#ifndef T_SEGMENTADJUSTER_H #define T_SEGMENTADJUSTER_H #include "tgeometry.h" #include "tstroke.h" #undef DVAPI #undef DVVAR #ifdef TVECTORIMAGE_EXPORTS #define DVAPI DV_EXPORT_API #define DVVAR DV_EXPORT_VAR #else #define DVAPI DV_IMPORT_API #define DVVAR DV_IMPORT_VAR #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma warning(disable : 4251) #endif /*! The TSegmentAdjuster minimizes the distance between stroke0->getPoint(w0) and stroke1->getPoint(w1) changing the values of w0 and w1 (in a defined range). Usage: TSegmentAdjuster::End p0(stroke0, w0, 0, 1); TSegmentAdjuster::End p1(stroke1, w1, 0, 1); TSegmentAdjuster adjuster; adjuster.compute(p0,p1); // the adjusted segment is p0.getPoint(), p1.getPoint() if you want to adjust the segment only in the w-growing-direction: TSegmentAdjuster::End p0(stroke0, w0, w0, 1); TSegmentAdjuster::End p1(stroke1, w1, w1, 1); TSegmentAdjuster adjuster; adjuster.compute(p0,p1); */ class DVAPI TSegmentAdjuster { public: class End { public: TStroke *m_stroke; double m_w; double m_wmin, m_wmax; End() : m_stroke(0), m_w(0), m_wmin(0), m_wmax(1) {} End(TStroke *stroke, double w) : m_stroke(stroke), m_w(w), m_wmin(0), m_wmax(1) {} End(TStroke *stroke, double w, double wmin, double wmax) : m_stroke(stroke), m_w(w), m_wmin(wmin), m_wmax(wmax) {} TPointD getPoint() const { return m_stroke->getPoint(m_w); } TPointD getSpeed() const { return m_stroke->getSpeed(m_w); } }; TSegmentAdjuster(); // debug void enableTrace(bool enabled) { m_traceEnabled = enabled; } void draw(); void clear() { m_links.clear(); } void compute(End &a, End &b); private: End m_a, m_b, m_c, m_d; std::vector> m_links; bool m_traceEnabled; inline double fun(double u, double v) const { return norm2(m_a.m_stroke->getPoint(u) - m_b.m_stroke->getPoint(v)); } inline void gradient(double &dfdu, double &dfdv, double u, double v) { const double h = 0.0001; dfdu = (fun(u + h, v) - fun(u - h, v)) / (2 * h); dfdv = (fun(u, v + h) - fun(u, v - h)) / (2 * h); } inline static double dsda(TStroke *stroke, double w, double dwda) { const double h = 0.0001; return norm(stroke->getPoint(w + dwda * h) - stroke->getPoint(w - dwda * h)) / (2 * h); } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif // T_SEGMENTADJUSTER_H