# Rendering in Tahoma2D Understanding the rendering code can be challenging in Tahoma2D When a render, fast render, or preview command is given, it is handled in rendercommand.cpp ### In rendercommand.cpp: - The file destination is verified. - The output or preview settings are retrieved - The scene background color is adjusted if the exported file type does not support transparency. - The fx stack for each frame is retrieved, including adding an additional over fx to lay the frame over the background color. - The process is then handed off to a movierenderer or a multimediarenderer. A movierenderer exports standard image sequences or video formats. (movierenderer.cpp) A multimediarenderer exports each layer of a frame individually for compositing elsewhere later. (multimediarenderer.cpp) ## This document will focus on what happens with a movierenderer. ### In movierenderer.cpp: - A movierenderer class receives the settings from the rendercommand - This class receives the list of frames to be rendered with their fx stack - Passes this information on to an Imp class which subclasses TrenderPort - The Imp communicates with the renderer and handles post rendering tasks, such as sending rendered frames to the level writer, creating the soundtrack, and adding a clapper board. - The Imp delets old files if neeeded. - The Imp sets the output size based on the shrink setting from the output settings. - The Imp set up the Level Updater and Writer which will handled the frames when rendering is done. - Once all setup is done, the movierenderer calls startRendering. ### The process is then handed off to trenderer.cpp The TRenderer assigns a render id and tells the TRendererStartInvoker to emit start render. A TRendererStartInvoker is a middle class that emits a startRender message to itself(?) and tells the renderer to begin (startRendering()). ### In TRendererImp::startRendering(): - The output area is setup - An Individual RenderTask is setup for each frame - The render tasks are launched ### RenderTask::run() is where the frame renders begin. - An empty raster tile is retrieved - The time is computed in compute() - Compute is handled by TRasterFx::compute() - see below - A notification that the frame is complete is sent ### in TRasterFx::compute() - The tile is adjusted to make sure that it is not at a fractional position - An alias string is built which contains the fx stack and parameters. - The tile and relevant info is then passed to a ResourceBuilder ### The ResourceBuilder: - runs build - checks to see if the resource already exists - if it doesn't compute() is called - Compute calls doCompute on the fx - This fx will call compute on any needed info it needs to do it's processing. - This can continue for as many fx need info/data. - Once all fx for a frame have been processed, a final tile should be created and passed back. ## The MovieRenderer::Imp will then get the final frames and tell the level writer to save them.