ? pixin.r : pixout.r; pixout.g = pixin.g > pixout.g ? pixin.g : pixout.g; pixout.b = pixin.b > pixout.b ? pixin.b : pixout.b; pixout.m = pixin.m > pixout.m ? pixin.m : pixout.m; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Substitutes \b pixout components with those of \b pixin, when the latters //! are smaller. template void darken(T &pixout, const T &pixin, double v) { pixout.r = pixin.r < pixout.r ? pixin.r : pixout.r; pixout.g = pixin.g < pixout.g ? pixin.g : pixout.g; pixout.b = pixin.b < pixout.b ? pixin.b : pixout.b; pixout.m = pixin.m < pixout.m ? pixin.m : pixout.m; } #endif